
“Yes, it’s true.”

As soon as those words left Chanyeol’s lips, Alessa saw how her mother’s brows rose up for a short second then she gave them a small smile.

Is that a good sign?

“Well, I guess we should chat over lunch.” Mrs. Wong suggested, Alessa nodded quickly. She saw her secretary emerging from the entrance doors with a leather duffel in hand. Mrs. Wong asked for her car again, Chanyeol smiled at her.

“Where are we eating, eomma? Korean? Western?” Alessa spoke as the lady turned away from the doors, she exhaled.

“At your favorite place, I’m sure your boyfriend knows where that is, right?” She suggested just the Bentley Continental and its convoy of black SUVs appeared again.

“Of course.” Chanyeol said gamely, Alessa wanted the ground to swallow her up.

“Then, do you guys need a ride?” Mrs. Wong asked them, Chanyeol noticed how the lady eyed his bike warily.

“No, thank you, Mrs. Wong. I already called for my car. I need to change clothes too.” He chimed in just as a Maserati sedan rolled in.

“Vice president,” Alessa’s secretary approached them, Chanyeol took the bag from the male and turned to Alessa.

“I’ll see you there then, it was nice meeting you, mister Park.” She said before getting inside her car, Dylan and Alessa let out big sighs as soon as she was gone.

Well, this is on you. I’ll talk to Lucas.” Dylan blew her a kiss before going in the building, Alessandra took a big breath before turning to the tall male.

“Look, I can explain.” She said to him, but Chanyeol just gave her a small chuckle before pulling her towards the car.

“Chanyeol, that was~”

“I owe you one, Alessa. So, you don’t have to.”

“You’re not going to ask me why I did that?” She balked at him as she slid inside the car, she scooted over to make space for the giant.

“Well, do you want me to?” He asked her as the driver maneuvered away from the building.

My crush has to end now.

This is getting a little too complicated.

“I needed to distract her.” She murmured as she leaned back, Chanyeol nodded. Then Alessa halted, she looked around them.

“Where are we going?” She asked him.

“My place.”



“I need to change; I don’t feel like wearing sweats while talking to your mother over lunch.” He pointed out.

“Chanyeol, you don’t have to try and impress her, she~”

“It’s fine, I need to be at the office this afternoon anyway.” He grinned before patting her knee, and then he took out his phone and started texting.

Alessa exhaled and crossed her arms, her forehead creasing.

This has to end now.

When do we fake break up?



Lucas was taken aback as soon as Dylan delivered the news.

“She cancelled?”

“Yeah, something came up. So, she asked me to,” Dylan took out two shiny black things from his pocket.

Ahee grew curious as she looked at what was on the male’s hand.

“She wants you to take the lady out, fly her to Shanghai for dinner or head over to Japan to eat crabs, your choice.” Dylan stated as he handed the Alessa’s credit cards to the male. Lucas grew confused.

“Why couldn’t she just call me?” He muttered under breath, Dylan puffed his cheeks and gave Ahee a small smile.

“You know her, when something comes up she just….rushes to things.” Dylan stated and shrugged.

“But, I heard from her secretary that ma arrived earlier today, does jie know?”

Dylan blinked but he nodded.

“Probably, did ayi call you?”

“Not yet, I’m probably going to introduce Ahee.” Lucas mentioned, Dylan nodded.

“Sure, that sounds great. I’ll see you two around.” He murmured before leaving the office.

Ahee turned to the Wong heir as soon as Dylan left.

“What was that? Unnie’s busy?”

Lucas nodded, he placed his sister’s cards back on her desk before speaking to her.

“She suggested we fly to Shanghai for dinner.”

Ahee balked at him, Lucas nodded.

“Which means something’s up.” He said before taking her hand, then they left the office.



“What is this?” Mrs. Wong asked as she looked at the article, her secretary chewed on his lower lip worriedly.

“Well, for now it hasn’t reached major networks yet, but, I’m afraid it might blow up, madam.”

Mrs. Wong exhaled as she read the article again, there was talk about her daughter stealing boyfriends, and now she was stealing fiancés.

“Have you traced where this is from?” She asked the male.

“Yes, but,”

“What?” She sighed, annoyed.

“The young miss doesn’t know about this yet, however, I found out just today that Lotte has ordered for all the websites to be taken down. It happened this morning.”


“That young man from earlier.” He said to her, Mrs. Wong blinked and then her lips quirked up.


Her secretary grew amused, he rarely saw his boss being impressed.

“Yes, him.”

“He did that?”

“Yes, and he’s managed to trace the source of the article. That gossip columnist has been fired from the company his working for and,”

“Wait, he did all that in a day?”

“Yes, I called up his office to verify, his assistant said that vice chairman Park was extremely frustrated by this matter so he took care of it himself.”

Mrs. Wong smiled and leaned back on her seat.

“Good. Very good.”



Alessa was chewing on her lower lip as she sat down on the bed, she was inside the guest room of Chanyeol’s house.

And she was not even bothered by the fact that she was in his house.

Or that she just kissed the male in public.

Or that she just initiated a fake relationship with him.

Even the Lucas and Ahee problem didn’t bother her.

“How do I get out of this? When’s the perfect time to break up?” She murmured as she stood up to check her reflection on the mirror. Her secretary had sent her a new set of clothes, a nice printed dress from Chanel and a pair of YSL pumps. Well, something her mother would approve.

She puffed her cheeks before stepping out of the room.

No, eomma should never meet Ahee. If she does, then its game over.

And, I shouldn’t be here.

Then she almost jumped when one of the doors opened, Chanyeol stepped out, already wearing a pair nice fitting slacks and a white dress shirt, he left the first three buttons undone. Which bothered Alessa.

Should I make a run for it?

“Oh, you look nice.” He grinned at her while fixing the cuffs of his sleeves, Alessa bit on her lower lip, she sighed before walking towards his and started to tug on the sleeves. Chanyeol smiled and let the girl do her thing, it took her a few seconds to button up the cuffs and then she stepped back.

“You look bothered. Is everything alright?” He asked her as he buttoned up his shirt, Alessa thanked the gods for that.

“What?” She replied, she noticed how his hair was slightly damp and he smelled nice.

Really nice.

Wow, I guess I’m in trouble too.

Face it Alessa, you ed up this time.

“I asked if you were okay.” He replied as he took out his wristwatch from his pocket and strapped it on.


“You’re not planning on our fake break up already, right?” He asked, Alessa blinked at him.

He laughed and reached out to gently brush her hair away from her cheeks.

“I was just checking if you were listening to me. What’s wrong, miss Wong?” He asked again, his eyebrows knitting together in concern. Alessa chewed on her lower lip before speaking.

“Yeol, I’m sorry. I dragged you into this, and my mom is not exactly the friendliest~”

“Oh, your mom seems nice. Can you help me out which coat to wear?” He asked as he took her hand and pulled her to his room. Alessa panicked.

What is he doing?

Why his room?

Is he really normal?

“Chanyeol, you have to listen to me. The moment we step in that restaurant, she’ll~”

Chanyeol took out a nice deep burgundy coat and a beige one, her finger automatically pointed towards the burgundy piece.

“Wait, you think my mom’s nice?” She balked at him, he nodded at her as he put on his coat. Alessa shook her head at him.

“Look, whatever your reason is, it’s cool. We’re cool.” He said to her as they walked out of his closet, Alessa scrunched her nose at him, not buying it.

“Hey, you helped me out with Seolah, so, let me do the same.” He nudged her as they walked out of his room.

“Helped? That wasn’t exactly my intention…but fine.” She mumbled as they went down the steps, Chanyeol chuckled.

“Well, you got in that scandal because of me, so, I should help you on this one.” He mused, Alessa exhaled, she saw his car parked across them.

“My mother will interview you, Yeol. And she’s not exactly the type..to hold back with her….questions.” She said as she padded after him.

“Alessa,” He was smiling as he faced her again.


“I survived you.” He mused as he opened the car’s door for her.

“What was that supposed to mean?” She frowned at him, Chanyeol smiled before leaning over to right the strap of her purse on her shoulder.

“Come on, miss Wong. I don’t want to be late.”

“But, really, when should we break up?” She asked him while making air quotations, she slid inside the Maserati, Chanyeol laughed. Alessa blinked at him, confused.

“Typical Alessa.” He said before closing the door, Alessa rolled her eyes as she strapped in her seatbelt.


“My Alessa.” He whispered to himself before going to the driver’s side of the car.



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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.