A Hurtful Myth

✘Cravings✘|| Namjin
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The birds chirping woke up Jin, he groaned as he rubbed his eyes. He glanced to his side to see Namjoon still there, sleeping peacefully. He sighed at the beautiful view that layed before him, he brought his hand up to run his hand through the other's purple hair. Namjoon stirred slightly at the older's touch, snuggling up to his bare chest.

"Namjoon, we need to get up. We have school today." Namjoon ignored him and continued to have his eyes close as he were sleeping. Jin huffed at the other's stubbornness, he pushed him softly and started to get up from the bed. A pair of arms wrapped around Jin's waist, stopping him from leaving the edge of the bed. 

"We're not going to school." Namjoon rasped, he brought Jin down to the bed, earning a small yelp from the older male. Jin honestly did want to stay in bed all day with Namjoon, but he wanted to go to his Film class to learn something new.

"Joonie, I'm sorry but I want to go to my Film class." Namjoon gave him a half-lidded glare before wrapping his arms around Jin. "You're staying." Jin sighed in annoyance, trying to push Namjoon off but the younger had a good grip on him. "The others will be worried about us if we don't show up." Jin stated, Namjoon looked at him straight in the eyes before sighing in annoyance. "Don't worry, I'm sure they won't mind."

Jin furrowed his eyebrows at what the younger had said. 'Sure?' "What do you mean by sure?" Jin asked as he propped his head on his hand, having his elbow on the pillow.

"Well let me start off by that they're in heat too. Taehyung and Jungkook are probably ing each other, Jimin is probably ing at his boyfriend's picture, and Hoseok and Nathalie probably hooked up with each other or are hoeing around." Jin's eyes widen at Namjoon's words, he just stared at the male who snuggled against his pillow. "How long does this last?" Namjoon looked up at Jin's face and shrugged. "I don't know, it can last for a while. Right now my heat is in my control at the moment so... Idk." Jin sighed, laying on his back as he stared up at the ceiling. His mind has some many thoughts running through it. But one thought caught his mind, he shifted on his side to see Namjoon who is trying to fall back asleep.

"Joonie?" The purpled-haired boy hummed in response still having his eyes remained close. "Can a human turn into a vampire?" Jin asked softly, Namjoon's eyes snapped open making Jin flinch a bit. His third year of high school me

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