Russian Roulette

One week passed, and their relationship didn't progress, nor her memory. Every time JaeJoong would attempt to get close to her, she'd either shy away, or start bawling into tears, begging for him to not hurt her. Tiffany and her friends even stepped up in the situation and tried helping SeoHyun in remembering, but sadly, all of their plans just ended up in failure. 

That week was the hardest for JaeJoong, because after three days of trying, crying, and failing, in ended up to him, just watching behind the shadows, and just loving her in the sidelines. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Yoochun said, feeling concerned as he had been watching his friend for the last five minutes, staring out from his balcony. 

JaeJoong gave his friend an apologetic smile, then took a drink from his bottle. "Even without saying it, I think you already know what, or rather who I'm thinking of," he said setting down the empty bottle on the table.

Yoochun, handed him another, and looked at his friend sadly, "I heard about SeoHyun, I'm sorry man."

He shook his head and chugged down his third bottle. Whenever she's see her like that, crying and looking scared, JaeJoong couldn't help but blame himself with her misfortunes. Maybe.. maybe if she hadn't met her, SeoHyun wouldn't be caught up in this mess. She wouldn't had suffered that kind of torture. Not meeting him, was just as good as forgetting him completely. Sometimes he tells himself that being erased from her memory was maybe the best thing for her. "It's all my fault anyways, I deserve this." 

"No man-" Yoochun argued, but JaeJoong cut his words. 

"Look at her!" He yelled at him, "She's so pitiful, she can't even remember her own fiance." He tightly held on to his bottle, and his teeth gritted out of anger. Hot angry tears was starting to pool on the surface of his eyes. "SeoHyun's scared of me," he said painfully. "If only you could see how she acts whenever she sees me, you'd think I'm a monster." He threw the bottle at the concrete, and the broken glasses scattered in place. None of the two made a move to clean up the mess. 

Yoochun slowly went to his friend's side. He knows none of his words can heal him. None of his words could even make him okay, all he could do was just sit there and be there for him, never leaving his side. Yoochun just didn't understand what he was feeling, simply because he never even felt how to really love someone. Seeing his friend like this, it obviously tells him what a scary thing "LOVE" really is. 

JaeJoong was crying. After the week he'd been through, all he could do was cry in pain, blaming himself for all that had happened, and trying to make himself still have faith in their relationship. But all the faith he had was slowly depleting. All he have now was negativism. "She's leaving me Yoochun." 

"Eh? Why? When?" Yoochun asked, surprised. 

"YongHwa's grandfather suggested for her to take a leave, and go to Paris and have a chance again on her Photography course." He explained cooly. 

"And you just said yes? They can't hyung, You need her, and she'll need you too, just help her remember." He said, continually pestering him with his words, JaeJoong shoved his friend and stood up, facing him.

"Yes Yoochun! I DO NEED HER, I NEED HER BADLY I CAN'T BARELY BREATH! BUT WHAT CAN I DO?! SHE DOESN'T EVEN GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ME." He said, feeling frustrated about all of this, about his friend feeling like, he doesn't even care about her going away. His voice started to shake, "I don't want her to leave Yoochun, but I don't want to be selfish, and not give her the opportunity to go away and start again.. without me." His words were mixed with his tears. "She needs to go on without me." 

Yoochun stood up and went over to his friend. There was a reason why he was close to JaeJoong and it was because he was one of the few people he didn't feel embarass with. He didn't care if the man cries or whatever, but that night he gave his friend the warmest hug he could give. "It'll be alright hyung, I swear. The day I'll get married will be the day the two of you will be together again." 

JaeJoong cried by his friends words, "Then I hope you'll meet your woman fast." 


"What's this?! Where are you taking me?" He asked furiously, as Tiffany was dragging him at the restaurant's azotea. The whole day his friends were acting weird, until when Fanny came along and ordered him around to get dress. "YAH! If you won't answer me now, I wil fire you." 

"You can't fire me," she said sticking her tongue out. "Cause then you wouldn't find a better secretary than me." 

JaeJoong hissed. He hates to admit it whenever his own secretary was right, so he just let it through and just obediently followed her. A few minutes passed, and they followed a path of twinkling tunnel. Maybe by day it was a tunnel of vines, but at night it was very beautiful. They've finally reached the hidden garden. JaeJoong could make out a person sitting. Her back was facing hers, and the instantaneous racing of his heart made JaeJoong have a sure guess who the person was. 

JaeJoong stopped on his tracks. "What kind of sick joke is this?" He said angrily at her. 

"What the hell are you talking about?" 

The man pointed at the guest, "Why is she here? What is this plan Tiffany?" He definitely wants to get to the bottom of this. He wants to here her explanation for why the hell his secretary had just lose her common sense. He grunted at her, and turned her heel to the other side, but Fanny grabbed his arm. 

"She's leaving tomorrow," she whispered at him annoyingly. "And I'm irritated that you're inside your cave, not telling her to stop, nor even doing anything to fix this." JaeJoong tried to answer back, but she stopped him with a wave of her hand. "I'm here being a good friend to you, to at least have a better farewell to her." 


Fanny shook her head. "I can't blame you anymore, and I definitely wait for you to try and fix her when you're obviously broken too. You're strong boss, I know, but maybe if she left, you both will have time to heal the wounds, and she'll come back running into your arms again." 

Jae bit his lip. He felt thankful for her words, and action but one question hang on his head, "How can I even face her without her crying and everything?" 

Fanny smiled smugly, "I've already have a solution to that. So go now," she said, pushing him into the garden. 


Sitted across him, was SeoHyun giving him a small smile, and fully blindfolded. When Tiffany told him she already solved that one, she didn't expect this. He didn't know whether to laugh at this, or what, but either ways, he feels thankful for this chance. He was very much overjoyed about this. 

"Hey SeoHyun," he said gently. 

"Who are you?" SeoHyun said, his hands balled into fists, and was automatically up her chest, looking like she was guarding herself. 

"Oh don't worry, I'm one of Fanny's friends, she sent me here, because someone gave you a message." He lied smoothly. Fanny gave him this chance, he wouldn't want to mess up at all. "I'm Hero." 

"Oh, so what's message?" She asked sweetly. "Before that, do you know any particular reason why I'm blindfolded?" 

Jae heart thumped. He didn't know how to lie on this part. Fanny didn't exactly told him what to tell when she ask about this. "I don't know. When I came I just saw you looking like this." Her hand made a move to untie the knot but Jae grabbed her hand. "Don't. I'd rather talk to you like this." 

"Eh? Waeyo?" 

"Because I'd feel more nervous when I see you looking at me." I won't even have the strenght to let you go jagi. I might kept you here, and try to run away with you.

She bit her lip before giving him a nod. "So what's the message?" 

"Okay, just listen to me okay," he said, and he made a move to hold her hand, thankfully she didn't budge. "I'm sorry SeoHyun," he said, his voice starting to tremble. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. I'm sorry that you've met all of this sufferings because of me." He paused for a while, swallowing the hard lump that was at his throat. "Though I'm this broken and hurt, I'm also very thankful that I met you. To met such a pure and innocent woman, who gave me nothing but love and care, I feel deeply blessed. I know I'm too selfish if I want to keep you here instead. So I hope for you to start your life over, I hope you'll forget the bad things that I have brought upon you. I hope that the next time I'll see you, you'll be smiling widely at me." He paused, and he could feel her smooth hand, carressing his, making him feel warm. His tears started to fall. He couldn't take it, he love her too much he was willing to let her go. He was all too willing to give her a chance at life again. He was willing to just love her from afar. "I love you SeoHyun always remember that. Forever and always darling." 

"Who..? Who sent that message?" 

"Just a friend." 

"Do I know him?" 

"You do but you can't remember him anymore." 

"That's too sad," SeoHyun frowned. "I hope one day I'll see him and give him my reply." 

"I hope so too," he smiled a teary one. "I'm going now," he stood up and looked at her covered eyes. "Goodbye SeoHyun." 

"Goodbye Hero." 


One chapter more, and my fic's going to end :(

So what's your guess for the ending?

Will they meet again?

Will they get back together?

Or will the two of them forget each other, and have their own separate partners?

Comment me your thoughts. 

Thank you a lot, for reading, subscribing and commenting. 

Hugssssss for all of you guys! :)


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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never