Russian Roulette

"AGRHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD!" Tiffany yelled on the other side of the line. SeoHyun's left ear became temporarily deaf because of Fanny's high-pitched scream. 

"Tone it down a bit unnie," SeoHyun said, as she took her a few inches away from her face. 

"Sorry, sorry," she said, but Seo could feel like her screams ended prematurely. 

"Congratulations SeoHyun," YoonA said sweetly. She managed to stay calm, along with Sunny, as soon as Seo break the news to them. 

"Yah, congrats to you and JaeJoong Seo," Sunny also greeted her sweetly. "By the way, how did he propose? When?" 

In no time, Seo immediately recalled the things that happened that unexpectedly eventful day. She even accurately told them about the lines Jae said when she proposed to her. The whole time she was recounting her memories, Seo felt giddy inside. Her stomach were filled with butterflies and her face was flushed when she told them the story. Her friends even "Ohhh" and "Awwww" at the right times. 

"So how's the ring?" Sunny asked excitedly. 

"Ummm.." SeoHyun didn't know how to answer this. Since when Jae proposed, he didn't have a ring. She looked down to her finger and stared at the small red bow that was a temporary substitute. 

"GOD! I can't believe my stupid boss didn't give you a ring!" Fanny angrily said. 

"WHAT?!" Sunny and YoonA said in chorus.

"How did you even know that?" SeoHyun asked, since she was sure Jae still haven't told anyone, and she knows that Fanny even sound pretty much surprised earlier. 

"Isaw his schedule. It's here, 3:00 Visit Tiffany's and Co." She stated, looking down at JaeJoong's planner. "Now this totally make sense." 

"So he didn't even give you a ring?" Sunny asked, putting a light to the subject again. 

"He said, he still haven't found the perfect ring yet." 

"Tch, what a bastard!" Fanny grunted. 

"I think it's sweet." YoonA said, calmly contradicting her friend. 

"Sweet?! He's an idiot, how could he even propose like that?" 

And before the two of them have a catfight on phone, SeoHyun doused the tension that was rising. "I think it's okay Fanny. I mean I never really cared even if he gives me a 10,000won ring. What matters most is he's going to be forever mine." 

"Tch," Fanny grimaced over the phone. Of course, SeoHyun was right, but Fanny's pride wasn't really something that could be brought down, so she just gave her one of her smart answers, "I hope that ring worths a lot to make you wait this long." 

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be." SeoHyun answered happily. 

"Where are you anyways? We need to celebrate," Sunny spoke. 

"I'm at the flower shop, I'm buying flowers for haraboji." 

"Oh," Sunny said. 

It was clear to the three of them the recent blunder their friend encountered about the Jung family. Though she could understand about how the Jungs' are feeling, Sunny felt like they were pretty heartless for not even having the time, nor the conscience to visit her friend at the hospital. It's been a long time since Yong died, and for them SeoHyun had every right to move one, and choose unbiasely about the man she'd love. And now that she's going to marry JaeJoong, Sunny has worries about how the Jungs' will accept it. 

"Are you sure?" Sunny asked, feeling very concerned about her friend. "I mean they were really angry when they knew about you dating him. And if you tell them about this, I don't think the old guy would take it easily." 

"I know, but they've like a family to me ever since forever guys," SeoHyun explained. "I owe them this." 

"Okay okay," YoonA said. "Meet us tomorrow then, we'll catch up and maybe, just maybe we can also comfort you about haraboji, if things goes wrong." 

"Sure, thanks a lot." With that she hang up. The florist called her, and gave her the basket of flowers she ordered. She gave the nice old lady her payment, and went out of the shop. She was walking towards the bus stop when she staggered backwards. She looked to the person, and a big burly guy was looking straight at him. Seo immediately bowed and apologized to the man. 

"Are you SeoHyun?" The man said in a deep voice. 

Seo silently nodded. She doesn't know why, but the guy gave him the creeps. She instantly felt nervous as soon as her eyes made contact with his. 

"Come with me then." He said, locking her wrist with his tight hold. "President Jung wants to meet with you." 


"Ne, come with me miss," he said. SeoHyun hesitated in going but in the end she followed the man into the shiny black car parked on the curb. 


"I can't believe you proposed without a ring," Fanny growled at her boss. "Anyways have you bought it already." 

"Already her ma'am," he said, marveling at her recent purchase. This was it, for JaeJoong, this was the perfect ring. 

"Anyways, Yoochun called, he said the place is already set. He wants you to check it out before 7." 

"Okay, okay, I'm hanging up then." He said. 

"Um.. director. Congrats dude. I told you you'd find her," she said, telling her the conversation they had months ago. After his break up with Jessica. 

"You were right Fanny," he smiled. "I finally found her." 

"Okay, 'bye director call me when something comes up," she said hanging up.

After that he quickly went to the Parks' hotel. He was greeted by Yoochun, and he immediately led him to the place. As soon as he saw the place, he felt that the place was just magical. The room was absolutely exquisite. The lights, the decorations, the one table set in the middle. Everything was right. 

"Thanks a lot dude," he said, and smacking Chunnie's shoulder. 

"Sure. Again, congratulations hyung." He smiled. Though Yoochun wasn't a strong believer in marriage, for once he hopes that his bestfriend will have a happy chapter ahead of him, with his future wife. 

"Thanks," he answered. "How about you when will you even get married?" 

"HA HA HA," he pursed his lips. "I think I need to find a girl first." 

"And you have lots of that." 

"I need to find a girl Jae, not a crappy one night stand." He answered. 

Jae chuckled. "Maybe if you stop having crappy one night stand and start getting serious, things would've happen anyways." 

"C'mon dude. Stop sounding like my grandma. I'll get married. I swear. Just not now yet." 

"Okay, okay," he said. "I gotta run, I still have a few things to do, and I need to get ready." Without anymore words, he rushed outside the building and jumped into his car. His body trembling for excitement for the exciting night. 


It was half an hour passed 7 and SeoHyun still haven't arrived. JaeJoong was getting worried. He was sure that he correctly told Seo about the time and place. He tried calling her phone a dozen times but no one answers. He even asked Fanny to checked her apartment, but sadly she wasn't there. 

He was standing in the middle of the room. Anxiously pacing, checking his phone every hour. What the hell happened to you SeoHyun? 

Then, his phone rang. He looked at the screen and it was an unknown number. 


"Kim JaeJoong?"

"Ne. Who's this?" 

But before the person could answer and ear-splitting scream was heard from the other line. Jae's heart raced, having a dangerous guess on who it might be. "Who are you? What the hell do you want from me?" 

"Hmm, I think you must've heard then. I have your girlfriend, SeoHyun." 

"YOU BASTARD! What the hell do you want from me?!" Another scream was heard, and she even yelled Jae's name. "SeoHyun," he whispered. 

"Hmm, I will keep your precious alive, if and only if, you won't call the police, and exactly do everything we want." 

"YOU.." But his line was caught off and only the beeping sound was heard. 

This night did turn eventful, but in an exactly different way. 



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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never