

I woke up and saw through the small window that it was already sunset. I got up and found Seunghyun sitting up looking out the window beside me. I got up and wrapped my hands around his arm. He smiled at me and I could almost feel alright again… almost.

“Hey, you’re awake. Did you sleep as long as me or did you wake up and sleep again?” Seunghyun asked with a smile. That smile, what if I won’t be able to see it again.

“You didn’t sleep that long oppa, you were knocked out.” I said and Seunghyun’s face turned into shock.

“Bwo?” He said his eyes widening.

“J-Jiyong, he gave you a drug. Then he took me to his office.” I said and Seunghyun grabbed my shoulders and examined me.

“Are you alright?” he said shaking me a little.

“Oppa, I’m fine.” I said with a smile and Seunghyun let go of my shoulders but the look of worry never left his face.

“What did he want?” Seunghyun asked and I bit my lip nervously before deciding to tell Seunghyun everything.

I watched as all the colors drained from Seunghyun’s face and all I saw in his eyes were fear. When I finished he looked away and starred at the distance. The room became quiet with only the sounds of the boiler in the corner.

“Oh, I forgot.” I said and Seunghyun turned his head to me. “I stole this from Jiyong.” I said taking out Seunghyun’s phone.

Seunghyun’s eyes widened before he looked up at me with a big grin on his face. He grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. I can’t help but giggle as my head collided with Seunghyun’s chest. When he finally let me go I handed him the phone and he took it and pressed the power button.

“Yes!” Seunghyun said as the monitor and the wallpaper showed. I smiled and sat back against the wall, Seunghyun is really happy right now, I wonder if I’ll ever see him this happy again…

“We should call Seungri; we need to tell him everything.” I said after Seunghyun pressed a few buttons so that the calls we make wouldn’t get tracked by Jiyong’s men.

“I think you’re right, everyone needs to know what’s going to happen.” Seunghyun said dialing Seungri’s phone for a video call.

I sighed and starred at the phone as it tried to get to the other line. What’s waiting for us isn’t clear, we could all be killed for all I know, I just hope that by telling Seungri and the others the information I got, I could at least save them from what’s coming.

Seungri’s POV

Daesung and I were inside the office scanning every single book, every single file, every single piece of paper for useful information that we might’ve missed but alas there was nothing.

I sat back on the sofa I was sitting in and messaged my temples. ‘I wish someone will just call and give me the answer.’ I thought but then my phone started to ring.

“Who’s calling?” Daesung asked as I took out my phone from my pocket.

“Restricted number… it’s a video call.” I said before looking at Daesung. “Should I answer it?” I asked and Daesung nodded.

I pressed the green button and waited for the video of the person on the other line to show up.

“Hello Seungri.” My eyes widened and my heart nearly stopped when I saw the 2 familiar figures from my phone screen.

“S- Seunghyun… V-Victoria… how… why… what…” I stuttered and my heart melted hearing Vic laugh softly behind a smiling Seunghyun.

“Seungri, what did you say about Seunghyun hyung and Victoria?” Daesung asked looking at me curiously.

I stared at him for a second before holding up my cell phone screen at him. Daesung’s eyes widened as he saw the 2 figures in my phone.

“Daesung oppa!” Vic said smiling from the phone screen and Daesung almost ran over.

“Hey you 2, can we start talking now… I’ve got something big to tell you.” Seunghyun said with an irritated face.

“Relax hyung.” I chuckled as I plugged my phone into the TV screen on the wall.

“Ok, well Vic and I… we have some bad news.” Seunghyun said and I felt the smile on my face drop almost immediately.

Seunghyun and Vic kept on talking, telling us the small details of what’s happening and when they reach the part about the nuclear I almost fell over.

“Seungri… Seungri yah!” Daesung said shaking my shoulder and I looked at him. “Are you ok?” He asked and I merely nodded and faced Seunghyun hyung and Vic again.

“W-what are we going to do?” I asked nervously and Victoria stepped forward.

“Jiyong has a defense wall. It’s supposed to keep the radiation out… but it can also keep the radiation in. The invasion is happening on the 10th, so all of his men will arrive by the 9th.” Vic explained.

“That’s when we take them down, when they’re all in one place.” Seunghyun continued.

“We can be at the gates. We can take them down there.” I said and Daesung nodded.

“But what about the nuclear? Jiyong is gonna use it on us anyway.” Daesung said and my face dropped. I didn’t think about that.

“We clear it into the river of course.” Vic said with a smile.

“How’re we gonna do that?” Seunghyun asked and Vic stepped forward.

“This hotel is located on a small hill next to a small river which leads to the Han River. That’s where we run the nuclear. You guys will stop the water flow from the river to the city so that no one will get infected by the radiation. Set a clearing for the city, I don’t care. After taking out Jiyong’s men you’ll enter the hotel premises and load out the nuclear from the pool into the river, got it.” Victoria explained and I was amazed at what the girl said.

“Sounds like a plan.” Daesung said nodding after taking some notes on his phone.

“We’ll try to contact you on the day. We can’t keep in contact until then, Jiyong might just track us. See you then.” Seunghyun said and with that the line went dead.

Jiyong’s POV

I watched as the line went dead and a crack sound was heard. I looked at the broken pencil in my fists and sighed. I looked up at the clouded night sky above me.

“So much fighting… why can’t they just give up? Now all of them will die.” I said to myself before getting up to tell my men about the new plan.

Seungri’s POV

The days counting down to the invasion twiddled down and before I knew it, it was already the 9th, the day of the attack.

I walked through the mansion. It was almost 12 am but the big house was nothing but quiet. People were running around, Daesung and the others were shouting instructions at the many men who were all nervous.

I entered Seunghyun’s office, the quietest part of the whole house. I sat on the big chair and faced the window that let in the beautiful moon light.

‘Today is finally it… Today is when everything ends…’ I said before taking out my gun and loading it. ‘We end this today… We end this once and for all.’

Victoria’s POV

I fidgeted back and forth in the basement. It was finally the day, the day where Seungri will hopefully go through with the plan. I bit my fingers. ‘If this doesn’t work and they all die, it’ll all be my fault.’ I thought but just tried to pray for the best.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Seunghyun asked as he rubbed his eyes.

“I’m sorry oppa, did I wake you?” I asked and kneeled beside him.

“No,” he said and patted the floor next to him. “But answer my question.”

I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I rested my head on the crook of his neck.

“Oppa, what if everything goes wrong today? What if- what if Seungri and the others get hurt?” I asked and looked up at Seunghyun who looked at me with sad eyes.

“You know someone will get hurt, someone always does and I can’t guarantee that everyone will make it out alive but I,” Seunghyun’s hand other hand reach out and he entwined our fingers together. “I’ll try my best to protect everyone.”

The room fell silent as we both fell into our own thoughts. We were both nervous and we know it. We’d like to say that we’re confident in the good winning but Jiyong is smart, he can’t be fooled, I just hope his eyes are blind… just this once.

“Oppa…” I said and Seunghyun looked at me. “If- if something goes wrong, I want you to promise me something.”

“What is it?” Seunghyun asked sounding concerned.

“Promise me that we’ll do whatever it takes to save the others… whatever it takes.” I said looking up at the man holding me.

Seunghyun hesitated but sighed. “You’re not the girl I met a few years ago, are you?” he said chuckling before kissing my forehead gently. “I promise.”

We both fell asleep in each other’s arms until the familiar sound of Seunghyun’s phone alarm woke us up at exactly 7 am.

“When do you think Seungri will call?” I asked as I started to feel a knot forming in my stomach.

“He’ll call when he calls… come here. We need to save energy, we’re not gonna stay here all day today.” Seunghyun said and I sat next to him.

The plan was that when Seungri’s men were in the hotel grounds that some of them were going to fetch us. I looked at the phone in Seunghyun’s arms. I don’t know why I’m so worried. I’m almost positive that this plan will work but for a reason I feel like everything will fall today.

Seungri’s POV

The trucks trudged into the city. Rumbling noises were all I heard. No one was talking, no one was trying to make friendly conversations, everyone was quiet, just quiet.

“We’ll arrive at the dome in a few minutes. Gear up everybody!” Daesung announced and the men around me started to gear up, fixing their vests, loading their guns.

“Seungri, you might want to get in contact with Seunghyun now.” Daesung said and I looked up and nodded.

The men filed out into a deserted school just outside the dome. Daesung and I stood at a corner as the other men arranged themselves into lines.

I got out my phone and dialed Seunghyun’s number for a video call. A few seconds later a video of Seunghyun and Vic popped up.

“Everything ready?” Seunghyun asked and I nodded.

“How many troops do you have prepared?” Victoria asked sounding a little concerned.

“5. There are about 4 main gates in and out of the dome so we’ll have a troop of 50 men at each and an extra 50 to invade first.” Daesung explained from behind me.

“Daesung, you have to see this!” CL screamed from the top of the hill separating the school and the massive dome.

Daesung ran to CL and I paid my attention back on the phone screen.

“Nervous?” Seunghyun asked.

“Yeah…” I said. “What if something goes wrong?” I asked and Seunghyun chuckled.

“Everything’s gonna be fine.” Seunghyun said but I wasn’t convinced that everything was ok just yet.

“Seungri! Get over here!” Daesung screamed from the top of the hill.

I exchanged worried glances with Seunghyun and Vic before running up the hill. My stomach clenched and I knew something has definitely gone wrong.

“Look.” CL said emotionlessly pointing down the hill.

What I saw almost made my knees buckle. The outside of the dome were lined up with Jiyong’s men almost covering all of the boundaries from the outside world of Seoul into the isolated Hotel inside the dome. There were maybe 300 men there armed with guns and grenades… There was no way my troops could defeat them.

“What’s wrong?” Vic asked and I looked down into my phone to see Seunghyun’s and Vic’s worried faces.

“This is what’s wrong.” I say before turning my phone screen to the armed forces guarding the dome.

“No…” I heard Vic’s voice gasp after seeing the army down there.

I turned my phone back to me and Daesung and CL went to stare at the phone screen to.

“Seunghyun hyung, what are we gonna do?” I asked and Seunghyun looked at Victoria nervously. I was more than surprised when Victoria was the one who stepped up and grabbed the phone from Seunghyun.

“Push as many them as you can inside the dome. Try to get all of them to retreat inside. Lock all the gates and don’t let one even open until its safe.” Victoria said with a half confident, half scared voice.

“What are you gonna do?” CL asked and Victoria looked at the 3 of us sadly.

“I’m gonna do all I can to save all of you. Now go get the troops ready!” Victoria yelled making me terrified as tears build up in her determined eyes.

Daesung and CL immediately ran down the hill, shouting orders at the troops to get ready for battle. I just stood there and stared at Vic on the screen.

“What are you gonna do?” I asked CL’s question again actually afraid of her answer.

“Seungri… just call us when you’ve done it, ok? Good luck.” I caught a glimpse of a tear falling from Vic’s eyes before the line went dead.

Why do I have a bad feeling about Vic’s plan?

Victoria’s POV

I quickly wiped my tears. This wasn’t a time to cry. This is the time to be strong. No tears, no fear… no I can’t let myself fear of what’s to come.

I faced Seunghyun who was looking at me concerned. I go to him and cupped his cheeks and pressed my lips forcefully on his. As I kissed him I let a few tears fall. When I pulled back I kept my hands on his cheeks forcing him to face me.

“Oppa, you promised me that we’ll do everything we can to save them.” I said and Seunghyun cupped my cheeks and wiped the tears softly with the pad of his thumbs.

“What are we gonna do?” he asked me and I turned my head in the direction of the boiler.

“We’re gonna blow up the hotel.” I said and Seunghyun’s eyes widened.

“What!” he yelled looking shocked as ever.

I stood up and so did Seunghyun.

“Are you crazy? We’ll die! You’ll die… I can’t- I can’t let that happen to you.” Seunghyun said and I looked away.

“I don’t care…” I said finally building my courage to look at him. “We’re only 2 people oppa. Seungri is with hundreds and maybe a thousand other people. Us, we’ll probably be alive for a few more decades but those people outside… those kids that’ll get affected by the radiation, they have their whole lives ahead of them…” I said and the tears of fear started to roll down my cheeks.

Seunghyun looked at me with shock still written on his face. “If you’re willing to sacrifice everything for them then…” he took a step forward until his face was only mere inches away from mine. “I’m willing to sacrifice myself too.”

Seunghyun stepped forward and pecked my forehead lightly. We both closed our eyes knowing these were our lasts moments together.

Seunghyun’s POV

“We need to block all the pressure in the basement, any ideas?” I asked Vic who bit her lip before answering.

“We’ll just block the pipes, like this…” Vic walked over to a pile and pressed a red button and punched in the number ‘0’ next to it.

I immediately saw the affects. The boiler started to gargle louder and the pressure was starting to build.

“Now we need a detonator.” I said and I looked at the phone in my hands. Victoria looked at me and went into a corner where I saw a small bundle of wires.

“We’ll use these to connect the phone battery to the boiler.” Vic said and I nodded.

“But we’ll need to wait for Seungri’s confirmation first.” I said taking a seat on the floor next to the boiler whose temperature was rising higher and higher each second.

Vic sat next to me and rested her head on my shoulder as she cut up the wires with a broken glass she found. I starred at her… I’m not ready to lose her yet.

Seungri’s POV

Gun shots, screams and explosions filled the little field outside of the dome as our troops mashed together with Jiyong’s troops. I held my gun at the ready and shot every enemy troop in sight. That was the plan, kill as many as you can and push the rest inside the dome.

“Seungri, enemy at 12 o’clock!” I heard Daesung’s voice shout and I immediately saw my target and shot him straight in the chest.

Daesung ran to me and told me that over 50% percent of the enemies have been killed. I mentally praised my well trained soldiers for doing such a good job.

“Everyone! Push them in!” Daesung and I screamed on the top of our lungs and our forces screams filled the air as they fought even harder, pushing the enemy soldiers into the dome.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my arm and I know I’ve been shot. I looked to my left to see a smirking Taeyang. Daesung immediately stepped forward and shielded me.

“No mercy for traitors, Youngbae.” Daesung said darkly before shooting Taeyang several times on the chest.

He turned to me as I clutched the wound with my hand tightly. “You ok?” He asked me and I nodded even though the pain was nearly unbearable.

“We’ve locked all of the gates.” Minzy said running in my direction a few minutes later. “Oppa, you’re hand…” she gasped when she saw my cloth covered arm.

“It’s fine.” I said patting her shoulder with my good hand. “Hyung can you dial Vic and Seunghyun hyung for me?” I asked handing Daesung my phone.

After a few rings Victoria’s and Seunghyun’s faces popped up on the screen.

“Locked the dome?” Seunghyun asked and Daesung nodded.

“We’ve locked all the 5 gates.” Daesung said and Seunghyun nodded.

“Get everyone as far away as possible from the dome. Get into the buildings; we don’t know if the dome will keep all of the radiation in.” Seunghyun said and Daesung handed me the phone before running down to our remaining troops to fall back and retreat into the streets of Seoul.

“Seungri…” I looked down at the screen to find Victoria looking at me, tears rolling down her face. “We’re doing this to save you and the others, we’re sorry for leaving you like this. Seungri-yah, I love you.” She said and with that the line went dead.

I froze, my knees started to buckle. At that moment I knew what Victoria and Seunghyun were going to do, they were going to sacrifice themselves for us.

Victoria’s POV

I looked at Seunghyun after hanging up the phone call. He got the message and stepped closer to me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his warm embrace. I spent a few seconds resting my head on his chest before pulling back.

“Let’s do this.” I said and Seunghyun smiled and nodded.

We both got into work connecting the cables to the boiler’s main power source into the phone battery we were going to spark. I checked the pressure and smiled sadly seeing it already full. I turned to Seunghyun who had finally finished wiring the boiler and cables.

I went over to him and sat next to Seunghyun as he finally wires the cables. He looked at me and handed me a red wire with the plastic coverings cut off at the top revealing a bunch of smaller wires. Seunghyun held a similar cable in his hands except that the plastic was blue.

“Ready?” he asked me and I nodded. I sat next to him and Seunghyun automatically wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I held up the cable in front of me and so did he. We stayed still for a second hearing the roars and yells of the people inside the hotel probably panicking on why they were locked inside the dome borders.

I faced Seunghyun to find tears welling up in his eyes. I reached up and wiped the single tear that managed to fall on his flawless face.

“I’m sorry Victoria, so sorry.” He whispered.

“Why are you sorry?” I asked and he looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes I too started to tear up.

“I didn’t protect you.” He said and I felt my heart clench.

I sat closer to him and embraced him in a hug. I buried my face deep in chest and inhaled his scent and heard his heart beats.

“You did protect me, I’m here with you aren’t I? Now we both,” I held him closer to me and his free hand tightened around me. “Now we both get to protect a lot of people.”

We both held each other close as we let the moment sink in, our lasts moments to be exact. After a few seconds I held the up the cable next to his.

“Oppa, I love you…” I whispered as I pushed the wires on top of the pink and blue cables together emitting a big spark.

Seunghyun and I threw the now connected cables onto the floor at our seats. Small explosions were happening in the boiler and the temperature of the room rise drastically. Seunghyun immediately grabbed me and hugged me tighter than before.

“Saranghae…” Seunghyun’s voice rang in my ears before a big explosion blocked my hearing followed by a bright light seen through my closed eyelids before everything turned black.


Finally updated...

Finally got the sad feeling of this chap after NOT GETTING BBAT TICKETS! T_T I actually cried... oh well I'll just wait till their next tour... To those who's gonna watch... Please don't rub it in :'( And help me get tix if you can... <

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: