Confession to an Idol

Hello readers! 

*This not a rated chapter, don't worry, i will not pollute your minds, LOL.

Comments are appreciated yeah (:




Hye In’s pov

My eyes sparkled with hope. If I’m not wrong, it’s LEE KIKWANG, MY SAVIOUR!

“What if I don’t?” Fat threatened. The next horrible thing he did was giving me a love bite on my neck. He caused me trembled with fear, liquid gradually rained down my cheeks. HURRY, KIKWANG! SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEE!

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S MY CINGU, DON’T TREAT HER LIKE THAT!” Kikwang shouted. The Fat gave Kikwang a tight punch. Little did I know that Kikwang lay on the floor motionless.

“KIKWANG!” I bawled. I tried to stand up but my legs turned jelly. He’s coming towards me! That Fat was coming towards me!

“You’re not going anywhere, you little !”

He pushed me hard on the wall and hissed, “One more word from you, I will make you suffer! If you attack me, I will not spare you either!”

Hot tears continued to stream down my cheeks. That stupid ert kissed my neck harshly and then his lips moved down to my collarbone. I bit my lips hard and they were going to bleed anytime. Next moment, he tried to my shirt. I pushed his hands away and grabbed my shirt tight.

“Please, no!” I wailed.

“HANDS OFF!” he tried to move my hands away. I couldn’t bulge at all. PLEASE, ANYONE CAN SAVE ME?

“Trying to play with me? I will play along with you.” He grinned and gave me another tight slap. My hands automatically went towards my hurtful face. My face was sore and reddish, I knew it.

The first button was down. I shut my eyes closed. This was definitely not a reality I wanted.

The second button was down. I wanted to cry out loud.

The third button was down. I couldn’t bear watching myself to get ra-

“BASTARD!” someone yelled. He sounded like…YONG JUN HYUNG?

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw that Fat on the ground, clutching his head. YES, MY SAVIOUR FINALLY CAME!


Junhyung’s POV

I entered the rooftop and gasped at what I saw.

  1. Kikwang lying on the floor unconscious.
  2. Someone was trying to HAN HYE IN?!

My eyes stopped at a plank of wood near the door. I grabbed it and walked slowly and cautiously to the , without making any sounds.

“BASTARD!” I yelled and hit at his head hard, with the help of the wood I’m holding.

What a fat guy he was. Let me called him ‘Fat ’ then. Fat fell to the floor and clutched his head. I dropped my plank of wood. What did I just do? MURDER? Okay, relax! I did not use my full power at all…Fat would not die and I would not be a murderer.

If you think that Fat is a weak opponent, you are absolutely wrong.

 Before I even run to Hye In, he stood up. Without knowing, he punched my left eye. OUCH!

That Fat thought he was iron man, hard and strong eh? I should use my wits to deal with you.

“C’mon, fight with me! The police will be coming here soon. C’mon, fight!” I dared and kicked his stomach hard.

Fat ’s eyes widen with fear. While clutching his stomach, he ran towards the exit.

I finally got rid of a villain.


Hye In’s POV

I did not watch the fight. Instead, I buried my face in my hands and gave myself a long cry. Everything came so sudden, everything was so traumatic.

“Are you okay?” Junhyung asked as he ran to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

“…” I continued to cry.

“He did not really do anything to you right? Hush, everything is fine now.” He said gently.


He removed my hands from my face and cupped my face with his hands.


“Look at me, everything is fine now.” He wiped my streaming tears with his fingers.

I cried even harder. It’s not that I like to cry or I cried easily. I’m a person who did not cry easily unless something really big happened. Like just now.

“Did I say something wrong?” he joked. He glanced at my half buttoned shirt and quickly removed his jacket for me to wear.

“No...It’s just me, I..I… cannot control my tears.” I bawled and tried to get back to my feet.

He stood up too and replied, “I guess you need a shoulder to cry on.”

In a flash of light, I already got pulled to his embrace. He hugged me and my hair gently, “Go ahead and cry all you want. After this, forget about everything.”

His words were a form of assurance to me. His hug was warmth to me. I stopped crying then, for that moment, I felt that this was the best hug I ever got from a guy. He released me out of the sudden, which made me kind of upset.

“I want to hug you longer.” I blurted.


“Sure. Let go of me once you finish hugging.” He smiled.

Wasn’t he too kind to me?

“Eh, I’m just joking.” My cheeks turned hot.

“Are you okay too? Your left eye turned blue-black.” I asked.

“Erm, yeah. Just got punched a little.” He smiled awkwardly.

Almost forgot! LEE KIKWANG! I ran to the unconscious friend and shook him.

“YAH! LEE KIKWANG!” I yelled as I shook his body hard.

“LEE KIKWANG, WAKE UP!” Junhyung yelled.

Kikwang moved his fingers and rubbed his eyes. He opened, and saw us right in front of his face.

“Hyung? Hye In? Why am I here?” he said in a dazed.


 Kikwang’s POV

-Flashback starts-

“You all go back to our dorm first. Kikwang and I will find our way home later.” Junhyung hyung said to s.

“For what, hyung?” Yoseob hyung asked. “You don’t want to play your Pikachu as soon as possible?”

“As you know, someone wanted to prank on me but Kikwang became the victim. I have to find out the truth.” Junhyung hyung said with a serious tone.

“Suits you.” Dongwoon muttered and he got in the van first.

“Bye.” Everyone bade goodbye to us and left instantly.

“Let’s go, hyung.” I smiled and put my hand over his shoulder, heading to the gate.

“I actually suspected that the culprit might be Han Hye~”

An i-pod smashed to the ground in front of us.

I looked up and chided, “Who is so evil, trying to kill us!?”

I picked up the pieces of i-pod and examined the broken i-pod.

“Hey, don’t tell me you bringing this home? As if you cannot afford a new one.” Junhyung hyung joked.

“Cingu!” I yelled and without knowing, I ran off.

“HUH? HEY, LEE KIKWANG! COME BACK!” hyung's voice gradually trailed off.

I’m sure this is Hye In’s i-pod. I saw her i-pod earlier in the classroom. I bet there’s something wrong, who would be so stupid to throw her i-pod away? Even it was just an accident; I did not saw her rushing down to retrieve or anything. I remembered she came out from the direction of rooftop when I saw her. Probably she was at the rooftop now?

I rushed up to the rooftop safely, thanking myself that I had a good memory. I opened the door of the rooftop and walked in. It’s dark but the moonlight shone to the rooftop, still I able to see something around here.

“Oh my!” I gasped. Was that cingu? Was that a lecher?

I plucked up my courage and yelled, “LET GO OF HER NOW.”

The lecher turned to me and threatened, “What if I don’t?” Then he gave Hye In a hickey on her neck. By this time, my blood was boiling and I am fuming mad.

“NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S MY CINGU, DON’T TREAT HER LIKE THAT!” Within second, that lecher punched me and fell on the hard ground. Everything turned blurry to me and turned black.

-Flashback ends-

“I think I remembered what had happened. ARE YOU OKAY, CINGU?” I grabbed Hye In’s shoulders.

“Yeah, I’m okay now.” She mumbled and stole glances at Junhyung hyung.

“Em, thank you Junhyung for saving me.” She beamed. “And thank you Kikwang for trying to save me.”

Trying to save…yeah, and the hero for the day was Junhyung hyung, Hmph.

 “You are welcome.” I smiled back.

“You are welcome too.”Junhyung hyung said.

“Well, since you two are here. I have something to confess.”Hye In looked down on the floor.

“What?” I asked.

“I’m the one who put the super glue on Junhyung’s chair.”


“So it was you, huh? Han Hye In!” Junhyung hyung grabbed Hye In’s right arm harshly. With menacing eyes, Junhyung hyung’s left hand gradually move towards Hye In’s swollen face. Was he going to slap Hye In? 


Once again, comments are appreciated (:

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Update please author~nim >,,<
Chapter 30: I like your story so far! please update soon!
b2strockz #3
Chapter 30: Update!!!!
pandawriter #4
update soon! i really like this!
Oh fat is back. Update soon
yvonne #6
Omg the fatass
Omoomo...... Whts dat all abt in da teaser??? Plz update soon..... Cnt wait 4 da nxt chap.....
update soon....
Uhm. Kikwang, she's not really hurt, bleeding, or stabbed. Kikwang, if she really was all that, then I'd be proud of you.