


Alessa flexed her neck as she sat down, she closed her eyes and leaned back on her seat. She has been working back on the previous data of WongShen Korea, and all she was mistakes from the previous managing director.

“You didn’t touch your lunch, vice president.”

She opened her eyes, her secretary had reentered the office, bringing along another set of files with him.

“Was it not to your liking? I can~”

“It’s fine, seeing these files..one would lose their appetite too.” She replied, she checked the time. Her brows rose as it read that it was already three in afternoon.

“Have the car prepared, I’ll pick up Lucas from school.” She said as she stood up, the male gathered the documents.

“Deliver these at home, I’ll finish them up tonight.” She instructed.

“Yes, vice president. Then, I’ll call driver~”

“No need, I’ll drive myself.” She said as she picked up her purse and coat, the male rushed to help her put it on.

“I already RSVP’d you and young master Wong for the wedding next week. You have nothing else to worry about, ma’am.”

“Good, then make sure to arrange my schedule tomorrow. I want to meet the finance department and the legal team as well.”

The male nodded and followed her out of the office, employees who were walking by all paused, stunned to see her.

Well, they were a little terrified because of what they heard from WongShen employees in Shanghai, and of course, the rumors about their new boss. They were starting to think that the rumors were probably true, she is a dragon lady.

And so far, no one has ever seen the WongShen boss smile.

Not even once.



Lucas was smiling as an all black Rolls Royce Wraith pulled over just across his department’s building.

“Whoa, she really does have you on a short leash.” His friend, Jungwoo joked as they headed down the steps.

“That’s your noona?” The petite young lady tugged on his sleeve, Lucas smiled and gave her hand a small squeeze.

“She’s probably being~ Lucas paused when he saw his sister slide down from the driver’s seat, he could already sense her bad mood from across the street.

“Wow.” His girlfriend blurted as she watched the girl slide down from the vehicle, and then she walked around it and leaned against it side.

“You never mentioned that she’s a…goddess.”

Lucas chuckled at his girlfriend’s reaction, clearly, his sister hasn’t seen them yet, Alessandra had her arms crossed as she leaned against the Rolls. Unaware of the stares she was getting, some male students were also pushing each other, wanting to get close to her.

“Jie?” Lucas called, the girl’s eyes went to him.

“Hi, noona.” Jungwoo greeted her, the older girl gave him a nod.

The young lady beside Lucas bit her lip in worry, Lucas’s sister was very intimidating. She had this cold aura that made her want to run away.

“Jie, this is~”

“You’re driving, I feel like my head’s about to explode.” She finally spoke, she tossed the keys to her brother before sliding into the car.

The other exhaled in relief, Jungwoo chuckled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” Lucas cupped her cheek briefly and gave Jungwoo a wave before getting on the driver’s seat.

“That was her? Alessandra jie?” The girl asked as the Wraith sped away from the building, Jungwoo nodded and smiled to himself.

“She’s…. gorgeous…but scary.”

He chuckled and shook his head.

“That’s her, Alessa noona. Don’t worry, she doesn’t bite…I think.”



Lucas stood before the floor length mirror of the boutique, his sister was patiently seated on one of the lounge chairs, waiting.

“This isn’t bad.” He spoke, she looked up from the magazine she was reading. Lucas was fiddling with the necktie, she stood up and walked towards him.

“How was work today, jie?” He asked as Alessa fixed his tie, his sister shook his head.

“I spoke with pa earlier, I..might have to stay longer than I planned. The branch here is a mess.” She said, the sales associates who were watching them watched the siblings in awe.

They weren’t sure if the two stepped out of a manga or some fictional series.

“Longer..you mean, months?”

She looked up and gave him a weary look.

“Fixing a company doesn’t take months, Lucas. it might take me a year or so. Why? Do you not like having me around?” She asked as she took a step back from him to check the Versace three-piece he was wearing.

“You like it?” She asked, Lucas gave her a thumbs up.

“We’ll take it.” She said to the sales associates.

“You know I like having you around, jie. I’m just surprised, you’ve always been glued in your office in Shanghai.”

“Well, it’s a change of environment, it’s not so bad.” She shrugged at him, Lucas grinned and gave his sister one of his usual bear hugs, the older girl chuckled and patted his back.

“Still, this doesn’t mean I’m letting you drive, idiot.”

Lucas rolled his eyes and dropped her, Alessandra was smiling as she went back to her chair, she sat down and took out her phone. It had pinged to remind her about the wedding, it was in two days.



Chanyeol opened the folder before him and paused.

“No photo?” He asked his secretary.

“Yes, vice chairman, from what I’ve heard, the WongShen executives are quite…private.”

The Park heir blinked in confusion, he looked at the paper again.

“His specs are quite impressive, huh?” His secretary said with a smile.

“Her.” Chanyeol said as he continued to read, his secretary looked at him.


“Here,” Chanyeol pointed towards her academic background. The said WongShen executive went to a private all-girls academy. Chanyeol grinned at the male and handed the folder back to him.

“Did you assume since it was a big company so naturally their boss would be a man?” Chanyeol asked jokingly, the other male blinked.

“N—No, I just..thought…that~”

“Relax, it’s okay.” He chuckled and stood up, he glanced at his watch.

“Right, clear my schedule for Suho hyung’s wedding. And, you can arrange the meeting with WongShen after that. It’s better if we start earlier.”




Alessa looked up from her seat, Jaehyun had approached her and her sibling. Lucas grinned and greeted his friend warmly.

“Jie, this is Jaehyun hyung. He’s a sunbae from school.” Lucas spoke in Korea, she faced the male and extended her palm.

“It’s nice to meet you, noona.” Jaehyun said with a shy smile, she nodded back as the male shook her offered hand. The two younger one started to chat among themselves, Alessa grew quiet and looked around her. She had to applaud Suho and his bride for choosing to hold a garden wedding. Everything was in place and it didn’t feel stuffy compared to the traditional weddings she’s attended before.

She felt her phone vibrate, she took it out and read the message from her secretary.

Vice president, you are scheduled to meet Lotte Holdings' side tomorrow.

She typed in a quick reply before keeping her phone back in her purse.

“Oh, the hyungs are here.”

“Suho hyung too? Isn’t he supposed to appear a little bit later?” Lucas asked.

“Yeah, but he and his friends decided that it would be nice to take some photos before sending him off.” Jaehyun chuckled, Alessa followed their gazes.

She halted.


She let out a small inaudible gasp before quickly looking away.


And then she felt it, the butterflies in her tummy.



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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.