All Together

SHINee Comeback
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‘Saranghae Mika…’ the words replayed in her head.

The heavy rain began to drizzle down softly as it soon stopped. Leaving a trail of glow on the pavement.

“Mika!” Key exclaimed worriedly as soon as he saw her & Taemin stepped into the house, soaked & drenched.

“Yah! You made us all worried!” he said.

“Where have you been?” he asked.

“& why’re you guys drenched, wet?!” Key kept on pouring out the questions, more than the rain was.

Mika & Taemin smiled as they heard Key’s nagging.

Minho cleared his throat as he asked Key to give them some privacy as soon as he saw Taemin held Mika’s hand.

“Here guys, dry yourselves up” Minho smiled as he handed them two towels.

“So are you together back again?!” asked a nosy Key.

“Come on Key!” Minho whined as he dragged Key & the others away.

“Here,” Taemin handed Mika the purple towel, as he took the green one. He knew how Mika loved purple.

Mika smiled as she took it from his right hand & start by rubbing her drenched hair.

“Achoo!” Mika sneezed.

“Aigo… did you sneeze?” Taemin asked.

“I-I’m fine… probably caught a cold from the rain” Mika said with a little laugh.

“So…” Taemin began as he rubbed his wet hair.

Still rubbing her hair, Mika’s eyes turned to him.

“What are you gonna tell Kyuhyun?” he asked.

“Well actually, Kyuhyun’s ok with it” Mika said.

“Really?” Taemin asked.

“Yea… he knew already &… he asked if it was still ok if he hangs out with us” Mika explained. “It is ok, um… right?”

“Yea… it’s cool” Taemin smiled as he began to let go of his uncontrollable jealousy.

“& I think Min Kyung’s is ok with it too” Mika said. “He was just having a crush, that’s all”

The Next Day

“Ok! Guys!” Mika exclaimed the next day, as she found her eyes covered by Taemin’s hands, & the others, including Suju, followed behind.

“Just a few more steps!” Onew told her with an excited tone in his voice.

“O-Ok... But where are you taking me?!” Mika whined.

“You nag too much” Key told her.

“Yea… & that’s coming from Key” Sungmin teased.

“Ok… Now!” Leeteuk exclaimed.

As Taemin let go, Mika opened both her eyes, then blinked twice, to see what the fuss was all about.

She realized that she was at a familiar place. Dream Forest.

The place was amazingly decorated.

The guys set up tables, seats…

On top of the table, that was covered with a white sheet, was a cake.

A beautiful strawberry cake with pink frosting, strawberry slices, & even strawberry shaped candies.

“G-Guys? W-What’s all this? What’s the occasion?” Mika asked at the sudden confusion.

Key suddenly burst out laughing.

“Yah! You got amnesia or something?” Yesung asked with a wide smile as he ruffled her hair.

“Um…” Mika thought.

“Mika, what day is today?” Donghae asked as he smiled sweetly.

“Not sure…” Mika said as she scratched her head. “I haven’t taken a peek at my calendar yet”

“Mika, it’s your birthday!” Heechul smiled brightly from beside her.

“Boh?” Mika exclaimed.

‘My birthday?’

“Don’t tell me you’ve forgot your own birthday?” Ryeowook laughed.

‘Well… after I get to come here to Korea, meet Suju, become a singer & has Taemin as my boyfriend… I think I’ve completely forgotten about everything!’

“It’s my birthday?!” Mika finally asked.

“Well, duh!” Jonghyun exclaimed. “Don’t think that we forgot!”

‘Omo! It is my birthday!’ Mika’s red phone rang as she slipped her hand in her pocket & took it out find an unopened text from Claudia back home.

Hey birthday girl!
Hope you’re having a good time there!
Got lots of presents? :P
Heheh! See you soon birthday girl!


'See you soon? What does she mean by that?' Mika thought. ‘Omo!!! Kyaaaaa! It IS my birthday!’

“Wow! I-I forgot my own birthday!” Mika started to laugh.

“So, what’re you waiting for?” Kyuhyun smiled as he brought the cake forward.

“Make a wish” he smiled.

‘He’s smiling…’ Mika thought. ‘I’m glad he’s ok. Don’t worry Kyuhyun. I still love you… like my oppa’

Mika smiled back at him as she blew the candles out.

‘I looked at Taemin, who stood beside me the whole time. He smiled, & I knew that he was ok with me & Kyuhyun hanging out as ‘siblings’’

Mika turned to Taemin as she fiddled with the shiny heart necklace she wore, & gave him a quick wink as a signal that she had always chosen him.

‘There’s only one Lee Taemin. & that’s you…’

Everyone was happy that day… talking, laughing & joking around.

“What’s wrong Mika?” Heechul asked later as he suddenly caught her looking out to the scenery with a blank expression.

“I don’t know” Mika said. “Something’s just… missing”

“What is it?” he asked.

“I’m not sure…” Mika wondered.

“Min Kyung!” she finally exclaimed.

“Oh yea, that’s right. Min Kyung’s not here” said Siwon.

“That’s odd… we told him to meet us up here for Mika’s birthday” said Shindong.

The others were left, wondering where Min Kyung was.

While the others waited for him back at the park, Min Kyung was somewhere else.

He was supposed to meet up with them, but he never showed.

The others waited & waited, but still no sign of him.

The sky was beginning to get dark & nighttime began to fell.

“Something’s not right…” Mika said worriedly.

“Shindong, did Min Kyung said where he was gonna be?” Taemin asked.

“Well… I’m not supposed to tell, but… he said he was gonna pick up his present for Mika at some shop downtown” said Shindong.

“Come on, let’s find him” Mika told them.

“Huh? Why?” Sungmin asked.

“I don’t know, I just… something doesn’t feel right” Mika said.

She convinced the others to come with her to look for Min Kyung as they all went to the shop where Shindong had told them on where Min Kyung would be.

“This is the place” Shindong pointed at the store in front of them.

“Do you see him?” Siwon asked as he took a peek inside the store.

“He’s not here” Eunhyuk told them as he searched the whole, small store.

“Excuse me…” a female women about in her late 20’s, approached them. “You’re Eunhyuk, from Super Junior, right?” she asked.

“Oh yea!” smiled Eunhyuk.

“Wow! I’m a big fan! So what brings you here? Is there anything I can

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OH GAHD. ANGIE. LOL. Good times ;u;
Rockin736 #2
She is so goin To freak out. Or is she? Why doesn't she know about them in the first place?
Flaming-girl09 #3
Angie is so going to freak out when she finds out who those 15 men are... XDDDD
Sooyong #4
nice story unnie. . .update soon. .
Waaaaah! Love it!!!
Seoblove #6
Unnie I really want you to update!
RebeccaAlice #7
Unnie!!! Why? Please update!!
Awww.... Unnie.. Why?????
choiminhosunsun #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YAH!!!! y do u do this to me!!!!????? <br />
saranghae though. i love ur stories too. <br />
continue? i mean. some time in the future? not just leave it!!???? waaa!~
Seoblove #10
Do continue with this story please! I really love this story so much! For the first time in my life, I like Taemin a lot! Hehehehe! And I love your writing!