Russian Roulette

The next day, Seo's room became the the busiest on the entire floor. A whole lot of her friends came over to visit, only leaving Seo an hour or two to rest before another set of people come inside her room. 

It was 10 in the morning, when her first visitors came. YoonA came, along with Sukwon, who she was supporting by the hand. Just like with JaeJoong, the trio had a teary hello. Seo apologized a thousand times, to both of them, especially to his appa.

"No my child, I should've taken care of you. Forgive me my daughter," the old man cried, and closely held his daughter's hand. 

Seo shook her head, deflating his father's claims. "It wasn't your fault appa." She cried, kissing the old man's hand. "I swear, I won't do it again. I promise I won't make you worry, or hurt you like this ever again," she said honestly, and rushed into the arms of both YoonA and Sukwon. 

After that, the two changed into a happier note, telling her the good news about the orphanage. Sukwon eased Seo's mind, when he assured her that everything was going on smoothly, and the land owner gave them enough time to pay their debts. For her, that news was enough to brighten up her whole day, but instead, she didn't know that, that ordinary day will just get a lot better. 

Just when she finished her lunch, Tiffany and Sunny came next. What shocked the two ladies the most was when Fanny started tearing up. 

"YAH! ARE YOU CRAZY?! WERE YOU EVEN THINKING STRAIGHT?!" She screamed angrily at Seo. "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?! You should've just came to me, and asked me to slapped you a thousand times, rather than having that ridiculous idea!" She said fiercely. 

Sunny was deeply worried and she tried to stop her from speaking further. She locked her arms around Fanny's waist and prevented her from putting a hand on Seo. But unlike Sunny, SeoHyun, just felt calm. Though there were tears in her eyes, she didn't have the energy to wipe them and just stared at her friend. 

She wasn't angry for two reasons. One, she knows that Fanny wasn't really the comforting type, so seeing her like this, meant that her friend was very much affected by what she did. Another was, the things that Fanny said, were the truth. What she did was stupid and yes, Seo knows she wasn't thinking straight. Honestly she was waiting for someone to tell her that. Rather than hearing kind words, she also wants to be blamed for what she did. 

"I know," she said serenly, "So can you stop screaming and just give me a hug?" Seo opened her arms and the two of them rushed to her giving her the tightest one they could. "I'm sorry for worrying you both." 

"Just don't ever do that again," Sunny frowned at her. 

"I'm still mourning over umma, so don't pull tricks like that again, or else," Fanny threatened beautifully. 

"Thanks for your awfully kind words unnie," she said playfully at Fanny, who returned her joke with a smirk. Seo beamed at the two of them. "I won't okay?" 

After that, the three of them talked about things that she missed. Fanny was the one who blurted out first about her break-up with Yuri, though there were obviously other reasons, she just ended their curiousity with, "I guess we just drifted apart."

Then Sunny came clean about leaving next year for Japan. "I was already applying for a scholarship in one of the universities there, thankfully, I was accepted, and my friend was willing, for me to live with her." SeoHyun and Tiffany hugged the blondie and gave her their congratulations. 

For a while, SeoHyun realized how she's responsible for the distance she must have put between her and her friends. She didn't know how much she missed. She felt happy, when she assumed that JaeJoong must have kept his distance today, just so she could have time catching up with her friends. 

Just when the two left, Yoochun and Changmin came in next. Yoochun was holding a bouquet while the maknae was holding 5 balloons, each printed with "Get well soon." Different from her other visitors, the two didn't cry and they looked calm and happy when they came in. They didn't discuss about the events, but instead asked about her condition. 

"By the way, Junsu and Yunho couldn't come since they had to go overseas for work," Yoochun explained, as he peeled the oranges that Sunny gave. 

"But, both of them sent their regards," Changmin said, showing the photos of Yunho and Junsu with their aegyo smile. 

"I'm sorry I made you worried," she said embarrassingly. Though she wasn't exactly close to the two of them, she was still very touched when they came, and checked up on her. 

"Worried, is such an understatement," Yoochun said teasingly, while the maknae just nodded in agreement. She passed the bowl of oranges to her, and urged the woman to eat. 

"I must have made JaeJoong crazy," she said as she took one of the oranges. 

"Positive," Changmin said honestly. "Frankly I've never seen hyung acted like that. He didn't eat, nor sleep. He was like a man who just lost half of his life." 

Yoochun looked at Seo kindly. He knows she was already feeling sad about what happened, now she also feels guilty for his bestfriend. "JaeJoong-hyung loves you truely, so don't feel guilty about whatever, 'kay? I'm sure he didn't tell you about this, since he didn't want you to get worried." 

"What you should be thinking now, is to get better, and be out on a million dates with that guy," Changmin playfully winked at her.

She nodded eagerly at the two of them. Changmin was right. If there was one thing she should be doing, it should be making up to JaeJoong. As soon as Seo gets out of the hospital, she plans to try to be the best girlfriend she could be for him. For the remaining time, the two entertained Seo with stories about JaeJoong. Seo felt happy hearing them, since it was also a way to get to know more about Jae's past. The two were also having fun recounting all the most embarrassing secrets they knew about him. 


It was later that day when there was another knock on SeoHyun's door. Though she was feeling tired, she knows that each and every one of them are just genuinely worried for her, and the least she could do was give her all the time and energy she has. She told the person to come in. 

As soon as she saw her new visitor and feeling of guilt and embarrassment washed over her. She knew for a fact that it was Minho who saw her that day. 

"Hey," he said, raising a hand along with his boyish smile. 

"Hey," SeoHyun beamed. SeoHyun's eyes never left him as he walked closer to her, putting just a few feet distance between the two of them. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, with concern laced all over his words. 

"I'm fine," Seo said, which was really an overstatement. She was still feeling depressed about Mrs. Hwang and all, but unlike few days ago, she was stable and not suicidal. "About last time.."

Minho shook his head, cutting Seohyun's words. "Let's not talk about it." If there was one thing that Minho wants it was to forget what happened that dreadful day. The ugly memory was like a nightmare that brings him sleepless nights and rotten thoughts. "Rememeber the first time I saw you.." He beamed as he took a sit beside her bed. 

Not exactly getting the reason of their sudden recalling of memories, but neverthless SeoHyun answered Minho, "Yes. I was a mess that day. I kept failing on orders, breaking up plates and I was blanking out everytime someone comes up and talk to me." 

Minho chuckled in agreement, "Oh yes, you were a wreck Miss Seo JooHyun." SeoHyun glared at him, taking hint of his teasing. "I was surprised though, the moment when appa told me you were the new employee. I mean, why would he risk his job, to break the rules, and let a girl come into the cafe. I remembered asking him this, and he just told me that I should take care of you." 

SeoHyun was indeed surprised. No wonder for the months she worked there, it was always Minho guiding her, taking care of her. "So my Shadow Minho now has an explanation," he laughed. 

"Yes, and your shadow ended up falling in love with you," he said, throwing off SeoHyun with his sudden words. 


"No, I get it SeoHyun, JaeJoong's here now and I won't get a chance, I should move on and I know that." He said, giving her a sad smile. "But maybe if was brave enough before, if only I could've confessed to you earlier, I couldn't help but assume that today, I might be me who you're calling your boyfriend." 

Seo didn't answer. She thought long and hard of what Minho said. "Maybe you were right. If I wasn't too preoccupied, if I just gave myself a chance to see you in another light, it might have worked out Minho," she said, with all honesty. Minho was indeed a good guy, and every girl will fall head over heels for someone like him. "But I honestly think you deserve someone better. Having a depressed and slightly deranged girl for a girlfriend might be not right for you." 

Minho laughed at her last statement, "I'll be the judge of that. I mean I did try to have that depressed and slightly deranged girl." 

Seo opened her arms, "Thank you, for all the times you've been there for me.. and thanks a lot for saving me." 

Without anymore words, Minho walked to her, and hugged her, just like what he planned to, the moment he came inside. "I love you SeoHyun.. I really do." 

"I know," she said, and Seo felt bad that she couldn't love him that way he wants her to. 

"Can I kiss you? Because this might be the only chance I have," he said, and Seo just nodded. She felt like she was obliged to at least give him this, after all the things she put him through. She closed her eyes waiting for his lips, but instead she felt a soft touch on her cheek. 

"I'll just go with that." 

Minho then gently took her arms off of him. He stood up, and walked to the door. He wasn't planning on turning, because he felt like his tears were dangerously close to falling. But he needed to see her, one last time. "I'll always be your shadow SeoHyun." 

"Thank you." 

With that Minho left, with only thoughts of goodbye in his head. This was it, one last time, the last time he'd see her. The last chance he gave to himself, before finally moving on. "Goodbye Seo JooHyun." 

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never