Seunghyun & Jiyong Pt. 2



Seunghyun’s POV

Throughout the years both of us became best friends. Hell, even the school gave us a name, GD & T.O.P, G-Dragon for Jiyong and T.O.P for me, I thought it was pretty catchy. We were now in 9th grade, the first year of High school and the last year Jiyong and I would be friends.

We both grew apart that year. I wasn’t in school much due to my parents enrolling me in a business class but every time I was in school Jiyong was different. I had only noticed the change a while ago. You know how he said that he didn’t care about money or power? Well that’s all he thinks about now.

Even now he hangs around a group of boys. They were trouble and not the kind that I like. Both of us were jokers, we did pranks and jokes but we weren’t bullies, at least I wasn’t.

It was a gloomy Monday morning that day. The light rain added to the depressing scene I watched from inside my black stretched limo. When I stepped out of the car I wasn’t surprised to see that the school gate was empty and so was the courtyard, I couldn’t blame the kids who ditched school because as soon as I closed the front door of the school the rain started to pour down heavily.

I stuffed my soaked jacket inside my locker and got my books out. That’s when I heard it. I quickly zipped up my backpack and ran at the source of the noise. I took time to catch up with my breath before standing up again. I pressed my ear against the door of the second floor boy’s bathroom. I was shocked to hear a mix of pained cries, hysteric laughter and Jiyong’s voice.

“What’s going on in here?” I asked as I slammed the door open. I was shocked to see the scene in front of me. Jiyong was standing over a crying boy, an evil smirk on his face as his usual gang stood beside him, laughing hysterically.

“Hey, Seunghyun. We’re beating up this kid. Join us.” I could see a smirk form on my best friend’s face as he kicked the crying boy over and over again. I’ve got to stop this.

I threw my back pack on the floor and ran towards Jiyong who was still kicking the now bleeding boy. I became angry when I realized just who the bleeding boy on the floor was. It was Seungri. He was the son of the Lee family that came to my father’s party just last week. He was an alright kid, he certainly didn’t deserve any of this.

“What the hell Seunghyun?” Jiyong said angrily as he staggered backwards.

“What’s wrong with you? Jiyong what’s got in to you?” I said in an equally angry voice. Jiyong straightened up his close and gave me a dirty look.

“Boys, go outside, I need a word with my best friend.” His ‘boys’ gave threw me the same dirty look as Jiyong before turning around and exiting the bathroom.

“Ok, what’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like this?” I glared at Jiyong. He was sure different from the quiet boy I met a few years back. He grew his hair long and dyed it brown, his usually neat clothes were messy and even dirty, that innocent boyish look was replaced by an intimidating look, and his cheek bones stood out more adding a little mischief to his whole look.

“Acting like what, Seunghyun? Just because I’m not prissy like you doesn’t mean I’m acting out.” Jiyong said crossing his arms.

“See, the Jiyong I knew would never insult me.” I asked in a serious yet I was also concerned for my best friend.

“Never insult you? You want respect Seunghyun? Is that what you want? Just because you’re the son of the richest guy in South Korea you want total respect for me, sorry not gonna happen!” he spat at me. I stood there dumbfounded at my best friend’s or former best friend’s words.

“I’m not demanding respect as Choi Seunghyun, I’m demanding some respect as your best friend whom without I bet you would’ve been the target for bullying long ago.” My face grew hot from just how much anger I was feeling right now.

“Wow, do you really think that? I think I would’ve been better if I never met you.” He said anger firing up in his eyes. I’d be lying if I say I wasn’t taken aback by his statement.

“Please, you’re just stuck up now that you got that gang with you. I know you Ji, this isn’t you. Remember what we you said to me when we met, you didn’t care about power of money. But now… that’s all you care about.” I said in a sad tone. I saw him look away, a little look of guilt spread across his face.

“I’ve changed Seunghyun and I suggest you change too.” I was confused at his 180 degrees change in tone. He didn’t sound angry anymore, he sounded hopeful?

“What do you mean?” I asked in confusion. Jiyong took a step towards me, his earlier angry expression replaced by that hopeful look I saw in the old Jiyong.

“We could rule this school, Seunghyun. You and I, rulers of j high school, after that we’ll rule college and so on, we’ll be invincible.” He looked at me with wide eyes. I just stared into him and can’t help but think that Jiyong’s gone mad. I stared into his face then glanced at the crying Seungri on the floor. If this was his was his way for getting power, I didn’t want anything to with it.

“No, I’m not going to be a dictator like you, never.” I said sternly crossing my eyes.

“Your choice, Seunghyun.” Jiyong smirked and turned around heading for the door. But before he closed the door he turned around and said: “The offer still stands, Seunghyun. Just in case you wanna join the winning side.” And with a slight smirk from him he turned around and left.


“Hey, you ok?” I asked leaning down to help Seungri up. He didn’t look to well to say the least. His nose and face were covered in blood and there were even visible foot prints on his shirt.

“Is that y-you Seunghyun?” asked a shaking Seungri as I helped him sit up. He grunted and held his stomach.

“Yeah.” I sighed as I reached up to the counter and grabbed a tissue and poured water on it. I sat beside Seungri and helped him wipe the blood of his face.

“Who was that guy?” Seungri said as he rested against the bathroom wall, clutching his probably bruised stomach.

“Kwon Jiyong. I want you to stay away from him.” I said from the place I sat next to him. I laid my head back against the cold tile wall. Did Jiyong really mean what he said? I mean, I know he’s always got ambitions but this… this just sounds mad. I know him, he’s a prankster, he jokes around, he’s not evil, or at least he wasn’t.

As the year came to an end, it proved that Jiyong really has become someone different. I don’t really talk to him anymore and neither does he. These days I always hang out with Seungri, he’s sort of been my best friend ever since that incident. Jiyong and his gang are now known amongst Seoul’s junior highs as the most powerful gang, I guess his plan did work. Everyone is scared of him, everyone follows him and some people even try to get into his inner circle, everyone but the few people I’ve gathered up.

I didn’t form a gang, I didn’t like gangs and never will. It was just a group of people who actually realize that what Jiyong did was wrong, what he did will lead all of us into hell someday. There weren’t many people, it was only me, Seungri, Taeyang (a rather buff guy with a mow hawk, he’s also my double agent), Daesung (a geeky yet smart engineer & Seungri’s mentor), CL (she’s sort of a girl version of Jiyong), Park Bom (Interrogation is her game and our information bank), and Minzy (Daesung’s sister, black belt in taekwondo and national junior champion in South Korea).

We were the biggest antis in the school and we actually do a good job of keeping Jiyong’s gang from taking over completely. Some kids, they were bullied by Jiyong. It was mostly the middle class kids and the not so popular that got bullied. They were mostly bullied for money and respect but the way they were bullied sickens me.

Some time the girls that got bullied would be harassed and maybe they would’ve been by Jiyong’s men if my little team wasn’t on almost every part of the school grounds. The boys got it bad, they were beaten and bullied till some can’t even stand up after what happened. The teacher’s knew about it, the nurse knew about it, hell the whole campus knows about it yet no one has the guts to do a damn thing.

My patience was running thin as these attacks were happening more often. At the end of the school year the school held their annual festival. On that summer day the school has been transformed into a mush of bright colors and smells of food and flowers. Everyone was happy and walking around the festival, checking out the music stages, eating at the different booths made by each class and just having fun. But for a reason I felt worried, I knew something was going to go wrong.

I sat quietly in the back of my class’ booth trying to suppress that heavy feeling I had.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” asked Daesung as he sat next to me. I looked at my friend as my head debated on if I should tell him.

“Nothing.” I said flatly. Ok, Seunghyun, everything is fine, nothing’s wrong, stop worrying. But then Seungri came stumbling into the booth, blood scattered on his clothes and hands.

“Guys, I need you to come with me.” He said looking like he was in the brinks of tears. Daesung and I shared a worried look before following Seungri.

He took us to the old building of our school. That part of the school was empty and deserted, a safe haven because it’s rarely visited by students nor staff yet dangerous at the same time because if you get it trouble there, no one will be able to hear your screams. We entered the 100 year old building to find CL in the middle of the room holding a bleeding Minzy.

“Minzy!” Daesung yelled as soon as he saw his sister. Minzy didn’t look good, her face was pale and sweaty, blood stained her school uniform and I clearly saw bruises on her exposed arms and legs.

“What happened?” I asked Seungri whose face was white, his face struck with horror as he stared at the scene in front of him. I know why Seungri looks so scared, I knew he had a crush on Minzy. It must be heart breaking to see the girl you love hurt like that.

“I-I don’t know. C-CL and I w-was walking pass the building when we heard some noise. W-we came in a-and…” I pat Seungri on the shoulder silently telling him it’s ok not to go on.

“Jiyong, he did this, I’m sure of it.” Said CL grimly as she dabbed a handkerchief on Minzy’s wounds.

“Jiyong did this?” said Daesung in disbelief still looking at his unconscious sister.

“I’m not surprised if he did. That guy has no limits.” Seungri said as he leaned down next to Daesung and brushed a few strands of hair away from her pale face.

I stood there seeing the bloody scene in front of me, my mind working a few hundred miles an hour. I knew Jiyong was bad but I always try to convince myself that he’s not that cruel despite the evidence that lies right in front of my own two eyes. But seeing this, seeing one of my best friend’s sister lying on the ground, bleeding, hurt, I realize what a fool I’ve been.

“He’s gonna pay for this.” Daesung said darkly as he stood up and made his way towards the door.

“Hyung, be rational.” Said Seungri grabbing Daesung’s arm.

“Rational! I am being rational! Look what he did to Minzy, Ri! You think I’m gonna let him get away with this? Hell no!” yelled Daesung in rage. This is as mad as I’ve seen Daesung. He was usually this all smile and is the one always trying to make us laugh but now he looked dead serious, I bet he could murder someone right now.

I looked back at Minzy. She really looked horrible. She didn’t deserve this, no one deserves this. I have had enough.

“Let’s go Dae, you wanna take him out, I’m with you.” I said sternly earning stares from my dongsaengs. Dae nodded and stepped out of the building with me following from behind.

“Guys! We can’t do this alone!” Seungri yelled from the doorway halting Daesung’s and my steps.

“It’s now or never.” Daesung said impatiently as he looked at me for orders. I knew that Jiyong was getting stronger, I knew that we’ll regret it if we didn’t stop him now.

“Seungri Gather up anyone, anyone brave enough. Dae, let’s get the weapons ready.” Seungri nodded and left, running towards the direction of the crowd of students. Before Dae and I could run and get the weapons in the shed of the school a female voice called us.

“Seunghyun, what’s going on?” I turned around to find Bom, my girlfriend. “Seungri told me Minzy was hurt… and now you’re planning a raid… what’s going on?” she started to throw her arms in all sorts of directions in panic which would’ve been hilarious if it wasn’t for the serious situation.

“Hey, look at me.” I cupped her cheeks and made her look at me in the eye. Bom was a rich and protected girl, she was just too innocent for this. I can’t let her be in the middle of this, I can’t let her get hurt like Minzy. “I want you to be safe alright but I need your help. Get all of the girls out, all of them. I don’t want them to get hurt and I want you to go into the old building. CL and Minzy are there. Stay safe baby.” I kissed her forehead.

She nodded and turned around to do her job. Daesung and I ran past the students and teachers enjoying the festival. After a good 5 minutes of running we finally reached the school shed in the corner of the campus. The shed was deserted and old yet big in size, it was our tool shed.

“Leave the door open, Seungri and the others probably gonna come after us.” I said and Daesung nodded opening up the front door as wide as it’ll go.

“Here, it’s my latest.” He handed me a military sized gun which I took warily. He himself took 2 guns since he’s better using twin guns.

We both geared up as best as we could in about 2 minutes before running back outside. As we were running towards the festival, I couldn’t help but think of how people will react seeing Daesung and I dressed up like this. But apparently Seungri and Bom have been busy. The festival was deserted, a total contrast to the earlier state.

“Let’s wait for the others, we can’t approach Jiyong now, they probably know.” I said and Daesung nodded yet I knew he wanted to take Jiyong out right now but I knew that if the 2 of us went to Jiyong now we’ll lose before we get the chance to fight.

But the wait wasn’t long. After about 3 minutes of waiting we heard the shuffling of a dozen feet come in our direction. At first Dae and I thought that it was Jiyong’s gang but it turns out the crowd was friendly and it was led by Seungri.

Seungri led about 6 men behind them, one of them was Taeyang. The others were familiar to me, I recognize most of them from kids from Dae and my year. There was Tao, a Chinese foreign exchange student, Se7en, the captain of our school’s baseball team and there was also Sehun, a baby faced kid with the nerves of steel.

“Got your army hyung.” Seungri said with a wide grin lifting his gun slightly. Everyone was armed as heavy as Dae and I was.

“Here’s the plan, everyone take care of Jiyong’s men, Dae and I are gonna get Jiyong, got it?” I said and everyone nodded. “Good luck, everyone.” I said bracingly. Dae and I went first, we approached the main stage where I know Jiyong and his gang was.

All of us walked slowly across the deserted festival to the main stage. And that’s when we saw them. Jiyong was sitting on the stage, a sly smirk on his face.

“Look who we’ve got here, Seunghyun and his little gang. Finally standing up huh Hyunie.” Jiyong stood up and approached me, his 6 men gang following behind him.

“You! You killed my sister!” Dae yelled all of a sudden. I looked at him, he looked murderous right now.

“Such a your sister you know that? We needed to teach her a lesson.” Said a tall male with a smirk, I recognize him as Zhou Mi, a Chinese foreign student who joined Jiyong to get some respect from his classmates. Just like the rest of them.

What I noticed from most of Jiyong’s gang is that most of them joined to get respect. Before this whole thing started I knew them as mere unnoticed students, just like Jiyong before we became friends. They wanted the status as the most powerful, I couldn’t deny that being powerful matters here.

“You’ve crossed the line!” Dae yelled as he charged forward with our small army following behind.

“Guys, stop!” I yelled but it was too late, they’ve gone in to battle. Jiyong’s gang immediately fought back with their own weapons.

Gun shots were the only noise I heard along with a few yells, who they belong to, I don’t know, there were too many for me to define them one by one. I charged forward after them and not to my surprise I met Jiyong.

“Guess it’s down to you and me, Seunghyun.” Jiyong smirked and stepped closer, his hand gun held in the air. I raised my gun which seemed superior compared to his standard black hand gun.

“You’ve terrorized this school, Ji. I can’t let you take it down.” I warned him. It was odd, Jiyong and I were talking in our normal voices despite the back ground noises but we could hear each other just fine.

“You know what? You’re right.” Jiyong dropped his gun which fell on the asphalt with a clang. “Why don’t you take me out right now.” Jiyong raised his hand as if in defeat but there was a visible smirk on his face.

“Seunghyun, shoot!” I heard a voice that sounded like Se7en in the back ground.

“Kill him!” Daesung’s voice yelled from behind me.

Jiyong merely raised an eyebrow and smirked as if challenging me to kill him. But I couldn’t get myself to pull the trigger, I just can’t, I can’t shoot my best friend. But this wasn’t my best friend, this was a monster, this wasn’t Jiyong, I’ve got to stop him.


The bullet went straight through his shoulder. I saw Jiyong’s eyes widened as he realized what I just did. He fell to the ground clutching his shoulder. What I didn’t expect was for Jiyong to look up at me, that smirk still planted on his face.

“Good job, Seunghyun.” He said, his voice cracking as he clutched his bleeding shoulder. “You’ve just made me your mortal enemy.”

My eyes widened at his statement. But what he said was true, from that moment forwards he was my enemy, no longer my best friend.

End of Flashback

Jiyong and his gang were sent to a school/jail sort of place and my gang was the strongest kids in school because of our actions. But unlike Jiyong I never took advantage of the power in my hands.

But things started to go wrong when Jiyong and his gang were released from the jail. They went wild. Because they were no longer school kids they officially became a real gang. I haven’t encountered Jiyong ever since that day but from the stories I’ve heard, he’s definitely transformed into a monster.

Throughout the years my friends and I kept listening for news about our former school mate gone bad. And the stories just get worse and worse. Sadly so did our gang.

Minzy decided to leave South Korea to the states, but I understood why she left, she was traumatized. Tao and Sehun who were both Chinese were deported due to South Korea’s state of danger at the time, we lost them on senior year. CL and Taeyang became a double agent but CL disappeared on one of Jiyong’s mission that same year. Bom became different after the events that took place, she wasn’t the brave girl I once knew, and she was a spoiled scaredy cat. Daesung was unfortunately captured by college freshman year, that’s when I lost hope.

Seungri, Taeyang and I were the ones left but I swear that someday I’ll take out Jiyong, my best friend even if it means taking away my own life cause I’ll gladly die for the ones I love.


Ah, a nice long chapter after AFF came back up :D Thank god, i was panicking for the last 2 days. I've uploaded the deleted chapters and added this one (cause I think it'll be annoying to get a fake notice for chapters you already read). Also i lost like 2 or 3 subscribers when the site crashed :( But i hope that they'll find the story again ^^b So... how you like the chapter??? COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE!

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: