Keep Fighting


Seunghyun’s POV

I stared at the map in front of me laid out on the desk of the office Bom was nice enough to give me. On the blue sheet of paper was a layout of Jiyong’s mansion. I stared at it, it was one of the most complicated houses I’ve ever seen, and there were dozens and dozens of escape routes I needed to close up, there were about a hundred secret passages I could use to infiltrate the mansion.

Yes, it’s finally time to take action. I had planned to do this a few months from now just to make sure but after hearing about Jiyong’s decision to marry Vic, I knew I had to take action. The numbers of my men had increased because of some foreign help. I now have about a hundred men under my command, but I knew those numbers were small compared to Jiyong’s army.

But I have to do it, I can’t let Vic marry that guy, over my dead body.

“Seunghyun you have to see this!” Seungri said barging into the room. He grabbed the TV remote from my desk and turned the TV on.

On the screen was Jiyong and…. Vic. They were both standing on a stage of some sort in front of what I recognized was the president’s mansion. Jiyong was standing there wearing one of his fine suits, his hair was now a blonde color. Vic was standing next to him and despite the amount of make up on her face & the fancy clothes she was wearing I could still see how miserable she was. Her brown hair was still as beautiful as I remembered but she was skinnier now, an unhealthy gray was now her skin color.

“I am now announcing my engagement to the one and only Victoria Lee. I know it’s sudden but I just knew she was the one for me.” Jiyong said on the screen with a fake smile. I felt my hand tighten around the frail map making an audible crackling sound.

“Victoria, would you like to say something?” Jiyong asked with an evil smile and Victoria stepped to the front timidly.

She looked at the camera and I could see the pain & fear in her eyes.

“Annyeong, I’m Lee Victoria. I’m really happy to be engaged to Jiyong because- because I love him. I will try my best to be a good companion for him for years to come.” She said with a fake smile and I saw some tears well up in her eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed Jiyong’s cheek and I felt my knuckles turn white because of how hard I was clutching my fists.

“We will be holding the wedding ceremony on June 21st. We hope that the people of this country will support us. Thank You.” And with that Jiyong grabbed Vic’s hand and both of them bowed. Before the video was cut off I could clearly see a tear escape Vic’s eyes.

“I can’t believe him.” Seungri said looking murderous. He looked at me suddenly after a moment a panic look on his hand. “Hyung, June 21st, we only have a week before the wedding!”

My eyes widen and I looked at the calendar on the wall and to my horror Seungri was right. It was now June 14th, exactly 7 days away from the wedding.

“What the hell?” I said in frustration. “Jiyong knows, he knows that you’re alive, that’s why he’s holding this wedding in a week.” I said turning to Seungri who looked shocked.

“What? I thought that he thinks I’m dead?” he said confused and I remember forcing Jiyong’s men who came to the mansion to tell Jiyong that Seungri was dead, apparently they didn’t keep their word.

“And Vic… she agreed to marry him because she’s protecting you.” I said as I realized Victoria’s reasoning behind agreeing to marry Jiyong.

“What? How do you even know, hyung?” Seungri said with a guilty sort of look on his face.

“Think about it, why else would Vic marry Jiyong? They are not in love, I can guarantee that. And why else would Jiyong just suddenly hold a wedding a week after proposing or forcing her to marry him? He knows you’re still alive, he knows you’ll try and stop him.” I said ruffling my hair as the pieces of the puzzle finally put themselves together.

“What should we do, hyung?” Seungri asked looking scared. I looked at him before looking out of the window.

From there I could see the wide field that use to be a beautiful garden but now the flower beds were burned and trees have been cut down. Out there about 50 people were training, either they were practicing defense skills or practicing shooting, they were all preparing for the big fight I knew would come sooner than I thought.

“Get every troop ready, we’re attacking on June 21st.” I ordered Seungri who nodded briefly before leaving. I guess it’s finally time for that big war Jiyong and I have been waiting for years.

Victoria’s POV

“You did great today.” Jiyong said as soon as we entered his mansion. I turned to him and was surprised when I saw a smile on his face.

I bowed slightly to him before turning to leave. I have to say I wasn’t surprised when I felt Jiyong’s hand on wrap around my wrist.

“Come on, be happy. You’re marrying the most powerful person in Korea.” Jiyong whispered in my ear and I could almost hear the cocky smirk on his lips.

I turned around angrily and yanked my hands away from his grasp. “I’m doing this to protect Seungri, nothing else.” I said sternly and walked away.

I ran up the stairs and into my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I wasn’t surprised to see Daesung sitting on my bed watching the TV Jiyong gave me a few days ago. I noticed that he was watching and the main headline was: Kwon Jiyong to marry heiress Lee Victoria.

“Turn that off.” I snapped and Daesung got up and turned the TV off raising his eyebrows at me.

“What’s with the language? You never use that on me.” He said as he took a seat beside me on the bed.

“I’m just really frustrated right now, sorry oppa.” I said and I saw him nod understanding me.

“You should get some rest, Mr. Dictator said you’re gonna start planning the wedding tomorrow.” Daesung said as he headed to my closet. He handed me my nightgown.

“I hate my life.” I mumbled under my breath hoping Daesung wouldn’t hear.

“I’m sorry Vic, but I know we’ll get out of here somehow.” Daesung said sadly at me as he ruffled my hair before leaving.

I sighed and got out of the dress Jiyong made me wear for the stupid press conference. As I made my way to bed I stared at the diamond ring on my finger. It was beautiful and I knew it costs about the price of a small mansion in Korea but I hated the stupid piece of jewelry. I hate it because it represents me as Jiyong’s fiancé, as someone who will soon be his wife. I yanked the silver band off my finger and held it in my palms.

“I hate you, Kwon Jiyong!” I yelled and threw the ring across the room successfully hitting the mirror on the wall. I smiled as I saw the ring get lost in the middle of hundreds of glass shards. I settled myself in my bed a little more comfortably before slowly dozing off to sleep. At least without the ring I can see myself as Lee Victoria, not the soon to be wife of Kwon Jiyong.

Seunghyun’s POV

I pointed the gun at the first dummy which was on my north and shot then turned to my south where another one stood and to my east & west where to more were propped up. I panted but smiled when I saw that I had succeeded in ‘killing’ all of my dummies.

“Practicing when you’re supposed to sleep isn’t going to help anybody.” I was surprised to see Bom walking my way. She was wearing a thick robe over her nightgown to protect herself from the harsh summer winds, her red flaming hair flowing onto her shoulders. “You really care about her don’t you.”

“Yeah.” I said as I tried to calm my breathing after practicing for about a few hours.

“Come inside, it’s really windy here.” Bom said grabbing my hand. I chuckled when she forced me inside the mansion turned headquarters. I quickly stuffed my gun back inside my pocket before taking a seat on the couch of the living room that Bom took me to.

“So, what’s your plan?” Bom asked as she took a seat beside me on the couch.

“I-I don’t really know.” I admitted and Bom looked at me with concern in her eyes. I admit that I’ve been really confused & panicking a lot lately. I was never like this, even when I had attacked Jiyong back in High School I didn’t feel at all nervous or confused. Maybe it’s because I knew Victoria’s freedom was at state I was so messed up.

Bom seem to have read my mind because she said: “Is it because it’s about Victoria that you’re not sure what to do?”

“I- Why is this happening to me?” I asked to no one particular as I raked my hair with my hands.

“You just love her that much. You know that you’re not the confident & strong Choi Seunghyun when it comes to her. When it comes to her, you’re just Seunghyun, they guy mad in love.” Bom said with a small smile.

“I’m such a little kid.” I chuckled but my smile vanished when I realized what Bom said was true. I wasn’t the confident & strong when it comes to Victoria, when it’s about her I’m just Seunghyun, they guy who can’t think straight and makes a lot of mistakes.

“Don’t worry, just pull yourself together. If you don’t, you know you’ll lose her forever. Just be that strong and rather cocky Choi Seunghyun, ok? Keep fighting, I know you’ll succeed.” Bom said patting my shoulder. I smiled at her and she smiled back, this is the Bom I knew.

“Now get to sleep, big shot. I don’t want you to doze off tomorrow.” She said before leaving. I chuckled and after a while I got up and made my way to my room.

I lazily took off my clothes and shoes until I was only wearing my boxers. I got up onto the bed and looked up at the ceiling. I wonder what Vic was doing. I wonder how she feels. I wonder who was taking care of her. These thoughts spun around my mind as I finally dozed off to sleep.

Daesung’s POV

At about 7 in the morning I made my way up to Vic’s room on the 2nd floor. I decided not to knock and entered the room quietly knowing that Vic was still sleeping. I closed the door behind me and walked into the room. Just like I expected Victoria was still sleeping in her bed, I couldn’t help but notice the tear marks on her cheeks and her puffy eyes.

“What the-“ I gasped when I saw the shattered mirror lying on the floor. I quickly went to the door and opened it.

“Hey you!” I called to a maid who was walking by holding a broom in her hand. I gestured her to come which she did. I whispered the orders in her ear before letting her into the room. I sat on the bed and stared at Vic as the maid started to clean the glass shards on the ground quietly.

“Daesung Sir, I found this.” She said once she was done. She handed me a diamond ring, Vic’s engagement ring. She nodded at me before leaving. I held the ring in my hands now knowing why the glass shattered and why Vic cried.

I let her sleep for a few minutes longer before waking her up. She slowly got up and I smiled at her. She gave me a sad smile before walking to the bathroom like a zombie. I sighed knowing that I’ll have to get her through the day today.

After she got dressed we both made our way down the stairs and into the ballroom where Jiyong had set up all of the wedding stuff.

“He really is making this wedding grand.” I heard Vic say as she eyed the 50 people walking around the room, all doing some stuff to do with the wedding. “What should I do first?” she asked me.

I quickly pulled out the list Jiyong gave me this morning and examined it. “Jiyong said to organize the flowers first because that’s gonna need days to arrange.” I said and Vic nodded unenthusiastically. Before she could walk towards the florists I grabbed her wrist. I leaned in and whispered in her ear. “Please, just try to enjoy this.” I almost begged.

She looked at me scanning my eyes before sighing. “I’ll try.” She said turning around and walked to the florists.

I was actually surprised to see Vic so enthusiastic the whole day. She was actually smiling as she picked the various kinds of flowers she wanted for the wedding and she even set the arrangements with the florists. I couldn’t help but smile as she handed me a pink rose.

“Smell it, isn’t it nice?” she asked me with a grin. I sniffed the rose and smiled handing the flower back to her.

“It’s nice.” I smiled as she continued to work with the florists.

After a few hours of working with flowers she finally finished the whole thing. She came back from the garden with a small smile but I couldn’t help but notice how tired she looked.

“Let’s eat lunch, I’m hungry.” Vic said pulling me up to my feet.

“Fine but after that we still have the dress fitting.” I said glancing at the long note in my hand.

“Yeah yeah, eat now, dress later.” She said tugging my hand in the direction of the kitchen.

Both of us entered the kitchen to be greeted by the smell of roasted chicken and baked potatoes.

“M-Miss Victoria.” One of the staffs gasped and all of the kitchen staff turned to look at us.

All of them straightened up before bowing to us. We both bowed before Vic grabbed my wrist and led me to the kitchen counter. She sat on one of the stools and I did the same beside her.

“So what brings you here, Miss Victoria?” Asked Hangeng, the head chef.

“Lunch of course.” Victoria said as she looked around the giant kitchen around us.

“Lunch will be served in the dining hall in a few minutes, madam. The master will be eating there and I’m sure he’ll like his fiancé to eat with him.” Hangeng said with a smile but I secretly elbowed his rib cage seeing Vic’s happy expression change.

“Shut up, Hangeng.” I said in the corner of my mouth.

“I’m not eating with that guy.” Vic said eyeing me. I nodded turned to Hangeng.

“Just get her a portion of the lunch. Miss Victoria is very busy, we need to be quick.” I said to Hangeng and he bowed apologetically before turning to prepare Vic’s lunch. I couldn’t help but enjoy my position as Vic’s personal butler; it means I can order the staff that used to make fun of me when I was a prisoner.

The food came and Vic and I quickly ate. The food was delicious as usual but I was sad we couldn’t eat slowly. After both of us were done eating I took her up the stairs and into a bedroom of the house which was converted to a fitting room for the wedding.

“Victoria.” Jiyong greeted as we entered the room. I saw Vic’s smile disappear and her body became rigid as Jiyong approached.

I stepped back when Jiyong shot me a glare before hugging Vic who stiffened at the gesture.

“You’ll look beautiful.” I overheard Jiyong whisper in Vic’s ear before letting go. “Take care of her, will you.” Jiyong said to me and squeezed my shoulder before leaving.

As soon as the door closed behind Jiyong I came forward to Vic. She was still standing there looking like she wanted to cry or vomit at the same time. I held her hand to find it ice cold.

“Vic, are you ok?” I asked worried when I saw her skin turn a little pale. She looked at me and took several deep breathes before nodding. She returned back to normal just in time for the stylist to come into the room.

I sighed in relief when I saw that Vic was now smiling and laughing again as she tried on the dresses the stylists gave her. Some were beautiful but some were horrible. She asked me to pick out a dress from the racks of dresses available and I decided to pick out a ridiculously puffy dress for fun.

“Really Daesung oppa? Really?” she giggled as she saw her own reflection.

“I thought it was really… unique.” I said with a fail French accent and she slapped my arm as she laughed.

“Yes, it’s all very funny and such now I want her to try this dress, I think it’ll fit her beautifully.” Said the stylist handing Vic a dress to try on in the dressing room.

“I don’t know, I kinda like this one.” She said turning like a princess in the horrific dress.

“You want Jiyong to murder me? Go try the other one, bridezilla.” I said pushing her into the dressing room.

I waited patiently for a while as the stylist helped Vic into the dress. I decided to sit on the couch and read a magazine to pass the time.

“Oppa, how do I look?” I looked up to find Vic in the dress the stylist gave her and gaped, she looked beautiful. I dropped the magazine onto the table and approached her.

“You look…” I said but my mouth ran dry.

“She looks beautiful.” the stylist said as she took a veil and attached it to Vic’s hair which was styled into a bun. “Perfect. I’ll go tell Mr. Kwon.” The stylist smiled as she left.

“Stop gaping, oppa.” Vic said snapping her fingers in front of me. She turned and made her way to the front of the mirror. “Wow…” she said as she saw herself in the mirror.

“Wow is the right word. You look beautiful.” I smiled to her through the mirror. But then I saw a tear flow down her cheeks and soon she was crying.

I grabbed her shoulders and forced her to turn to me. I cupped her cheeks and wiped the tears but they just kept coming and coming. It hurt me to see her like this.

“Vic, what’s wrong?” I asked as she still cried.

“I-I can’t do this.” She said after gaining her breath. “I can’t marry h-him.” After that she continued to cry.

I decided not to hold back and hugged her. She wraps her arms around me and continued to cry as I her back comfortingly.

“Ssh… it’s gonna be, ok. Just keep fighting, ok?” I whispered in her ears as she continued to sob.


I tried to make this chapter sad but I'm sorry if I didn't succeed, I'm kind of happy cause I'm going to watch Super Show 4!! And on October, BIG SHOW is coming to Indonesia! I'm literally freaking out that both of my bias' groups are coming!! Ok, back to the story, I wanted the story to be longer than my other fics but ended up making it shorter, but oh well, I can't force the plot. Please Comment, I know you want to ;)

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: