

I stopped the car on a piece of land in front of a warehouse. I turned off the engine, looked at the still sleeping Vic before stepping out of the car and inhaled the sweet air, oh how I miss this place. I took in the familiar scene in front of me, I guess I was back home. I saw movement from inside the small house beyond the locked rusted gate. It was a small house, the paint on the walls were fading and peeling off but I knew that that house was the safest place on earth. The warehouse that was actually an abandoned factory sat in the corner of the piece of land, on the edge of the forest that surrounded the piece of land, it was quiet, like it was suppose to be.

“Hyung!”  My head snapped toward the voice that called me. A young man stepped out of the small house, he was tall, a few centimeters shorter than me but he was still tall, his hair was spiked up and jet black, giving him a youthful look, he was also wearing a pair of faded jeans and a worn out white t-shirt.

“Seungri-ah.” I smiled at my dongsaeng who grinned and unlocked the gate eagerly. He tackled me into a hug which I returned after hesitating, I think I forgot how touchy he could be sometimes.

Lee Seungri, son of Korea’s 3rd riches man after my parents and Victoria’s. Unfortunately unlike Vic and my parents, his parents were s. They treated him like crap, they insulted him in public and they never really cared for him.

One day Seungri snapped, I’ve never seen him so mad, he insulted his parents, and he called them names in front of Korea’s business society. His parents were so angry they were going to hit him, but I had stood in between Seungri and his father and took the blow. My parents were furious and started to fight with Seungri’s parents, insulting their how they were as parents, saying that they didn’t deserve a son like Seungri. His parents snapped and disowned him right there and then but Seungri didn’t feel a bit upset, he never really cared for what his parents thought anyway. My parents were going to take him in but he insisted in living on his own despite the fact that he was only 13. My parents didn’t let him go that easily, they gave him a job at our family’s weapon store as a weapon and the piece of land that he lives in today.

Sadly my parents had forbidden me to visit Seungri ever since the death of his parents a year ago.  Sure we kept in contact but it was different when we didn’t see each other in person. His parents too were targeted by the gang, Kwon Jiyong’s gang. Yes it was Kwon Jiyong who caused all of the commotion, actually he’s been the source of trouble everywhere across South Korea. His gang has led raids in Seoul as well as other cities, destroying homes, breaking families, he’s caused a lot of blood to fall.

“How’s it going, hyung?” he chirped happily at me as we let go of the hug. I smiled seeing him happy to see me, I was expecting him to hate me after I had ignored him for over a year. But I knew that Seungri knew the reason behind my cold treatment, but despite his childish behavior, he’s one of the smartest people in Korea beating me by a long shot.

“Gang raided the mansion.” I answered. My thoughts went straight to my parents and Vic’s, where they alright? What happened after we left? Were they even alive?

“What?” Seungri said loudly snapping me out of my thoughts. I knew from his tone of voice that he was worried, I knew that my parents were the closest thing he had to real parents.

“I’m sure their alright.” I said in a confident voice even though I wasn’t nearly as sure as I sounded. But even if they weren’t alright, I am going to make Jiyong pay for tearing up my family and shooting Victoria. Wait, what am I standing here for? Victoria needs he-

“S-Seunghyun!” My head and Seungri’s head snapped to the voice coming from inside my car. I ran to the car and opened the back door to see Victoria sitting in the backseat clutching her arm. I cringed as I saw a trail of green liquid come out of her wounded arm.

“W-what’s happening?” she asked me weakly her face contorted in pain. I saw her clench her eyes shut in pain as sweat dripped down her forehead, my heart clenched seeing the scene in front of me.

“Who’s she hyung?” Seungri asked horrified as he looked at Vic who was writhing in pain.

“I need to get her inside, I think there’s something wrong with her arm.” I said sternly looking at him ignoring his previous question. He nodded and ran back to the house.

“It’s gonna be ok.” I quietly whispered as I lifted her up bridal style out of the car and into Seungri’s small 2 story house.

“My bedroom empty?” I asked Seungri who nodded. It wasn’t technically my room it was just a room that I would stay at when I visited Seungri in my high school days. I laid her down on the bed gently just in time as Seungri entered the room a small bucket in his hands.

He put the bucket on the floor and pulled out a wet towel and handed to me. I took it from his hands nodding in thanks.

“Vic…” I said soothingly her sweaty cheeks. “Let go.” I said touching her hand which was clutching the wound. She let go almost immediately surprising me, I knew how stubborn she was.

“Oh, god.” Seungri and I gasped as we saw the state of the wound. The wound was bigger than I thought, we could actually see the muscle of her bicep. But there was something weird happening to the wound, the skin around it was dry and there was a mysterious green substance leaking out of the wound along with the red blood.

“Hang in there.” I said as I gently place the wet towel over the wound. She winced in pain but didn’t pull away.

“I need a bandage.” I said turning to Seungri who nodded and hurried out of the room in urgency. He came back before I realized it giving me a bandage to wrap the wound.

I managed to fix her up to the best of my abilities. I guessed my mom knew what she was doing when she forced me to train in her hospital. Vic was still writhing in her bed in pain after I fixed her up, I guess I have no choice but to use force.

“Seungri-ah, go to the next room and give me my mom’s drug box.” I said and I saw Seungri stare confused at me.

“What are you trying to do hyung?” he asked sounding concerned.

“You want to keep her in pain?” I asked angrily at him who gave me an apologetic look before scurrying out of the room. He came back holding my mom’s old drug box, dust covering the top. I opened it and got ready a needle to give her a shot. I inserted the needle into the vain on her injured arm. Her breathing became stable and she soon closed her eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

“She gonna be ok, but she’ll have to stay for a while, cool with you?” I asked and I saw a grin spread across Seungri’s face.

“Let’s eat hyung, I’m hungry.” He said smiling and headed out of the room. I made sure that Vic was sleeping before heading out the door and into the kitchen.

“So who was she hyung?” Seungri asked as he prepared some food on the stove and as I sat on the small dining room kitchen.

“She’s- uhm- she’s kinda my fiancé.” I said rubbing my neck. Were we still even engaged? I don’t know. Seungri spun on the spot and faced me, a shocked look on his face.

“What?” he asked his eyes wide. I chuckled and explained everything to him, about the engagement, about our fake relationship, well everything. Seungri is like a brother to me, he knows everything about me and is the only person who could read me like book.

“So, you really like her?” he asked as he sat in front of me on the small dining table. I almost choked on the ramen he made me. He thumped my back a few times before I regained my composure.

“What? No! Well, actually-“ I stuttered as I consider my feelings, did I like her that much for it to be so obvious to my dongsaeng? “Am I that obvious?” I said slumping in my seat as Seungri smiled in victory knowing his theory was correct.

“You could be more discreet hyung.” Seungri chuckled. “But I guess I know why you like her, she’s really beautiful.” I raised my eyebrow as I saw my dongsaeng gaze into the distance, a dazed look on his face.

“What the hell Seungri? You like her don’t you?” I smirked as my dongsaeng looked at me, his cheeks blushed a little.

“Well… I’m sorry I like your fiancé, hyung.” Seungri said looking down ashamed. Another thing I like about this dongsaeng is that he respects me so much despite the small age difference in between us. I chuckled, causing Seungri to look up confused. I guess he was expecting me to get mad.

“She’s not my fiancé anymore.” I said glumly looking away from Seungri. I knew that the moment we left, the engagement was off. I knew that when she threw the ring at me it made it clear to the both of us that our so called ‘relationship’ was off.

But even though I knew, I couldn’t help but feel sad, I didn’t know why though. I’ve always knew that the engagement was a set up but I guess because I had spent so much time with Vic, I’ve actually grown to like her. But I guess she feels differently. I know that I’ve always made her hate me but the truth is I only acted like a jerk towards her too try and hide my feelings. Wow, I sound like a teenager in distress.

“I’m sorry hyung. I promise though, I wouldn’t lay a finger on her without your consent.” Seungri held up his right hand as if making an oath. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. He pouted as he fixed his messy hair.

“Yah, stop pouting, you’re 21 for god sakes.” I said jokingly as I continued to eat.

“Well you’re 24 and can’t even confess to a girl.” He retorted at me. The smile that was on my face disappeared quickly hearing my dongsaengs words.

“What do you want me to do? Say ‘hey, I really like you’ than leave? That’s not funny.” I said seriously.

“What do you mean you’re leaving?” asked Seungri, a worried look on his face.

“I have to get Jiyong. What did you expect me to do? Let him get away with keeping my parents hostage? No way.” I said. I knew that Jiyong wouldn’t kill them, he’ll just keep them hostage. My father taught me about people like Jiyong. They were smart but slow, the planned every small detail and closes every loophole but they were slow, too slow for their own good.

“I’m not saying that hyung, it’s just… I barely know Victoria-sshi. Hyung, she won’t like it if you just left, no matter how much she hates you.” He said matter of factly. Even though I knew he was right, I didn’t like it.

“I don’t think she’ll notice if I died anyway.” I said sarcastically. Seungri’s expression turned grim the moment those words slipped out of my mouth.

“Don’t ever say that hyung.” He said seriously. I smiled inwardly seeing my dongsaeng care so much about me, I know he’ll take care of Vic.

“If I did die, you would take care of Vic for me, promise me.” I said and saw the grim expression turned sad on Seungri’s face.

I knew that this wouldn’t end well. Jiyong is powerful, he could kill anyone with a single order, and he could burn down a city with a flick of his finger and a few thousand dollars to make a false report. I knew that the odds of Jiyong being taken down die by each day. But the problem was everyone was scared, everyone was ready to bow down and respect the unfair dictator, but I wasn’t and I knew Seungri wasn’t ready to bow down to that man until we were dead.

“Don’t say things like that hyung, please just don’t say that kind of .” He said closing his eyes for a moment, a look of discuss on Seungri’s face.

We stayed silent for a while, both of us delved into our own thoughts.

“I think we should call it a night.” I said breaking the silence when I saw Seungri’s eyes began to close. I got from my seat and hauled my dongsaeng up the stairs. I chuckled as I saw the almost sleeping but still walking boy, I wonder if he’s old enough to take care of Vic.

“Good night, hyung.” He said as he jumped on his bed and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I chuckled and closed the door behind me. I made my way to my room and sat on the foot of the bed. I haven’t really realized how tired I was until I looked into the mirror that was placed on the wall opposite of the bed.

I laid down carefully beside Vic, not caring that our arms were squished until I heard her wince in pain. I sat up straight away and looked at Vic who was stirring awake.

“Ssh… go to sleep.” I cooed in her ear and her eyelids started to close again. I got down from the bed and got another needle and injected a drug into her arm that should keep her sleeping until morning without any pain.

“You’re a handful you know that?” I said as I her soft brown hair. I traced her soft features with my fingers. I watched her as she slept, her face was soft and calm, she was prettiest like this not when she was worried or sad or angry. Maybe she was better without me because I think she’s happiest when I’m not here.

Victoria’s POV

I woke up with the sunlight beating on my face. I slowly got up, propping myself on my elbows forgetting about my wound completely until I felt a searing pain on my right bicep.

“.” I gasped and sat up straight as I took a look at my arm. There was a bandage on the wound, the bandage was stained by blood but otherwise ok. I looked around the sunlit bedroom, wait where was I again?

I racked my brain for answers but the details were fuzzy. I remembered calling out for Seunghyun in pain when I noticed my wound act up weirdly. I remember a handsome guy ask Seunghyun who I was then everything else was just a big blur of pain.

I heard a knock come from the bedroom door across the room from where I was sitting. The door creaked open to reveal the handsome boy I remembered. He had a friendly and youthful face, his hair was styled perfectly, he was wearing a casual shirt paired with some faded jeans. He smiled a friendly smile at me before coming into the room quietly.

“Let’s talk outside, I don’t want to wake hyung.” He whispered in my ear and held my hand. I glanced to my side and saw Seunghyun still asleep, I noticed the lines under his eyes and how tired he looked so I decided to oblige to the mysterious handsome boy in front of me. He walked me out of the bedroom and showed me to the bathroom across the hall.

“Sorry for being so mysterious, I’m Lee Seungri, Seunghyun’s best friend.” the handsome boy said offering me his hand. I took it and we shook hands.

“I’m Lee Victoria. Seunghyun’s captive.” I said jokingly but I saw his face drop at my ‘joke.’ “Hey, did I offend you, I’m really sorry.” I said looking at Seungri who just smiled.

“Nah I’m not offended. Hyung and I are really close so you can trust me ok but I’m still older than you so call me oppa. You might want to freshen up first. I found these in your car, you might want to change up.” Seungri handed me some clothes that were inside the backpacks in the car.

“Thanks oppa.” I bowed at him before taking the clothes from his hands and entering the bathroom. I felt my cheeks with the back of my hand and felt them burn, wow it’s been a while since I felt like this. That Seungri guy seems really cute and he’s nice too unlike that sleeping oaf.

I gasped as I saw myself in the mirror, I looked like bridezilla! My brown hair was messy and in clumps, my makeup was smeared and gun powder was all over my face. Wow, that Seungri guy was really nice, I knew that Seunghyun would’ve laughed at me and insulted me if he saw me in this state. I quickly took a shower and felt like a new person the moment the water washed away the excess make up and day old hairspray of me. I quickly got dressed into my new clothes, a white button up shirt and blue denim shorts. I threw my dirty clothes inside the hamper and fixed my hair into a messy bun, letting a few strands fall out. I hoped Seungri liked the way I look.

I stepped out of the bathroom to see Seungri leaning against the wall opposite of the bathroom door. A smile spread across his face when he saw me.

“How do I look?” I asked him slightly nervous of his answer.

“You look great, come on let’s get some breakfast.” I felt the blood in my cheeks heat up as he took me by the wrist and led me to the kitchen.

“Help me make breakfast.” He said handing me an apron.

“I can’t cook.” I mumbled in embarrassment. I know that every girl needs to know how to cook but what are maids for.

“Wow, you’re just like my- never mind. Come on, I’ll teach you, every girl needs to know how to cook right?” Seungri smiled sweetly at me and led me to the stove.

I was surprised to know how easy cooking is all thanks to Seungri. We managed to cook a full on breakfast, pancakes, bacon, eggs and potatoes.

“Dig in, you look thin.” Seungri smiled handing me a plate of eggs.

“Gomawo, oppa.” I smiled at him and took a seat in the dining table and ate like a pig.

“You should slow down or you’ll choke.” Seungri chuckled as he ate his breakfast beside me. I gave him and embarrassed smile and ate more slowly.

“Seungri oppa you’ve got some syrup on your cheek.” I giggled as he looked up in surprise and started to wipe his cheek in all the wrong places. “Here” I leaned in with a tissue in my hand and wiped the syrup off his cheeks.

“Thanks.” He looked at me and smiled. We stared into each other for a moment ignoring the fact that our faces were mere inches apart. I saw him lean towards me about to kiss me. My heart thumped faster in my chest as I eyed his beautiful lips.

“Ehem.” Our heads turned towards the voice and of course as I expected the big oaf of a man stood there, hands in his pockets a jealous look on his face. Wait why did he look so jealous?

“Morninghyungyouwantsomebreakfast?” asked Seungri rapidly moving away from me and speaking as fast as lightning as he got Seunghyun a plate of eggs.

“Thanks for ruining the moment.” I said grumpily at him as he took a seat across from me.

“Anytime princess.” He smirked at me before taking the plate of food from Seungri’s hands.

All 3 of us ate our breakfasts quietly that morning. I hated the awkward atmosphere and of course the one who caused it. It was just like him to ruin a beautiful moment like that.

All 3 of us looked at the door when we heard a knock. I looked at the 2 guys around me both had a confused look on their faces.

“I’m guessing you guys didn’t expect guests.” I said breaking the silence.

“They couldn’t have found us right?” Seunghyun asked Seungri worried.

“No, course not, this place is protected.” Seungri said confidently.

“This is ridiculous.” I got up and went over to the door followed by Seunghyun and Seungri. I took a look back at the 2 boys before opening a door.

“Who are you?” asked a girl standing in the doorway in a rude tone. The girl was tall but shorter than me, she was wearing a short dress and her long red (yes red) hair fell down her shoulders gracefully.

“Wait I should be asking you the same thing.” I said in an equally rude tone. I didn’t like this girl, I don’t like her one bit.

“B-Bom?” I heard Seunghyun stutter as I suspect he said the girl’s name.

“You know her?” I asked Seunghyun but he didn’t have enough time to answer because a ear splitting scream broke through the room.

“Seunghyun!” screamed the girl as she pushed me aside and ran at Seunghyun.

“.” I cursed under my breath as Seungri helped me up from the ground.

“Oh how I missed you Tabi! How are you! What happened! Who’s that tramp?” she squealed at Seunghyun but turned and gave me a dirty look at the last part.

“Who you calling a tramp? Who are you!” I said angrily as Seungri kept me back from attacking the little fire hidren.

“Oh sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Park Bom, Seunghyun’s girlfriend. You must be Lee Victoria right?” she asked in a false sweet voice. She looked me up and down, Seungri held both of my hands stopping me from slapping the little in front of me. “You are really ugly, no wonder Seunghyun was so sad to marry you.”

“You !” I screamed and managed to elbow Seungri in the rib causing him to let go of me. I grabbed her by her hair and slapped her hard across her face causing her to fall limp to the ground sobbing like a baby. I looked up at a stunned Seunghyun.

“You dated her when we were engaged?” I asked him in rage.

“You kissed Seungri!” he retorded at me getting angry himself.

“I can’t believe you!” I ran past him, tears welling up in my eyes. I ran to our shared bedroom and slumped down on my bed. I wiped the tears furiously with my hands. Why was I even crying? Seunghyun was never mine anyway. So why does it hurt so much?

Seunghyun’s POV

“What the hell ! I told you that we’re over! You’re the tramp not her!” I screamed angrily at the crying girl in front of me.

“But Tabi, you love me remember?” she sobbed like a little kid and opened her eyes wide trying to do aegyo.

“Yes, I loved you but not anymore! Why can’t you deal with the fact that I don’t like you anymore!” I growled angrily  at her and lifted my hand, ready to slap this chick for insulting Vic like that.

“Hyung stop.” My hand was held back at the last second by Seungri. I stared at my dongsaeng for a few moments calming myself down remembering myself that I’m too much of a man to hit girls. I looked down and calmed down after a while, the only sound in the room was Bom’s soft yet audible sobs.

“Go to her Seungri, she’ll need comfort.” I said and looked at my dongsaeng with pleading eyes. He nodded and let go of my wrist and headed upstairs.

“You, stay here.” I said sternly at Bom after waiting a few moments before heading upstairs to make sure everything is ok.

I stopped in my tracks in front of Vic’s and my shared room. I took a deep breath before opening the door slightly, just enough to get a look at the bed.

“Hey, Bom’s always been like that, ok? She’s just jealous of you.” Seungri said as he sat on the bed holding Vic in my arms. I ignored the pain in my chest and kept watching the scene in front of me.

“Why would she be jealous of me?” asked Vic, her voice weak and small.

“Well, one you’re beautiful, you’re smart, and from what I’ve heard you’re a good shooter. But sadly you eat like a pig, you know it wouldn’t hurt to leave some food for others.” Seungri said jokingly at Victoria who started to chuckle and punched Seungri’s arm playfully.

“Thank you, I needed that.” Vic said wiping her tears with her hands and she smiled at Seungri, it was a bright genuine smile. I admired that smile through the small crack of the door, I’ve never seen her smile like that in front of me before, it’s really beautiful.

“Anytime. And remember, you’re beautiful, much more than Bom, araso?” Seungri said comfortingly Vic’s cheek. I saw her cheeks blush at the compliment. I saw both of them lean in together, their lips finally meeting in the middle. I smiled sadly and closed the door.

“You are happier without me.” I mumbled to myself sadly as I knew that my theory was correct. I was happy for her and my dongsaeng but I couldn’t help but feel a little sad realizing that she had picked Seungri instead of me. But I guess that was my own fault, I didn’t compliment like Seungri did, I didn’t show her my affection for her like Seungri did. But I don’t care if you love Seungri and not me, I promise to always be there for you no matter what.


Sorry I haven't updated in any story for a while, I've been busy with school T_T Thank you my 6 subscribers! PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE! LOVE U GUYS! <3

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: