Check Mate


“Hey girl’s, dinner’s ready.” Said Minzy poking her head through Yoona’s bedroom door.

“Neh, unnie. Come on, Vic.” Yoona said standing up from her bed and straightening up her clothes.

“I don’t want to impose.” I said but Yoona & Minzy just laughed.

“Don’t worry; you’re like Yoona’s best friend which means that you’re practically family!” Minzy chirped happily and Yoona nodded in agreement before forcefully grabbing my hand and pulling me downstairs.

All 3 of us sat in the dining table which was placed behind the living room in the corner. I had hoped for a home cooked meal but instead found 2 cartons of pizza on the table. All of us ate & chatted at the same time, something that was kinda unusual for me.

At home I would mostly eat alone with only the maids as my company. You see, my parents were great but they were busy all the time so I was forced into stale hundred dollar meals & stiff maids for company. It was nice to eat with Yoona & Minzy, even though they weren’t a legit family they let me know how a family meal was suppose to be like.

“So, Vic, do you have a boyfriend?” Minzy asked me as she took a bite of her pizza.

“She does.” Yoona said with a smirk and I slapped her hand playfully.

“I do…” I said quietly but before I could continue my phone vibrated. I opened it to see that I got a text from Seungri.



From: Seungri <3

To: Victoria

I’m in front of Asia Gym. Where are you? I’m alone ><


I chuckled and looked up to find Minzy & Yoona starring curiously at me.

“My boyfriend is outside; I guess I have to go.” I said sadly & Minzy must’ve seen my sadness because she spoke up almost immediately.

“Why don’t you bring him up?” Minzy suggested and my face lit up right away.

“Really?” I asked in happiness.

“Yes, really, go get him.” Minzy smiled and I got up and bowed before practically skipping down the flight of stairs down to the gym.

I found Seungri standing outside bundled up in scarves & a long coat. I couldn’t help but laugh at him seeing his cold red cheeks.

“Are you ok, baby?” I asked seeing him look around warily before spotting me and a smile spread across his face.

“Never been better. Where’s your bag?” He asked me in confusion. “Aren’t we going home?”

I bit my lip before answering. “I’m having so much fun oppa, can we stay?” I tried pouting but Seungri just chuckled.

“Did they say it’s ok?” Seungri asked a small smile spread across his face seeing me happy.

“Yeah, come on.” I said dragging him by his hand into the gym. I started going on and on about Yoona & her sister as we climbed up the stairs.

“You really like these people don’t you?” Seungri chuckled from behind me.

“Yeah, they’re really great.” I said with a grin. I pushed open the door to Yoona’s & Minzy’s apartment and led Seungri into the living room where Yoona & Minzy were sitting watching TV.

“Guys, this is my boyfriend…”

“Seungri?” Minzy said standing up immediately, her eyes wide in surprise.

Yoona and I starred at Seungri & Minzy who both looked surprised. A few moments passed and I got the sick feeling that it was a mistake for letting these 2 meet.

“Minzy…” Seungri said as he practically threw my hands out of his grasp and ran forward to hug Minzy.

I starred at my boyfriend hugging Yoona’s sister. They both were hugging closely and I could see Seungri resting his chin on Minzy’s shoulder comfortably, why the hell did he do that? I didn’t like the fact that they were so close; I didn’t like that fact one bit. Minzy was shocked at first then looked at me with a sad expression on her face. What the hell was going on?

“Ehem…” I cleared my throat rather loudly feeling a little jealous in the pit of my stomach.

“Seungri, please…” Minzy said as she noticed my glare. Minzy quickly pushed Seungri off of her causing him to trip back. From the corner of my eyes Minzy looked at me with guilt in her eyes but I was too busy glaring daggers at Seungri to really look at my unnie. Seungri looked at me with guilt too but I just kept on starring daggers at him.

“Uhm… you 2 know each other?” Yoona asked innocently from the couch breaking the silence.

“Yeah, you 2 know each other?” I asked in a voice totally opposite of Yoona, my voice was cold & filled with jealousy & hate. I crossed my arms as I starred at my unnie & oppa, waiting for the answer.

“Let’s sit down, we’ll explain.” Said Minzy as she took a seat on the sofa across from where Yoona was sitting.

“Come on, Vic.” Seungri said lending me a hand which I ignored and walked to Yoona and sat beside her leaving Seungri dumbfounded. Seungri sighed and took a seat on the sofa next to me.

“Vic, can you look at unnie, please, I feel horrible here.” Minzy said and I forced my head up to look at her. She smiled warmly at me before speaking.

“Seungri & I here went to high school together; we were best friends actually but nothing more. I moved away after High School and we never really been in contact ever since, so I guess Seungri here is just worked up. Please believe me…” Minzy added the last part with a sad look on her face.

I sighed and looked at boyfriend sternly. “Explain, now.” I said in a spoiled brat kind of voice that I try to avoid using but let loose this one time.

“I’m sorry I just got worked up, please forgive me. Don’t be jealous…” he said in a comforting voice as he reached out for my hands. He held both of my hands and smiled. “Forgive oppa.”

I sighed; both of them seem truthful… I guess I could trust them, for now.

“Ok.” I said and smiled at them both who smiled back in relief.

“Awe, this is like a romance story…” Yoona sighed happily. All of us laughed it off and started to chat.

Even though I said that I’d trust Seungri I still can’t help but get a little jealous seeing how close Seungri oppa & Minzy unnie was. They were talking about the ‘old’ days and I got jealous seeing how they were really close friends. Yoona on the other hand just sat there and watched quietly hugging a pillow with a smile on her face.

I tried to stifle a yawn behind my hand but with the eyes of a hawk Seungri noticed and said that he needed to go to work early so he can get me home.

“Goodbye Minzy unnie.” I said happily bowing to her. Minzy smiled softly and hugged me one last time before I made my way to Seungri’s car.

“You & unnie are pretty close.” I said to Seungri as he drove down the streets of Manhattan towards our apartment.

“Is my baby jealous? Don’t worry, we’re just friends. What do you think of Minzy anyway?” Seungri said. I couldn’t see the expression on his face but he sounded hopeful, like really hopeful.

“She’s really nice, oppa. I see why you guys are friends.” I said as I pulled out the biggest smile I could. Seungri smiled at me before turning his attention back to the road.

Even though I personally like Minzy I didn’t know why I felt so uneasy. I knew she was a nice person but I for a reason I felt like I made a bad decision by meeting these 2 old friends together again.

Minzy’s POV

I sat on my bed looking over my old high school year book, one of the only memories of my past I have left. I had left Seoul the first thing after graduating. I was scared back then, really scarred that I left my big brother, Daesung in Seoul only to be captured a few years ago. I was sad that I was safe in New York while my brother, wherever he is, was probably being tortured by Kwon Jiyong.

My eyes landed on a picture of Kwon Jiyong in one of the pages. If you look at his picture from the past you wouldn’t believe that he would become the dictator he’s famous for now, sure you’d think he probably get in trouble with his dark looks but you’d never think he’d actually take over a country & kill countless people on the way.

I remembered that day I was tortured by him. I remembered his voice in my ear as his men touched me. Back then I was young, despite knowing how to defend myself I found myself lured to Jiyong’s trap. He had bribed me with power & money, something that I grew up with little of, growing up with a genius like Daesung had it disadvantages. I had believed Jiyong only to be trapped.

Ring Ring Ring

“Hello.” I said into the receiver.

“Hello, Minzy dear.” I heard an all too familiar voice I often hear in my nightmares.

“J-Jiyong, w-what d-do you w-want?” I wanted to sound brave & tough but my voice can’t help but tremble in fear.

“I need your help Minzy, darling.” Jiyong said calmly.

“Why would I help you?” I scolded back as anger took over my fear.

“Why? You know your brother Daesung? He says he misses you.” Jiyong said and I found my anger sinking into fear once more.

“D-Daesung? H-he’s alive?” I asked as tears started to roll down my cheeks.

Daesung was the only biological family I had left. Our parents had abandoned us but luckily Daesung oppa was smart so I never ended up in the gutter of some random city. He was my hero, he was my brother, and he was everything to me.

“I don’t know… Don’t do what I say and I won’t promise you he’ll live to see you ever again.” Jiyong said and I swear I could hear the smirk on his voice.

“Please, I-I’ll d-do anything!” I said and I heard Jiyong chuckle evilly from the other line.

“Here’s what you need to do…”

Victoria’s POV

I stared at my cell phone from the bunk bed of my cabin room. I know that Seungri was busy but he haven’t texted me or tried to call me these past 2 days. My whole class was having a 1 night 2 day trip at a strawberry farm in Long Island and I was regretting going on this trip.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” I looked up to see the ever so caring GD sit next to me on my bed.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” I said trying to pull off a convincing smile but I knew GD was too smart to fall for it.

“Well, if you’re ready to tell me the truth, you know where to find me.” GD smiled as he s his hands on mine.

“Thank you.” I smiled at the sweetest & kindest guy I’ve ever met. I know that even though Yoona might not trust him but I do, he was just so charming & kind to me, he couldn’t be Kwon Jiyong.

Knock Knock

Both GD & I looked at the door where I saw Yoona standing in the doorway. She looked at GD with an annoyed look before looking at me.

“The teachers wanted to see you.” Yoona said sternly and I released GD’s hand from mine.

When I was walking down the hill behind Yoona she suddenly grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me behind a tree.

“What were you doing back there?” Yoona asked me in a semi panicked voice.

“What?” I asked her confused.

“Flirting with GD! Vic, you have a boyfriend remember!” Yoona nagged me and I took out my cell phone and looked at the empty screen.

“I don’t know, I don’t think I do anymore…”

The day went on quickly and before I knew it, it was finally time to go home. Yoona said goodbye to me before heading off to the train station with her friends leaving me in the streets with GD. GD told me where his house was and I was surprised to know that his house was a block away from mine, knowing that we decided to take a cab together back home despite how expensive it was I wanted to get home quickly for a reason.

“I had a great time these past 2 days.” GD said rubbing the back of his neck as both of us stood outside his house.

“Me too, let’s meet up sometime outside of school, ok.” I smiled and he shook his head shyly.

We both bid farewell before GD went inside his house and I walked towards my apartment. I found myself smiling as I unlocked the door to my apartment. But soon my smile faltered as I found the shocking scene that took place on the couch of my living room.

On the couch was Seungri and Minzy, Minzy was sitting on top of Seungri, they were both kissing… I felt my head spin; my heart pounded & ached in my chest. Both of them kept kissing like there was no tomorrow, not even noticing my presence.

Because I wasn’t holding the door, it closed on its own, slamming closed. The loud noise seems to awaken them and they both broke apart and stood up with wide eyes. I couldn’t help but let the tears flow from my eyes.

“V-Vic…” Seungri gasped out in surprise but I just starred at the cheating man I once loved so much.

“How could you?” I asked as I turned around and ran out of the door holding tightly onto my travelling bag tightly.

I ran down the steps and was surprised I didn’t trip with the tear blurred vision I had. I ran as fast as I can down the street heading towards the only person I could go for help & comfort at the moment. I ran up to his front doors and rang the doorbell a couple of times before he finally opened the door.

“Victoria, what’s wrong?” GD asked me but I couldn’t answer, I couldn’t even breath. Without another word he hugged me and pulled me into his house. He closed the door and dragged me into his living room.

“Vic, what’s wrong?” he asked again as we sat on the couch of his living room.

“S-Seungri, h-he cheated.” I gasped out before crying again. Without hesitating GD immediately hugged me in his arms.

“It’s alright, I’m here.” GD said in the most comforting voice. I rested my head calmly on his chest and let out the rest of my tears.

“W-What are y-you doing?” I asked GD as I heard a click come from behind me. The next thing I knew I felt a needle being forcefully inserted into my back. “W-who are y-you?” I asked trying to pull away but GD held me strongly in his arms as he inserted the drug into my system.

“I’m your worst nightmare, Lee Victoria.” GD said evilly. I felt the drug go through my body, shutting down my nerves and slowly my consciousness. But before I out I saw a wide smirk spread across GD’s face and on that moment I knew that Yoona was right, GD was Kwon Jiyong. I can’t believe myself I’ve fallen into Jiyong’s trap, I can’t believe that Seunghyun died only for me to fall easily into a killers arms. I let out a pained sob before blacking out into Jiyong’s open arms.

Jiyong’s POV

I held the unconscious Vic in my arms. I was surprised how fast the drug had worked; I need to thank Heechul for that later. I sighed and mindlessly her brown hair.

I don’t know but I expected for the Lee Victoria to be a cold hearted heiress just like Tiffany Hwang but she was caring. I don’t know why, I could’ve killed her with the other drug Heechul gave me but I couldn’t kill her, why can’t I kill her?

Maybe it’s because she was different. Seeing her in person I couldn’t blame Seunghyun or Seungri for falling for her, she was… cute. Maybe she’ll be a good toy back in Korea…

I’ll think about that later because all I can think about right now is my victory. I can always kill Seungri later but now I need to get back to my country & rule it. Lee Victoria has now fallen along with her dear ex-fiancé Seunghyun, Seungri will soon fall in the hands of my men… Check and mate…


Another Dramatic update \m/ I wanted to have a little victory speech for Jiyong/GD at the end because I feel evil today >:) Your comments make my day so please comment!!

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: