It's Over


Seunghyun’s POV

I sat in the car nervously as the small black vehicle came closer and closer to the gates of Jiyong’s mansion. I sat there in deep disguise complete with black sunglasses and a hat to cover my hair. Seungri sat beside me, nervous as as the car came to a halt as one of the security guards of the mansion came to our car. The driver stopped and I opened the window next to me.

“Invitation please?” he asked and calmly took out the red envelope from inside my pocket and handed it to him.

“Everything alright?” I asked in a cold voice as the guard kept inspecting the invitation I obtained from Kai before he died.

“Yes, but-” the guard started to say but then a familiar figure came to him and snatched the invitation from the guard’s hands.

“What are you doing keeping a guest waiting?” Taeyang scolded the guard who bowed his head. “I’m deeply sorry sir to keep you waiting, the new help isn’t as trained. Please proceed.” Taeyang said and I gave him and amused smile which he returned with a smirk.

The driver drove forward and parked the car in the parking lot.

“You ready?” I asked Seungri.

“As ever.” He said confidently before stepping out of the car.

Seungri and I were standing outside the mansion waiting to be escorted.

“Hello, sirs.” We turned our heads to see Yoona standing there with a welcoming smile I’m sure Jiyong trained the servants to have. “May I see your invitations?”

I slowly took out my invitations and handed it to her. Yoona eyed the paper curiously before looking up at us.

“Yoona, it’s us.” Seungri whispered lowering his sunglasses a little.

I saw Yoona squeak quietly before gaining her composer once more. She calmly handed us our invitations back. “Thank you sirs, please follow me.”

We both were led by Yoona around the house. Seeing all the commotion around me, Yoona turned her head to us.

“Is everything ready?” she asked in a hushed voice.

“Everything is ready. We secured the mansion in a 1 km radius. The 1st & 2nd squad is hidden here in disguise.” I said keeping my walking pace steady and my face emotionless.

“And how many people are in the 1st & 2nd squad?” she asked in a worried voice.

“About 100.” Seungri answered.

“And you think that’s enough to take him down?” Yoona asked as she turned to a wide field behind the mansion.

“50% of the navy and the American FBI and Army are helping us. I’m pretty confident.” I said as Yoona led us to a giant tent.

“I hope this works.” She said before leaving us.

“It will, I promise.” I said with a reassuring smile before Seungri and I made our way into the tent.

We both took a seat in the 3rd row. Not to close or too far away from the alter. I sat there, waiting for the ceremony to start next to Seungri. This will work, I know it will.

Victoria’s POV

The people around me moved and swarmed around the mansion and garden like bees. They kept on yelling and calling out orders or names but all I heard was a light buzzing sound as I sat on the couch in the parlor in the middle of the chaos around me.

“You ready?” Daesung asked as he took a seat beside me.

I looked at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room as it chimed 10 am. I looked down at the gorgeous white dress I was wearing… it’s time.

“Yes.” I sighed as Daesung stood up and took my hand in his.

The crowd of people who were still buzzing around made way for Daesung and I as we walked through the mansion and out into the back yard where the white tent stood tall and proud.

“Finally, you’re here.” Yoona said rushing over. Yoona was assigned as one of the wedding coordinators. She was dressed in a lavender dress and her hair was braided to the side, I would’ve complimented her but then I remembered the reason she was dressed so beautifully.

“Seungri and Seunghyun just arrived.” Yoona said and I couldn’t help but smile and get excited. She nudged one of the servants beside her who gave her a bouquet of roses. She examined it before handing it to me.

I took the flowers in my shaking hands. Daesung let go of my hands and stood beside Yoona.

“You look beautiful unnie.” Yoona said with a sad smile.

“Gorgeous.” Daesung said with a smile.

I just stood there, my heart thumping wildly in my chest as I knew the moment I was going to be Jiyong’s wife came closer and closer.

Seunghyun, I hope your plans work.

“Stay calm, everything’s gonna be alright.” Daesung whispered in my ear as we both walked to the door of the tent.

Just then I heard the sweet sounds of a violin, piano and a harp play the soft tune that is the wedding march.

“Good luck.” Daesung said before urging me forward.

I looked back at Daesung who gave me an encouraging nod and smile before looking forward. I guess this is it.

The crowd around me all starred at me as I entered the large tent and onto the white carpet holding the rose bouquet tightly in my hands.

“She looks so beautiful.”

“Worthy of a first lady indeed.”

“I heard she was once the fiancé of the late Choi Seunghyun.”

I just walked to the beat of the song slowly. Ignoring the comments, especially the ones involving Seunghyun. As I faced forward, my gaze landed upon my fiancé.

Jiyong was standing on the alter with a smile on his face as he looked at me with those seemingly kind eyes. His hair was blonde and was spiked up, giving him a rather youthful look. He was also wearing a traditional tux that I had to admit looked good on him. I almost regretted the moment a servant girl took the bouquet away from me and Jiyong held out his hand to help me up the alter.

“You look beautiful.” he whispered in my ear as he tool both of my hands in his. I stared into his eyes for a second and then at the crowd.

This was really happening, I can’t believe it’s really happening. My eyes landed on 2 familiar figures sitting in the 3rd row. One of them looked up and took off his sunglasses. I saw those eyes, those eyes that I miss so much, those eyes that I thought I wouldn’t be able to ever see again, those eyes of Seunghyun. He gave me a small, barely noticeable smile under his hat which just seem to send hope up my nerves.

I looked back at Jiyong. “I’m ready.” I said with a brave smile and Jiyong looked at the priest who immediately stepped forward.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Kwon Jiyong and Lee Victoria in the ties of holy marriage.” He said loudly and the noise from the crowd immediately died away.

I wasn’t even listening to the priest as I kept on staring at the man in front of me. Even if the smile across Jiyong’s face I could just see how happy he was. These moments I think that I wasn’t looking at the horrible person that is Kwon Jiyong. I wasn’t looking at the murderer, at the dictator, at the person who captured me, I was looking at the could be loving and hopelessly in love Jiyong.

“Do you Kwon Jiyong accept Lee Victoria as your wife?” the priest asked Jiyong and I saw his eyes sparkled for a moment.

“I do.” He said with a loving smile towards me. For a reason I felt my heart skip a beat.

“And do you Lee Victoria accept Kwon Jiyong as your husband?” the priest asked.

I stared at Jiyong then I glanced at the crowd before my eyes landed on Seunghyun. I gave him a pleading look before facing Jiyong. I was surprised to see Jiyong’s face begging me, begging me for the answer.

“I d-”




Jiyong immediately grabbed me into his arms as the floor shaking explosion continued. Guests immediately panicked and started running out of the tent which was a struggle when about a dozen men in black war outfits came filling the tent.

“Let go of her Jiyong!” Seungri said pointing a gun at Jiyong.

Now that Seungri and Seunghyun thrown away their disguises I could clearly see their faces. Both were standing in the middle of the tent as the army squad stood around the sides, all pointing a gun at Jiyong.

“Well hello there, nice for you to…” Jiyong maneuvered me so fast I didn’t get a chance to react let alone escape. “Drop by.” Jiyong has whole right hand around my neck, forcing my head to rest on his shoulder. I bravely looked down to see what was poking me and saw a black gun pointed at the side of my stomach by Jiyong’s left hand.

“Let her go, Ji. It’s over, you’re finished.” Seunghyun said still pointing the gun at Jiyong.

“And what makes you think I’ve lost?” Jiyong asked with a slightly amused voice.

“This.” Seungri said with a smirk.

And on that second the tent fell to the side exposing the fields now filled with about a hundred armed men. I saw Seungri smile at Jiyong’s shocked expression. I tried to wiggle out of Jiyong’s tight grasp but just ended up being squeezed harder and the gun being poked harder into me.

“Just give up Ji, give yourself up before we force you too.” Seunghyun said calmly to his former best friend.

Jiyong stayed silent and I looked up to see a look in the dictators eyes I’ve never seen before, fear.

“What makes you think that I’ll give up that easily?” Jiyong asked as the fear disappeared and the look of confidence took over.

“Because we got you surrounded, our team is bigger in number and almost half of your people in this mansion are on our side.” Seungri spat as he started to get impatient. I couldn’t miss the pleased look on Seungri’s face as he said those words to the dictator.

“But you see, I have here…” Jiyong tighten his hold on my neck causing me to choke and whimper in pain. “Something that you value.” I looked up and saw a wide smirk on Jiyong’s face as fear spread across Seunghyun’s & Seungri’s faces.

“You know I’m a good shot right?” Seunghyun said raising his gun a little more. Then I recognized the gun he was holding, it was the gun from that night. I recognized the gun as the one Seunghyun tried to kill himself with, the gun with the turning bullets, the gun from my nightmares.

“Not that good, Seunghyun.” Jiyong smirked and I saw his finger twitch on the trigger of the gun shoved to the side of my stomach.

“J-Jiyong, p-please.” I begged starting to get scared.

“Shut up, princess.” He hissed at me tightening his arm around my neck, cutting off air supply for my lungs.

Seunghyun must’ve noticed me struggling and raised his gun. “Let her go, Ji.” He demanded through gritted teeth.

“Say goodbye.” Jiyong said and I felt the gun press deeper into my side painfully before…






I felt a sharp pain in my side and I knew Jiyong had shot me. I looked at Seunghyun who raised his gun and shoot Jiyong angrily.






Jiyong fell back as the bullet hit him precisely on the chest. I felt his hands let go of me completely and I took in a sharp of air before screaming in pain. I tried to walk forward, not wanting to be near Jiyong but I stumbled in pain. I clutched my wounded stomach as my knees buckled.

“Got you.” I felt a pair of strong hands catch me before I hit the ground. When I opened them I was surprised to see Seungri.

“S-Seungri.” I gasped out when he laid me on the soft ground. I heard about 100 pairs of feet shuffle around them but I couldn’t hear clearly of what they were saying through the pounding in my head.

“I’m here Vic, I’m here.” He said comfortingly and I nodded. His gaze traveled from my face to my wound. “Vic, you’re shot…”

“Victoria, are you ok?” Seunghyun asked kneeling beside me. His hand joined me in pressing against my wound. He looked at me and all I could see was fear in his eyes.

“S-Seunghyun, y-your alive.” I said and I saw a small smile on his face.

“You can’t kill me that easily.” He said with a small chuckle.

“Hyung, her wound…” Seungri said as his eyes widen. I looked at my wound and I was too shocked.

Not only was blood leaking but so was a green substance, poison. I screamed as a new pain spread across my body.

“We need to get her out.” Seungri said as he held my hand tightly as another wave of pain came over me.

“You’re gonna be ok, Vic.” Seunghyun said before he planted a kiss on my forehead. “It’s over Vic, everything’s gonna be ok from now on.”

I smiled with Seunghyun’s reassuring words lingering in my ears as my vision blurred and another wave of pain came over causing me to black me out.


Wohoo! Finally updated this chapter... I'm actually thinking of extending the plot of this story, please tell me what you think! If I get enough response I might just continue, but I don't think I'll get responses cause only a few of you comments... So please comment & don't forget to subscribe! <3

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: