
SHINee Comeback
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“Mika…” a soft voice spoke as she opened her eyes. “We’re here”

Mika looked up to see Taemin, & that they had already arrived back home.

‘Did I fell asleep all the way?’ Mika asked herself as she rubbed her eyes.

Onew opened the door with a clicked of his keys.

“You must’ve been really tired” Taemin told her as soon as they went inside.

Mika yawned. “Yea, I guess so. That’s what happens when I shop with Jessie” Mika laughed.

“Oh, you guys are back already?” Mika looked up to see Min Kyung coming down the stairs.

“Min Kyung” Mika smiled as he walked towards.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to leave you alone” Mika smiled. “We would’ve asked if you wanted to come, but we didn’t wanna wake you. You seemed really tired” Mika told him as he had slept almost throughout the whole day since last night. “So how’re you feeling?”

“Much better” he smiled at her.

Mika smiled back, but then it faded, as Mika’s eyes traced the bandage on his head.

‘If it wasn’t because of me, none of this would’ve happened’ Mika thought with a slight hint of guilt still in her.

“Are you ok, Mika?” Min Kyung asked as he studied the expression on her face.

‘He’s asking if I’m ok? He’s the victim. While I don’t have a scratch on me. & now, he can’t even continue his music because Dark Viper kicked him out’

“Mika?” Mika felt a comforting hand on her shoulder, along with a soft called voice.

“Huh?” Mika snapped back to reality.

“Are you ok?” Mika turned & saw Taemin.

“O-oh, yea, I’m fine” Mika smiled fakely.

“Achhooo!” Mika sneezed.

“Mika, are yousure you're ok?” Onew asked.

“I’m fine” Mika assured him.

“You’ve been sneezing for two days already” Jonghyun told her.

“I must’ve caught a cold from a few days ago” Mika recalled to the incident where she was drenched wet in the rain.

“Min Kyung, have you eaten?” Mika asked as he turned back to him.

“If you’re hungry, I can cook something for you” Mika offered.

“Oh, it’s ok. I already ate” he smiled.

“Ate what?” Mika asked curiously.

‘He couldn’t have cooked by himself’ Mika thought.

“I left him some of the food I cooked this morning” Key told her.

“Oh, I guess I don’t have to cook then” Mika said.

“Good. Because you’re cooking is…” Key began as he tried to find his words.

Mika stared at him with a smirk & raised her eyebrow.

“What?” Mika crossed her arms while trying to hold onto her giggle.

“Not professional” Key said.

“Ah!” Mika exclaimed, open mouthed.

“Hey! That’s the nicest word I could think of!” Key laughed.

“Oh, you’re really something, aren’t you?” Mika asked sarcastically followed by a smirk.

“I try” Key sighed as he waved his arm like the diva he is.

Jonghyun & Onew tried to hide their laughter as they watch Key & Mika’s so called ‘fight’.

Mika said goodnight as she walked upstairs to sleep.

She woke up the next morning feeling quite restless as her head was spinning bad.

“Arghh…” she whined.

‘Why do I feel so weak?’ she thought as she got up & went towards the bathroom.

wasn’t as good as before. Her head was still spinning, & didn’t seem to get any better at all.

She tried splashing her face with cold water to freshen up, but somehow, it didn’t help much.

Mika headed towards her closet & took out her sleeveless rusty blue shirt, along with a denim skirt.

The pain still kept on growing.

Mika tried to ignore it & hope it would go away.

‘Hopefully it’ll get better soon’ Mika thought.

“Morning everybody” Mika greeted with a slight weak tone as soon as reached downstairs in the living room.

The others seem to be having a good time on their own, & it seemed like they’ve clicked with Min Kyung as well.

“Mika, are you ok?” Min Kyung suddenly asked her.

The others turned to Mika as well to see what was wrong.

“Huh? Nothing. I’m ok” Mika lied as she tried to held the pain.

Min Kyung eyed her as she kept on smiling as if nothing was wrong.

“N-nothing! I’m just having a headache, that’s all”

“Mika noona, you’re sick?!” Min Kyung asked her.

“N-no, just a headache. I guess I got it from the rain” Mika told him.

“So what’re you guys doing?” Mika asked them as she tried to change the subject.

‘Aish! When will this headache disappear?’ Mika thought.

“Mika,” Minho called to her. “Are you sure you ok?”

Mika gulped as soon as she heard him.

“Yah, guys, it’s nothing. Just a headache” Mika’s head was beginning to spin again.

Mika could feel like a cough coming, but Mika tried to hold on to it, not wanting the others to hear.

“Ok then. If you need anything, let us know, ok?” Onew said.

Mika clenched both her teeth together as she covered & nodded.

But not being able to hold it any longer, when Mika tried to walk away… “Achoo!”

As hard as she tried to prevent from coughing, she had forgotten about her cold.

“Mika?” Taemin called to her.

‘Arghh… way to go Mika’

“Yah! You are sick!” Key pointed.

“Err… it’s just a little sneeze” Mika said.

“Oh really? Mika, you’ve been sneezing for almost three days already” Key told her.

“Come on, it’s not that bad…” Mika protested.

‘Oww…’ Mika exclaimed in her head as the spinning still won’t stop.

She closed her eyes shut as she tried to fight it.

Taemin came forward in front of her.

Mika could feel a soft touch on her cheek.

She opened one eye to see Taemin checking her temperature.

“Aigo! You’re burning!” T

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OH GAHD. ANGIE. LOL. Good times ;u;
Rockin736 #2
She is so goin To freak out. Or is she? Why doesn't she know about them in the first place?
Flaming-girl09 #3
Angie is so going to freak out when she finds out who those 15 men are... XDDDD
Sooyong #4
nice story unnie. . .update soon. .
Waaaaah! Love it!!!
Seoblove #6
Unnie I really want you to update!
RebeccaAlice #7
Unnie!!! Why? Please update!!
Awww.... Unnie.. Why?????
choiminhosunsun #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YAH!!!! y do u do this to me!!!!????? <br />
saranghae though. i love ur stories too. <br />
continue? i mean. some time in the future? not just leave it!!???? waaa!~
Seoblove #10
Do continue with this story please! I really love this story so much! For the first time in my life, I like Taemin a lot! Hehehehe! And I love your writing!