Surprise Call

SHINee Comeback
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Inside, Mika was crying hard, even though she didn’t show, she was. She just stared out her bedroom window.

Back at the old hotel where she used to live with her sister.

Back to her home.

Back to her old life.

‘Life…’ Mika thought deeply inside her head as the word echoed slowly.

‘I remember… when they sang that to me that night…’

A tear almost fell, but she quickly got up away from the window & jumped onto her bed.

Her pink & purple sheeted bed. Not the blue & green flowery patterns back at the vacation house where she used to live with SHINee.

‘Saranghae Mika…’

It was as if Taemin was still there… whispering it to her. She missed his voice. She wanted to hear him again. But Taemin said to wait. Until he call.

Mika’s head began to wander, as she closed her eyes & thought of the last day she had seen them.

“Mika, you gotta go back…” Taemin told her.


Mika didn’t wanna go back. Of course, she would rather rent an apartment, if it meant her still living in Korea.

But one. Where would she find the money?

Two. Would Claudia ever let her 15 year old little sister live in Korea alone… again?!

Mika snapped the flashback while clutching onto her heart shaped pendant with her right hand, as shook the painful memory of last week, away.

‘Where are you?’ Mika wondered why Taemin haven’t given her a single call ever since the last meet at the airport.

*Ding Dong*

Claudia rushed to the door as she opened to find Jessie. “Jessie, come on in”

“So how’s Mika doing?” Jessie asked as she entered the room.

“Not good” Claudia let out a sigh of disappointment while closing the door behind her. “After what happened back in Korea… Mika haven’t been like herself lately”

“Is she still upset?” Jessie asked as she looked over to Mika’s closed bedroom door, with a sign that said ‘Keep Out’.

“Looks like it… What really happened anyway? Did I miss anything?” Claudia said as a joke, as she wondered why Mika was ‘that’ upset.

“Well, every girl would be upset if they had to have a long distant relationship” Jessie told her.

“Yea, but with SHINee? I still don’t’ get it” said Claudia.

“Get what?” Jessie asked her with a curious look.

Claudia eyed her & gave her a blur look. As if she was ‘out of place’ or ‘left out’.

Jessie sighed as she slapped her forehead.

“Oh come on Claudia. You would be upset too if you couldn’t see your boyfriend” Jessie told her.

“Boyfriend?” Claudia was confused.

“Yea, Taemin” Jessie finally said.

“Err… Taemin?” Claudia asked with a blur expression. “Wait, what were we talking about again? I’m lost”

“Wait, you didn’t know?” Jessie asked.

“Know… what?” Claudia asked again.

“That Mika & Taemin are together?” Jessie explained.

“W-Wait, what? When? How??” words & questions came spilling out from Claudia’s mouth.

“How come I didn’t know anything when we went on that trip to Korea?” she demanded.

“Because...” Jessie said slowly. “You were too busy… checking out those hot Korean boys!” Jessie said loudly, flailing her arms.

“Oh” Claudia was finally caught up.

“Mika?” Jessie knocked on her bedroom door. “It’s me

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OH GAHD. ANGIE. LOL. Good times ;u;
Rockin736 #2
She is so goin To freak out. Or is she? Why doesn't she know about them in the first place?
Flaming-girl09 #3
Angie is so going to freak out when she finds out who those 15 men are... XDDDD
Sooyong #4
nice story unnie. . .update soon. .
Waaaaah! Love it!!!
Seoblove #6
Unnie I really want you to update!
RebeccaAlice #7
Unnie!!! Why? Please update!!
Awww.... Unnie.. Why?????
choiminhosunsun #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YAH!!!! y do u do this to me!!!!????? <br />
saranghae though. i love ur stories too. <br />
continue? i mean. some time in the future? not just leave it!!???? waaa!~
Seoblove #10
Do continue with this story please! I really love this story so much! For the first time in my life, I like Taemin a lot! Hehehehe! And I love your writing!