
That Cold Wall Called Fate

A day without Myungsoo felt like a knife stabbing my heart for entertainment. That's right, I was jealous that Suzy was getting more attention from Myungsoo than me. Though I can't hate her. She was only going to be here for a little while right?

But these days, I'm starting to get a little too envious of Suzy. If I didn't notice that Suzy liked Myungsoo, then maybe I wouldn't be as jealous as I am now. I'm always trying to be extra careful around Suzy, and think about my actions before playing them. After all, I don't want to hurt Suzy's feelings and get scolded by Myungsoo.

"Achoo!" I sneezed, and groaned. Even though Myungsoo lent me his jacket, I still caught a cold. My mom kept trying to prevent Chang Hyun from entering my room, but he would complain and cry. Eventually my mom dragged my brother outside so that he can clear up his mind. My dad stood behind, but he eventually had to close the shop because his hips were aching. "Achoo!"

I moaned loudly and rubbed my hot head with my fingers. I wanted to sleep, but when I closed my eyes, my brain ached in pain. I tiredly put my arm over my eyes, and felt myself burning. I wanted to get up and get a cold towel, but my legs were numb. Even if I stood up, I would eventually collapse back down on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. "Come in."

My dad poked his head out and gave me a weak smile. "~~~~-ah, I'm going to open the shop again, okay?"

"But your ribs…" I coughed, and my dad shrugged his shoulders.

"They got better, I guess. Are you find staying here by yourself?" my dad asked. I paused for a moment. What did I want again? Oh yeah, a towel.

"Um…can you get me a towel?" I asked weakly.

"Sure thing, honey. Anything else?"

I shook my head, and with that my dad left my room. I sneezed, coughed, and used up all my strength to roll around on my bed. I checked the clock, and then looked up at the ceiling.

I should call Myungsoo, I thought. I reached for my phone, and froze. Slowly, I pulled my arm back to my side. Never mind. He's hanging out with someone else.

Ring! Ring! My hand unconsciously reached for the phone and flipped it open. I sat up, and for a moment, I didn't feel dizzy when I sat up.

"…Hello? Myungsoo?" I answered, feeling a bit hot again.

"Um, no, this is Minho." 

I felt my cheeks feel even hotter than it already was. "O-Oh. I'm sorry, I–"

"You sound a bit strange. Are you sick or something?" Minho asked, interrupting my apology. I hesitated for a moment. Do I tell him or not? Wait, why am I even hesitating?

"Er, a little."

"…Is Myungsoo there with you?" Minho suddenly asked. I shook my head, and then quickly realized that I had to make a sound in order to give him reply.

"N–" I started to sneeze, and then cough. I felt like something burning was crawling up in my throat. My dad came in with a cold bucket and a towel, and then widened his eyes.

"~~~~!" he cried. He ran to be, placed the bucket on the side of my table, and grabbed another bucket nearby. He swiftly placed the bucket in front of me, and took my phone away. He started to pound my back with his fist, and eventually, I made these weird, sick noises.

I threw up.

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8/24: School starts in 3 days, and I have 0 period, which means I'll be waking up at 5 in the morning to get ready. I won't update as much as before. Sorry. ^^;


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@dillaLkim99: Thank you! ^_^ Yeah, the last chapter is quite a depressing ending. T_T
dillaLkim99 #2
Chapter 29: I don't know why but I cried at this chapter, it is really touched me, what a great story authornim! :')
@Shawol5O1: Thanks! :D I'm really glad that you love it! ^_^
Chapter 29: This fanfic is so nice, i loved it so much. :)
@sincerely_me: Thank you very much! :) I think I could've improved this story, though... XP
sincerly_me #6
Chapter 29: omg it's so nice good job :)
@--bunniku: Thank you! :) The ending was inspired when I was reading back at my all fanfics. >.< It was supposed to be a happy-ish ending, but... :P Oh well!
@lost_puppy: ROFL! XD I'm glad you liked the ending, even though it wasn't exactly what you planned. :3