Russian Roulette


"Hey," JaeJoong called out to her. He was smiling awkwardly as he waited for SeoHyun to close the distance between them. Instead of answering back, Seo's eyes feasted over the stunning view of the place. SeoHyun could only give Jae a timid grin when she took notice of Jae watching her. 

"Come a take a seat," he said, ushering her to a chair he pulled. Jae sat next to her, and he felt amused as he observed SeoHyun still looking amazed at everything she was seeing. 

"Did you do all these?" She asked. 

Jae happily nodded. "I flew in the same time as you this morning," he explained. "Yunho and the others came over and helped." 

After a heart-to-heart talk with Yunho, the next day, feeling clarified and focused, JaeJoong woke up, and immediately catch the plane going to Jeju Island, after calling JongHyun. 

He wanted to apologized to SeoHyun, and came running to her, just so he can proved how serious he was on making up. The guy even planned something just so he wanted the day to become more special. 

"Omo, yeppuda!" She said.

Jae personally decorated and designed the place. So in the middle of the shore, he created a breathtaking dinner table, and along with the sunset, it made the place even more beautiful. He took two brown woven beach umbrella, which were position perpedicular to the table. Scented yellow candles were scattered around the place, which were encased in glass vases. The table was sheathed with a white table cloth, which was embossed lightly with flowers. The dinnerware which came from Italy, was designed with gold s at the end. 

Deep inside, he knew he didn't just do all this just so he could flaunt to her how much money his family have. He did all this so he could show how significant she was for him. JaeJoong just wanted to SeoHyun all the best things in the world. 

After a while, the waiters came. They were served the table with abalones, shrimps, tuna, and a lot more. She swallowed hard. The food served are the food she never had the chance to eat. 

"Hope you like seafood," he said nervously, as he stared at her, taking a first bite from the tuna he just served on her plate. "Is it good?" 

"Mmmmm," she said as she was munching down her first bite. She gave JaeJoong a thumbs up as she was taking again another bite. "Did you cook all of these?" 

Jae nodded. 

"I never thought you could cook," she said, feeling amazed. SeoHyun was honestly surprised. For people like JaeJoong, they usually have top-class chefs to cook for them, and YongHwa who came from the same status as him, never really learned, nor had the motivation to do so, arguing that he'll always have someone to cook for him. 

JaeJoong chuckled. "You know that famous cliche line? 'A way to a man's heart is through his stomach.' Well I decided to try that on girls.. Well it still hasn't lose its charm, has it?" He winked at SeoHyun. 

Seo knows he was just being playfully, so he just stuck out her tongue and honestly said, "And here I thought all the food in your fridge were just for show." Causing JaeJoong to laugh hard. 

The sun had totally set, and the dinner went on silently. Sometimes they'd caught glances of each other, making them smile timidly. They both spoke a few times, but it was on lighter topics. Both of them were still purposely avoiding the fight they had recently. When Seo's eyes wandered somewhere else, JaeJoong took his chance to discreetly call his another surprise. 

Then out of nowhere the stringed quartet played. Seo was startled at their first note, and then found herself feel even more joyful as she recognized that it was her piece that they were playing. She clasped her hand together and gently swayed on her seat, as she listened to the amazing music they were producing. Then Jae stood, and offered his hand to her, "May I take this dance?" 

Seo nodded, and Jae led them to the center, just an sufficient distance away from the quartet. Seo rested on Jae's shoulder, while the other intertwined with his and Jae's other hand was placed in the middle of Seo's waist. They leaned from side to side, and just gently dancing on their small square spot. 

"Jagi.." Seo said gently. For her, this was already the best opportunity for them to talk. 

Jae pulled her closer. "Before you say anything," he said. Just like Seo, he was also thinking that they need to stop avoiding what happened yesterday. "I'm sorry for being a jerk yesterday. I felt foolish, just cause I was feeling insecure." 

Seo shook her head, "Shouldn't I be the one apologizing?" 

"No jagi. I did something stupid. I didn't hear you out, and just assumed with my own thoughts, I'm sorry." 

"I did something wrong too Jae," she said, as she tighten her clasped on his hand. "I was too insensitive. I didn't want to burden you with my problems, but I now I know I was wrong, 'cause I didn't even think how would you feel if I kept keeping things from you. I also didn't want to tell you about Jessica, since I didn't want to ruin your relationship." 

Jae slowly cupped her faced in between in palms and gently made her looked up to him. He locked his eyes to her warm brown ones, and sincerely stated, "Always. Always remember that you're what it's important to me now, not Jessica nor money." 

Seo heart raced, becoming faster and faster as she held on to his words. "Thank you," she said as she tip-toed to put a kiss on his cheek. "I'll always remember that." 

Jae smiled and kiss lightly the tip of her nose, "Only me okay?" 

"No one but you Kim JaeJoong." 


When it was getting late, JaeJoong and SeoHyun both retreated back to Jae's suite. As soon as Jae opened the door for her, she was was immediately blown away from the amazing panoramic view of the living room. She stood there, frozen as she gawked at the windows. She was even unaware of her boyfriend who was already seated on his couch waiting for her. 

"Come sit here," he said, and patted the spot next to him. Seo nodded, and silently sat beside him. 

In front of them, were two glasses of wine, and the wine bottle next to it. He took the glasses and gave the other one to Seo. "A toast.."

"For what?" She asked wondering. 

"For surviving a month together," he grinned and Seo clicked her glasses with his, "And may we have many months more to come," she said. They both drank the contents of their glasses, and then out of nowhere, Seo asked, "So did you even treat Jessica like this?" 

"Like what?" He asked, curious why she was interested about his ex-girlfriend. 

"Dinner, surprise, things like this," she asked, while drinking another glass. The woman was every bit curious about JaeJoong, and especially when it comes to his past and his last relationships. Seo wants to learn the things about him, things he likes and dislikes, embarrassing stories, sad stories and even about Jessica. 

JaeJoong didn't answer immediately, instead, his face looked like he was in deep-thought. Seo watched the person patiently. 

"Like this? Hmmm, no, I did cook for her once in a while, but not like this," he said nonchalantly as he sipped from his glass.

"Why? You've been together for almost two years." 

"Well, we both lead a busy life, so going out whenever we want to was impossible, and for months she spent her time in Europe because of work," he explained. "So I never really had the chance to do things like this for her." 

"Was she really your first love?" SeoHyun asked, as she raised her knees on the couch and pulled it closer to her chest. Her eyes never left JaeJoong. She thought to herself, how she yearn to see the different expressions of him. And just by asking about Jessica, she saw how uncomfy and nervous he looked, but at the same time, Seo felt that he was also being honest. 

"She was," his eyes glinting just at the end. "Was YongHwa your first?" 

Seo nodded, she felt a bit uneasy when Jae asked about him, but at the back of her mind, it was to be expected since she was raising questions about Jessica. 

"How was he.. as a boyfriend?" He asked, his head, turning to fully glanced at his girlfriend. "Did he to things like these?" 

She sipped another, and nodded. "Not so much. YongHwa's really not the type who goes out for dinner and such, the two of us were more laid-back, but there were times when he actually dress-up and surprise me for dinner. It was cute," Seo smiled. Her mind went to a small flashback to the night when he proposed. It was just a normal dinner for the two of them, until YongHwa asked her out to the rooftop to get some fresh air. The next thing she knows, the other building was flashing the words, WILL YOU MARRY ME? And YongHwa was already on his one knee with a ring in hand. 

Jae watched how Seo's eyes soften after answering. Her chin plopped in between her kness, her gaze penetrating the floor with her softness. He didn't know what she was thinking of, but he had a good guess who it was about. "Do you miss him?" 

Her eyes gazed up to him softly, "Honestly, yes. Just like you I was friends with YongHwa before we dated. He was always there for me, taking care of him, protecting me. He was the first family I had that never left." 

JaeJoong didn't answer. He was musing over the fact, that if YongHwa didn't die, she may have been officially became a family with YongHwa. Jae couldn't help but have mix feelings on the thought. He was feeling sad for SeoHyun, for imagining how much pain she went through for losing such an important person, but there was also a small part of him, which felt joyful, that if weren't such tragedy happened, he wouldn't also have the chance to be with her right now. 

"I'm fine now though," she sad, completely misunderstanding JaeJoong's thoughts, making him, give her an awkward smile. 

The atmosphere became eerily silent that SeoHyun was just getting busy by drinking. She was on her third glass, when she was already starting to feel tipsy. Her vision was slighlty becoming unblurry and she was about to stumble down the couch when JaeJoong caught her. "YAH! Gwenchana? Why did you even drink so many? Didn't you say you have low tolerance for alcohol?" He said, feeling worried, as he watched her becoming less like her prim and proper aura. 

SeoHyun only giggled, and became limpless on JaeJoong's arms. "YAH! KIM JAEJOONG?! Will you ever leave me like YongHwa? Will you stay with me no matter what? Will you be there whenever? Will I also go through the same pain I went when Yong died?" Her words, though slurry were the true ones she was meaning to ask him. "I'm scared JaeJoong, if this relationship might also break me like last time, tell me now Jae. Tell me now." 

He lifted Seo from the couch, and looked at her. His brown eyes gentle, as he looked the woman close to tears. Her head laid on his shoulder while her arms were secured around his neck. Her tears, warm against Jae's neck. But before he could even answer her, she was already deep in her sleep, her questions still hung unanswered. 


Morning came, and the angry glares of the sun was pouring through the windows. Seo was awaken from her slumber as her sleep was disturbed by the light. She shifted on her bed and tried to find cover against the brightness of the sun, but instead she felt another hand. 

Her eyes popped wide-open and looked behind her. Then she was staring directly at JaeJoong. His face just a few inches away from her own. She tried to remember what happened, but all she could think of was the wine she took. Then she threw her arms over the blanket and check something, and she was glad that she was still in her dress. 

Her eyes went back to the peaceful state of her beloved. Her fingers unconsciously went to his face, tracing every corner. Starting from his forehead and down to his perfect nose, to his eyes traveling down to his lips. She couldn't even define how ideal he looked. She scooted over, nearer to his side when she felt something poking somewhere it wasn't supposed to be. Her eyes looked down and she sprang from bed. "ARGHHH!" She yelled. 

Jae immediately sat up, "What? What?" 

Seo pointed, "What's that?!" She asked, looking at the slightly thing, forming at the middle of Jae's pajamas. 

"OH GOD!" He said, as he hurriedly pulled the covers over to him and hid the area. "I'm sorry, Yong had one to," he said out-of nowhere. 

Seo laughed, and Jae watched her feeling apologetic and embarrassed. "I'm sorry, it's usually like this every morning." 

Seo shook her head, "It's okay I was just surprised." She grinned. 

"Hey could you come back here? I promise I won't do anything." He said, as he took and pillow and put it in front of his abdomen. Seo silently followed and jumped back to bed. 

"I'm sorry again," Jae said, as he held her hand. 

"It's okay." 

With that, they silently stared at each other. Jae's thumb was gently carressing her cheek. The couple, felt lucky for the time they had. They were silently exchaging such strong feelings of love and joy for each other. 

"I won't hurt you," Jae mumbled. 

Seo looked at him inquisitively but JaeJoong silently dismissed her, sushing the fact that the words he just said were the answer to her questions the night before. 

"I love you," Seo whispered and Jae couldn't help but pull the woman close and sealed the morning with his purest and most tender kiss. 


So here's chapter 35. 

Sorry I only had to type it now, 

I had to finish writing my draft and I didn't get much inspiration as needed. 

Anyways I'll be working at the operating room tomorrow, 

So I'm feeling very anxious :|

Wish me luck guys! :)

Hugs and kisses to all of you ;)

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never