
Seolah let out a small breath as she took her seat, Chanyeol took the chair across her and smiled.

“I’m really sorry for cancelling so suddenly. I hope you didn’t wait long for me.”

“N—No, I wasn’t even at the place yet, oppa.” She said happily before picking up the menu. Chanyeol nodded and glanced around them, he chewed on his lower lip before looking at the girl.

“Then, go let her find you in bed with another woman

He shook his head to himself as Alessa’s voice echoed in his mind again.

“What did you want to talk about, oppa? Is it about the wedding date?” Seolah asked as Chanyeol called for the waiter.

“There’s this thing…I wanted to discuss with you.” He said carefully, Seolah nodded back.

“What is it?”

“About the wedding, don’t..don’t you want to think about it first?” He asked her, Seolah paused, she set the menu down.

“W—What do you mean, oppa?”

“I just think that it might be a good idea not to rush into things, Seol.”

“We’ve been engaged for almost two years, oppa.”

“I know, and you were gone for a year, right?” Chanyeol replied, Seoalh looked away from him and slowly shook her head.

“Oppa, our parents will not have this. They will~”

“Seolah, I’m just saying that we should think about this first. If they try to rush us again, I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry.”

Seolah didn’t reply, she just faced the waiter to order what she wanted. Chanyeol leaned back on his seat and let out small sigh.



Alessandra slid down from her Rolls Royce Wraith and looked at the building before her dubiously. She was speaking on the phone as she walked towards the door.

“It has been weeks; I don’t understand why they’re still using our name for contracts.” She said in her usual cold tone.

“I know that. Do I have to come down there just to face their representatives again?” She spat, the other line went quiet.

“Get rid of this ShunQi problem before it grows bigger.” She said with finality before entering the elevator. She checked her reflection again, she was wearing an off-shoulder blazer dress and a pair of YSL platforms. She had plans to get groceries and probably spend the rest of her Saturday at home or have Lucas drag her to an amusement park just like how he mentioned.

The doors pinged open and she stepped out, her phone started to ring again. She looked at the screen and recognized her Shanghai office number.

“Well? Did you fix it?” She spoke as she walked past through the sliding doors, she looked around the fitness gym and scrunched her nose.

She had no idea why Lucas prefer going to a fitness gym and not use the private one they have at home.

“We managed to contact them, they said they wanted to talk to you personally.”

“What? They were the ones who~”


She turned and instantly regretted it. Chanyeol was walking towards her, clad in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts and the huge damned grin of his.

“Let me guess, here for Lucas?” He asked as he reached her.

Let me guess, how about you go away?

“Y—Yeah, I’m here to pick him up. How are you?” She blurted out, Chanyeol chuckled and gestured for the girl to walk with him. Alessa fixed her gaze on his face, not wanting to look beyond his neck.

“I’m great, actually,” He started, Alessa nodded for him to continue. Chanyeol paused and glanced around them, most of the males in the area were just blatantly staring at the girl beside him.

“Let me guess, I got through you and you did the thing that would prove that you’re the bigger person here.”

“Definitely not the bed.” Chanyeol nodded quickly, she laughed.

“I know.”

“Are you proud of me?” He mused at her, Alessa shrugged.

“I had a feeling you would do it, that’s very nice of you, vice chairman Park.” She stretched her palm towards him, but he just beamed at her and pulled the girl for a hug.


“Thank you, I would never have done that if you didn’t push me into it.” He mused before letting go.

Alessa was about to reply when Lucas jogged towards them, from the way her brother was grinning like an effin Cheshire cat, she knew he saw what just happened.

“W—Well, it was..nothing.” She murmured as she stepped back from him.

“Hey, jie, ready to go?” Lucas spoke, Chanyeol grinned at him.

“It must be nice to have siblings.” Chanyeol said to them.

“Nope.” Alessa stated, Lucas laughed and just walked away from the two.

“You know,~”

“I’ll walk you two downstairs.” Chanyeol jogged away from her to get his shirt.

Thank god!



“Have you reached her?” The young male asked as he stepped out of his room.

“Not yet, sir. She seems t be on the phone a lot.” His assistant replied, the male nodded while fixing the lapels of his coat.

“What shall we do, sir?”

He smirked to himself as he checked his reflection.

“I already feel bad for her, she’s not used to having a hard time around men.” He chuckled before facing the male.

“Prepare the jet.”


He grinned and patted his shoulder.

“I’ll be flying out this afternoon, move the meeting this morning and,” He said as he walked, he glanced at the male again.

“You don’t need to call her; I want to surprise the wife.” He mused as they stepped out of the front door, he took out the key fob from his coat pocket.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, young master.”

He chuckled before hopping towards his blue Lamborghini.

“It’s never a good idea to surprise her, however,”

The young male nodded in agreement before sliding into his car.

“Anyway, make sure she doesn’t find out!” He called out before speeding away from the vast property owned by his family.

“And I have to make sure she doesn’t kill you.” The secretary sighed to himself before calling the company pilot.



“Come on,” Chanyeol gestured for her to walk with him, he glanced behind him again, males were still staring at her.

“Maybe it’s better that you have Lucas meet you downstairs and you know, rather than going up here.” He said as he brushed his bangs away from his face while waiting for the elevator.

“I—I’ll keep that in mind then,” Alessa nodded as the doors pinged open before them.


Should I make a run for it instead?

“So, am I allowed to ask how did it go?” She asked as the doors closed before them.

“I told her what I had in mind, that..we should not rush into deciding on the date.”

Alessa nodded and leaned back on the wall.


“You probably did all the talking and she just stared at you, confused.”

Chanyeol turned to her and blinked, Alessa smiled and shook her head.

“I’m just joking, I’m glad that you finally told her how you feel….I guess.” She shrugged, the doors opened again, the two stepped out.

“Oh no.” Chanyeol murmured, that made the girl pause.

“Oh no?” She questioned him, she could see Lucas hauling in his duffel at the back seat of the Wraith outside.

“I just..said my side, I didn’t ask what she..”

“Wow, you .” Alessa stated as they walked towards the car, Lucas grinned at the two.

“Well, another chance for you to ask her to dinner. Again.” She pointed out, teasingly.

Lucas doubled over, he looked up, his sister was smiling and joking around.

Joking around.

“Sure, you wanna join us?” Chanyeol replied, Alessa’s eyes narrowed at him, he laughed.

“You should push through with the bed plan.” She pointed out dryly.

“You’re supposed to be on my side.” He retorted before opening the car’s door for her.

“I’m on both sides.” Lucas mused to himself before getting on the passenger seat.

“I’m still deciding on that.”

“Well, please take my side. I’ll buy you pizza.” Chanyeol pleaded, she was about to reply when they heard a familiar voice.


Chanyeol turned behind him, Alessa followed his gaze. Her forehead creased briefly, Seolah was making her way towards them.

“I’ll go ahead then.”

“Okay, I’ll see you around then.” He reached out to right the strap of her purse, Alessa just nodded and quickly slid inside her car. Chanyeol turned to Seolah to greet her.

Seolah’s eyes were on the strangely familiar car, she chewed on her lip before looking at him.

“I didn’t know you went to this place.” He said to her, she nodded back.

“I started just a few days ago, and, wow, I didn’t know you wer..cool with Alessandra Wong.” She pointed out, she glanced at the car again.

Her brows rows.

“Well, yeah, we’re working together, remember? Let’s go inside.” Chanyeol nodded to her before padding towards the building.

“Sure.” Seolah said quietly, she glanced back at the road again, she exhaled and shook her ehad before following the male.


“She’s doing it again.”





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Chapter 14: Re reading it again ❤️
Chapter 48: Chanyeol really impressed all the Wongs. Haha

Great ending.
Chapter 47: Great chapter!!
Chapter 46: I am glad that Lucas and Ahee are getting accepted by Mrs. Wong slowly.
Chapter 45: Alessa hates admitting that she has a crush on Chanyeol. Haha
Chapter 44: Chanyeol being protective for Alessa is so cute.
Chapter 43: Lucas is a giant baby. Ahee knows how to control him. Of course not in a bad way.
Chapter 42: Uwu~ Chanyeol and Alessa are so cute.
Chapter 41: I guess Mrs. Wong will accept Ahee.
Chapter 40: Wow~ I am so happy that Lucas and Alessandra are fighting for the right with their own mom. Mrs. Wong should let her kids be how they want. She did gave them birth but they are not her puppets.