These Are Not Fake Tears


Fake, that’s the perfect word to describe my life, my so called relationship, my family, they were all fake. The smiles, the laughs, the ‘happiness’ was all an act, and we were the perfect actors and actress. Yes, we were acting, we were all just sad human beings hidden under our luxurious homes and clothes.
I looked up at the man beside me, his eyes full of hatred as he held my hand and walked me through the crowd of people celebrating our engagement with the most charming fake smile I’ve ever seen. We were told to look happy, like a real couple, but that’s problem, we weren’t a real couple. We were forced to marry each other, yes I know its so cliché but our lives are just a big mistake.

“Smile you idiot.” Hissed Seunghyun in my ear. I shot him a glance of annoyance before smiling my million dollar smile, making men around me melt. Yes, I was engaged to the one and only Choi Seunghyun. People might say that I was lucky, that I had great luck, but sadly they don’t see what I see. Seunghyun and I go way back, and we always hated each other. We never got along ever since we’ve met when a long time ago.

But earlier this month, my dear father has gotten sick, it was a murder attempt, someone was clearly trying to kill him. The police and everyone denied it, except me, I was too smart to listen to them and see what’s actually happening. My father wished for me, his only daughter to marry the son of his best friend, sadly that son was Seunghyun. And so our families forced us to get married, I trust you we weren’t happy about it.

I was snapped back to reality as Seunghyun yanked his hand away from me with a disgusted look on his face.

“You’re not the only one disgusted by this you know.” I hissed at him as he adjusted the tie of his perfect little tux.

“Princess, you don’t know the half of it.” He snapped at me before smiling at the direction of the small crowd of people approaching us, they were our parents with their usual small crowd of pompous attention seeking jerks.

“Good evening you 2.” Said Mrs. Choi, Seunghyun’s mother with a wide smile. Seunghyun and I both bowed at them and smiled.

“It’s good to see you both so happy.” Said Mr. Choi as he looked at me and Seunghyun. We weren’t happy, both of us don’t want this but despite our feelings we both faked a smile and s our hands together.

“Awe, look at my daughter.” I heard a familiar deep voice say from behind my mother, I almost squeaked in delight as I saw my father there. I ran to him and hugged him, forgetting everything my teachers taught me about manners in public. My father has been hospitalized for the past year and I was glad he was finally back on his feet.

“Thank you, my daughter.” My father whispered in my ear as I pulled back from the hug. I looked at his face and saw that he looked sorry for me. I smiled weakly at him, my father was the only one that ever seen through my happy act, he knew that I wasn’t really happy.

Our families sat at a table set up beautifully with golden glasses and dishes, a truly extravagant table. I smiled and laughed with Seunghyun as our families’ converse in conversation. I really couldn’t care less about what they were talking about to be honest.

“Victoria dear, didn’t you get a scholarship to go to the US this summer?” asked Mrs. Choi as after she took a sip of wine.

“Yes, but I don’t think I’ll be going.” I said casually taking a bite of the dinner served for us. I didn’t expect to hear the gasps and looked up from my plate of food to see the whole table staring at me in disbelief, even Seunghyun looked at me questionably.

“Honey, why?” gasped my mother as she looked at me with wide eyes. Education was in an important thing our family, to me too, so I guess their reaction was predictable.

“Well-“ the truth was I couldn’t leave my family, not after that murder attempt. I know someone was after us, I knew all of us knew, but they just deny it, they act like nothing’s happening, that’s why I’m staying and throwing a perfect opportunity away, if they were going to delusional, I need to be their eyes. But I couldn’t tell them that.

“Well, the program lasts for about a year and…” I sighed and put on the most sincere smile I can and s my hand around Seunghyun’s. “I couldn’t possibly be away from my fiancé for that long.” Everyone’s expression changed, Seunghyun’s mom and my mom both smiled and teared up at my sweet words, Seunghyun’s dad nudged his son who chuckled awkwardly as he looked at me confused, my dad on the other hand was looking at me suspiciously.

“Victoria, I’m sure we- I mean Seunghyun would be find.” He said with a sigh. My smile faded knowing my act wasn’t enough to fool my dad.
“But dad, we’re in-“ I stopped in mid sentence as a loud bang emitted from the kitchen followed by a few gunshots.

“Seunghyun.” My father said and my glanced went back and forth in between my father and Seunghyun who squeezed my hand under the table as he and my father seem to be having a silent conversation. Then the door leading towards the kitchen flew open, and then I saw the scariest sight in the world, there were about a dozen men, dressed in black from head to toe, all of them holding guns.

“Seunghyun, go.” Said Mr. Choi and Seunghyun pulled me up and started to pull me away.

“Dad! What’s happening?” I yelled over the panic voices of guests who were panicking and running around screaming.

“Go with Seunghyun! Whatever you do, stay together!” he yelled at me and gave me a reassuring smile. “I’ll be fine Vic, Go!”

And with that Seunghyun pulled me out of the banquet hall and headed towards the front door.

“Where are we going?” I asked him as we jogged down the hallway of my house.

“We need to get out of here.” Said Seunghyun simply. Finally we reached the entrance hall but we gasped as we saw 2 armed gun men in front of the front door, blocking our escape route. “.” Seunghyun gasped out as we hid behind a pillar.

“Any ideas genius?” I asked him sarcastically as we both panted behind the pillar, hiding from the 2 gun men.

“Yeah, one.” He said before he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the basement. We ran down the steps carefully in the dim light until we reach the musty small basement.

“What the hell are you looking for?” I asked him as Seunghyun started to rub the walls, trying to found something.

“Yes!” Seunghyun suddenly said in delight as he threw a painting off the wall to reveal a small tablet computer on the wall. Seunghyun tapped the screen with his finger and it lit to life. What the hell? What’s this?

“What are you doing?” I asked him as he started to fiddle with the tablet computer on my basement wall.

“Saving your little girly .” He said as he punched in the last number of what I suspect was a password. Suddenly the wall beside the tablet started to grumble. I gaped as the wall slid to reveal a white hallway leading to a small room, to dark to see.

“What is this place?” I asked as Seunghyun pulled me into the hallway leading into the unknown room.

“Your father told me about a year ago. I guess he always expected an attack. He told me to go here in case of emergencies to escape. He told me to save you only and escape through here.” He explained as we ran towards the room.

As soon as our feet touched the floor of the dark room, it instantly lit up. I gasped as I saw the scene in front of me. The dark room was a garage type of place. A black Toyota camaro was in the middle of the room, its metal outside shining in the dim litted room. The walls were filled by hanging weapons, from simple hunting rifles to black hand guns to black sniper military issued guns. There were also backpacks on the floor labeled with the names of our family members. I guess my dad did expected something like this to happen.

“Come on.” Seunghyun yanked my arm bringing me back to reality. I looked around for the car keys and found them on a table nearby and unlocked the door.

“Catch.” Said Seunghyun as he threw me 2 bags, one labeled ‘Seunghyun’ and one labeled ‘Victoria,’ I threw them in the backseat and got into the driver’s seat and the car. My eyes widened as I saw the gun and the sniper gun in Seunghyun’s hands as he sat in the passenger’s seat.

“What are planning to do with that?” I asked him shocked at the 2 weapons in his hands.

“Gotta get out some way. Here, you were thought to shoot right?” he handed me the black gun which I held with no confidence. Kids like Seunghyun and I were taught to use weapons when we were kids, you know in case something like this happens, I was a pretty good guns man but I’m in panic mode, what if I shot someone innocent by mistake?

“What- I can’t- god Seunghyun I’m a girl for god sakes!” I protested and Seunghyun let out a frustrated growl before facing me, an angry look on his face.

“So what? You say that you’re braver than me! Bull! But now, get some balls and just do what I say!” screamed at me. I stayed silent in my seat, as much as we hated each other we never yelled like that to each other, it was mostly constant bickering, not something serious like this. “You want your dad to die in vain?” he asked at me. I got so angry I pointed my gun confidently at him, my finger twitching on the trigger.

“Don’t ever say that again.” I warned him and I saw him smirk. As much I hated him, he knows me, he knows me in and out, he knew that by provocating me, he’ll build up my confidence.

“Prove to me that I’m not marrying a whimp.” He said before starting to adjust his sniper. I pushed a button on the key chain of the car keys which opened a ramp in front of the car.

“Ready?” I asked Seunghyun. He nodded in agreement before rolling down his window as I did the same.

“I’m sorry for leaving, dad.” I said quietly to myself as I stomped on the gas. The car shot forward, gaining speed as it leaves it’s small garage and into my front yard.

“Get ready.” Said Seunghyun as the car approached the front gates of my parents’ estate. Whoever these guys were, they were prepared to ambush. Seunghyun and I exchanged a glance before we both pointed our guns out of the window.

“There they are!” one of them screamed setting off dozens of gunshots at once. Seunghyun and I shot our guns. I was surprised by how accurate I was shooting despite the fact that I drove the car at the same time.

“.” I gasped as a bullet nicked my arm, causing blood to flow steadily down my arm, soaking my dress. I kept shooting despite the pain that was shooting through my right arm.

Just as my vision started to blur, we’ve escaped. I let my gun drop onto the floor and closed my window, Seunghyun put his gun down and closed his window too. We both panted for a while as I drove us down the dark suburban streets of Seoul.

“, Seunghyun, take the wheel.” I said clutching my injured arm. Seeing me in that state Seunghyun took the wheel letting me climb into the backseat with difficulty, wearing a dress was such a fuss.

“You ok?” asked Seunghyun as he drove the car. I looked at my arm, the cut wasn’t deep but really long, a trail of blood coming from it.

“God, I got nicked by a bullet, how do you think I’m doing?” I snapped at him as I ripped up a shirt from inside my bag and wrapped the fabric around the wound tightly. After that the car was silent. I looked outside the window seeing nothing but black, the mansion was outside of the city, it was a secluded, what we thought would be an undetected place, a safe haven, I guess we were all wrong.

“I wonder what happened in the mansion.” Sighed Seunghyun breaking the seemingly peaceful silence.

“Why do you care? You never cared about anything.” I retorted at him as I continue to look out the window. I was mad, I was angry that we left, we seemed like cowards, running away when our parents and family were in danger.

“Of course I care. Why are you so mad?” he asked, his voice raising in anger.

“Because we should’ve stayed! We should’ve fought them, instead we ran, we ran like kids!” I stated angrily at him.

“And what? Get killed! You think you’re so smart but you’re not! If we’re free we can defeat those guys for good!” he yelled angrily, I could see his expression was really angrily as I saw his intense features from the rear view mirror.

“What ever, I hate you.” I said as I yanked my engagement ring off my finger and threw it in Seunghyun’s direction before laying down on the backseat. I closed my eyes, I’m tired, I knew that resting wasn’t going to be a daily thing so might as well rest when I can.

Seunghyun’s POV

I sighed as I picked up the silver ban from the floor. I examined the ring in my hand, an identical one was on my left finger. I felt myself tear up but shook it off. Why do I feel so sad? Cheer up Seunghyun, you’re free from that princess! But I don’t want to be free…

“You see these tears Vic, these are not fake tears.” I said to her sleeping figure through the rear view mirror. I knew that our lives were fake, but I guess we could finally break the act now. I need to get her medicated for that wound, I knew we couldn’t just march into a hospital, who knows how many spies Kwon Jiyong has.

Yes, Kwon Jiyong was the one after our families. He was always hungry for power and our families were the definition of the word power. After Victoria get’s better I’m going to kill that bastard. I knew that even going to a public place wasn’t safe, I needed a place undetected, I needed a place to hide, I needed a place they’ll never find Victoria and I.

I took out my phone and pressed my number 1 speed dial.

“Yeobseo hyung.”

“Seungri… I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: