
“This is perfect; we are literally celebrating that you all are leaving tomorrow.” Alessa beamed as she stepped out to the garden, Darren rolled her eyes at him.

“Be nice, we’re still here and your Chanyeol is just a few steps away.” He said to her, Alessa glanced back at the patio. Chanyeol was speaking with her father and grandfather, with Lucas translating for them. Her grandfather and father were listening intently as the Park heir spoke, and they would smile to themselves as Lucas and Chanyeol joked around.

The whole time I’ve known your grandfather, it’s my first time seeing him being friendly with another male. Well, a male who didn’t have plans on dating you.” Caesar joked as they joined the group.

“Right, remember that guy from uni? What’s his name?” Dylan spoke up.

“George Chu. He was the one who followed Alessa home. And he almost died because of it.” Connor chuckled as he picked up a bowl of chips.

“Oh my god, him.” Alessa shuddered in disgust as she sat down.

“Well, he was never her type. I mean, this jie jie likes tall men with really~” Dylan stopped when Alessa kicked his shin.

“It is true, you~”

“Didi, I swear to~”

“You’re fighting with him again.” Chanyeol joined them, she looked up and glared at him.

“Your father says you torture Dylan too much.”

“Dylan gets in my nerves too much.” She replied, Darren laughed.

“They’re leaving tomorrow, so, be nice.” Chanyeol grinned and he sat down beside her.

“We were talking about Alessa’s stalker, want to hear about him?” Darren spoke in Korean, Chanyeol’s brows rose up.

“Stalker, suitor, what’s the difference?” Darren mused at the girl, who was glaring at him.

“Back in college, there was this one dude who tried on winning her over.” Darren started, Alessa picked up her juice.

“Really? Is he still alive?” Chanyeol asked.

“Ya!” Alessa frowned at him, he grinned and just pulled the girl to his chest.

Connor and Caesar grinned as Alessa just leaned against the male as Darren chatted along.

“Alessa kept on rejecting him, so he went crazy and followed her on her way home.”

“Oh.” Chanyeol shook his head in disapproval.

“He was too…pushy.” Alessa nodded, Lucas plopped down beside Dylan.

“He managed to slip inside the Wong property, he got in the house and was about to climb up her room, but yeye’s bodyguards spotted him. End of story.” Darren said, Lucas shook his head.

“He got away with it?” Chanyeol’s forehead creased, Alessa smiled and shook her head.

“No, the Wongs…took care of him.” Darren mused back.

“Even if she did went out with him, it would never work. Alessa tends to have these insane standards for men.” Caesar joked.

“I do not.” Alessa balked at him, she sat up.

“What are they talking about?” Chanyeol asked Lucas.

“Jie’s standards for men.”

Chanyeol chuckled, Alessa rolled her eyes at him.

“Just consider yourself lucky, hyung. It’s not easy to catch my sister’s eye.” Lucas nodded solemnly, Alessa faced him and gave him a small sheepish smile.

“I’m sorry you have to deal with them too.” She said lowly, he chuckled and playfully touched her hair before speaking.

“It’s fine, I like knowing I’m your ideal type.” He joked back, Alessa groaned and turned her back to him.



“Growing up in Shanghai, was..it difficult?”

“No, I mean, well, it was a little confusing. We were always encouraged to speak two languages. I remember using Korean in school by accident.” She mused, the two were walking around the Wong property.

“You? You studied in Shanghai for a semester, right?” She asked as she looped her arm with his, Chanyeol nodded in reply.

“My first week was terrible; I couldn’t read anything.”

Alessa laughed.

“But, the food’s great, so, that was worth it.” He nodded, he wrapped one arm around her as they continued to walk.

“How are things? Lucas seems..more relaxed.” He asked, Alessa yawned and nodded back.

“Well, we did get a call that ma might be coming home next week. And, you know, she called Ahee.”

“Really?” Chanyeol was pleased, Alessa smiled and just inched closer to him for warmth.

“I don’t know how my father did it, but he managed to talk her into..well, being reasonable.” She shrugged, he smiled and kissed the top of the girl’s head.

“I’m still not sure about that though, I’m afraid ma might..be mean to her again.”

“Hey, she said she’s going to try, right?” Chanyeol nudged her, Alessa grumbled back at him. He chuckled and just pulled her closer to his chest.

“Reasoning with you is no easy task too, I should ask your father for some tips.”

“I think my father likes you way too much. He wants you to join us for lunch this Sunday..” Alessa pointed out as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

“That sounds great, I’ll be there.”

“But, tomorrow, can you come by to pick me up? I don’t want to drive to work.” She asked as she looked up to meet his gaze. He chuckled and nodded back.

“Okay, I’ll be here before ten. Is that good?”

Alessa smiled and leaned upwards to kiss his cheek.



“Have a safe flight.” Alessa smiled as she hugged Connor and Caesar, both snorted back.

“I’m glad to see that you’re adjusting here, Seoul suits you better.” Caesar said as she let go of the two.

“I’m waiting for the punchline.” She sighed, Connor started to grin back.

Being with Chanyeol suits you better. Because, why park Chanyeol when you can ride~

Alessa slapped his arm, the two cackled as walked towards the waiting limo. Darren was laughing as he approached her.

“I thought you were going to stay longer than the guys.” Alessa said, she glanced over behind them, Dylan was chatting with Lucas and Ahee.

“I wanted to, but work calls. You know, we’re both busy.” Darren smiled and tilted his head at her.

“I would have liked showing you around.” She rolled her eyes at him, Darren smiled and just gave her a brief hug.

“Take care of yourself, Sandra.”

“Wow, no one has called me that in years.” She joked, Darren grinned at her.

“Do visit Beijing, okay?”

“I’ll keep it in mind.” She mused back, Darren got inside the car and the driver loaded the rest of the luggages.

Didi,” Alessa looked at him, Dylan rolled his eyes before enveloping her in a big hug.

“Okay, so, I think I am going to miss having kimchi in the morning.” Dylan said as Alessa walked him towards the car, she shook her head at him.

“I’ll send some over.”

“And, I think it will be pretty boring not seeing you panicking over Chanyeol ge.”

“Wow, he’s ge now?” She asked as she opened the door for him, Dylan smiled.

He has officially passed the Shanghai squad’s test.” He announced, from the backseat, Connor gave her a thumbs up.

“Okay, go.” She chuckled before pinching his cheeks, Dylan blew her a kiss before closing the door. Alessa watched as the car drove away and she smiled to herself.

“It’s going to be really quiet without Dylan, jie.” Lucas walked towards her and hooked his arm with hers.

“Right? I’m probably going to have to adjust with the peace.” She joked as they walked back towards the house.

“But he was the perfect matchmaker!”

“Shut up, Wong Yukhei.”



“If they had really thought this through, this wouldn’t happen.” Alessa said as she stepped out of the the elevator, employees bowed as she passed by and she was too busy to return their greetings.

Well, she wasn’t in a good mood.

“I know that, that’s why I told you and your department to check the schedule first before pushing through.” She said, her tone flat. She had reached the lobby and paused briefly, her forehead creased.

“Now, what? You want me to fix this for you? I didn’t even green signal this project.” She snapped, the employees that were close by all paused, worried.

“I’m giving you until this Saturday, the deadline has been moved twice already.” She stated, she exhaled and pulled her purse closer to her. She turned her back to the doors before speaking.

“Monday? Did I say I would allow it till next week?” She questioned the caller, the line went silent.

“Just get your act together. I wont extend any longer, if you cant do it, just clear out your offices.” She said as she ended the call, Alessa was about to move when she felt a hand on her shoulder and a familiar scent greeted her.

“Hmm, bad mood?” Chanyeol spoke as she faced him.

“You have no idea.” She exhaled as she walked with him, Chanyeol smiled and took her hand in his, ignoring the stares they were earning.

“Aigoo, my Alessa’s not feeling so well.” He hummed as they walked towards his car.

“Don’t start.” She warned him, Chanyeol chuckled and opened the door for her.

“How about we get frozen yogurt on the way home?” He asked her, Alessa blinked at him, slightly excited.

“Or are you going to say no and continue being grumpy all the way home?” He cooed, she glared at him.

“No fruit? I just want chocolate syrup and nothing else.” She spoke, Chanyeol nodded and cupped her cheek briefly.

“And, can we add those mini marshmallows?” She added, there was a small smile on her face as she slid inside the car.

Chanyeol chuckled and nodded back.


“We’ll get whatever you want, Alessa.”



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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.