Russian Roulette

After that, SeoHyun never heard from Youngbae again. Manager Choi didn't even pass her any message, or more specifically, fire her. Which she definitely expected after that sudden visit. The week went on, and once JaeJoong even came over for dinner after finally having a break from all of his work. Of course  she didn't get to spend much time with him, since he had to be back to the office to put on last finishing touches on his presentation. Of course, Seo couldn't argue since she knows how much their company needs him right now. She just have to stand strong and wait for him. The next day, the week just had another interesting event. After her shift, an unlikely visitor came over for her. 

She stared at her visitor with opened slightly out of surprised. The lady held so much elegance and glamour just like the first time she saw her. She was dressed stylishly in her green silk pencil cut skirt and shirt long-sleeved top. She had a gold wristwatch and a pair of diamond earrings. 

She remained frozen. She wasn't even sure she needed to greet her or not, since the lady was unsmiling. 

"We need to talk," she said coldly with her piercing stare . She snapped Seo back to reality when she cleared , obviously waiting for her to answer. 

Seo shook her head lightly and nodded. "Follow me then," she said blankly as she lead her to the foyer. 

Throughtout the whole commotion, the guys just watched the scene before them. Just like Seo, they were also star-strucked as soon as they saw the lady walked inside the cafe. But Minho looked uneasy as soon as Seo led her outside. 

"The director was first, then the CEO, now some snotty rich girl," Gongchan frowned. "What's up with noona and these people?"

Taemin nodded, and looked at Seo and the woman. 

Myungsoo pursed his lips, and his eyes never laid off from them. "I'm beginning to think that SeoHyun has been living a double life or something." 

Only Minho remained silent, and just worriedly watch the two young ladies. He felt nervous for Seo. Something in his mind keeps telling him that the girl is bad news. 


Just like Youngbae, Jessica didn't touch the coffee when Minho came in with the woman's iced latte. Seo saw, how Minho gave her a slightly curious and worried expression. Not wanting to bother the man, she just gave him a reassuring smile. When Minho left, Seo got a better view of Jessica. She was looking rather unpleasant, in her pursed lips and vacant stare. Her hands were rested on her bag. She was giving off this very intimidating aura, making Seo to dropped her gaze. 

Generally, she wouldn't care about this petty things, but there's just something about her that Seo didn't want to easily lose. Maybe because of the fact that she was Jae's ex-girlfriend. Still she tried to relaxed herself, by chanting in her head to not get frightened. In a few minutes, her heart slowed down, and her confidence level elevated. She crossed her arms, and she gave Jessica an intense stare. 

"So, what do we need to talk about?" I asked finally breaking the intense staring contest. Seo was just itching to be done with this. 

Her lips curved to one side, making her look more sinister. "So you're JaeJoong-oppa's girlfriend," She smiled, like there was another meaning to her words. "Interesting," she said mockingly. 

Seo remained silent, and watched the woman finally take a sip from her coffee. She tried to compose her emotions, though deep inside she just wants to jumped on the table and pull her hair out. She kept hearing inside her brain Tiffany's voice, scolding her how weak she was, that sometimes she needs to fight back too. Her lips were about to open, when Youngbae's face suddenly came out. She took a deep breath. Seo tried to remember the things she said to Youngbae, the promise she made. Jessica was obviously one of the obstacles, and she wasn't weak enough to lose to her fight. 

"By the intensity of your gaze earlier, I have a feeling you already know who I am," she cocked her eyebrows waiting for Seo's answer. Seo gave her a small nod. 

"It goes deeper than that though." Jessica felt delighted when she saw how she just sparked your interest. Seo gulped nervously, but her eyes never left Jessica. "I've been friends with him for more than five years. I know just about everything about the guy. The types of girls he dates.. and how he treats them." Seo can't help but see how Jessica lingered on the last words. Her eyes becoming more sinister. 

Seo didn't answer, the confidence she had earlier was gradually depleting with Jessica's words. She couldn't help but realize how right Jessica's words was. Jessica Jung. She wasn't simply just an ex-girlfriend, she was also one of Jae's dearest friends. They established a very good relationship before dating. Seo felt helpless. She wasn't even friends with Jae and she didn't even know much about him. She groaned in defeat, knowing that the things she only knew are his name, his work and his friends. His past was okay, but that's the only personal thing she knew. 

Jessica laughed wickedly. "I see you, and it makes me think how much he changed, or rather how his standards dropped so low." 

Seo gritted her teeth. Her nails digging on her back of her hands. 

Jessica sipped her drink and her eyes locked with Seo's. "A piece of advice, do not delude yourself that Jae's madly in love with you." She smirked when she saw Seo flinched. "I know the guy I can tell whether he's in love or just interested," she pushed her seat and stood up. "And if I were you, I keep doing whatever it was I was doing before to keep him a little longer," she walked pass Seo, not even stopping for her answer. 

Seo couldn't even move, the words she wanted to say stuck on the tip of her tongue. She held on the chair, and her head dropped. The tears she didn't expect stained her jeans. What was she for Jae? Was he serious about her? Or he's just playing with her just like what Jessica said. 


"Doing okay?" Minho asked as soon as he entered the foyer. The lady had a wicked smile when she left which made Minho worry more about Seo. He quickly rushed to the foyer, and he heard Seo's quite sobs. 

She sniffed and quickly composed herself. "I'm fine." 

"I can hear you sobbing from the door, you don't need to lie Seo," he said. He was feeling angry. Why can't she just tell me her problems? Can't she see that I'm here for her? That I'll listen to her? That I'll do the best in my abilities to make her feel okay?

He took hold of her hand, which Seo immediately took off. "Leave me alone Minho." She stood up and was about to walk through the door when Minho grabbed her arm. "You're obviously not okay." He pulled her into a hug. "Whatever it is, just tell me Seo, I'll listen. Just please I don't want to see you hurting." 

Seo grew weak into Minho's arms. The tears she wanted to stopped, just continously stained Minho's shirt. She felt how soothingly he was her back. She couldn't help but feel protected and safe. 

"Seo.. stop crying. I'm here," he said gently and Seo's heart cringed a little when the person who last told her that is somewhere unaware of her pain. 


Seo looked at her phone, while Minho left her to buy some drinks. She already had 5 missed calls from Jae. She opened her phone to write a new message. But her hand was stopped when she saw Jae's name appear on the screen again. He was calling. Frankly speaking, she didn't even know whether to answer the call or not. 

"Here's your orange juice," Minho said, which startled her. She immediately ignored the call. 

"Thanks," she said, taking the drink from him. 

He took a seat beside her. They were at Yeouido Park. It was a Saturday, so a lot of people were around the area. They were sitted beside the stream. Both of their feet were dangling on the side, touching the warm water. 

"Feeling better?" He asked.

"Mmmh," she nodded. She did felt a little better, after crying it all out, she felt a huge weight was taken off from her. She was glad Minho was there for him. She glanced at him, and smiled. "Thanks a lot. You're always there when I'm down. You're always trying to make me feel better." 

"You're the girl I like, don't you think it's normal for me to be like that," he playfully winked at her. 

With his sudden statement, Seo felt umcomfortable and she looked down to her feet. For more than a week, she had been comfortable with Minho ever since he told her to stop avoiding her, but it threw her out when Minho just voices out his feelings like that. Truthfully she wasn't comfortable hearing. And she hates herself now that she still haven't confess to him about Jae. 

He nudged her arm. "Don't be like that. I like you Seo, and it's not something I hide, but I just want you to remember that I'm here for you. So stop facing your emotions alone ne? Whenever you're feeling happy or sad, or in verge of tears, just tell me and I'll listen, okay?" 

Seo nodded. I'm sorry Minho, maybe I'll just tell you about Jae some other time.

Then she felt a sudden wetness on her face. She turned to Minho, and he was ready to spray her with the stream's water. "YAH!" She yelled when she got hit on the face. She fought back and put her hand inside the water and sprayed some to Minho's direction. With that she temporarily forgot her worried, Jessica's words, her doubts on JaeJoong and how she still haven't confessed to Minho. All of those disappeared when Minho made her afternoon worthwhile. They kept chasing each other and pushing each other on the stream. 

It was past 7 in the evening when Minho and Seo almost reached her apartment. Both were drenched, especially Seo. They stopped in front of the gate. 

"Thanks a lot Minho," she smiled. 

He placed a hand on her face, as he tuck in a damp hair behind her ear. "No problem." Then he kissed her lightly on the forehead, making Seo stagger back.


Both of them looked to the direction and there Jae stood, looking unpleasant as ever. 


Don't hate me :(

I promise Seo and Jae moment on the next chapter. 

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never