Dream Come True

SHINee Comeback
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Taemin & Mika arrived back at around 10:30pm.

“See you tomorrow” Mika smiled at him before going into her room.

“Good night” Taemin waved from outside her door as she closed it.

When Taemin thought he was alone.

“So how’d it go?” a voice peeked through all of a sudden.

“Yah!!!” Taemin screamed as he turned around to see Key & others still awake.

“Shhh! You might wake Mika up” said Minho.

“I thought you guys were asleep already” Taemin said.

“Us? Asleep? No way. We wanna hear what happened?” Key said eagerly.

“What happened, when?” Taemin raised an eyebrow.

“Yah! What happened on your date with Mika!” Key exclaimed.

“Ahah, that’s all you wanna hear?” Taemin laughed a little as he went into his room.

The others followed him from behind as they wanted to hear what happened on the date.

“Come on, tell us!” Jonghyun exclaimed.

“You wanna gossip? You sound a girl, & even Mika doesn’t gossip” Taemin laughed as he took off his jacket & threw it on his dark blue, sheeted bed.

“Taemin ah!” Onew called. “This is like your first date & you’re not gonna tell us?”

Taemin just laughed at four the nosy guys & put on his pajamas.

“Ok then, if you don’t wanna tell us, then we’ll just ask Mika…” said Jonghyun.

“You sound like a kid” Taemin joked.

“So come on, tell us!” Key commanded.

“No” Taemin said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me… I’m going to sleep” said Taemin as he pushed the guys out from the room.

“B-But…” Onew tried to sound out.

“Wait!” Key called.

“So Mika’s you girlfriend now, right?” Taemin heard a nosy Minho said.

“Goodnight guys!” Taemin exclaimed as he closed the door.

‘Since when are my brothers so nosy?’ Taemin thought to himself.

‘Why’s my heart still racing?? Calm down’ Mika sigh & took in a deep breath as she brushed her dark hair.

‘Taemin’s your friend… is he? I’m so confused! Or… boyfriend?’ Mika blushed deep red as she put down her brush on the table.

‘Yah! Mika! If he’s not your friend, then who is he to you?!’ Mika asked herself as she sat down to grab her diary.

Dear diary,
Today, Taemin & I finally went on our first date. He took me to a beautiful Korean restaurant, which I loved. I was just curious when he kept on drinking water repeatedly. I guess he was… nervous? How strange, since he looked nervous & was rather… calm?

After dinner, I suggested him that we should go to Dream Forest, as how that place looked so pretty at night time, & it was the first place he took me to when we arrived here. We walked for a minute, & he even tripped as he walked. I laughed at his cute, clumsiness. He kinda reminded me of Onew condition^^

We talked for a few minutes, & when he was actually starting to lose his nervousness, it started to rain slowly. We thought of going back, until it rained heavier, & we didn’t had a choice but to take cover under the pavilion in the middle of the park.

I stared at him for a few, as he began to feel sorry the first date was not like he expected. He wanted it to be special… but he ended up becoming SO nervous that he didn’t speak! I took a deep breath & walked out of the pavilion into the rain. He tried to stop me, but I ignored him.
I told him everything was ok… It was just a little rain.

He smiled & came forward into the rain as well. He took my hand all of a sudden & asked me to dance with him, in the rain! He smiled at me. The smile that I fell for the first time I saw him, before I even met him… He came close to me & I felt like I was almost out of breath… until, thunder struck. He decided that we should go before one of us gets sick.

He held my hand the whole time & it almost felt… like a dream

“Hey!” Taemin greeted Mika the next day from behind with a wide smile.

“Omo!” Mika startled as she almost spilled her orange juice. “Haha, you scared me”

“Sorry” Taemin apologized cutely.

“Yah, stop acting cute!” Jonghyun said at the breakfast table, annoyed.

“Am I acting?” Taemin joked.

Mika laughed as she sat down at the table with the rest.

“So what happened on your date yesterday?” Key asked all of a sudden, making Mika almost spit her drink in surprise.

“Hyung!!” Taemin called the annoying Key.

“What? I told you I was gonna ask

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OH GAHD. ANGIE. LOL. Good times ;u;
Rockin736 #2
She is so goin To freak out. Or is she? Why doesn't she know about them in the first place?
Flaming-girl09 #3
Angie is so going to freak out when she finds out who those 15 men are... XDDDD
Sooyong #4
nice story unnie. . .update soon. .
Waaaaah! Love it!!!
Seoblove #6
Unnie I really want you to update!
RebeccaAlice #7
Unnie!!! Why? Please update!!
Awww.... Unnie.. Why?????
choiminhosunsun #9
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YAH!!!! y do u do this to me!!!!????? <br />
saranghae though. i love ur stories too. <br />
continue? i mean. some time in the future? not just leave it!!???? waaa!~
Seoblove #10
Do continue with this story please! I really love this story so much! For the first time in my life, I like Taemin a lot! Hehehehe! And I love your writing!