The Meeting Before The War


I mindlessly flipped the small picture in my hands. It was a picture of Seunghyun & I. I remembered that we both took the picture at one of my parent’s parties. I know this picture was only about a year old but I can’t help but feel like it happened centuries ago. In the picture Seunghyun & I were holding hands, a fake smile on both of our faces.

I had this picture stored in my bag the day I went to that camping trip, the day Jiyong captured me and took me here. I didn’t know why he let me keep it, it was probably to torture me I guess.

“Hey.” I looked to my side and saw Jiyong standing in my doorway. He was wearing a white t-shirt under a black suit. He smiled gently at me and approached my bed.

I quickly hid the photo under the pillow and straightened up where I was sitting. Jiyong sat beside me on my bed and reached out to caress my hand. I stiffened at his touch remembering that this was not GD, this was Kwon Jiyong.

“W-what, are y-you doing h-here?” I asked looking at Jiyong who just looked at me and continued caressing my hand softly.

“What? I’m not allowed to see my fiancé?” he asked with a quiet chuckle.

“Not when you kill her parents & family, force her to marry you and threaten to kill her.” I spat at him and I saw a flash of anger spread across his face before it changed into an apologetic look.

“Why can’t you just move forward, huh?” he asked me cocking his head to the side.

“Because you can’t just forget your past that was ruined by your soon to be husband or whatever.” I said bitterly yanking my hand away from his grasp.

I looked away, not strong enough to look into Jiyong’s face any longer. He was the person who ruined my life along with millions more, how dare he ask me to forget that? The room fell into an eerie silence as the dictator beside me kept looking at me. I glanced at him once in a while only to meet his eyes where I could almost see the gears in his head turning.

“Do you want to go out with me?” he said unexpectedly. I turned my head to look at him confused.

“I thought we had wedding stuff to do. Plus I’m tired, the wedding is tomorrow.” I said making what I know was useless excuses.

“The wedding isn’t until the afternoon tomorrow, you have loads of time to rest. Come on, at least you can enjoy this relationship.” I looked at Jiyong and he smiled. “I’ll give you 5 minutes.” He said before leaning in to peck me on my cheek before getting out and walking out the door.

I sighed knowing that I had to actually go out with Jiyong. I got up and went to the bathroom to get my hair & make up ready. I went over to my closet and examined the dresses Jiyong have given me but decided to wear a simple white dress with bright red shoes. After checking myself in the mirror I went out of my room to find Jiyong leaning against the wall opposite of the door.

“Come on, you need some fresh air.” He said taking my hand in his and leading me through the mansion.

“Where’s Daesung?” I asked Jiyong remembering I haven’t seen him all day.

“I’m having all of the staff working on the wedding. That’s why I’m taking you out, I don’t like Daesung being so close to you.” Jiyong flashed me a smile sending me deeper into confusion.

A black BMW was waiting for us right outside the front doors. Jiyong let go of my hands to open the passenger door for me. I stepped forward and entered the car. I stared at Jiyong as he jogged to his seat and started the car. As we both descended down the streets into the city I couldn’t help but notice the happy smile on Jiyong’s face.

I know he has a split personality, I’ve known since the day I found out that G-Dragon was only Jiyong in disguise. At times he was sweet & seemingly normal but other times his evil side comes out. He would touch me in a cold sadistic way, he would threaten me and would treat me like I’m one of his other prisoners. But other times, times like these he would be sweet & a gentleman. But I knew I had to be on alert, this sweet guy was not who he looks like.

“We’re here.” Jiyong announced after about an hour of driving. I looked out the window to see a lake. There was a little wooden bridge that led to what seems to me a restaurant in the middle of the lake.

“Where are we?” I asked Jiyong as he helped me out of the car.

“It’s a seafood restaurant that I remembered my parents took me too about 20 years ago.” He held my hand as both of us walked on the wooden bridge to the restaurant.

I looked down to see a few fishes swim under the bridge. “And you still remember this place?”

“Of course, my parents disappeared not long after so of course I remember.” Jiyong said with a sad smile.

For once I actually felt sorry for the guy. Wait, what? I can’t feel sorry for him, he’s a dictator, a murderer, you can’t fall for this act!

“A table for 2 please.” Jiyong said to a waiter at the front door. He bowed nervously once realizing it was Jiyong and took 2 menus before leading us to our table.

The waiter led us to a table on one the balcony where we got a beautiful view of the water below us. Jiyong walked over to my chair and pulled it back for me. I sat there awkwardly for a moment before the waiter gave me the menu and left for us to decide.

“What looks good?” Jiyong asked as he flipped through the menu. I looked at him and then decided to play along on this ‘date’ and looked at the menu myself.

Once both of us knew what we wanted, Jiyong called the waiter and ordered both of our orders. The waiter bowed and left after taking down our orders.

“So why did you want to go on a date again?” I asked breaking the silence. Jiyong turned to me and smiled.

“I figured if we were going to be man and wife at least we need to know each other.” He said.

“Oh, well you know about me, you have my files.” I said bitterly remembering the day I went in his office to see papers & pictures on his desk all about me.

“Well you can learn about me then.” He said taking a sip of water. I looked at the lake beside me. I might as well get to know him right? Keep your enemies close.

 My eyes landed on the skyscrapers a few miles away. I’ve seen those buildings before when everything was still normal and I could sense the difference right away. The lively city now seemed dead & quiet.

“Why are you doing this? Why are you taking over?” I asked Jiyong. He raised his eyebrows but smiled none the less.

“I hated them, people as rich and powerful as you. They abuse their power and money to make people like me, people that get through life with brains suffer. I got rid of them & took their place. What I’m doing here isn’t bad Victoria, I’m only remodeling our country for a better place.” Jiyong sounded so convincing but I knew the meaning behind the word ‘remodeling,’ it meant burning down the old to build a new ‘better’ world.

“Oh, ok. Tell me about your past.” I said casually despite my slightly shocked insides.

“Well, I was born in Seoul. My parents weren’t rich but they had ambitions. I’d be lying if I said they were great people because they weren’t. Their happiness fed of money & power. They disappeared when I was about 5, I came to the states and found them.” Jiyong said darkly with a smirk. “They deserved what they got.”

Shivers ran up my spine just by the tone of his voice. It drenched of evil & blood, I knew I didn’t want to know further details if I still wanted my appetite.

Luckily the waiter came a minute later with our orders. I had ordered some seafood fried rice while Jiyong ordered some fish & chips. We both ate in silence, to indulged in the food and view near us to talk. Finally after we both finished our food the waiter came and took our plates away.

Just then a couple of men came in. All of them were chatting happily as a waitress led them to their table just a few tables away from Jiyong and I. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that one of those men was Seungri.

He was heavily disguised with a hat that hid his face in its shadows and a pair of shades to cover his eyes. I stared at him for a while and Jiyong must’ve noticed because he grasped my hands the next second, squeezing it tightly.

“Don’t think about it sweet heart.” He said in a tone that sent shivers up my spine. I knew that at that moment the GD personality was gone, the real Kwon Jiyong is now with me.

I glanced to my side and found that Seungri was staring at me. A small smile crept on his face and I found myself wanting to cry remembering what he did to me.

“He hurt you, he doesn’t deserve you.” Jiyong was now holding my hand to the point that it started to hurt.

“Please, let go Jiyong.” I said trying to get my hand out of his grasp.

“I know who’s here, now way am I letting you run to him. He grasped my hand harder, his nails now digging into my flesh.

“J-Jiyong, y-your hurting me.” I stuttered when I felt blood trickle down my hands from where Jiyong’s nails were piercing my skin. My hand turned red than a painful blue.

“Didn’t you hear the lady, you’re hurting her.” Both Jiyong and I looked at the source of the voice. Seungri was standing beside our table, his disguise thrown away revealing his spiky hair and handsome face. Seungri was pointing a gun at Jiyong and so were the 4 men behind him.

“Baby Ri, what are you doing here?” Jiyong said chuckling and letting go of my hand to reach for a gigantic black gun from inside his suit pocket.

I snatched my hand to my chest and clutched it as it throbbed in pain. I stared at Seungri and Jiyong who were now pointing guns at each other. I felt relieved to see Seungri but in my heart, I knew that there was no way Seungri would win over Jiyong.

“Give her up Ji. You know you alone can’t win.” Seungri said and Jiyong just smirked standing up from his seat still pointing the gun at Seungri.

“Seungri, I’m never alone.” Jiyong said evilly and then the front door was full of armored men. Some entered the restaurant and pointed their guns at Seungri & his men. I turned my head to the left and saw men on the outskirts of the lake we were in the middle of.

“P-please, Jiyong, p-please just let him g-go, remember our deal.” I pleaded stood up and pleaded to Jiyong who just smirked.

“You don’t need to beg to this low life, Vic.” Seungri said to me but for a reason when I looked at his face all I felt was anger.

“I’m begging him for you which I don’t know why I’m doing this considering what you’ve done to me!” I yelled at him. Both of them looked surprised by my outbreak, especially Seungri.

“What are you talking about Vic? Did he get into your brain?” Seungri asked me. I was surprised by his words, what has happened to me?

“Jiyong, let’s just leave.” I said to Jiyong who took my hand.

“You’re lucky she’s sacrificing her freedom for you.” Jiyong spat at Seungri before walking to the door.

Once we reached the front door I turned to Jiyong. “Keep your promise & let him go.”

Jiyong smiled and turned to one of his men. “You heard the lady, let him go.”

His men nodded and started to leave into their vans.

“Ready to go?” Jiyong asked me, his GD side returning. I nodded hesitantly and let him lead me to the car.

“Vic!” I turned around and saw Seungri running to me, tears running down his eyes. “Please forgive me!”

“I already have, I’m doing this for you and Seunghyun.” I said feeling the tears well up in my eyes. I forced a smile before letting Jiyong help me in the car.

As I drove away the tears came like painful drops of acid on my eyes. I felt Jiyong hold my hand but I don’t want his touch, I wanted Seunghyun’s. I’m doing this to protect Seunghyun, to protect Seungri & the others. As long as I go through with this marriage, they’re safe. I hope they don’t show up tomorrow, I hope they drop the plan, either way, I won’t let Jiyong kill them, I will sacrifice my life for them tomorrow if I have to.


I'm on a role!! Ok, so this is a rather boring chapter but I assure you the next one will be (I'll try my best) Epic! Since I'm trying to make it awesome I'll be updating in a week (faster if my awesomeness is high)... Why no comments? Do you think I'm boring? *cries in the corner* Well, thank you for reading, please subscribe and comment, araso? ^^b

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claribelmiranda #1
Chapter 30: Awwww..... They both die :( seunghyun and her, sad story though but thats the ending ehh? Hehe. Done reading this!
TOPpinG #2
I literally just made an account so that I could tell you how amazing this story is. SO MANY SHOCKING MOMENTS! Friggen turned the bipolar side of me on. One minute I was shocked. The next, I was crying.. I just love it. Btw I'm new to this.. Is there a way I can 'follow' you? Or is that basically 'subscribing'?
Chapter 30: I love the story, although it made me cry at the end. I convinced my best friend to read it and she cried too, but she loved it. Keep up the good work! :)
HoneyHanie #4
Chapter 30: Saengi... I don't know why you like killing Seunghyun off but.. its okay.. you killed him as a hero. I cried so hard at their sacrifice.. you are such a good writer dewi. Having Jiyong and Taeyang playing the enemy was a wonderfull twist.. wonderfully written .. well done! ;)
My Best friend just finished it and now she's crying to she loved it. She said " Y did they had to die, they were perfect for each other"
@Jenbom: Love is forever, it can surpass even death <3
@Hennisr: Thank you honey for reading
Wow, that was a really good ending, even though it was sad. I finished this is a few days, haha. Loved it.
Love is forever. Good job author-nim, fighting! ((: