
That Cold Wall Called Fate

Taemin left after he bought me a piece of pie at a nearby pie shop. He left me alone to eat the pie by myself, so it got a bit lonely. I would've called Myungsoo oppa, but then that was when I remembered that he was too busy for me and he was on a date with Suzy. I had no grudge against Suzy. I'm being 100% honest right now. Suzy's nice, and she can be like my sister.

But I'm angry at Myungsoo for not telling me that he would spend some quality time with Suzy. I mean, as his girlfriend, I at least should've known about this, right? I heaved a sigh, and played with my untouched pie. Eating pie alone was getting boring. I went through my contacts to see if anyone was willing to join me to eat pie.

Myungsoo? Ha! He was with Suzy, and I doubt he would come to eat pie with me.

Taemin? He just left to go to dance practice. I told him that he should eat a bit of pie, but then he claimed that pie only had sugar and that it wasn't going to help a dancer improve. He's a good dancer, I admit, but then he really needs to eat.

Suzy? I would, but then I didn't have her phone number. Plus, as previously stated before, she was with Myungsoo.

I cursed himself for not having a lot of friends. I just had my family members, relatives, and a few minor friends whom I did projects with on my contacts. Other than that, I was alone. Then I scrolled down until I spotted Minho's name. I stared at his number for a long time. Should I call him or not? I mean, I just rejected him for lunch.

Then again, he said that I owe him lunch or something, right? I clicked on his number and pressed the green button on my phone. I put my phone near my ear and waited for Minho to pick up. It took a while, but I was patient enough. Eventually, Minho finally picked up after seven rings.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey Minho, it's me, ~~~~," I answered back. 

"…Oh, hi. Um, you know, sorry about earlier. I didn't know–"

"I know," I interrupted. "Besides, how could you know about my boyfriend's existence? I never even mentioned him to you." I managed to giggle a bit before continuing. "Anyways, I'm skipping lunch for pie. Want to join me?"

There was a long silence over the phone. I tapped my fingers against the table, staring at my pie. My stomach growled a bit, and I knew that I should eat the pie with or without Minho.

"I'll be there in a minute," Minho replied. "Where is it?"

I smiled. I told him the address to the shop and hung up on him. I decided to wait for him, even though my stomach was craving for the apple pie in front of me. I felt my mouth water, and then stared at my contacts. I erased Minho's name on my contact, and replaced it with "Pie Buddy".


It took a good five minutes for Minho to come. As soon as he spotted me, he rushed over to me and took a seat. We were sitting next to the window, so we were able to see a lot of interesting actions take place as we ate pie. We even laughed when we saw two kids coming towards our window and blow their hot breaths to draw.

"You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were some weird guy. You turn out to be a pretty nice guy after all, Choi Minho," I said honestly. I took a huge bite of my pie with my plastic fork and chugged down some water after it. When I drank my water, I met Minho's shocked and wide eyes. I parted my lips from my cup and frowned. "What? What did I say wrong?"

Minho stared at me for just a tad bit longer. Then, he smiled and shook his head.

"No, it's nothing. I was just thinking," he replied calmly. 

"What were you thinking about?" I asked him. He gave me a big, cheesy grin. I was about to force him to tell me what he was thinking until I heard a familiar voice behind me.


I turned around, only to meet my boyfriend's dark and cold eyes.

A/N: Thank goodness that I didn't post this chapter when AFF crashed! :D This is the positive outcome of being a really slow updater. XP

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8/24: School starts in 3 days, and I have 0 period, which means I'll be waking up at 5 in the morning to get ready. I won't update as much as before. Sorry. ^^;


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@dillaLkim99: Thank you! ^_^ Yeah, the last chapter is quite a depressing ending. T_T
dillaLkim99 #2
Chapter 29: I don't know why but I cried at this chapter, it is really touched me, what a great story authornim! :')
@Shawol5O1: Thanks! :D I'm really glad that you love it! ^_^
Chapter 29: This fanfic is so nice, i loved it so much. :)
@sincerely_me: Thank you very much! :) I think I could've improved this story, though... XP
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 29: omg it's so nice good job :)
@--bunniku: Thank you! :) The ending was inspired when I was reading back at my all fanfics. >.< It was supposed to be a happy-ish ending, but... :P Oh well!
@lost_puppy: ROFL! XD I'm glad you liked the ending, even though it wasn't exactly what you planned. :3