동영배 (Dong Youngbae)


Seungri’s POV

I drove the car out of the 2 gates and soon we were already on the freeway on the way to Seoul. The car was silent. Seunghyun was typing furiously on his phone as I focused my attention on the road in front of me.

“Do you think Jiyong was serious hyung?” I asked after a while. Seunghyun hyung stopped typing on his phone and looked up at me.

“He’s trying to get under our skin.” Seunghyun said with a grim look on his face. “But yes, Jiyong was serious. He just threatened us.”

“What are we gonna do?” I asked.

“We’re holding a meeting at the headquarters tonight, if someone isn’t on our side, we’re finding out today.” Seunghyun got out his phone and started to type again.

The atmosphere turned quiet once more with only the clicks of Seunghyun’s phone occasionally breaking the silence.

“Meet me in the headquarters tonight at 7, araso?” Seunghyun said as I dropped him off in front of Victoria’s hospital. “Try to get some rest, it’ll probably be a long night.”

“Araso, hyung.” I said waving my hand casually as I pulled out from the hospital ramp and back into the streets of Seoul.

I contemplated on whether or not to go home or not but with everything that happened so early today I decided to just go home. I pulled into the small garage of my house. I looked up at the house or should I say mansion.

Finding a new house in Seoul after these events were so to say hard as hell. People wanted to start over, start over in a new place. People from the country decided to move to Seoul where they knew they were safe. Sadly that caused problems for me finding a place to say.

Bom offered me to stay at her place but I got a feeling Seunghyun and I overstayed our welcome there so both of us moved out. Seunghyun decided to temporarily stay at the hospital wanting to be as close as possible to Victoria for the time being. I on the other hand moved into my parents’ old mansion.

I heavily dragged myself to the front door. I sighed as I stepped into the rather grand place. As you know my parents died a few years back and even though they said that they disowned me they decided to leave me everything. I didn’t like this house, I didn’t like the events that took place here, but seeing I had no other place to go I forced myself to just live here for the time being.

“Welcome home.” Minzy greeted me as I stepped foot in the kitchen.

I smiled weakly and approached my girlfriend who seemed to be cooking lunch. Yes, we were now together. I know what she did in the states was wrong but I knew she did it to protect Daesung hyung.

“You hungry?” she asked as I wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her back.

“Yeah.” I said as I rested my chin on her shoulder.

“Seungri, I can’t cook with you hugging me. Go wait in the dining room.” She said wiggling out of my grasp.

I chuckled and stepped back. I kissed the top of her head slightly before walking to the dining room. I sat down on one of the chairs and took out my cell phone. I browsed through the files mindlessly. After a few minutes I laid down my phone on the table and decided to rest my head on my hands instead.

I thought about what happened back at the prison. Even though I wasn’t in the room with Seunghyun hyung and Jiyong I still felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up hearing what Jiyong said.

Watch your friends Seunghyun, not all of them are weak like you, some of them realize that I have the power.

Would one of us really betray each other for Jiyong? I thought about my hyungs and dongsaengs. As far as I knew I didn’t think any of them would never turn their backs on us just for power.

“Hey what are you thinking about?” Minzy said breaking my train of thought as she set a plateful full of food in front of me.

“Nothing. Thanks for cooking lunch.” I said with a forced smile as we both started to eat.

Minzy must’ve noticed my lost of appetite because the next thing I knew she had pulled up the chair beside me and sat down, starring at me intently with a piercing gaze I thought Seunghyun hyung only had.

“What?” I asked.

“Tell me what’s wrong.” She demanded firmly.

I bit my bottom lip contemplating on whether I should tell her or not. ‘She is your girlfriend. You can trust her.’ A voice inside my head said and I sighed. I turned my body so I was now facing Minzy completely.

“Well…” I told her everything. From the events that happened in the hospital lab to the meeting Seunghyun had with Jiyong. When I told Minzy what Jiyong said I saw her body stiffened and her body turn pale for a second.

“Well I know Vic’s going to be ok, she’s strong, I can tell and… You know Daesung, Yoona, Bom and I would never betray you right?” Minzy said giving me a reassuring smile.

I leaned forward and hugged Minzy. I rested my head on her shoulders as she did the same. I closed my eyes finally feeling calm as Minzy wrapped her arms around me.

“I know you won’t betray me.” I whispered in her ear.

Seunghyun’s POV

“Are you sure that it’ll work?” I asked as Heechul set the tray of medicine next to Victoria.

We were sitting in Victoria’s room. Heechul said that he had finally found something that’ll at least slow down the affects of the poison. I sat in a chair beside Victoria holding her small fragile hand. Victoria was awake but she was weak so she just lay on her bed quietly.

“Yes. This will kill about 35% of the most harmful viruses in the poison.” Heechul said inserting the greenish liquid inside Victoria’s IV bag.

I watched in nervousness as the green liquid stated to drip down the tube and into Victoria’s arm.

“How do you feel?” I asked Victoria who was still silently lying on her bed. Her head turn towards me.

“I don’t know I feel… nghh.” Her face scrunched up in pain and her body tensed.

“Look at me.” I cooed in Vic’s ear and she complied turning my head in my direction. “It’s gonna be alright.” I smiled in reassurance and she gave me a small smile.

I heard the fast beeps of Vic’s heart monitor in the background. It was beating fast as the last drops of the green liquid finally entered her system. By now a thin layer of sweat had covered her forehead. I gently the slightly damp hair away from her face.

“It’s done, I need to take a blood sample to make sure the drug worked.” Heechul slowly inserted the needle into Vic’s left arm. Vic just laid there not even caring, the small sting must’ve felt tamed compared to the affects of the drug in her body a few minutes ago.

Heechul left with the guards after taking a sample of Vic’s blood leaving me alone with my weak girlfriend. I sat there beside her and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. Slowly I saw Vic’s eyelids become heavy and within minutes she was fast asleep.

I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 6 o’clock. I needed to get to Bom’s. I looked at the sleeping girl in front of me and smiled weakly. I kneeled down and her brown hair slowly. I leaned forward until our faces were mere inches apart.

“I love you.” I whispered kissing her forehead softly before getting my coat and leaving the room.

I arrived at Bom’s about half an hour later. The guards let me in and I made my way to the big hall where the meeting would be held. I made my way towards the small door hidden behind a big painting of a Japanese house which led to a small hidden room.

Bom and Daesung were sitting on a small wooden table both chatting. Both of them turned to me as soon as the door creaked open. Bom immediately stood up and approached me with Daesung standing behind her.

“Is it true? Is one of us really a traitor?” she asked looking horrified.

I spent the half an hour explaining every explicit detail to the 2. I don’t know but I feel like they were the 2 people I trust would never betray me. Minzy was one of them but I knew Seungri would’ve told her by now.

When the clock ticked 7 the door of the small room opened and came Seungri with Minzy trailing behind him. Bom greeted them and all 5 of us sat down on the table.

“Have they arrived yet?” I asked Seungri.

“Yes, everyone just arrived.” Seungri said and Bom nodded.

Bom pressed a small red button on the side of the table and all 5 of us backed away from the seemingly normal wooden table as it lit up. The wood slowly turned into glass and lights shot up from the sides. Slowly a small replica of the hall outside came up in full color like a plant growing. Then white figures appeared on the hall replica, walking around, talking to each other and slowly details formed on the what use to be white figures revealing their identities.

“Wow…” Seungri gasped as we all came closer to the table.

“15 people.” Daesung said after counting the moving figures on the table.

“Hey, why’s Taeyang not in here?” Minzy asked pointing at the Taeyang’s small figure on the table.

Everyone turned and faced me. I guess I knew what they were thinking, why didn’t I invite Taeyang who was part of our gang from the early ages? Part of our small little family.

“Taeyang and CL worked for GD. He might’ve influenced them in one way or another.” I said coldly and resumed examining the small moving figures on the table.

“Y-you think one of them could be the spy?” Bom asked with a horrified look.

“Maybe.” I was surprised when Daesung spoke up. “When I was a prisoner none of them even tried to contact me. I knew CL was on some mission but Taeyang didn’t even glance at me when I was being captive.”

“CL said that she was in hiding in the north, she couldn’t be the spy.” Bom said eyeing her unnie’s figure who was chatting with a tall man.

“Anything is possible.” Seungri said as he eyed a Taeyang who had gotten out his phone.

All 5 of us eyed Taeyang as he moved out into a quiet corner of the room and made a phone call.

“Track that.” I said and Daesung nodded. Daesung touched the floor next to small Taeyang’s feet and the replica zoomed in to Taeyang so that his small 10 cm figure grew into a 30 cm figure. I touched the small phone replica and the information about the call appeared on the table.

“He’s making a call to the Seoul Maximum Security Prison.” Minzy read.

“Hyung, isn’t that where Jiyong is?” Seungri said with wide eyes.

My eyes widened and I got up and turned around and took out my phone and called Kangin with shaking hands.


“Yeobseo, Kangin?”

“Yes, what can I do for you, Seunghyun?”

“Tell me, can high security prisoners accept phone calls?”

“I don’t think so, no, why?”

“Then tell me why the highest and most dangerous criminal in your facility is enjoying a phone call right now?” I hissed feeling my anger reaching its core.

“What? That couldn’t be… oh…”

“Yeah, oh!” I snapped. “Cut off all communication signals!”


And with that the line went dead. I stuffed my phone back into my pocket. I closed my eyes attempting to calm myself a little.

“Hyung, Taeyang’s gone!” Daesung said and I turned around in shock.

Sure enough the replica of the room was still filled with people, but there was no Taeyang in sight.

“Seungri, track his phone now.” I said before turning to Bom and Minzy. “Get CL and tell her to go to the front gates.”

I turned to the wall in front of me and knocked on it 3 times. The wooden panel slid to the side showing 2 guns. I grabbed one and threw the other one at Daesung who caught it.

“Come on, we need to catch an old friend.” I said loading my gun.

Many heads turned in our direction as the 6 of us ran out of the portrait.

“What’s going on?” I heard CL ask but Daesung, Seungri and I just kept on running as Bom & Minzy approached CL.

“Where is he?” I said as the 3 of us ran through the dark hallways of Bom’s mansion.

“He’s on the 2nd floor stairway, he’s heading for the exit.” Seungri said.

“Come on, we can’t let him get away.” Daesung said and the 3 of us immediately ran faster.

We halted at the front door. I turned and signaled Daesung and Seungri to get ready and arm themselves. The 3 of us crept onto the field, the slightly wet grass crunching under our feet. I got out my gun and pointed forward, getting ready for what’s to come.

“Hyung…” Seungri hissed in my ear tapping my shoulder. I turned to him and he pointed to the field in front of us.

Sure enough, in the middle of the field stood our old friend, Taeyang. He was just standing there looking up at the clear starry sky, his back turned to us.

“Hyung, you finally came.” He said suddenly surprising all 3 of us.

I stood up straighter and held my gun higher as Taeyang turned around, a small smirk on his face.

“You figured it out, Seunghyun hyung.” He said with a arrogant smile on his face.

“You were the one dumb enough to call Jiyong here.” I said emotionlessly and Taeyang just stood there, smiling innocently.

“I guess that was my mistake, wasn’t it hyung?” He said.

“H-hyung, why are you doing this?” Seungri asked trying to sound confident but I was near enough to hear his voice quiver slightly.

Taeyang straightened up and looked straight at me. “You see Seungri, sometimes in life, you need to pick sides, but always remember, the good never wins.” I felt my finger twitch on the trigger, begging to press the small metal and shoot the traitor in front of me.

“You will never win Seunghyun hyung.” Taeyang said and right on that moment a blinding light came from the sky followed by the sounds of propellers.

A metal ladder fell from the helicopter hovering over us right beside Taeyang. Taeyang smirked and climbed onto it. Daesung and Seungri began to shoot but the copter was just too fast. Just as the helicopter was about to go higher, Taeyang screamed.

“Hyung! I hope you make it time for my small visit for dear Victoria!” He screamed, a sick smile forming on his face.

At that moment my body froze, all the color in my face disappeared. No, he wasn’t… he wouldn’t…

I looked around frantically until I spotted Daesung’s motorcycle parked near the gate. I turned to Daesung who had to froze in fear.

“Dae, give me your motorcycle keys!” I demanded and Daesung dug his pockets before taking out the metallic key.

I turned to Seungri who looked like he was about to collapse any second. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him before he finally snapped out of his trance and looked at me. “Get help as fast as you can.” I said and Seungri nodded.

I turned around and ran to the motorcycle and climbed on. I put on the black helmet and the engines. With a roar of the machines under me I sped out of Bom’s mansion and into the crowded streets of Seoul.

I swerved in between cars and busses of the bustling city carefully but I refused to slow down. My mind ran as fast as the motor bike under me.

I couldn’t believe it, Taeyang was Jiyong’s spy. I trusted him, I trusted Taeyang as one of my most loyal men.  But I was wrong, this ‘loyal man’ was now flying on what I suspect was Jiyong’s orders to the place where the person I most cared about was. I am not going to let him hurt Vic but I have a gut feeling that it was going to be a bloody mess because of him, the person I had trust. I guess I was wrong, I guess I was wrong to trust Dong Youngbae.


So sorry for not updating in about 8 days... Mianhae :( But I really wanted the last chapters of this story to be as epic as ever so... Fighting! Please comment & subscribe (btw Gomawo for the 50 subbies, love you <3)

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: