The Calm Wind Before The Storm


Seunghyun’s POV

The atmosphere was thick. The silence was uncomfortable. The wait lasted what seems like years.

I sat nervously in the waiting room of my mother’s hospital waiting for the doctors to come out of that OR just a few  feet away. Advisors and leaders of a few orginisations were talking around me. Some were also talking to me despite the fact that I was clearly listening.

Following up on today’s recent events I have been voted to be the new South Korean president. I didn’t want to be though, I never liked to be the one in the spotlight, I always liked to be the one in the back, silently making a difference.

“Excuse me, but the president is busy at the moment. We will hold a meeting tomorrow to discuss further matters.” I looked up to see Bom.

She was standing there with her hands on her hips, an intimidating look to say the least. The people around me fell silent before they left one by one. As the last one of them left Bom took a seat beside me.

“You’re worried aren’t you?” she asked me putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I turned to her and chuckled. “Nah, she’ll be alright.” I said airily despite my panicking insides.

Truthfully I didn’t really know if she was ok. That poison was the same one that Jiyong’s men used to shoot Vic a little over a year ago when we both escaped Jiyong’s raid on Vic’s mansion. That time the bullet only nicked her but I remember just how much drugs I had to use just to reduce the pain. But this time it wasn’t just a small nick, Jiyong shot her with that gun in her stomach. But if Vic survived being captured by Jiyong I knew she could survive a gun shot.

“One good thing came out of this situation.” Bom said with a small smile.

“Yeah? What’s that?” I asked curiously. Bom just sighed and pointed at the group of chairs in the corner of the room.

I too smiled seeing the sight before me. Seungri was sitting in one of those chairs, I was surprised to see him reflect the emotions I felt. He looked panicked and just as stressed as I felt inside. Unlike Seungri, my parents taught me to always have a poker face when you feel weak. If you show your emotions, that’s what you’ll become, you’ll become weak.

I raised my eyebrows seeing Seungri holding Minzy’s hand rather tightly. Minzy was talking, what I guess was comforting words to Seungri because I saw him smile once in a while.

“Coffee!” All 4 of us turned our heads to the rather foreign friendly voices. Our gazes met the always cheerful face of Daesung and Yoona both were holding 2 coffee trays in their hands. Daesung approached us while Yoona approached Minzy & Seungri.

“Always the happy, aren’t you?” Bom asked as she took a coffee from Daesung.

“I’d rather be happy then sulk.” Daesung glanced at me. I just punched him playfully on the arm before taking a cup of coffee too.

“My girlfriend is in surgery, how could I not be sulky?” I said taking a sip of the bitter and sweet brown drink.

“She’ll be fine, she’s gone through a lot and I know she could survive this surgery.” Daesung said throwing away the tray.

“W-what has she gone through exactly?” I asked even though deep inside I didn’t really want to know, I didn’t want to feel even more guilty about letting her be captured by Jiyong, letting her get hurt, letting her suffer.

Daesung told me every detail that he knew. All the way from the to Vic’s break down when she first bought the wedding dress. I just listened and listened to the horrible details as my heart felt like its just been ripped apart. Guilt, that was the only emotion I felt. I felt guilty for working on thing’s back in Korea when I should’ve kept an eye on her. I felt guilty for letting Jiyong get close to her. I felt guilty for letting her get hurt. I felt guilty because I failed in protecting her.

I didn’t know how much time had passed. Daesung had finally stopped talking and Bom was going to the cafeteria for the 5th time but I paid them no attention because I can’t get over this dark feeling. If Vic isn’t alright, if she dies, it’ll all be my fault.

“Mr. Choi, Victoria Lee is out.” I heard a nurse call out and I immediately stood up. I went over to the nurse and she told me to follow her.

I looked back at my group of friends in the waiting room who all nodded for me to go. I smiled weakly at them and followed the nurse. She led me through small hallways and through several doors before we finally reached the destination, the intensive care unit.

When she opened the door I was greeted by the smell of medicine and the sounds of hospital equipment. I stepped in and found a scene that must have been part of my nightmares. The doctor, an old man was standing over Vic who was hooked up to a few machines, her skin was pale, her eyes were closed and her brown hair seemed to lose its color and started looking a little gray.

“Ah, Seunghyun.” The doctor said looking up at me with sad eyes. I felt my heart drop, Dr. Yong, one of the best in the country, my former teacher, never looked so exhausted and sad.

“W-what’s wrong?” I asked him. He took off his glasses and wiped some sweat that formed on his forehead.

“Come closer, son.” He said urging me forward which I did several moments later with heavy feet, my eyes never leaving the girl laying on the hospital bed. “We did everything we could.” He said and I stared at him in surprise.

“What?” I asked reaching out to touch Vic’s hand. Her hand was small and it fit perfectly with mine. I looked down at the small hand in mine, it was so cold.

“The bullet, it spread a virus to her body. We couldn’t get it out in time.” Dr. Yong said sounding exasperated. “The virus is not something we recognize and we couldn’t find the right antidote. We don’t know this virus and how it’ll affect her but I think it’s starting.”

I stared into the girl on the bed and I knew what Dr. Yong was talking about. Her skin was sickly pale and had a tinge of gray. There were dark circles around her eyes. Her lips were dry and cracked. Her brown hair looked as if it’s been dried in the sun.

“W-what’s gonna happen?” I asked him sounding a little scared, but I didn’t care if it showed because truthfully I felt scarred as hell.

“I don’t know.” Dr. Yong said and I felt like I was dying slowly inside. “But, Jiyong had a truty doctor, Kim Heechul. He was the one who made this virus but sadly he disappeared before the wedding. You could find him and get the antidote before the virus takes it real effects on her.” Dr. Yong gave me a weak smile before leaving the room.

I grabbed a chair and placed it on Vic’s bedside. I softly took her hand in mine again. Just by feeling her hand I could tell that she had lost a ton of weight. Her collar bones were sticking out more and I couldn’t feel much meat on her hands. I reached up and caressed her cheek and I was surprised to see her eyes fluttering.

“Vic?” I asked sweetly as her eyes opened. They were beautiful, her eyes. Even though her body was now weak I still saw that girl I fell in love with through her eyes.

“S-Seunghyun…” she said weakly before coughing.

I reached to her bedside table and poured a glass of water for her. I helped her sit up and tipped the glass slightly so that the cold water reached her dry lips. She drank a few gulps and I put the glass back down on the table.

“How are you feeling?” I asked pulling back a strand of hair that fell on her face.

“Weak. Jiyong is he…” she started to ask but I answered her before she could ask the question.

“He’s in a military base jail. He won’t hurt you again I promise.” I said with a weak smile and squeezed her hand slightly. She gave me a weak smile and nodded weakly.

Suddenly there came knocks from the door. I exchanged a confused look with Vic before standing up and approaching the door.

“Hello, we want to see her too.” Daesung said looking rather pissed off.

“Vic, you have guests.” I said to Vic who smiled as Daesung and the others came in.

Daesung approached Vic and gave her a small hug. Vic smiled and thanked him but Daesung just gave her a cheeky smile and stepped aside. Bom came up and bowed to Vic slightly and said that she was sorry for what she did a year ago. Vic smiled and accepted the apology. Yoona was literally bawling her eyes out on Vic’s shoulder as Vic weakly pats her shoulder.

I noticed that 2 people were missing and looked out the door to find them. Seungri & Minzy were standing against the wall looking like they would like nothing but to disappear.

“Seungri, Minzy, come on.” I said and they both looked at me. I saw a vast amount of guilt in their eyes.

Seungri looked at me before entering the hospital room followed by Minzy. I saw Vic’s face fall and her body went frozen by the sight of them.

“Hey, Vic.” Seungri said awkwardly with an unsure smile.

“I’m so sorry!” Minzy suddenly burst out into tears and bowed. “Victoria, I’m so sorry. Jiyong he threatened to kill Daesung oppa if I didn’t do it…” the rest of her words were drowned in tears and hiccups.

“Minzy unnie, come here.” Vic said gently opening her arms. Minzy looked up in surprise but didn’t hesitate to run to Vic.

I saw a weak smile spread across her tired face as she wrapped her hand weakly around her unnie as Minzy cried on the crook of her shoulders. Minzy was smiling as she pulled back from Vic’s hug. I smiled seeing the scene before me, maybe finally things will go smoothly from now on.

I know I’ll find the cure for Vic somehow and then she’ll be good as new. That’s my last mission before I can finally sit back after a year of ups and downs. Just maybe, I could finally spend some time with Vic and be happy.



To tell the truth I don't really like this chapter but I guess it was needed before I bring on the new plot (but I want to say sorry, because it's kinda ish) Gimme some comments, I need motivation & inspiration :D

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: