
Lucas leapt down from his car and jogged towards the faded green gates, and then he stopped when he noticed the Bentley Continental pulling away from across the street.

He groaned, his mother had just left. He was too late.

Lucas exhaled as he made his way towards the gates, he was about to press on the doorbell when the door suddenly opened, revealing as smiling Ahee.

“Hey, your mother said you’d be here in a few.” She said to him, Lucas grew confused.


“She was here to invite me to her birthday party.” She informed him as she pulled him into the property. Lucas noticed the box laying near her bicycle.

“What’s that?”

“Oh, she picked out a dress for me. Ya, I was so worried that she didn’t like me, but it turn out that she was just joking. She’s kinda like your sister.”

Lucas looked at her, he didn’t buy the story. He knew his mother, he knows what the matriarch was capable of. But the look on Ahee’s face, she was so happy and relived hearing that his mother approved of her, that he couldn’t tell her what really was going on.

“So, you’re really going?” Lucas asked her carefully, Ahee looked at him incredulously.

“Of course, I am. I don’t want to appear rude, she already gave me something to wear.” Ahee playfully slapped his arm.

Lucas exhaled and gave her a small smile before pulling her into the house.

“Are you sure? I mean, if you’re uncomfortable about it, we can always cancel and just have fun on our own.” He said lightly as he strolled towards the living room.

“Why? Do you not want me to meet your parents?” Ahee asked him, her eyes wide. Quickly, Lucas shook his head and gave her one of his signature grins.

“Of course not, I’d love it if you came. I’ll pick you up then.”



Alessa was smiling as she sat down on her chair, she let out a small contented sigh before facing her laptop.

“Vice president?”

She looked up from the screen, her secretary walked in the room.

“I think you should know this,”

“What?” She leaned forward, her secretary handed his tablet towards her and she paused as she saw the photos.

“My mother was in,….”

“Miss Ahee’s place. It happened this morning, ma’am. It appears that she invited her to the party. She even sent her clothes to wear.”

“What?” Alessa’s short mental celebration was put to a halt.

“The party’s next week, vice president. And it looks like miss Ahee is planning on going.”

Alessa sighed and shook her head and ran her fingers through her hair, her phone started to ring on her desk. She looked at the screen.


Her secretary followed her gaze, he was about to excuse himself when his boss picked up her phone and chucked it in her desk.

He grew surprised.

“I have the Lotte meeting, right?”

“Yes, this afternoon.”

“Good, send manager Jang in my place.” She said before picking up her purse and leaving her office.

“What?” Her secretary blurted out as soon as she left.

“D—Did she just ignore a call from..mister Park?”



Alessa looked up from her plate as her mother continued to slice her steak.

“I heard you came by at Ahee’s place, ma.”

“I invited her to my party.” She said with a small smile, a smile that alarmed her daughter.

“Ma, you told me that I’d take care of her. Why are you~”

“Relax, daughter. I’m just trying to coax your brother into coming home. He’s been staying with the Jungs for two days now.”

Alessa’s forehead creased and took a long sip from her wine.

And whose fault is that?

You drove him out.

“I heard you bought a company today?” Mrs. Wong asked casually as she took another piece of her steak.

“I was bored.” Alessa replied coolly, her mother smiled and nodded.

“You’ve always been wise when it came to business, but I have to say, dear,”

Alessa puffed her cheeks, she didn’t feel like eating.

“What is it, eomma?”

“I like that young man, I approve of him. I know your father will too.”

Oh my god, Chanyeol again?

Always Chanyeol.

Chanyeol here, Chanyeol there!

“Sure.” She nodded along, not really wanting to talk.

“Anyway, you better cut that girl off at the party, that’s the perfect stage to get rid of her.” Mrs. Wong added, Alessa bit her lip and nodded.

“And, I invited Chanyeol too. I called him earlier.”

“What? You called him too? You couldn’t just send him an invitation?”

Her mother looked a her oddly before continuing her meal.

“We’re not animals, Alessandra. It’s only polite that I call him first before sending in an invite.”

Alessa sighed mentally.



Chanyeol exhaled and tossed his phone back on the table, Baekhyun set his drink down and looked at his friend curiously.

“What’s bothering you, hyung?” Kai asked him, Baekhyun grinned at his friend.

“Ignore him. He probably got dumped today.” Baekhyun hummed, Sehun looked at him.

“I thought you knew about it, hyung. About what really happened between Seolah and Alessa.” Sehun started, Kai’s eyes widened.

“He knows now?” Kai balked, Baekhyun grew confused.

“I don’t understand, why would Alessa send men~”

“Stop right there before you dig your grave any deeper.” Kai said to him, he finished his drink before facing his friend.

“Well, he doesn’t know anything.” Sehun muttered, Baekhyun leaned forward with curiosity.

“You’ve got it wrong, Seolah sent men to beat her up. Alessa had to stay at the hospital for two months because of her injuries.”

“Heol.” Baekhyun was out of words.

Chanyeol stopped moving, his hand hovered over his glass, his forehead creased.

“Because of me, hyung. We broke up months before that, and then she..she started being too much. She was following me around, to my dorm, my parents’ place and even over the weekends, she was always there. So, I decided~”

“She told me about this. She agreed to help you out.” Chanyeol spoke, Sehun glanced at him and gave him a small nod.

“I—I don’t understand, why would Seolah~”

“Seolah was considered as one of the prettiest girls in campus, until Alessandra came to our department.” Kai shrugged, Sehun shook his head.

“It didn’t really matter to the Wong lady, but soon, Seolah started to see everything as a competition. That’s where it all started, so,”

“Don’t ever listen to what that girl says. She’s been lying to you all this time.” Kai shrugged at him before asking for another drink.

Chanyeol leaned back on his seat, shocked. Baekhyun shook his head and nudged him.

“You told her, huh?” He spoke softly, Chanyeol glanced his head at him and crossed his arms.

“I don’t like keeping things from her.”

“Explains why she’s avoiding you.” Kai chimed in, Chanyeol grew surprised, the younger male was going through his phone.


“We all know, hyung. You like her. Duh.” Kai rolled his eyes, Sehun chuckled.

“Alessa doesn’t do emotions. Zero feelings.” Sehun nodded solemnly, Chanyeol sighed and ignored the two younger ones. Baekhyun grew amused, it was out now.

“But, don’t worry, hyung. She just needs some time. Especially with what happened today, she needs to calm down first and then she’ll come to you.” Sehun said to him.

“Five to seven business days.” Kai chortled, Baekhyun guffawed.

“Now that sounds like her.” Baekhyun joked, Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the two.

“They’re right.” Sehun pointed out before picking up another piece of kiwi.

“Wow. Are you showing off that you know her so well?” Chanyeol said dryly.


“She almost killed me when I asked her to fake date me, so what do you think?”




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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.