A Sweet Sensation

That Cold Wall Called Fate

We didn't spend a long time at the beach. There were a ton of kids, and the adults took up a lot of space on the sand. Suzy complained that it was too noisy and she was afraid of getting lost. I had to roll my eyes since the kids were only half her size and most of the adults were either sitting down or taking a nap on the ground. There was no way to get lost at this beach. It was just crowded, that's all.

However, like always, Myungsoo took Suzy's side and took us up on the cliff, where we decided to have a small picnic. The view of the beach from the top was wonderful. The yellow tubes looked like small specks of yellow dust, and the red umbrellas covered almost all of the beach. We saw a jet boat miles away from the beach, and Minho suggested that we should ride it.

"No, let's not," Suzy said, patting her stuffed stomach. "I just finished eating. Plus, it's like a rollercoaster, except if you fall off, you're going to get wet."

My eyes sparkled. "A rollercoaster? Really?"

"It's terrible. I rode that when I was seven, and I kept jumping out of my seat because of the waves," Suzy grunted. She glared at Myungsoo and said, "He's the one who dragged me into that mess. In the end, he threw up near a trash can and I had to fetch some water from the vending machine. I lost 800 won because of you! Now that I think about it, I want my money back!"

"It's only 800 won. No big deal. Plus, I only have cash," Myungsoo said, sticking his tongue out. The two began to start a "couple" fight, leaving Minho and me hanging by the side. I felt my chest squeeze and my jaws clench. The more I listened to their little quarrel, the more I saw them as a true, perfect couple. I stuffed my mouth with some grapes, hoping to bury my feelings deep inside my chest. Minho, who seemed to have noticed, patted my hand and gave me an assuring smile. I forced a bitter smile, and began to stuff some more grapes in my mouth.

"Hey, I ran out of soda. Want to get some drinks with me, ~~~~?" Minho asked. My eyes slightly widened. He still had about half the bottle left to drink. Behind his words, he really meant, "want to run away from this scene?"

I glanced at Myungsoo, who seemed to be busy with calming and arguing with his childhood friend. When I saw him laugh and Suzy smack his back playfully, I had enough of the scene. I turned to Minho and faked a smile. He extended out a hand as I accepted it with glee.

"Sure, let's go 'get some drinks.'"


"You're not having any fun here, aren't you?" Minho asked. We had unconsciously reached back to the hotel, which I found it kind of funny. I giggled and grinned weakly at him.

"You could tell? I'm surprised," I replied.

"Of course I can tell. I'm surprised that Myungsoo couldn't tell," Minho said, winking. I couldn't tell if he was joking or if he was being serious, but I decided to let it slip. However, the thought that Myungsoo was alone with Suzy bothered me. How could I leave my boyfriend with my rival? Actually, why did I leave him with her in the first place?

Minho pouted as he stared at my troubled look. "Don't think about him. Just for a moment, don't think about him."

I glanced at Minho and grimaced. "That's pretty hard, considering that I'm his girlfriend. He occupies my head every single second."

Minho heaved a sigh. Was he upset or was he just exhausted from the long walk? I couldn't quite understand. However, when he stared at him with those serious, piercing eyes, I knew that he was serious.

"Why don't you just break up with him? He's ignoring you. I bet he still doesn't know that you're gone," Minho suggested. I stiffened as I made a fist behind my back.

"He's the only guy I love. Nothing can ever change that fact. Plus, he should know that I'm gone. I bet you that he's coming right now back to the hotel," I responded confidently. There must've been a hint of fear in my voice, because Minho let out a chuckle as if I joking around with him. "I'm serious, Minho. I'm not kidding."

"If he knew you were gone, don't you think he should've called? He should've called you a long time ago. I feel like you guys shouldn't even be together. It feels like he's meant to be with Suzy, you know? I mean, when we left right in front of them, Myungsoo didn't even glance at you," Minho said, approaching me. I stepped back, but I found myself cornered at a wall. Minho's dark gaze stared right past through me, causing me to gulp nervously. My heart started beating uncontrollably, and I felt my cheeks turn warm. "You think so, too, right?"

I gasped for air as I pushed Minho away. Tears began to swell up in my eyes as Minho frowned. I put my left hand over my heart and squeezed my shirt. Then, while glaring at Minho, and raised my other hand high up in the air.

Slap! Minho grimaced as my hand reached his cheek. I shook my head, and narrowed my eyes, which were filled with hatred and bitterness.

"You monster," I whispered harshly. "You're such a jerk! Why do you have to tell me these things, huh? I know, alright? Why can't you just stay low and be quiet? I hate you!"

With that, I rushed inside the hotel, and took the elevator. My back slid down against the wall as I collapsed on the ground, tears streaming down my cheeks. I was grateful that no one needed to take the elevator. When I reached my floor, I stepped out of the elevator while staring down at my shoes. When I looked up to open the door, my eyes widened in fear. Minho was standing in front of the door, panting and exhausted. I was about to turn around when Minho grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go, you block-head! Don't make me call for help!" I yelled furiously. Anger boiled in my blood as I gritted my teeth. Minho pushed me against the wall, and I felt a sharp pain against my back. I scowled and I stared through his brown orbs. He his lips, and stared down at mine. My eyes widened as his eyes slowly closed.

Don't you dare, Choi Min- 

Before I could finish my thoughts, his lips met my own. I froze, and my eyes were even wider than before. I found it strange how I wasn't pushing him away from me. I found it even stranger when I felt a familiar sensation rush through me. It was the same kind of feeling I had every time I kissed Myungsoo, except it was…sweeter.

My eyes closed unconsciously and I stood still like a statue. I couldn't believe what I was doing. No, I couldn't believe what was happening to me. Minho was kissing me.

And I was kissing back.

After a few seconds, Minho pulled back from the kiss. We both stared at each other with innocent, pure looks. He his lips, and I pressed my lips together. Both of us blushed like there was no tomorrow. Minho shifted his weight to one side and dug into his back pocket. He pulled out a folded paper and shoved it into my hand.

"Please read it," Minho said awkwardly, coughing. "If you have any questions, ask me or your father."

My father? I thought. I frowned as Minho walked away, embarrassed from what he had just done. My heart was still beating a lot harder than it did. I took a deep breath, and touched my lips. Why didn't I push Minho away? Why am I not wiping Minho's kiss from my lips? Why?

I shook my head, and unfolded the paper Minho had given me. My eyes scanned through the black ink, reading every single details within a second. My eyes slowly widened as I reread the whole not again. I dropped the paper, stared at the door, and rushed into the hotel room.

I had to call my parents. Now.


It was already late, but Myungsoo and Suzy were still on the same spot. When Myungsoo noticed Suzy yawning, he got up and helped Suzy up by extending his hand. Suzy gladly accepted it, and began to fold the blanket.

"That was fun," Myungsoo said, still keeping the bright smile. Suzy grinned and nodded her head as her heart skipped a beat. Myungsoo turned to tell ~~~~ and Minho that it was time to leave, but found you two nowhere in sight. His smile immediately faded as he looked around worriedly. His eyebrows scrunched up together as Suzy shoved the blanket in the picnic basket.

"What's up?" Suzy asked, skipping next to her friend.

"Where did Minho and ~~~~ go?" Myungsoo asked, chewing his bottom lips. Suzy blinked her eyes for a few second, then laughed.

"What are you talking about? They left a long time ago, remember?" Suzy reminded. Myungsoo's eyes enlarged as he walked up to Suzy.

"Wait, what do you mean they left?" Myungsoo questioned.

"Didn't you see them leave? They even said that they were going somewhere."

Myungsoo slowly shook his head. "No way…I didn't hear a word from ~~~~…"

Suzy frowned in response to Myungsoo's words. "Did you ignore your own girlfirend, Myungsoo? Tsk, tsk," she said, trying to light up the atmosphere.

However, the air was heavy and full of confusion. Myungsoo tapped his fingers against his head, trying to remember what had happened a long time ago. He was so into his conversation with Suzy, he hardly recognized his own girlfriend. Then again, he completely ignored his girlfriend in the beginning!

"Darn it! I even promised that I would spend the whole day with her!" Myungsoo exclaimed. He muttered himself a curse as Suzy cautiously blinked her eyes.

Is he…moving on? she wondered as they walked back to the hotel.

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8/24: School starts in 3 days, and I have 0 period, which means I'll be waking up at 5 in the morning to get ready. I won't update as much as before. Sorry. ^^;


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@dillaLkim99: Thank you! ^_^ Yeah, the last chapter is quite a depressing ending. T_T
dillaLkim99 #2
Chapter 29: I don't know why but I cried at this chapter, it is really touched me, what a great story authornim! :')
@Shawol5O1: Thanks! :D I'm really glad that you love it! ^_^
Chapter 29: This fanfic is so nice, i loved it so much. :)
@sincerely_me: Thank you very much! :) I think I could've improved this story, though... XP
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 29: omg it's so nice good job :)
@--bunniku: Thank you! :) The ending was inspired when I was reading back at my all fanfics. >.< It was supposed to be a happy-ish ending, but... :P Oh well!
@lost_puppy: ROFL! XD I'm glad you liked the ending, even though it wasn't exactly what you planned. :3