

Jiyong’s POV

My eyes scanned over the papers laid out on my desk. All of them were reports from my men. Some contained news from big cities and some contained news from small villages throughout the South Korean region but all of them told me one thing, I have finally succeeded.

I had met with the dear president yesterday. People should be ashamed to have voted for him, the chicken he was. I remembered the fear in his eyes when I held up the gun to his head. I remembered the way he doubted that I would win before I shot him. That old man, he was wrong because I had already won despite the fact that I haven’t killed Seungri or this Vic girl.

But no matter, I knew I would locate them soon. I remember the ecstatic feeling after knowing my trustworthy Taeyang had murdered him. Yes, I would have liked to kill Hyunie with my own hands but none the less, it was still a great feeling to know that I had defeated the great Choi Seunghyun. And now all I need to do is to eliminate those 2…

Ring Ring Ring


“H-hello, J-Jiyong sir?” asked a rather familiar female voice with fear.

“Yes, who are you?” I asked coolly.

“I’m T-Tiffany, s-sir.” I nodded my head remembering that rich heiress that begged me to be a part of my little family. I denied but gave her a mission. I had a feeling that those 2, Seungri and Victoria had fled the country and what better way of a person proving their worthy of my gang than to help me catch the 2 people in my way of complete victory.

“Yes, Tiffany Hwang. What is so important that you need to call me, princess? Huh?” I asked in a false sweet voice and I could almost see Tiffany’s cheeks blush.

“Uhm… I found her, the girl sir.” I sat straight up, my eyes widen in delight and a smirk appeared on my face.

“Are you sure it’s her?” I asked hoping Tiffany will say yes, which she did.

“Yes, Lee Victoria is her name. She lives with her boyfriend Lee Seungri in New York. She’s a photography student in NYU.” She said and I could hear her holding her breath as she waits for me to respond.

“Thank you, Tiffany-sshi. You are now a member of my little family but I want you to keep an eye on her. I want daily reports, araso?”

“Y-yes, s-sir!” she said happily. I hung up the phone and sat at my desk, a smile on my face.

I’m almost there, I’m so close. Seunghyun is dead. I’ve also located Victoria and Seungri. And they’re a couple? Perfect, I have 2 things to crush now, their relationship & their lives.

Victoria’s POV

I wrapped a scarf around my neck before I packed my books for school. I never really went to school when I was young but I don’t know why those kids in movies always complain about them, it’s great! I was one of the best students in class now so the teacher was nice, I have the greatest best friend in the world and everything is really perfect.

I slung my backpack around my shoulder and walked down the stairs to find my boyfriend, Seungri sitting in the kitchen.

“Morning!” I chirped happily at him. Seungri looked up with a raised eyebrow.

“Happy aren’t we?” Seungri asked me as I plopped down on the seat across from him with a glass of milk.

“I don’t know, our lives here, it’s really working out.” I said with a dazed smile.

“Yeah, it’s great.” Seungri said trying to sound enthusiastic but I noticed the pain in his voice.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him but Seungri just shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile.

“Nothing, let’s get going, I don’t want you to be late.” Seungri said standing up. I finished my drink and followed him out of the apartment.

As usual Seungri would drive me to school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. It was really sweet of him despite his busy work schedule. Seungri has been busy at the office lately, I didn’t mind it as long as he doesn’t do any field work, and I want him to be safe in this country, not the opposite.

“Oppa, Yoona invited me to her house today and I don’t know the neighborhood so…”

“I’ll pick you up, what time?” Seungri asked me.

“About 8, here’s the address oppa.” I handed him a piece of paper from inside my backpack containing the address of Yoona’s house.

“Araso, wait for me, ok?” I smiled and pecked him on the cheek quickly as the car stopped in front of the university.

“You’re the best oppa.” I said as I opened the door.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” Seungri said with a cocky smile before driving off.

Yes, my life is perfect.

“Ok kids, back in your seats.” Announced Mr. Wright as he entered the class room.

I quickly went back to my seat as Mr. Wright placed his briefcase on the table.

“Ok, today we’re going to discuss-” Mr. Wright’s words were disturbed as the classroom door opened revealing a blonde haired boy.

“Hello, sir. I’m the new transfer student.” The boy said timidly as he entered the classroom bowing to Mr. Wright respectfully.

“Yes, yes. You are GD am I correct?” asked Mr. Wright reading a pink paper he had taken out of his briefcase.

“Yes sir.” GD said with a charming smile.

“Ok, class I’d like to introduce you to your new student, GD! He’s a transfer from Korea so I hope you all treat him with respect and help him. Take a seat over there GD, next to Victoria.” Mr. Wright said.

GD bowed at him one last time before taking his seat in the empty chair beside me.

“Annyeong, I’m Victoria and this is Yoona, we’re both Korean too so if you need any help ask us, araso?” I said with a sincere smile at GD. GD was a tall boy with icy blonde hair and slightly chubby cheeks and he also had the cutest lips I’ve ever seen.

“Gomawo.” GD said as he bowed his head, making his blonde hair sway over his eye.

‘Aish, so cute!’ I said mentally.

After a few hours of explaining about photography and lighting, Mr. Wright finally folded his books and said he will resume his lecture after lunch. Yoona decided to go out to lunch. I declined her invitation nicely saying I’ll just stay here and chat with GD.

“So, GD tell me about yourself.” I chirped happily shifting in my seat to face him. GD smiled a charming smile in my way before talking.

“Well there’s not much to tell. I was born in Seoul 24 years ago. I was never such a good student.” GD chuckled as I saw a reminiscent look pass across his face.

“You’re 24? I guess I should call you GD oppa then.” I said and I saw a smile spread across his face.

“Yeah, I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly but smiles afterwards.

GD oppa turns out to be the nicest guy. He told me how reckless he was in his younger years & how he used to get bullied, I felt sorry for him, he was such a nice guy. He was so sweet and cute I didn’t know how he could be the same age as Seunghyun. I noticed GD was really into music, he would blab on and on about his favorite artists but I didn’t really mind listening to him; his voice was really soft & nice.

GD smiled a lot during our chat and what a smile it was. The best part was that his beautiful eyes would smile too. GD really was full of life & was one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. He also had very distracting hair, I knew that the blonde wasn’t natural but I just loved his blonde hair so much.

“So where are your parents GD? Are they in the states of back home?” I asked and I saw GD’s face darken.

“They were killed by some gangsters when I was little, I never really had parents, and I wish I had though.” He said with a sad expression. I stretched out my hand and took his hand which was resting on the table in my grasp. He stared at my hand then at me.

“It’s ok. My parents were killed a year ago.” I admitted. I never really talked about my parents’ deaths, not even to Seungri because I know about Seungri’s parents and I knew he couldn’t really relate to me. But for a reason I felt comfortable with GD, I felt like I’ve known him forever but I couldn’t ignore the fact that he was so much like Seunghyun.

I started to think that when he told me about his experiences with bullies & gangs. He said he never liked them and always hated them and I remembered Seungri telling me that Seunghyun was like that too. GD had also told me about the fact he went into training like how Seunghyun & I went too and because of that we started to talk about weapons.

Sadly the bell rung a few minutes later & students started to file in the class once more. The class went on and I found myself stealing glances at GD. He was a really sweet guy, I bet he a lot of girls fell for his humor & charm.

“Ok, that’s all for today. Good day class.” Mr. Wright picked up his bag as usual and left the class.

“Come on, Vic. I’m so excited for Minzy unnie to finally meet you.” Yoona said clapping like a little kid and I couldn’t help but smile at her reaction.

“GD oppa, we’ll see you tomorrow, ok?” I asked with a smile.

“See you both tomorrow.” He said before bowing and leaving the classroom.

Both Yoona & I left the building and took the cab to Yoona’s house with her sister. Her house was all the way in Bronx, a neighborhood much different than where I came from. I looked out the streets and was surprised how different it was from Manhattan. The houses were small & most of them had some sort of calligraphy on the doors and walls.

“Haven’t you been here Victoria unnie?” Yoona asked me as both of us stepped out of the cab. I looked at Yoona with her neat & styled hair and her cute clothes; she really doesn’t look like she belongs in a neighborhood like this.

“You live here, Yoona?” I asked as I stared at the ‘Asia Gym’ sign on top of a wrecked looking building. I noticed that there were no doors, only windows but then I noticed that there was a stair case leading into an underground door.

“Yeah, I know it’s different but its home.” Yoona said looking down. I felt guilty for judging her so I reached out for her hand.

“Come on, I wanna meet Minji Unnie.” I smiled and she led the way down the staircase.

As we opened the door both of us were welcomed by the smell of sweat and the sight of about at least a dozen men working out. There were barbells everywhere, 2 small boxing rings and about half a dozen punching bags in the room.

“You live here, Yoona?” I asked.

“I live upstairs. This is my sister’s gym. There she is right there!” Yoona said pointing at a girl who was shouting at some of the biggest men I’ve ever seen fight each other.

“You call that fighting? I can do better than that!” Minzy yelled at the 2 men who tried even harder despite the fact that they were already covered in sweat.

Minzy was a tall girl with a rather big built. Her muscles stood out yet you she still manages to keep a woman figure. She had short shoulder length black hair that looked so sharp and sleek which framed her rather round face.

“Minzy unnie, this is my friend Victoria from school.” Yoona said. Minzy smiled at me before holding out a sweaty hand to me.

“Hello unnie, it’s nice to meet you.” I bowed before taking her hand. I saw Minzy’s eyes widen at my gesture.

“You’re Korean?” Minzy asked in surprise.

“Neh.” I smiled at her and I saw Minzy’s face soften yet for a reason she looked sad.

“Uhm, why don’t you girls go up first, I’ll come in a sec.” Minzy said with a rather sad smile before leaving into the back of the gym.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs.” Yoona pulled me to the corner of the gym where I saw there was a hidden flight of stairs. The stairs went on forever before it led to an enormous 2 floor apartment.

“Wow…” I said as Yoona placed her bag on the couch nearby.

Despite the unattractive first floor of the building the 2nd floor was totally the opposite. Mirrors with views of the neighborhood decorated the brick walls. There were 2 sets of red stylish couches in the middle of the room on top of a cream colored carpet. There were 2 glass coffee tables in the middle of the room. On the walls were about 3 cabinets filled with photos, trophies & a few dozen books.

“Come on, let’s go to my room.” Yoona dragged me from the living room & dragged me up another flight of stairs that led to a hallway. There were 3 doors, one in front of me with a wooden sign that said bathroom, a door on the right with a wooden sign that said Minzy and a door on the left with a wooden sign that said Yoona.

Yoona’s room was pink & colorful with a window on the left wall. I sat down on the bed and Yoona sat next to me.

“So, it looks like you’re pretty close with that new kid, GD.” Yoona said wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“It’s nothing like that!” I grabbed one of her pillows and threw it at her which she caught with her ninja reflexes. “He & I have a lot in common that’s all and… he kinda reminds of my old boyfriend.” I said the last part kind of quietly but Yoona heard it otherwise.

“Ooh… are they alike?” Yoona asked as she propped her chin on top of the pillow she hugged in her arms.

“I don’t know actually, they’re pretty alike I guess. I mean I imagine that if Seunghyun & GD met either they’d be best friends or worst enemies.” I said and I saw Yoona thinking.

“I don’t know about your ex- boy friend but for a reason I don’t really like GD. I mean who has a name like GD? Did he say what it stood for?” asked Yoona curiously and I racked my brains for answer in our earlier conversation.

“So, what does GD stand for?” I asked him.

“G-Dragon.” GD said with a smile.

“G-Dragon, GD stands for G-Dragon.” I said with a broken Korean accent.

“G-Dragon? Ji-yong?” Yoona said thinking.

“What about Jiyong?” I asked in a panicked voice.

“Think about it, G-Dragon can mean Jiyong. The G can represent Ji and Yong means Dragon in English right? Like that dictators name!” Yoona said happily as if she just solved a hard question on those TV shows.

“But there are a lot of people named Jiyong right? It’s not like Kwon Jiyong’s the only person with that name.” I reasoned quickly as if I was trying to reason with myself.

“I guess but I don’t know about this GD guy, I mean he didn’t tell me his real name, did he tell you?” Yoona said as she started to open her laptop on her desk.

“No.” I said timidly. G-Dragon could not be Kwon Jiyong right? GD is so cute & sweet, hell he was one of the nicest people I’ve met he could not be the dictator that killed my parents & took away the freedom of thousands of people. Kwon Jiyong, from what I’ve heard was a cruel person; he was a coldhearted killer and a person who deserves to go to hell. So GD could not be Kwon Jiyong… right?


Dun dun dun... *dramatic* I wrote this on the fact that I think GD & Jiyong are totally different people with different personalities. GD is confident and has skills to die for while Jiyong is a sweet guy with an actually soft voice. Next chapter Seungri will finally reunite with his high school love, Minzy... stay tuned ^^b

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: