It's Not A Goodbye


Seungri’s POV

“Seungri we’ve got to go!” Daesung screamed and grabbed me by my shoulders.

“No…” I mumbled but my body wouldn’t respond to my thoughts as if it knows what’s best for it.

I wanted to run, I wanted to run into that hotel and stop Victoria and Seunghyun from doing what I know they were going to do.

“Seungri, come on! We’ve got to take shelter!” Daesung said looking frustrated as he dragged me into one of the trucks that we came in.

“Hyung, we-we can’t let them do this.” I said taking hold of Daesung’s shoulders as tears streamed down my face.

Daesung looked at me with sadness but said: “I’m sorry but this is for the best.”

I was shocked by his answer. I wanted to scream at him, tell him that this isn’t what’s best but I couldn’t move a muscle, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t breathe knowing the fate of Seunghyun hyung and Victoria was now certain.

The truck rumbled into a parking lot of a deserted shopping center and the men immediately ran into the deepest part of the building. While Daesung and CL were directing the remaining men of our troops into the isolated basement I ran up the stairs leading to the mall’s atrium.

“Seungri, where are you going?” I heard CL ask me but I just kept on running.

“Seungri, get over here!” Daesung screamed at me but he was too late I was already running up the steps of the stairs.

I was breathing hard when I finally stumbled into the quiet mall atrium. I immediately ran towards the big mall doors when I heard Daesung’s footsteps behind me. I was already close to the doors when I felt someone jump on me, knocking me down to the floor.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Daesung hissed angrily in my ear.

“Hyung, let me go, I have to stop them.” I said struggling from under my hyung but he was too strong for me.

“You can’t Seungri; do you think you’ll even make it there in time, huh? Did you think you could just run in there, Seungri? You’ll die from the radiation!” Daesung said to me angrily still pinning me firmly on the cold floor.

“Hyung, I can’t let them die… I can’t…” I said as those tears that I hated so much was pouring from my eyes to the floor.

“I know… but we have to protect the people that are alive now… that’s what Victoria and Seunghyun hyung wanted us to do.” Daesung said finally climbing off me.

I let Daesung drag me up onto my feet and try to drag my lifeless body to the stairs leading to the basement downstairs.

I starred at the giant window at the hotel inside the dome which was about 2 km away. I was about to turn my head and let Daesung lead me into the basement when I heard a loud bang.

I immediately turned around just in time to see a huge fire erupt inside the hotel. The tall building’s windows burst one by one, red flame bursting through the now broken windows. I felt my knees weaken as I finally saw green smoke swirl inside the giant dome and I knew the nuclear has taken its affects, killing every soul inside that dome.

I fell to my knees unknowingly, tears flowing out of my eyes slowly as I looked at the scene through the window.

“Seunghyun… Victoria…”

Daesung’s POV

I was sitting in the lobby of the giant hotel we’ve taken refuge in waiting for some sort of report when the tech team walked up to me to say that the radiation in the dome was already fading.

 “The explosion was only a few hours ago, how could it be gone?” I asked confused by their sudden report.

“The explosion released a form of gas that was inside the hotel’s walls and paint and it lessen the radiation by 90%.” Out tech team leader, Psy said and I nodded.

“Tell Hara to get ready the troops in the morning, we’ll start scouting the place then and see if we can go in safely.” I ordered and Psy bowed before leaving to find the military general’s daughter.

I sighed and got up to go into the room I was sharing with Seungri. I decided to stay with him knowing his unstable condition right now. But sadly, neither I nor the other’s were doing any better than Seungri, we were just strong enough to hide it unlike little Ri.

I got out my card key and swiped it on the door. I was surprised to see the lights were still on inside the room. I looked at the 2 twin beds and started to worry when I saw both of them empty.

“Seungri!” I said loudly but didn’t get an answer. I searched the bathroom and even the closet but he wasn’t there.

But then I saw him standing on the balcony, his hands holding on tightly to the railings as if he was going to fall off.

“Seungri.” I said softly and I saw Seungri’s body tense up before his hands let go of the railing to wipe his face furiously of what i suspect was tears. I reached and grabbed his shoulder softly and turned him around.

His eyes were now puffy and still filled with lingering tears; his face was flushed of any color and the lively soul that was Lee Seunghyun had disappeared from his eyes.

“H-hyung, what are you doing here?” he asked, his voice raspy from lack of use.

“Checking up on you, of course. How you holding up?” I asked and he looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes that it literally broke my heart.

He was silent for a moment before his spoke.

“Hyung, Seunghyun hyung and Victoria… they’re dead aren’t they.” He said and could see the broken soul that is Seungri right now.

I stepped forward and opened my arms wide. “Come here.” I said inviting my dongsaeng for a hug. I was surprised when he stepped forward. I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and not long after I felt Seungri’s shoulder start to shake and I felt my shirt become wet and I knew Seungri was crying. I held him closer and let him cry and for once today I felt tears start to fall from my eyes too.

I let him cry on my shoulder and he let me cry on his. I didn’t know but the reality had really just sunk into me now. Choi Seunghyun, my hyung, my leader was gone and so was Lee Victoria, the girl I fought so hard to protect, the girl I saw suffering so much but had so much spirit and life.

I know what they did was noble but it didn’t lessen the pain in the hearts of people who had just lost 2 people who was a big part of their lives.

“Come on, Ri, let’s go inside.” I said when I finally gathered myself enough to speak strongly.

Seungri let go of me and nodded. We both made our way inside the hotel room. Seungri walked to the bed and sat down while I closed the glass door to the balcony. I stopped before pulling the blinds over the window when is saw the wreckage that was the hotel inside the dome a few miles away. ‘We’ll be there tomorrow, hyung.’ I said mentally to Seunghyun before closing the blinds over the view.

Seungri’s POV

It was probably about 3 am when I finally woke up from my uneasy sleep. I sighed and starred at the dark ceiling. I could hear the soft snores of Daesung hyung on my right. I my side and saw Daesung sleeping soundly on his bed. But I could see that he too was sleeping uneasily by the expression he had on his face.

I guess that nobody feels easy right now, at least I’m not. Even though we all know that Jiyong is no longer a threat, I can’t feel easy with the sheer amount of guilt on my shoulders.

The sounds of ambulances outside on the streets alerted me that people were finally getting the medical help they need, the sounds of laughter in the streets tells me that the people who spent time fighting today and everyday ever since Jiyong took over can finally laugh again, can finally live again. So why can’t I do the same?

“Ri, are you up?” I turned around startled to see Daesung sitting up on his bed.

“Yeah, why are you up hyung?” I asked sitting up too.

“Woke up, why are you awake?” he asked me and I shook my head.

“Couldn’t sleep that’s all.” I said and he nodded.

“Go get ready; we’ve got a big day ahead of us.” Daesung said rubbing the sleepiness off his eyes.

“What are we doing?” I asked today.

“We’re going in the dome.” He said simply but I swore my whole body froze.

“W-where are w-we going?” I asked again, my voice shaking.

“In the dome, we need to… we need to clear things up.” Daesung said with much difficulty.

“N-Neh, hyung.” I said stiffly as I threw the sheets off me and made my way to the bathroom to get ready.

Before I could close the door behind me I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned to find Daesung looking at me with a concerned face.

“You want to go, don’t you?” Daesung asked me sounding worried.

“Yeah, of course hyung.” I said and gave him a reassuring smile despite how nervous and anxious I felt inside.

I took a quick shower and dried myself before exiting the bathroom to find Daesung lying out to what looked like a full body suit on my bed.

“What’s all this hyung?” I asked as I examined the green camouflage jumper and black vest on my bed.

“We’re not going inside the dome without special clothes; there might still be some radiation left. Get dressed while I shower, ok? I want us to eat before going.” Daesung smiled at me and I nodded before he went inside the bathroom.

I got geared up in the outfit Daesung prepared and after Daesung got dressed and ready we headed downstairs and into the lobby.

“Seungri!” I heard a Minzy’s voice call me and when I turned around I was engulfed in a tight hug. I chuckled and hugged Minzy back.

“Hey.” I said with a smile. It felt like years since the time I smiled like this.

Minzy let go of me and cupped my face. She looked at me with concern in her eyes. Daesung and now Minzy, I was touched of how much they cared about me.

“You ok?” she asked me and I chuckled.

“Of course I am.” I said with a fake cocky smile and she giggled. I wrapped my arms around her and held her into a tight hug. “Oh how I missed you.” I whispered in her ear.

From the corner of my eyes I saw a smile form on Daesung’s face.

“Daesung oppa!” I heard a familiar girls’ voice call from the lobby door. All 3 of us turned around to find Yoona running in our direction.

Yoon ran straight pass Minzy and I and almost jumped on my hyung. Daesung laughed and his famous smile appeared on his face as he engulfed the girl into a hug.

I turned to Minzy and we both exchanged amused glances as small smiles appeared on our faces.

“Uh, hyung…” I said awkwardly.

“Oppa!” Minzy said rather loudly and Daesung looked up at us with surprised eyes as if he just realized that we were standing there. “e much.” Minzy said and I couldn’t stop myself from laughing.

“Hey, I can fall in love too, right?” Daesung said as he let go of Yoona. He wrapped his arm around Yoona’s shoulders and I could see a taint of pink on her cheeks.

I looked beside me at the smiling girl and wrapped my arms around her shoulder also. Maybe life wasn’t going to be that bad after all.

All 4 of us headed towards the restaurant where most of the troops were now eating breakfast. We headed towards an empty table and ate our breakfast and I can honestly say I couldn’t remember laughing and smiling so much.

“Seungri, it’s time.” Seungri said and I looked at my watch to see that it was already 6 o’clock. I turned to Minzy who was chatting happily with Yoona, I didn’t want to let go of this happy moment.

I sighed sadly and nodded before grabbing my things off the table. When we were about to leave the 2 girls beside us turned to us and gave us confused faces.

“Where are you going?” Minzy asked looking worried and confused at the same time.

“We’re going to scout the dome.” I said and I saw both of the girls gasp.

“Isn’t there radiation?” Yoona asked and Daesung shook his head.

“It’s all gone plus we need to get the dead buried as soon as possible.” Daesung said and my body froze at the words ‘the dead’.

Minzy must’ve seen my reaction because she said: “Oppa, will you be alright?”

I was surprised by her question. Will I be ok? I looked at the 3 concerned people around me and smiled.

“Of course, I’m ok, we’ll see you both tonight ok.” I said confidently and pecked Minzy on the cheek.

‘I needed to be strong from now on.’ I thought as I waved goodbye to Minzy as I walked out of the lobby with Daesung hyung.

We rode on the same truck we did yesterday all the way to the dome. On the way there i looked out through the back of the truck to see that Seoul or South Korea was actually recovering. The houses were being renovated and the wooden planks of shops were being ripped off. I smiled inwardly, things were finally getting better.

A few minutes later we finally arrived at the scene. I in a breath as I hopped out of the truck along with Daesung and the other men.

The glass dome was different. The glass structure was cracked and looked like it was going collapse any moment. The once half ready extravagant hotel has been turned into ruins and dust. I felt goose bumps appear on every part of my body as I saw the dead bodies of Jiyong’s men near the inside border of the glass dome.

“We need to get some heavy machines, destroy this dome immediately.” Daesung ordered to a group of men who scurried off to make a few phone calls.

“You think anyone’s alive?” I asked curiously at the dome before turning to Daesung.

“No one could’ve survived that explosion, Ri.” Daesung said sadly and I chuckled bitterly before walking away trying to find the strength I had a few minutes ago.

The cranes and heavy machines came after about 15 minutes. I watched with Daesung as the machines broke the dome’s exterior. Glass was everywhere but as soon as the glass broke the men went forward, some carried shovels to pick up the glass while others picked up Jiyong’s dead man.

Daesung and I stepped forward and helped the other men remove the bodies into a truck. Sure they were bad guys who wanted to destroy us all but they were still human and deserved a final resting place.

The hotel was now just a pile of rocks and rubble. I looked at where the pool was only to find that the whole pool has been flipped over to the side revealing a big piece of land once holding the giant pool of nuclear. I couldn’t help but be reminded of a giant graveyard.

“Where was Seunghyun and Victoria kept?” I asked trying hard not to let my voice shake.

“I tracked the last phone call; they were kept in the boiler, under the pool.” Daesung said and my eyes widened.

“They were what?” I almost yelled. ‘What if there was nothing of them left? Neither Victoria nor Seunghyun deserved this.’ I thought before running full force in the direction of the pool.

“Seungri, wait!” Daesung screamed and I turned around for a sec.

“I’m not waiting anymore.” I said before turning back and running towards the giant open land.

I jumped into the giant pit and landed on my knees on the dirt. I looked around before finding an opened room, a part of the hotel’s basement.

“Hyung, I found something!” I screamed and soon Daesung jumped with me into the pit followed by a few men holding what looked like a giant chisel. Daesung looked at me and I pointed towards the large cracked wall in the corner.

Daesung turned to the men. “Dig that out but be careful.” He said sternly and the men nodded.

Daesung and I stood back as the men worked their way inside the room. Once the wall was down they turned to us and bowed before climbing out of the pit.

Daesung started to walk forward but I found that my feet were now frozen. Daesung turned around we he noticed me not following him.

“What’s wrong?” Daesung asked sounding impatient.

‘I’m scared of what’s inside the room. I’m scared to see proof that Seunghyun hyung and Victoria are really dead. I’m scared of this reality.’ I thought.

“N-Nothing.” I said and walked forward.

We managed to slip through the hole in the wall. The room was dusty and I winced as dirt flew into my eyes. Once the dirt went away I rubbed my eyes and my vision became clear.

“No…” Daesung said in a devastated voice and my heart stopped and fear crept into my system.

I looked at where Daesung was looking and immediately my knees almost gave out. There, leaning on the wall were the bodies of Seunghyun hyung and Victoria in each other’s arms. Their faces were peaceful as if they were sleeping but their chests were still, their bodies covered in day old dust.

“No… No… No…” Daesung kept chanting as he stood there shocked, tears streaking on his cheeks.

I ignored him and stepped forward and kneeled beside Seunghyun’s body. I looked at both of their faces. Seunghyun had his hand around Victoria and Vic had her head rested on Seunghyun’s chest. I put my hand on Seunghyun’s shoulder.

“Seunghyun hyung… wake up.” I whispered as if expecting the corpse to answer.

“Seungri…” Daesung gasped but I just ignored him.

“Victoria, please wake up.” I say putting my other hand on her shoulder as tears start to flow out of my eyes.

It’s as if my body was doing things on their own accord. I know they’re dead, I know they couldn’t have survived the amount of radiation the hotel explosion released but I couldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop wishing that they’ll wake up. Wake up and get me out of this nightmare happening.

“Seunghyun hyung… Vic… please wake up.” I say even louder this time but there was no answer. “Please don’t leave me… please… just wake up.” I begged but again there was no answer. “No… don’t leave me…”

“Seungri.” Daesung said and came closer and kneeled beside me. He put his hand on my shoulder. “Seungri, I’m sorry but they’re…”

“NO!” I scream at Daesung and slapped his hand off my shoulder. “They are NOT dead!” I yell at my hyung and he just stared at me with wide eyes.

“I’m sorry, Ri.” Daesung said.

“No don’t say sorry! Cause they’re not dead…” I say strongly but I couldn’t go on. The strength left my body as sadness and sorrow took over. “They can’t be dead.” I hung my head and cried the hardest I’ve ever cried in my life.

Daesung put a hand on my shoulder and let me (and himself) cry. I felt weak, I felt useless, and I felt guilty. This is all my fault. I could’ve prevented this but I didn’t… Seunghyun hyung… Victoria… Please forgive me.

“What’s this?” Daesung said after a while. I looked up to see Daesung wiping his tears with his sleeve before reaching out.

From Seunghyun’s jacket pocket Daesung took 2 folded pieces of paper, each one with the writing of our names on the front. Daesung handed me the fragile paper with my name on it and I opened it carefully to find Victoria’s neat writing on it.


Dear Seungri,

I know that you would find this letter (unless it’s already burnt into ashes, keke). How are you Ri? Are you sad? Happy? Well I hope you’re doing just fine.

I’m sorry I couldn’t say goodbye properly, I really hope we meet again in the afterlife, but I’ll have to wait a pretty long time for that, right? Tell me, how’s Minzy? I really hope you 2 are happy and together, I, as your ex wouldn’t want you to end up with just anybody you know, I care about Ri.

And that’s the reason I did this. That’s the reason Seunghyun and I did this. We both care about you and the others so much that it hurts us to do nothing. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for the celebrations of the new peace; I really hope you’re happy now Ri, I really do.

Don’t feel the least bit guilty because if you do feel guilty you’re not making me & Seunghyun very happy right now in heaven. You’ve been so brave and so caring towards me; take this as my way of paying you back. I really hope that you’ll move forward and become someone important and someone who can make a difference in another person’s life because that’s what you did to me.

Seungri, I don’t want to say goodbye. I know that we’ll meet again. I don’t know whether it’ll be in the afterlife, in heaven or even in another life but I know we’ll meet again. Don’t take this as a goodbye; take it as a see you later, ok?

See you later, Lee Seunghyun

-Lee Victoria-


‘See you later, Lee Victoria.’ I thought as a small smile formed on my lips.


~8 years later~

“Appa!” The little 5 year old boy said from his spot sitting happily on the floor wearing a formal white shirt and black pants.

“What is it, Seunghyun?” I asked to my son as I kneeled down beside him.

“Where are we going today, appa?” he asked me cutely and I bit my lip trying to put together the reasoning in words this little boy was going to understand.

“Well, do you remember me telling you about Auntie Victoria and Uncle Seunghyun?” I asked the little boy and he nodded so I continued. “Well your auntie and uncle were very important people and the very nice people of South Korea built statues to remember them by.”

“Oh…” the boy said and I chuckled ruffling the boy’s hair. “But appa, if auntie and uncle are important, why did they leave?”

I froze but softened and smiled softly. “Auntie and Uncle didn’t want to go away. But they had to.”

The boy nodded.

“Seunghyun, do you know why you have your name?” I asked and the boy smiled.

“Appa named me after himself.” He said proudly but I shook my head.

“No, I named you after uncle Seunghyun because I want you to be caring like him, ok? Especially towards your sister.” I said smiling as I my son’s hair.

“Araso, appa.” He said and continued playing.

A few minutes later my wife came downstairs. She wore a simple light pink dress and flats, her short black hair falling just above her shoulders. She held in her hands a beautiful sleeping girl, Lee Miinah.

“Hey, Daesung oppa called and he’s waiting for us.” Minzy said and I nodded and picked up the little boy off the floor.

We arrived at the hill where they built the statues. I smiled sadly as I looked up at the hill. Just 8 years ago this place was a battle field; 8 years ago this was the place Victoria and Seunghyun died.

“Appa, let’s buy flowers for Uncle and Auntie!” Miinah squealed from my arms and I nodded.

I bought a bouquet of roses, Victoria’s favorite flowers before me and my little family trudged up the hill.

I wasn’t surprised to see so many people in the hill and around the statues. When the news got out about the government building the statues of the nation’s heroes people started pouring in from Seoul and they weren’t just South Koreans, some were Japanese, Chinese, and even people from the United States.

“Seungri-ah!” I smiled and so did my kids when the familiar of Daesung came closer and closer.

Daesung walked towards Minzy, Seunghyun, Miinah, and I leading his own small family.

“Unnie!” Yoona said as she hugged Minzy tightly.

“Vicky!” Miinah squealed as she saw her favorite cousin. I set her down and the 3 of them, Seunghyun, Miinah and Vicky started to play with each other.

“Hey, dongsaeng.” Daesung smiled and I hugged him.

“Saw the statue?” I asked and he nodded.

“It’s amazing. Seunghyun would’ve scolded the sculptures for making him look so fat.” Daesung said and I chuckled.

“Well come on kids, let’s go see the statues.” I said trying to take Seunghyun’s hand but he yanked it away.

“Appa, I wanna play.” He said and I sighed.

“But we need to-”

“You and Minzy go up; I’ll watch the kids here.” Daesung said patting my shoulder.

“Really?” Minzy asked Yoona.

“Sure no problem.” Yoona said airily before approaching the 3 hyper toddlers. “Who wants ice cream?” she asked and all 3 of them nodded.

“See you.” Daesung said smiling at me before running off to help Yoona with the kids.

“Come on, oppa… I want to see the statues.” Minzy whined and I chuckled before taking her hand in mine as we trudged up the hill towards the statues on top.

“Wow…” I gasped as I saw the statues.

It was amazing. Seunghyun’s and Victoria’s 6 feet statues stood proudly on a platform on the top of the hill. The statues were made out of the whitest marble around and I could see just how much detail they put into the statues. Seunghyun was wearing suit while Victoria wore a simple knee length dress. I couldn’t help but smile seeing the stone smiling face of my friends.

“I tired oppa, go there before me.” Minzy said massaging her leg.

“Are you sure? Do you want me to stay here with you?” I asked and Minzy stood up straighter and shook her head.

“Go.” She said and pecked me on the lips for a second.

“I’ll be right back.” I say before leaving with the rose bouquet in hand.

As I neared the statues people started to whisper and point in my direction.

“Isn’t that Lee Seunghyun?”

“He was led the forces 8 years ago in the war, right?”

I ignored their whispers and stares and kept walking forward. I set the flowers on top of the white marble platform near Seunghyun’s gigantic white feet.

I stepped back and smiled reading the inscription under it.

Choi Seunghyun & Lee Victoria

Heroes of South Korea

Died 9th August 2012 in the act of saving the people of Seoul

May they rest in peace in God’s Heaven

I looked up at the smiling faces of my 2 best friends before turning back to find Minzy.

‘Like you said Victoria, this isn’t a goodbye; it’s a see you later.’


I'M FINALLY DONE!!! I have mixed feelings about finishing this fic but at the end I'm happy (:

Thank you to my remaining subbies, I really love you! 사랑해요!! <3

Since it's the last chapter I want to know what you think?

Do you hate me?

Do you hate my story?

Do you hate the ending?

Please tell me!

Well, thanks for the support in this fic, I really appreciate it! Please keep supporting me in my other ongoing fics and I'll be making a new fanfic soon.



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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: