
“We can still back out now.” Alessa said as she slid down from the car, Chanyeol followed behind her and grinned.

“They can’t be that bad.” He said as he looked at the Wong mansion, Lucas chuckled as he hopped towards the two.

“It’s a good thing they plowed the snow before we got here, noona.” He stated, Alessa glanced to her side and her grandfather’s staff were already unloading their luggage.

“Yeol, you don’t know how crazy my family is. I mean, you know Lucas, you’ve met my parents and~”

Chanyeol was about to reply when the front doors opened widely, Alessa flinched and faced the elder.

“Hello, welcome!” The elders Mrs. Wong was dressed in a flowy sapphire blue day dress as she waved them in, Chanyeol moved forward with a smile on his face.

“Nai nai, you didn’t have to wait out here to~” Alessa was shushed by the elder and she pulled Chanyeol into the house, Lucas chuckled and jogged after the two.

Alessa puffed her cheeks as she padded after the two, and a small smile appeared on her face as she walked in the familiar walls of her family’s ancestral house.

“It’s good to have you back, young miss.”

She paused and saw the family’s butler smiling fondly at her, Alessa chuckled before jogging towards the old man to hug him.

“How have you been, old man?” She said jokingly, the man shook his head and patted her cheek.

“Your grandfather has been talking about your boyfriend, he’s very pleased.”

“Oh, he~”

“Quite an impressive young man, I must say, to be so bold to introduce himself to your grandpa. I approve of him.” He winked at her, Alessa sighed but she was smiling.

“You like him that much? You’re turning pink.” He , Alessa shrugged, she glanced back behind her, she could hear Lucas translating for Chanyeol.

“Is it that obvious? I’m trying to downplay it.”

The fact that you let him come here, it’s very obvious. But I’m happy for you, Alessa.”



“It’s nice being home, huh?”

Lucas looked up from his phone, Alessa plopped down beside him.

“I miss nai nai’s cooking.” He nodded, Alessa pinched his cheek and looked up, her grandma was feeding Chanyeol some of her cooking, the snacks she used to make for them when they were kids.

“Nai nai, what are you doing?” She said as she approached them, Chanyeol smiled and patted the space beside him.

“Tell him that you used to inhale these dumplings when you were still kids.”

“What is she saying?” Chanyeol asked as he tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

“She used to make these for us when we were kids, every time Lucas and I would visit here, well, we practically inhaled those things.” She joked as she picked up a piece and popped it in .

“It’s really good.” He said with a nod, Alessa nodded, she looked at her grandmother.

“You look like you have something to say, nai nai.” She said, she heard her grandfather step out of his study.

“Oh, Chanyeol-ah!” He said in his very accented Korean, which always made the Wong siblings smile.

“Haraboji.” Chanyeol chuckled before standing up to greet him.

“I’ve never seen someone approach your grandfather like that.” She chuckled softly, Alessa looked at the two, Chanyeol winked at her.

“Well, he has..a way with people..I think.”

The elder smiled and patted her hand, Alessa blinked at her.

“I’m glad you let him in that icy cold heart of yours, darling.”

“Nai nai!”

Lucas guffawed from his seat.



Alessa sighed and shut her laptop close, she leaned back on the couch and searched for her phone.

“Jie?” Lucas had walked in her room, Alessa waved him over.

“What is it? Are we still heading out?” She asked him, Lucas plopped down beside her and shook his head.

“I don’t know, Chanyeol hyung went up to his room to freshen up. Are you working again?” He nagged as he saw her laptop, Alessa shushed him.

“What brings you here, baby brother?” She said, and then shuddered at her words.

Lucas chortled and took a small sip of his sister’s coffee before speaking.

“I just realized I never really..got to properly apologize to you, noona.”


“No, I mean it. I’m sorry for being mean to you, I should have seen the bigger picture clearly, as stoic and cold you are, you would never do something like that, jie.”

“You know, you keep on changing languages, my head is about to burst.” She grumbled, Lucas smiled and hugged his sister.

“I’m sorry, jie. I’ll do better next time.”

Alessa smiled and patted his back.

“I should have told what I had in mind too. But fortunately, things are better now, right?”

Lucas let go of her and he nodded.

“Yeah, luckily, nai nai seems to be okay with him.”

“Okay? The whole family is in love with him, jie.”

Alessa smiled and shook her head.

“I was afraid…that we’d scare him off by bringing him here, Lucas.”

“He volunteered to come here, jie. He’s serious about you.” Lucas said.

“Well, that’s okay, right?” Alessa asked him, linking arms with her brother.

“Of course, do you think I’d let some random dude who doesn’t deserve you actually go out with you? What do you take me for, Alessandra?” He snorted, Alessa eyed him warily but she playfully mussed his hair.

“Thanks for having my back, Wong Yukhei.”

Lucas chuckled and just leaned against her.



Chanyeol glanced behind him as he heard the glass doors slide open, Alessa walked towards him.

“Why are you out here?” She asked, Chanyeol was standing at the veranda of his room.

“You have perfectly manicured lawns.” He said as he stretched one arm to her, Alessa shrugged and let him pull her to his side.

“So, how was it? I told you nai nai can be a bit overbearing.”

“She’s actually fun, unlike you.”

Alessa rolled her eyes at him, Chanyeol cackled and kissed the top of her head.

“Are you still up for roaming around tonight? Or you wanna just..hang out here?” She asked him as he inched closer to the male for warmth, Chanyeol rubbed his hand on her arm.

“Let’s just stay in tonight. Lunch was really..filling.”

“Nai nai makes the best Chinese food in town.” She said proudly.

“But she mentioned that you were expected to come back here, for work.” Chanyeol said, Alessa paused and she nodded.

“Well, pa asked me,” She faced him, Chanyeol nodded and met her gaze evenly.

“He asked me if I was coming back here, and I told him I’d think about it. Because, our Seoul branch needs a lot of work.”

“If things are done back home, then you’re flying back here?” Chanyeol said, his lower lip protruding as he said that, Alessa had to smile.

“You want me to?” She asked him, he shook his head.

“I mean, I’m not stopping you. It’s work after all. It’s just..you’re…not in town anymore.” He trailed off, Alessa laughed and shook her head.

“I told him I’d be staying in Seoul, don’t worry, bro.” She said jokingly, Chanyeol beamed at her.

“No.” She warned him, but Chanyeol just lifted her over his shoulder and began to twirl her around.

“So, you’re going to be in Seoul then! I have you right where I want you to be!”

“Park Chanyeol!” She hissed at him, but she was laughing along.

“Wait, that came out wrong.” He paused, Alessa rolled her eyes and he finally set her down.

“You and me in Seoul, right?” He asked her again, she nodded back.

“I’ve decided to stay, well if I don’t, you might call me every hour and that would really hinder me at work and~”

Chanyeol cupped both of her cheeks and pressed his lips against hers, Alessa smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back.


“I love you, Alessadra Wong.”




THE END! (12/02/2018)

Thank you everyone! :>


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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.