Falling In Love


I woke up early today to a down pour of rain splashing onto the window of my room. I stayed still laying on my cold blankets on my cold and empty bed wishing someone’s presence would warm it up. I looked at the alarm clock placed on the bedside table to find that it’s only 7 am, Seungri isn’t awake yet. I turned to my side to stare out through the window overlooking the warehouse and field and thought about the person who I can’t seem to forget despite the hurt feeling he left me with, Seunghyun.

It’s been about 2 weeks since I last saw him, since he left me here. I couldn’t complain, I had Seungri, the most caring and loving person out there, but it wasn’t the same, it’ll never be the same. Seungri’s been my saving grace these 2 weeks. He tried everything in his power to make me smile, make me laugh but I can’t seem to snap out of my little depression.

The worst thing was that all I feel was regret, I regret ever being mean to Seunghyun, I regret breaking the engagement between Seunghyun and I, but most of all I regret ever falling in love with him.

I still remember the day he left. I remember thinking I was going crazy when I heard that my parents, the 2 people I love, the 2 people that gave me life was dead but then he did what I didn’t expect me him to do. Back in our old lives, which seemed like years ago by the way, we were always acting. He’d hug me, he’d kiss my hand, he even kissed me once but those things were just an act. But when he comforted me, when he hugged me and held me as I cried, I knew he wasn’t acting.

At that moment I felt myself falling for him, really falling for him. Growing up in a protective household I never really interacted with the outside world. In truth I wasn’t really a social person. The only boys I hang out with were my butlers and servants and they weren’t the most interesting people on earth. Living like that, I never knew love, not until I met Seunghyun. I knew the moment I met him, I knew he was different than the socialite boys I met, and I was interested in him to say the least. I guess the reason I pushed him away from me is because I was falling for him, falling in love.

But then he did the most horrible a guy can do to a girl, he left me. He left without a goodbye. He left me with only the feeling of his lingering warmth on my skin. He left me here for my love to shatter into a million pieces.

The feeling is foreign to me. I didn’t know what this kind of pain was. That heart clenching, tearing feel every time I remember Seunghyun. Is this what they call heart break? Is this what those girls in those stories feel? I don’t know but I don’t like it one bit.

If this was love… why is everyone so happy when the end of it hurts so much.

I got up lazily from my bed and made my way to the showers. I let the warm water splash on my face, mixing with the tears in the process. I found myself feeling so vulnerable lately. Maybe it was my parents’ death or this whole heart break thing but all I know is sadness, just sadness.

After a few moments of silent crying I decided it was enough and exited the shower. I didn’t care one bit about the cold air hitting my skin and walked back to my room where I found a t-shirt and shorts and put them on half heartedly.

As I walked down the hallway to the stairs I couldn’t hold back my curiosity to peek through the small opening of Seungri’s room. I opened the door slightly so that I could get a good look at Seungri who was sleeping peacefully on his bed. I stared at his handsome face and felt that lurching feeling I had felt when I met Seunghyun. Oh no, was I falling for Seungri now?

‘He’s been working hard.’ I said mentally as I saw the dark bags under his eyes. They were darker than usual and I know the exact reason why. After I would retreat to my room silently after dinner Seungri would always go to the warehouse. I didn’t know what he was working on though, every time I asked him he always said for me to not worry about it.

It’s been that way for the last week or so and Seungri needed a break. I smiled to myself before stepping away from Seungri’s door and walked down to the kitchen where I start setting up pots and pans for cooking breakfast for Seungri.

Even though I was mostly home schooled, my mom didn’t let me be lazy and taught me basic things a lady have to do, one of them cooking. Maybe it was talent or if I was just purely lucky I never burnt anything I cooked. I decided that I’ll just cook something simple and warm since it’s pouring outside, some chicken noodle soup and garlic bread.

I started to cook and keep quiet, not wanting to wake Seungri up. I started on the garlic bread first then started to cook the chicken noodle soup. I found myself smiling as I stirred the pot and took out the bowls; I really hope Seungri likes this. I poured the steaming soup into a bowl and put the hot bread onto a plate and started to scrub the pans and put them in the correct shelves before assembling the warm food onto a tray accompanied by 2 mugs of hot chocolate.

I walked carefully up the stairs holding the tray full of food. I decided to let Seungri have a breakfast in bed, he deserved it. And I guess it’s also a way for me of saying thank you. Thank you for taking me in to his house. Thank you for caring so much about me.

I opened the door to his bed room by pushing it with my elbow. I tiptoed in seeing that Seungri was still in deep sleep. I set the tray of food and drinks onto the bedside table and sat carefully on the bed next to Seungri’s sleeping form. I leaned and whispered softly in his ear: “Seungri, wake up.”

“Mmm… Vic.” Seungri mumbled. His arms suddenly grabbed me, pulling me down onto his warm chest. I squeaked in surprise as I was embraced in an unexpected hug/snuggle. The squeak seems to have woken Seungri because the next second he released me from the hug. I sat up quickly feeling the heat scorch my cheeks.

“Uhm… Morning.” I said with a smile trying to cool down my cheeks by covering it with my hands that had seemed to run cold.

“Vic, w-what are you doing here?” Seungri asked wide eyed as he too tried to cover his blushing cheeks.

“I-I made you breakfast. It’s simple but, I hope you like it.” I smiled at him trying to break the awkward atmosphere. I stood up from the bed and assembled the small breakfast I cooked for him. I took one of the mugs and handed it to Seungri with a reassuring smile.

“Thanks. What’s all this for?” he asked me as he sipped his hot chocolate as I sat on the foot of his bed.

“You’ve been so tired lately and I’ve been nothing but a burden to you, so…” I looked down in shame, I was a burden now that I look at it. He’s been so nice and my head’s been as hard as a rock, if I were Seungri, I think I would’ve kicked myself out by now.

“Hey, look at me.” He lifted my chin up so that our gazes met. He looked at me with a smile on his handsome face hiding the dark bags under his eyes. “This is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done, thank you.” I smiled at his words, feeling my mood lift up in an instant.

“Eat up while it’s warm.” I chirped happily as I drank my chocolate.

“This is really  good.” Said Seungri with a smile after he ate half of the soup and bread I made him. I noticed there were crumbs on the corner of his lips so I decided to get a tissue I had brought on the tray. I leaned forward and wiped the corner of his lips carefully.

As I looked up at him, I realized just how close our faces were. From this distance I could see every line of Seungri’s handsome face. Sure he had some tire lines and the dark bags under his eyes were noticeable from his distance but those things couldn’t distract me from the youthful glow he seem to emanate.

We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before Seungri started to lean in closer. I found myself staring at his lips, his soft lips and couldn’t help but wonder how they’d feel like on my lips. It turns out I didn’t need to wait any longer cause Seungri finally crashed our lips together, engaging them in a sweet kiss.

I closed my eyes and savored the taste of his sweet lips on mine. It was a sweet kiss, no tongue, just a sweet kiss on the lips. When we finally pulled away our eyes met once more. As if we could read each other’s mine, I knew that he loved me and he knew that I loved him back.

“I love you.” He whispered so softly that if I didn’t see his lips move I would’ve thought he hadn’t spoke those 3 sweet words.

As I looked at him I felt my heart beat faster and faster, I felt my cheeks burn… was this what falling in love feels like? But why is it so different from falling in love with Seunghyun. When I think about Seunghyun I do feel my heart beat faster but then I feel pain. This feeling is way nicer.

“I love you, too.” I let those 4 words slip from my lips but I knew that I also let those feelings I had for Seunghyun slip too. I hope I did the right thing because right now, with Seungri here, I feel so happy, I feel so safe, I feel loved.

But I do feel those things when I’m with Seunghyun. Ugh, why is this so complicated? It was better when I didn’t know what love feels right… wait, no love is great, it’s just really complicated. I’m glad I’m finally falling in love; I just wish it wasn’t with 2 of the greatest guys at once.


I wanted to update as much as I can before my mid terms ^^b so how was the chapter? Kinda sweet for my taste though... Please let me know how you feel by COMMENT & PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: