The End?


Seungri’s POV

Pacing, thinking, working, planning… that was what I’ve been doing for the last 3 days straight. My body was aching, my mind was screaming for rest… but I can’t, I can’t rest knowing Seunghyun & Victoria were captured by Jiyong.

Knock knock knock

“Come in.” I said as I plopped down on the couch next to me.

The door opened and came in Daesung, 2 mugs of coffee in his hands. He took a seat next to me and handed me one of the mugs. I took it in my hands and sipped the bitter liquid slowly. We stayed silent for a moment. I could feel Daesung’s eyes on me but I ignored it and closed my eyes for a minute, resting my head back against the armrest of the couch for a second.

“You should rest, you know.” Daesung said and I lifted my head up and took another sip of the coffee hoping that it’ll refill the lost energy.

“I can’t, you know that.” I said setting the empty coffee mug on the table in front of me. I stood up and made my way over to the desk.

We were both in headquarters, the only safe place we knew right now. Daesung and I were now inside Seunghyun’s vacated office that we decided to share because we knew that all the information books and files were inside this room right now.

Seunghyun and Victoria’s been missing for 4 days and I can’t help feel stressed out and rather… guilty. It was my fault for falling for her, it was my fault for breaking her heart in New York, and it was my fault for not protecting her like how I said I would.

In some way those events led to something good. I was now dating Minzy but that still didn’t make the weight on my chest any less heavier knowing that now because of what I did my hyung’s and Victoria’s lives were at state.

I sat on Seunghyun’s chair and looked up trying to stop the tears from falling. Was all of this really my fault?

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it slightly. I looked to the side to see the concerned look of my hyung.

“Sleep, you need it, trust me. You can’t fight Jiyong this way. Go, I’ll keep watch for now.” Daesung said sternly and I nodded.

I climbed the steps of the busy mansion and proceeded to the 2nd floor where Bom noona was nice enough to give me the room.

I kicked off my shoes and ed my shirt and pants changing into a pair of loose fitting jeans and a t-shirt. I lay down under the silk sheets and rested my head comfortably on the fluffy pillows. I closed my eyes but the sounds of people outside my doors were still audible to me.

Everyone was busy preparing for what’s to come. A team was trying to locate Victoria and Seunghyun while another was getting recruitments for a future attack from Jiyong. To make things short everyone had a job and I was in the center of the whole thing.

I turned to my side and forced myself to sleep hoping no nightmares will disturb me tonight.

Victoria’s POV

I was sleeping in Seunghyun’s arms when I felt an unfamiliar hand grab my wrist. I looked up to find that Jiyong was standing over me.

“J-Jiyong…” I said but he just smiled and put a finger on his lips telling me to be quiet.

He yanked me up out of Seunghyun’s grip but I was surprised Seunghyun didn’t wake up. I started to struggle and try to pry my wrist from his grasp but Jiyong didn’t budge.

“Stay still or I’ll order my men to give your boyfriend a stronger drug…” Jiyong said before pulling me forward so that his face was right next to mine, his mouth next to my ear. “And this time I’ll make sure he won’t ever wake up.”

I gasped and stayed still. “Don’t hurt him.” I said and Jiyong’s lips curled into an evil smile.

“Come with me princess.” Jiyong said pulling me out of the room. I caught a last glanced back at the unconscious Seunghyun on the floor before the guards closed the door to the boiler room.

I followed Jiyong up the small stairs leading out of the basement and I was surprised when we arrived at what looked like an unfinished hotel lobby.

The marble floor was dirty with specs of dust and dirt, a half finished chandelier hung on the ceiling, and the windows were still plastered up. I glanced at the front desk where a big plaque hung on the wall, ‘Seoul Plaza Hotel.’

Men filled the lobby. Most of them wore black clothes and black sunglasses. I suddenly saw a familiar mow hawked figure sitting on one of the steps of the grand marble stair case leading up to the 2nd floor.

I felt myself getting angry seeing the traitor in front of me. Suddenly he looked up from the phone he was playing with and looked at me. Then I saw it, I saw how lifeless his eyes were, how he looked like his soul is dead.

I quickly glanced away. No matter how he looked he was still a part of them, a part of Jiyong’s big army. The men around me glanced at me after bowing out of respect at Jiyong, a few women in the corner snickered and started whispering amongst themselves.

Sadly I didn’t have a chance to look around more as Jiyong pulled me into the elevator. Inside I felt Jiyong’s hand let go of my wrist. I sighed in relief until I felt Jiyong entwine our fingers together. I quickly snatched my hand away from him.

“W-what are you doing?” I asked my voice shaking slightly.

Jiyong just smirked evilly and forcibly yanked my hand back and forced our fingers to entwine again. I stiffened praying for the damn elevator to move faster.

The elevator finally stopped on the top floor. Jiyong led me out of the elevator and into a quiet hallway which lead to a few doors. He kept on walking until we reached the end of the hallway to a door labeled ‘President’s Room.’

He opened the door and led me into a spacious office. There was a giant window letting in a vast amount of sunlight into the room. Near the window was a desk with piles and piles of paper on it. Jiyong suddenly turned to me, an evil smile on his face.

“Thirsty?” he asked and I just stood there silently. Jiyong tilted his head to the side letting his long black hair tip sideways.

“Not talking are we? Victoria, I’m trying to be nice here,” he said and suddenly he started to my hair. But then he grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked it. I winced in pain and Jiyong smirked. “Don’t make me go to extreme measures princess.”

I merely nodded and Jiyong reluctantly let go of my hair. He grabbed my wrist and led me out into the balcony on the other side of the room. He sat me down on one of the chairs on the balcony while he sat next to me. I was surprised to see 2 glasses of wine already for us on the small table in between Jiyong and I.

“Drink.” Jiyong said handing me one of the glasses filled with red liquid.

I hesitantly took the glass from his hand and pressed my lips against the clear glass. I tilted the glass and tasted the red substance before putting the glass back on the table.

When I turned to the side I was surprised to see Jiyong looking at me with a predatory look. He smiled when our eyes made contact but I looked away. Then I felt a hand cupping my cheek. My body froze from the touch because I knew a lot of lives were cut off by the hand touching my cheek right now.

“W-what do you want?” I asked trying to maintain a clear voice.

“You…” Jiyong said and flinched away from him. Jiyong chuckled but kept starring at me, sending shivers down my spine. “I don’t remember you being this quiet, Victoria.”

I looked away from his stare. ‘This is the perfect time to get some information.’ I got the wine glass and sipped a small amount of wine.

“Can I ask you something, Jiyong?” I asked in a purring tone I too was surprised came out of my mouth. I guess the alcohol reacts fast.

Jiyong was surprised but smiled. “Anything.” He said simply and I turned to him to see that predatory look still lingering in his eyes.

“What are you planning to do? You have power again, Seunghyun is in your basement… What’s next for the great Kwon Jiyong?” I asked and a smile curled up on Jiyong’s face.

“Come with me.” Jiyong said standing and offering me his hand.

I reluctantly took it and he led me to the stairs leading up to the second floor of the room. I was surprised to be led to what looked like a giant observatory deck.

The room was round and the walls were all glass, the ceiling was glass letting in a vast amount of sunlight and providing a fantastic view of the unfinished hotel grounds and even the far city of Seoul. Jiyong led me to the right corner of the deck and I gasped at what I saw.

That particular corner of the room felt different. The air was hotter and I couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy. From the glass I could see what seems to be the pool but the water seems to be drained out to be replaced by a green liquid, liquid nuclear.

“I-is that nuclear?” I asked and Jiyong nodded smiling proudly to himself.

“The North gave it to me yesterday.” He said as if it was just normal everyday small talk. “Amazed?”

“W-what are you planning on doing with it?” I asked as my body surged of panic.

“What do you think?” Jiyong asked looking amused at my reaction.

A dozen scenarios flew into my head: Jiyong blowing up the liquid to make a giant explosion causing radiation to infect all of South Korea, Jiyong shooting Seungri and the others with radiated bullets, Jiyong killing of everybody and destroying everything by spraying the ocean with the liquid.

“You’re planning on killing everybody, you’re planning on ruining every life that took you down, that took away your power; you’re planning on rebuilding a new country… from scratch.” I said stiffly and Jiyong looked at me affectionately.

“Smart girl.” He said and both of us just stood there starring at the pool of nuclear. “All the things you said were true. I am going to kill them, all of them who ever betrayed me, made fun of me, tried to bring me down, I will kill them all. Only the people who are loyal to me will live.”

“What about you? Won’t you get affected?” I asked and Jiyong shook his head.

“I’ve built a safe perimeter about a kilo away from the hotel. I’ve installed a special glass dome around that perimeter. Radiation can’t get in or out of that border.” Jiyong explained.

 “On the 10th of July the country will be cleansed, cleanse of sick people who can’t open their eyes to the light.” Jiyong said with an evil smirk. “All of them, they’ll die on the spot, if not then they’ll get infected by the radiation and die ever… so… slowly.”

I cringed at his tone of voice, so much hatred, so much evil. I tried to maintain a straight face; I can’t let Jiyong know I’m scared; I can’t let my guard down. I stayed silent not wanting to speak knowing that I’ll probably break down if I do.

“Victoria…” I heard Jiyong say and I turned to him to see him look at me. I was surprised, surprised that for once Jiyong’s eyes show a human emotion, he looked scarred, concerned even.

“W-what?” I asked my voice trembling slightly.

Jiyong suddenly came onto me and gave me a hug. He wrapped his hands around my shoulder and rested his head on my right shoulder. I stiffened on instinct as I felt Jiyong’s hot breath next to my ear.

“I don’t want that to happen to you.” Jiyong whispered in my ear making the hair on the back of my neck stand up from the low tone he was using. “I don’t know want to lose, not to Seunghyun, not ever.”

“J-Jiyong…” I started to say feeling my heart beat faster and faster.

“Don’t talk, let me talk.” Jiyong said and I shut my mouth. “I still love you, I don’t know why, I don’t know how, I just know that I love you.” He said tightening his hold on me slightly.

I was speechless at Jiyong’s confession. He sounded desperate, he sounded confused but one thing I knew for sure he was telling the truth, Jiyong was in love with me.

I looked down and saw a black phone peeking out Jiyong’s pocket. It had scratches on it and I finally recognized it as Seunghyun’s phone. I peeked to the side to see Jiyong still resting his head on my shoulder looking at the distance. I quietly moved my hand and pried the black device out of Jiyong’s pocket and inserted it into my loose jeans.

“Jiyong…” I said and Jiyong broke the hug and looked at me expectantly. “I love Seunghyun and I will always love him… I will never love you.” I said bitterly and I saw Jiyong’s face turn dark.

“Should’ve known... I can’t save you now, enjoy your last minutes with your beloved Seunghyun.” Jiyong said bitterly looking away.

As if on cue 2 large men came into the room and dragged me out of the room and down into the basement. They threw me unceremoniously into the boiler room and I landed right next to Seunghyun.

I scooted over to him and his gentle face slowly. I saw that the medicine had worn off a little because he fidgeted slightly at my touch. I lay down beside him and buried my face in his broad chest. Is this really going to be the end?


Omo! Did I really not update for 2 weeks? I'm so sorry, mianhae I've been putting off this fic. I actually wanted this to be the climactic chapter but I decided that it was gonna be to long (and I'm a troll just like YG Appa).

Did anyone see Monster, isn't it AWESOME? I personally think it's really 'out there.' Love T.O.P in the MV and now I have inspiration for Jiyong's personality in this fic from the lyrics of Monster... why didn't it come out like a month before? I could've got more inspiration but oh well... :(

Ok, so the next chapter is going to be the big chapter! Wish me luck! Please comment! <3

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: