Russian Roulette

This was also one of the two chapters that was deleted last Monday. 

Again, it was written a little differently since I don't save my drafts. 

Forgive me if I haven't been updating much. 

I am still busy with finals and requirements. 

Sorry, I promise I'll update soon if I have time :)


When morning came, Seo's eyes slowly opened, and she saw the familiar off-white chipped ceiling of hers. Her eyes flew open with the sudden realization that she was already inside her room. Her heartbeat race when she peered behind her blanket, but it slowly died down when she saw that she was still wearing her caramel dress. She sat up, and composed herself as she tried to remember how she even got home last night. She was about to stand up, when she saw a sticky note pasted on her lamp. She leaned it closer to read what was written. 


Forgive me if I just left without saying goodbye. You looked tried, so I figured you needed rest. I hope you get better in the morning. 

P.S You look pretty when you sleep (*^3^)/~☆

Seo couldn't wipe off the smile on the face as she rushed out of bed and quickly search for her phone. She immediately dialled his number and patiently waited for him to pick up. The events from last night was temporarily replace by this contents of the yellow note. 

"Yeobo! Good morning," he happily greeted on the fifth ring, "Feeling better?" 

"JaeJoong-ssi," she smiled to herself. The sound of his voice made her feel warm inside, "Mhh, I'm a little better." 

"Jinja?" He asked, sounding concerned as he remembered the pitiful expression she had last night. "That's good then." 

"Yea, thanks for last night." 

"It no problem, anything for my princess," he said so easily. 

It was a good thing Jae wasn't with her, or else he could've seen the way Seo blushed as soon as he called her princess. She was out of words because of sweetness. 



"Want to go out for dinner tonight?" 

"Hmmm.." He hesitated. It had been a long time since she had an actualy date. Unfortunately for her, the last time was the night when YongHwa was about to go to Europe. She didn't expect that after that night, she would never see him again. 


"Sure," she answered. She needed to move on after all, to get back to her normal life. "Dinner tonight." 

"Jinja?" He asked excitedly. 

"Ne." She asked, his happiness became contagious. 

"I'll pick you up at 8 then." 

"Sure," she replied then hung up. 

She was in a blissful state, when one little fact hit her in the face, "I don't have anything to wear," she groaned. She was in a light state of panic when she remembered where her old clothes were. All of it were left in Yong's old apartment. "Might as well go pick it up later then," she said to herself as she ran to the bathroom to get ready for work. 


The day came by so fast that she didn't expect that she had already exceeded an hour to her shift. She hurriedly changed into her clothes and ran to the door. She collided with someone, and she lightly rubbed her head. She looked up to the person to apologized, but instead she saw MinHyuk's dejected face. 

"MinHyuk! Gwenchana?" She asked worriedly, "Is it harboji? Hara-ssi? What happened?" 

"Noona," he moaned. "I apologize for what happened last night." He knows that the ahjummas didn't have the right to talk about her that way, but instead she let them be and left the hall. It was so typical of her. Seo always becomes the polite one, but instead it's making her look like a push-over. "I scolded them for you." 

"Bwo?" She asked, feeling guilty. They often, or rather always treat her like family, it was already too much for her if they also come into rescure. Of course she didn't want to be a burden for them. "You didn't have to Min." 

"Hmp," he frowned at her timid expression. "Of course we should do that. Even haraboji scolded them. Tch! They got what they deserved." He said, feeling smug about what they did to them last night. 

"Hmm, haraboji.." she said worriedly. The old man was already like a real father to him, of course she also didn't want to cause him any stress, or at this point a discord within their family. "You should have just let it be Min." 

"Aish!" He looked at her annoyingly. "Stop being like that noona. They were wrong anyways, they needed to be punished." 


"C'mon, let's go out for coffee," he said, and immediately locked his arm with hers. "As an apology for last night," he explained at her astonished reaction. 

Of course Seo couldn't help but obliged with her dongsae's offer, especially when he already used his aegyo. If Min already used his batting eyelashes and cute smile move, it means she can't back out.


As expected Min took her to one of her favorite Italian restaurants. After that they stopped by for some ice cream, and later that evening they went to his house for dinner. Both haraboji, and Hara-ssi bombarded her with apologies. It was already past 10 in the evening when Min took her home. He parked his car, and walked her to the gate. 

"I had a nice time Min," she smiled, "Thanks a lot for today."

"I'm glad noona." Then he pulled him into one of his bear-tight hugs. "I'm glad I made you feel better." 

"Ne," she answered and wrapped her arms around him. 

He let go and bid her good night. Giving her a last kiss on the cheek before he left. Seo was oblivious to the person that was watching them from afar, that she was startled with the sudden mention of her name from behind. 

She turned around only to see an unhappy JaeJoong looking unhappy, with a bouquet in hand. Then something clicked inside her mind, "JaeJoong.. dinner," she mumbled to herself. How can you be so stupid Seo?

"JaeJoong-ssi.." She said, her words loss, as she tried to see for the right words to explain herself. 

"At least one of us had FUN tonight," he said sarcastically. 

She didn't answer, and it annoys, or rather, anger him more to see her there just standing, not even bothering to explain herself. "Seriously SeoHyun?! Am I just a toy that you like playing around? Are my feelings meant nothing to you?" He spatted bitterly at her.

"Jae.." she tried to explain but JaeJoong cut her.

"Or I just got boring that you decided to rather frolic around with some other guy?!" He said, acid filled his words. "It seemed like that innocence of yours is nothing but an act," he said, his eyes looked unusually cold. "It turns out you're just like them Seo, just like everyone else, you're nothing but a ." 

Those words cut deep inside her, that she couldn't stop herself when she slapped him across his face. She covered , surprised with what she had done. "JaeJoong," she said apologetically, her hands about to touch her face, but Jae held her wrist, and threw them away. 

"Deal's off," he said icily.

His words were so sudden, that Seo couldn't even ran after him. She could only stare at Jae's figure as it slowly disappear out in the streets. 

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karma705 #1
Chapter 50: This kinda felt rushed...especially the ending
aurorabelle #2
Where have I been?!
Why I didn't know about this?!
this seojae story is outstanding!
Sequel please.. Please sequel huhu
Chapter 50: This story just...gsjshdjwkakaauw
I can't describe in words..
I feeling sad for both of them.
I mean their lifes really hard, especially seohyun.
im glad that they're back together...but I really want to see how their future life
Aaaaah I wish you can write the sequel
the best crackship fanfic I've ever read
choineny #4
ONE OF MY FAVORITE FF!!!! I hope another amazing story from you author-nim, FIGHTIIING!!!!!
Chapter 50: OMG authornim! you are daebak >< i love this. and its featuring my biases u__u i have a lot of emotion while reading this. even some chap made ne cryy u__u very well done. i like seo and jae together. both of them are just perfect. .
The truth is I've been read this beautiful story a long time ago, but I don't have any account...

so now I wanna say thank you so much to you my dearest author-nim for made this very amazing ff :D

gonna re-read this thousand of time!!!

have a nice day :">
Elfishyla #9
Happy ending...
woow.. nice story... ^^
YeeeeeeeAaaaaa!!!! Thier together!!!!
thos was good ill re-read it until i get bored which be never