


“Hey, girl!” I squealed, squeezing the life out of my best friend, Cha Hyori. I kept on hugging her for some minute or so before letting her go.

I walked pass my friend and saw a young handsome man standing there, laughing. He was tall with beautiful long hair, a gorgeous smile and glowing skin. He had a soft laugh, which was nice to the ears. I grinned at the young man, a bit shocked at his tranformation. 

“Hello, Eddie” I said, as I hugged him.

“How was your flight to Korea?” He asked.

“It was long and tiring,” I said.

“Okay, let’s go,” Hyori said, as she started walking towards the door.

Eddie took my suitcase, and we drove to Seoul.  We got to the apartment in about 45 minutes.

We got out and went inside the building. It was a very tall building, about 18 stores high. We took the elevator and went up to the apartment. We entered the apartment. It was very beautiful in there. The living room was very clean and spacious with 3 sofas and a coffee table stack with books. I went and checked all the rooms. I picked the one which was un-used.

It was beautiful!!! Way better than my small college dorm that I lived in back home, with my crazed roommate. I quickly unpacked my stuff, pulling and hanging stuff according to color. At the bottom of my suitcase, I took out the two folded dresses wrapped in its plastic bags. They were white A-line Sweetheart Knee-length Chiffon Elastic Woven Satin Cocktail Dress and black Empire Sweetheart Knee-length Chiffon over Mading. The two dresses were the most expensive item that I ever purchased in my life. I hang them on the last space that was left in the closet. I quickly changed out of my jeans and t-shirt into my sweatpants and a plain white tee.

I went outside my bedroom, holding my stomach in pain because I was hungry. As I was passing by, I saw that Eddie and Hyori’s bedroom door was left a little opened.  Eddie was lying on top of Hyori shirtless, and Hyori was lying under him, grabbing his shoulders as he buried his lips under her neck. Little moans were released from the both of them. I just stood there for a minute, watching. I quickly walked by, going into the kitchen. I have lived with them before so I knew where everything was.

I went to the fridge and found some Kimchi fried rice. I quickly warmed it up in the microwave and dug in. While I was eating, I sat down and thought about what I just saw. My two best friends in the whole wide world, getting married? That just sounded very weird to me. I was okay, when we were in high school and they both told me that they were dating. But then when we went to college, they were still dating each other. And now to see them, lying on the bed make love, just made the whole situation very bizarre. I was afraid of being the third wheel until I met jay in my senior year of high school. He was the new kid at our school, and he happened to be in my web design class. He was very quiet at first, but then he started opening up, showing his true colors. He was funny, serious at times, and very sarcastic. He kept on asking me to come over to his house. I finally went over to his house one day, and he kissed me while we were doing homework. He told me about how much he liked me, and me being as stupid and naïve as I was, I believed him.

We started dating, and he proposed to me when we were both 21, still in college. I followed him to Korea, hoping to get married and leave all my troubles behind me, BUT WRONG!!! Instead he cheated on me with his then ex-girlfriend, Seo young, the night before the wedding.

I pretended like nothing happened and came back to the states.

“Aheemm” Hyori cleared . I woke up from my ‘little dream’.

“Hey” I said, trying not to stare at the big red blotch on her neck.  I felt kind of awkward, thinking about what I just saw.

“So, you want to go out and explore tomorrow?” She asked, coming to take a seat next to me. She took my fork, and took a bite of Kimchi fried rice.

“Yeah, where do you want to go to?” I asked, taking my fork back.

“How about we go to the COEX Mall in Gangnam-gu? I know how much you love their Kimchi fried rice” Hyori said, poking my shoulder

“Sure!” I said, getting excited. I love the Kimchi fried rice that they sell at the COEX Mall. And I missed eating it.

After I was done eating, I washed up, and went to sleep. I tried to block out the that was coming from next door. I finally went to sleep around 2am in the morning.  I woke up around 8am. I stretched out my neck while getting up from bed. I grabbed my black and turquoise towel and my toothbrush and headed to my bathroom that was right next door. After brushing my teeth, and taking a warm shower, I got out of the bathroom and walked to my room. I got dressed around 8:50am. I wore my favorite grey cheetah t-shirt with black denim skinny jeans and my black and yellow high tops. I went into the kitchen around 9am. The first thing I saw was Hyori all dressed up, sitting on Eddie’s lap. She was feeding him strawberries.

“Ew, how do you unsee something like that!” I yelled, teasing them.

“Awwww, my beautiful eyes. Now I’m going to have nightmares when I sleep,” I said, touching my eyes.

“Oh, shut up! It’s not like you’ve never seen this before” Eddie said, gently pushing Hyori off his lap.

“Just kidding. You know I love y’all, and you also know that I wouldn’t want to deprive you from receiving love” I said, as I hugged him.

“I know I was just playing with you” he said, hugging me back.

“You ready?” Hyori asked, walking towards us.

“No, Let me grab something to eat first” I said, pulling away from the hug and walking towards the fridge. I opened the fridge and all I found in there was a crate of eggs, milk, cheese, and some Kimchi.

“What!!! There’s barely anything in you guys’ fridge!” I exclaimed, surprised.

“We know” Hyori said.

“I’m going to go buy groceries, after you guys leave” Eddie responded.

“Let’s grab some food on the way. I know this really great café near the Coex Mall” Hyori said, grabbing the car keys off the counter.

“Ok” I said walking towards the door. Hyori kissed Eddie good bye and we were out the door.

 Like Hyori said, we did stop by a café near the Coex Mall. It was called the Saranghae café. I loved the name. It sounded very nice.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. All comments are welcome. I'll really like to know what you think.

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i'm so sorry that i haven't been able to update. i've been very busy with school!


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LeeJinki-s #1
Chapter 15: When it said she handed her 50,000 won my eyes practically buldged out of my head. Jesus Christ!
sumireaoi #3
Chapter 41: noooooooo i really hped that zico and zahara would get together first
Chapter 41: ayeeeeeee i live te life of a silent reader, can't i just go on like that? XD lol but i really like your ff Author-nim ^_^
sumireaoi #5
Chapter 40: i hope zico and zahara get together even if its for a bit ,just hoping cause they have great chemistry
marmarrrk #6
Chapter 40: Poor baby I just want to hold Eun ji that everything's gonna be okay
Sweetness15 #7
Chapter 39: Soooooooooooo Good lol. I just want to know if zico is crushing on zhara later in the story haha. Keep on the great penmanship!
Chapter 39: Everything is falling into place :D Yay!
ambwgirl3134 #9
Chapter 37: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo i was going to ship zahara andd zico .........zarco