Personal Message

Fanfics are a way for fans to release the over whelming amount of imagination they have about their biases and that's exactly why I write; for fun.

Plots that are similar to other stories/fanfictions/movies/videos are a mere coincidence unless I tell you otherwise ;)

Anti of plagiators, so please come up with your own ideas. Trust me, original writing is better than copying.

About Me


I'm an ordinary 14 year old named Dewi. Giant VIP, mini Baby and former ELF. Currently living in Indonesia though still waiting for YG to recruit me to Seoul (?). Huge fan of almost everything related to my biases.

I write fanfictions though some (if not all) are kinda cliche, I still wish for other people to enjoy them. Still living,still loving, still learning, still imagining. <3

My Inspirations & Idols:


1) 최승현 (빅뱅)


2) 권지용 (빅뱅)


3) 김희철 (슈퍼주니어)


4) 타블로 (에핔하이)


5) 젤로 (비에이피)


6) 씨엘 (투애니원)


7) 지코 (블락비)


8) 이승현 (빅뱅)


9) 박재범 (Jay Park)


10) 가인 (브라운아이드걸스)