Fell For Her


Seunghyun’s POV

I paced the length of the plane in stress. I haven’t slept, I can’t stop moving, and I just need to do… something. I finally plopped down on the seat beside Seungri and looked out the window. All I could see was an endless sea of clouds but that seemed to calm my mind down just a little.

“Hyung, nothing’s gonna go faster if you sleep deprive yourself. Get some sleep hyung; we’ll arrive in Seoul in about 3 hours.” Seungri said handing me a blanket. I took it in my hands and just stared at it.

“What about them?” I asked pointing at the seat across the lane from Seungri’s seat. On it there was Tao & Sehun who were chatting away. Even though they were only a few months younger than Seungri I didn’t really trust them to behave.

“I’ll watch over them, don’t worry. Just sleep hyung.” Seungri said patting my shoulder before getting up to sit in the empty seat in front of Tao & Sehun. I was really glad that I was glad that Seungri, being the charmer he was, could get us a small private plane to rent, if I were near even more people, I think I’d snap.

I sighed and covered my lower body with the blanket. I closed my eyes and let my body sink into the comfortable airplane seat. And before I knew it I was already dozing off.

“Seunghyun?” That angelic voice said in my ears.

“Victoria?” I asked as I opened my eyes to see the woman with that angelic voice.

“Help me!” she said as tears rolled down her cheeks. I tried to move my hands but I couldn’t. Then the light around us blackened and soon Victoria started to fade to.

“Please, Seunghyun, help!” she said before she disappeared into the darkness.

“No!” I screamed but nothing happened. Then I felt my body shook, the world spinning around me.

“Seunghyun hyung, wake up!” I opened my eyes to find Seungri shaking my shoulders. I let out a sigh and stretched my limbs.

“What time is it?” I asked as I looked out the window to see the familiar outskirts of Seoul underneath.

“About 10 am. We’ll be at Incheon in a few minutes.” Seungri said sitting next to me.

I huffed out a breath and leaned my head back against the seat. I stared at the city below; Vic is here, I can feel it.

“You think she’s alright, hyung?” Seungri asked with a worried expression.

“She has to be.” I said bracingly.

Victoria’s POV

I stirred in my sleep, feeling my skin heat up. I opened my eyes warily; afraid that Jiyong was there but once my vision cleared I didn’t see Jiyong anywhere in front of me.

“Finally awake?” I turned my head to see a blonde headed man near the window. As he slowly approached I slowly tried to pull myself away but I found the throbbing I felt in my head not helping the situation at all.

“Please don’t hurt me.” I begged as the man sat on the bed beside me.

“I’m not gonna hurt you, its ok.” He said reaching out a hand. I closed my eyes expecting the worse but I only felt his palm on my forehead.

“You’re still warm.” The man sighed. I opened my eyes to see the man going into the bathroom of the bedroom. He came back with a basin of water and a wet towel in his hands.

“Lay down in the middle.” He said and I hesitated before complying, laying down in the middle of the bed.

He gently put the cool towel on my head and I can’t help but sigh in relief as the cold towel made contact with my warm skin. The man smiled and sat more comfortably on the bed next to me.

The man had bleach blonde hair that covered one of his eyes. He had a warm smile on his face as he looked at me, I haven’t seen a smile like that in a while. He was wearing a blue suit but I could clearly see his built body that he covered underneath.

“Who are you?” I asked when I felt the throbbing lessen.

“I’m Daesung, at your service Ms. Lee.” He said in a very good imitation of a butler. I couldn’t help but smile.

“Do you know me?” I asked in confusion.

“I’ve been trapped here for a while but I know who you are. You are Lee Victoria, daughter of the late Mister & Misses Lee. You were Seunghyun hyung’s fiancé until you escaped the country with little Seungri.” Daesung said. I couldn’t help but notice the nostalgic look on his face as he said Seunghyun’s and Seungri’s names.

“Wait, are you Kang Daesung? D-Lite?” I asked as I remembered the empty crate in the warehouse of Seungri’s house. I had run across it when I barricaded myself after Seunghyun left, I didn’t know why, but I thought that that name was important.

“D-Lite? I haven’t been called that since I’ve been here.” Daesung smiled chuckling.

“So you are him!” I said smiling. He smiled back and got the towel off of my head so I could sit up.

“Hungry?” he asked when he heard a rather loud grumble come from my stomach.

“Yes.” I said in low voice as I leaned my still slightly throbbing head against the headboard for support.

Daesung went over to the vanity table on the wall near the window and got a tray off it. He placed the tray on the bed next to me. He opened the lid and I gaped at the delicious looking food in front of me.

“Bon appetite!” he said and I chuckled before digging in. Halfway of biting into a piece of potato I saw Daesung looking at the food hungrily. I smiled and pushed the tray nearer to him. He looked up at me in confusion.

“Eat with me. It’s no fun eating alone.” I said with a pout and he chuckled once more.

“No, you eat, you’re way to skinny.” He said in a joking mocking tone.

“Come on, just a bite.” I said as I shoved a piece of meat into his mouth. He took it in his mouth and chewed and I could see his face light up.

“Delicious right?” I asked and he nodded. “Then eat with me.” I said handing him a spare fork.

Both of us ate the meal until there was no food left. Daesung placed the empty plate and tray on the bedside table before coming back to sit next to me.

“Daesung-sshi-“ I started to say but Daesung cut me off.

“Call me oppa.” He demanded and I smiled.

“Daesung oppa, what’s gonna happen to me?” I asked feeling a bit scared. I mean how couldn’t I be scared? I was trapped in a lunatics’ house for god sakes.

“I- It’ll be alright.” He said trying to reassure me but I knew he was lying.

“Please, tell me the truth.” I said lifting my legs so I could hug them. I looked to the side to see Daesung bite his bottom lip as he considered his answer.

“Jiyong, he gives the important people he captures 2 choices. Either you join him or… you die.” He said with a sad look on his face.

“Did anyone you know… choose the 2nd option?” I asked in a worried tone.

“Some of us, the people who are still against Jiyong, they choose to go against him no matter what. They rather die than join his forces. I knew a few.” Daesung said sadly.

“W-what about you?” I asked Dae who smiled.

“Me? When he asked me to choose I thought: what use would I be dead? That’s why I became a spy.” Daesung said with a smile.

“But I don’t think he’ll give me a choice.” I said staring at the patterns on the sheets of my bed. “He almost killed me once; I think he’ll do it the next time.”

“I don’t think so.” Daesung said and I stared at him in confusion. “Jiyong, he seemed… shaken up when he came back from Korea. And after yesterday, he seemed different.”

“And you think it’s because of me?” I asked.

“Definitely.” Daesung said with a slightly mischievous smile.

Jiyong’s POV

I sat on my desk in the giant oval room that is my new office. I turned my chair to look at the view displayed from my office. Outside there was a giant garden, it was beautiful with its perfect trees & flower beds. It was perfect just like her…

Ugh! Jiyong what are you thinking? I smacked my head a few times. What’s happening to me?

I turned and opened my drawer. I flicked through the hundred of files before finding the one I needed. I took out the yellow folder and put it on my table. It was a rather thick folder, almost as thick as Seunghyun’s folder.

You see, I like to keep track of my enemies. I keep information about them, who they are, where they’ve been, and what they are doing. Some of their folders were thin and some are big, but the thickest files were of those 3.

And the folder that is on top of my desk says: Lee Victoria. I opened the folder and scattered out the files I had on my table.

There were photos of her, information, health records, everything. I decided to look at the small pile of photos of her. There were photos of her with her family, with her friends and even her high school graduation picture; though I found it odd that she even had one seeing that she never attended school before college.

I smiled as I saw her beautiful faces in the picture. She was so perfect. Her lips were plump & pink; her brown hair flowed on her shoulders gracefully. Her petite body was perfect & so were her milky skin. I traced those features in the pictures wishing I could do that to her in person.

I remembered seeing her after kissing her. I’ve kissed girls before but she… she was different. Even though it was a forced kiss, I still felt a spark, the feel of my gut flipping, and the feel of my heart racing faster and faster.

‘Stop it Jiyong!’ a voice screamed inside my head and I knew it was right. I had to stop; I had to stop myself before I fell for her… before I fell in love with her…


Sorry for the filler chapter but I promise the next chapter is gonna be better ^^b Btw, I love love love love your comments! Saranghaeyo my readers! <3

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: