Chapter two

Then Came My Cute Fake Boyfriend

Hi! Okay so i'll be updating every Thursday/Friday (if i don't though i'll leave a messgae or something as to why) but omg!!!!!!! subscribers!!!!!!! anyways pls comment cause like idk how im doing w/ this fic like ://// usually when I write fanfics it ends up being crack, but yenno, for this i'll actually try and not fail whoever wrote the AU on tumblr (still can't find their tumblr :-( ) lolololol. Uh anyways: 


As expected, the minute Wonwoo entered his first class, Jeonghan ran up to him and smiled

" was it?" He asked "are you mad we set you up?" 

Wonwoo sighed. He wasn't in the mood to deal with his hyper friends at 8:35 AM. 

"It was fine. He was nice" 
"Really?" Jeonghan asked, hitting Seungcheols arm with excitment "He said he had a good time!" 

Seungcheol smiled at him, proud that at last, he has found his son a good boyfriend

"Are you guys going to go out on another date?" Seungcheol asked. 
"Maybe, depends on him" Wonwoo said, shrugging. 

Seungcheol frowned, upset by his friends unenthusiastic tone.

"You didn't enjoy the date?" 

Wonwoo shrugged again, looking up at the time. His class was supposed to start a few minutes, meaning that a few minutes ago he should have been left alone by Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. 

"I did, I'm just tired. Couldn't sleep last night" He said. 

That was actually true, as he actually did not get much sleep the night before. Instead, he stayed up thinking about Mingyus idea. Fooling Donald Duck and Daisy was growing more onto him the more Jeonghan and Seungcheol continued to annoy him.

"You couldn't sleep...because you were thinking of how much of a great time you had on your date?" Jeonghan asked, smiling at him. 
"Sure" Wonwoo responded.

Jeonghan was going to go deeper into the word "sure", but luckily for Wonwoo, their Math teacher walked in before Jeonghan could say anything more.

Before Seungcheol walked back to his seat, though, he ran back over to Wonwoo
"Me and Jeonghan have somewhere to be after this, so don't wait for us after class" 

Wonwoo nodded, refocusing his attention to the class. 

"you didn't tell him, right?" 
-Hannie Poo
"no, I just told him we would be going somewhere after this, so he knows not to wait up for us"
-Cheollie Bear
"yay!!! are we going to follow them after?" 
-Hannie Poo
"We can follow them for a few minutes, yenno, to see how they are interacting" 
-Cheollie Bear
"lolz he's gonna kill us :p" 
-Hannie Poo
"play Fall Out Boy at my funeral lololol"
-Cheollie Bear

After class, Wonwoo quickly packed up his bags and left. 

Luckily for him, that was his only class for the day, so he was looking forward to enjoying the rest of his day.

Walking back to his dorm, he made plans in his head of what he was going to go.

First, he was going to shower, then he was going to read some high quality Yuri On Ice fanfic, and then he was going to sleep.

Well, that all went out the window the second he got to his dormitory. 

There stood Mingyu, well dressed, with flowers in his hands.

"Wonwoo!" He said, running up to him.
"Hi..." He said, frozen in place as his friend ran up to him.
Mingyu passed Wonwoo a note as subtly as he could 

"Seungcheol asked me to go out with you again on another date. He said he followed us on the way here last night, so he is probably stalking us right now, so pls play it cool and go along with this. I know I didn't give you time to answer whether you wanna go with 'the plan' or not, so we can just play it cool for right now" 

Wonwoo nodded, taking the flowers from Mingyus hands. 
"Thank you!" He said, faking his enthusiasm for the entertainment of the duo behind them, who were dying of happiness. 
"Where are we going" Wonwoo asked as they walked towards the campus exit.
"There is a dog cafe near by, as well as a movie theater a few blocks from there. Whatever you want" Mingyu said, looking behind him, spotting dumb and dumber quickly hide behind a trash can behind them.
Wonwoo looked behind him, sighing as he saw the two hiding. 

"we should do the plan" Wonwoo whispered over to Mingyu "since they won't stop following us" 
Mingyu nodded, entwining his hands with Wonwoos.

Together they walked together to the dog cafe, deciding to talk about their plans somewhere private so that
1) They can talk about said plan without worrying about dumb and dumber hearing
2) Dumb and Dumber couldn't stalk them since the cafe was small and anywhere where Jeonghan and Seungcheol sat, they would be in eyesight of them.

After ordering their drinks, Mingyu pulled out a planner from his bag along with a few highlighters and a pen.

"If we are going to do this right, lets make a written plan so that we don't forget" He said, creating a bullet list titled "Wonwoo X Mingyu plan" 
"Okay..." Wonwoo said, shifting in his seat uncomfortably. 
Wonwoo knew fooling dumb and dumber was going to be somewhat difficult due to their stalking tendencies, but writing a plan relolving around it seemed quite unnecessary in his opinion. 

At the same time, though, it was Mingyus plan, so whatever he felt was best was most likely going to benefit them. 
"So, how long should we date?" Mingyu asked, looking up from his planner.

"Um...maybe around four months?" Wonwoo said "Just so it doesn't seem like a short lived relationship.

Mingyu nodded, copying that into his notebook. 

"What is your schedule? After some of your classes, i'll come and pick you up." Mingyu said, turning to another page to make a chart to see when they can meet up. 

Wonwoo pulled his schedule out from his bag and handed it to Mingyu, who scanned it carefully.

"You get off of classes on Tuesdays at 2:00 PM? " Mingyu asked, pulling his own schedule out of his planner. 

"Yeah, and I get off on Fridays at 4:00 PM, so i'm free from 4:00 to throughout the weekend. " Wonwoo said, taking Mingyus schedule from him to examine 

Mingyu didn't go to his school, but his college was only about a 20 minute drive from the school Wonwoo was attending. 

"I don't have classes on Tuesday, so I can pick you up from school after your classes. My classes on Friday last until 7:00, so you can pick me up from them afterwords." Mingyu said, writting it into his planner. 

Wonwoo nodded, copying the same information into his cell phone. 

"Now," Mingyu started "As for dates, we can go on casual ones up until May 18th. It's April 16th right now, but lets not be an official couple up until the 18th, that way it looks like we went on a few dates before deciding to date. April 18th would be our one month anniversary." 

Wonwoo nodded, making a note into his phone. 

"Who is going to ask who out?" Wonwoo asked "We could say it was you who asked me since you bought me flowers, but if you don't like that, i'll say I asked you." 

"That's okay, i'll say I asked you. It'll be more realistic if I said it was me. Lets go on a date to the city that day, that way it'll be more casual than romantic, but still more thought out than a date to a cafe" Mingyu said. 

Today was Thursday, so their city date would be on Saturday, which worked out well for everyone since there was no class that day. 

Wownoo nodded, checking his plans for Saturday. 

"That words out really well, since I have plans with Seungcheol and Jeonghan that day. When I cancel them, i'll mention you so that they know we are hanging out together. "

Mingyu smiled, writing it into his planner. 

"Wanna bet they're going to follow us?" Mingyu asked.

Wonwoo sighed.

"Don't even get me started on that" He said with a grin. Wonwoo checked the time, deciding that he wanted to go to the movie theater soon. 

"I think the new horror movie is showing in 30 minutes. If you're not busy, you wanna go?" 

Mingyu smirked 

"Like a date?" He asked, smiling as sipped on his latte.

"n-no, I just meant like...friends..." Wonwoo said, his face turning red. 

"yeah, I know" Mingyu said, getting up from his seat. He looked out the window and spotted Jeonghan and Seungcheol across the street from them, conventently sitting on the bench facing the window that they were seated at. Shaking his head, Mingyu sighed, holding his hand out for Wonwoo to take.

"Lets be like this until we get to the movies" He said. 

Wonwoo gladly took it, helping himself off of his seat and out the door.

Exiting the dog cafe, Wonwoo spotted dumb and dumber immediatly hide behind a tree. Sighing, he turned to Mingyu, who was using google maps to figure out his way to the theater. 

"I think if we continue straight and then take a left by the ice cream parlor, we should be there in ten minutes." Mingyu said, following the map on his phone. 

Wonwoo nodded, following his footsteps. 

Mingyu stopped once the got to the ice cream parlor, though, telling Wonwoo to wait while he went inside for a minute. 

While waiting outside, he looked around to see if he could find match-maker one and two following them around. To Wonwoos displeasure, he saw them again, this time behind a car parked near the ice cream parlor. 
Sick of his friends following him, he decided to be as gross with Mingyu as he possible could. 

Just as the thought occured to him, Mingyu came out of the icecream parlor with two sundaes in his right hand, using his waitressing skilles (A.N: lol forgot to mention that he was a waiter whoops) to balence them on his arms while he held napkins and spoons in the other. 

"Here you go!" He said, handing Wonwoo the chocolate sundae with carmel syrup "Since you like chocolate so much. Oh, and the carmel is because you're so 'sweet' " 

Wonwoo cringed, but none the less still took the icecream from him. He turned back around to the dynamic duo behind them and decided to make their hearts explode since, eh, if they didn't see something cute, they would probably follow them until they got to the movies. 

Wonwoo turned to Mingyu and told him to open, which he quickly complied, confused as to why Wonwoo wanted him to open his mouth. He then took Mingyus icecream and spoon fed him the ice cream while Mingyu focused on the navigation. 

Mingyu smiled, eating it as Wonwoo spoon fed it to him. 

Wonwoo quickly glanced behind him, noticing the absence of friends. 

'Thank god idiot #1 and #2 finally left' 

Despite the absence of Jeonghan and Seungcheol, though, he still continued to spoon feed Mingyu, cause y'know, he looked cute. 


Eventually they reached the movie theater, going in and ordering tickets for the movie they were going to see. 

"Hi!" Mingyu started "Can we get two tickets to movie #2" He asked, pointing up at the poster above the ticket booth. 
"I'm sorry..." The ticket handler said "We just sold the last two to the couple over there" She said, pointing to 'the couple' also known as Dumb and Dumber two who took their tickets without even realizing it. 

"Why are these idiots here"  Wonwoo thought. 

Before Mingyu could say something, Wonwoo grabbed his hand and started towards the door.

"Lets go before they realize we aren't seeing a movie anymore" Wonwoo whispered to him. 

Mingyu nodded, making his way out the doors of the theater. After walking a block or two, they stopped near a bench to take a break from walking. 
"It's still only 1:32" Wonwoo said "Do you want to go somewhere?" 
Mingyu looked down at his phone and shrugged. 

"Jeonghan and Seungcheol are probably going to notice our absence around 2:00 - 2:30, so lets go somewhere where they wouldn't think for us to go" Mingyu said, looking up cute, last minute date ideas.

"Actually, there is a garden nearby, you know, if you wanna go there and walk around." 

Mingyu smiled, agreeing to their little 'garden date'. 
Mingyu kind of liked gardens, and he kind of liked Wonwoo, so yenno. Works out well.

Wonwoo took Mingyus hand and led them to the garden, which ended up only being a ten minute walk. 

Once reaching there, Mingyu was lowkey shook that Jeon 'i don't leave my room only to go to the bookstore to by manga' ' Wonwoo knew of a place that looked pretty as it did. 

"Wow...." Mingyu said, looking around. There were 4 parts to the garden: an open area with benches and small flowers; a childrens garden, with flowers rearranged into words like 'ABC" and other child-like things (Wonwoo liked this part the most even though it was for children...yikes) and other benches along with a few tables; a more quiet section for people who come to study; and a bridge that looked over the garden. 

From the outside, you'd never think much of the place, but on the inside, it was a completly different story. 
"Yeah...I come here to do homework after my earlier classes. Jeonghan and Seungcheol usually study with me after my late classes, but I prefer here when I end class early" Wonwoo said, sitting by one of the tables. 
"I don't blame you" Mingyu said, sitting across from him. 

"Just don't tell dumb and dumber about this place, if they find out about how nice this place is, they might not leave me alone when I want alone time" Wonwoo said, shuddering at the thought of them pulling up at his secret place and scaring all the kids away with their loudness. 

"Hmm" Mingyu started "you really don't seem to like Seungcheol and Jeonghan. Were you forced to befriend them or something?" 

Wonwoo shook his head. 

"Its not that I don't like them. It's the complete opposite, actually. I care a lot about them, and vice versa, but I don't watch their every move and I don't like it when they do that to me. I show my appreciation differently than them. I do little things for them, since I don't really like saying 'I love you'. They like to vocalize their feelings more, so even though they constantly shower me with love, they still feel the need to say it. The only time I might say it would be if one of them if going through a rough patch and need a reminder about that." Wonwoo said. He slumped in his seat, tired from sharing all of that information. 

Mingyu nodded as he spoke, understanding where Wonwoo was coming from. Mingyu was more expressive with his feelings, but now he knew to not push Wonwoo in front of Jeonghan and Seungcheol. Making sure Wonwoo knew that he didn't have to say things that he didn't mean would make their relationship more believable. 

"Well, when we act like a couple in front of 'dumb and dumber' - as you'd call them- please don't say things like 'I love you', since it would seem too out of the blue."  Mingyu said. 

Wonwoo nodded, making a mental note to himself to not go overboard with his acting. 

"I think the hand holding and ice cream feeding were enough skinship to last me a lifetime" He said, reminiscing the event that took place today. 

"Yeah, Seungcheol and Jeonghan might've actually cried when they saw that" Mingyu said, chuckling at the thought of match-maker one and two having a heart attack upon seeing that. 

After their date in the park, the two decided to go back to their dorms, figuring that by now, Mingyu and Wonwoo both needed some alone time. 

Walking back to Wonwoos dormitory, Mingyu held his hand tightly, dispite Jeonghan and Seungcheol being out of their presence. 

"So..." Wonwoo started, looking to Mingyu "I'll call you tonight, okay? That way we can discuss that's going to happen tomorrow" 

Mingyu nodded, smiling at the thought of getting a call from Wonwoo. 

"No problem! Just don't call after 10:00 PM, otherwise my roommate might get mad" Mingyu said with a smile. "Goodbye for now" 

Wonwoo waved goodbye before unlocking the door to his dorm.  Once getting inside, he laid himself on his bed and thought about today. 

"It's normal to want to be close to somebody like that, right?" He thought to himself. 
"Yeah...its normal to act like that..." 

In the world of Jeonghan and Seungcheol, things have never been better. For starters, they were both graduating in six months, which meant in six months they would be free from school. Not that they didn't like school, but they were looking forward to moving into an apartment together instead of dorming and being 'responsible'. 

And to take the cake on the best things that has happened so far, Wonwoo actually enjoying the presence of Mingyu made their hearts warm. 

It was a little bit weird though, in Wonwoos opinion, that his friends found pleasure in following him and his little 'date' around, but Jeonghan and Seungcheol just thought of it as them protecting their son.

God help whoever ends up being adopted by them.

Since they would eventually graduate, they didn't want their friend to be completly alone during classes. Sadly for the duo, Wonwoo was much more introverted, so the last thing they wanted when they left was for him to not have anybody to talk to. 

Mingyu didn't go to their school, but he and Wonwoo were graduating around the same time, meaning that they would be close to each other since they were only a few minutes from eachother. 
Not that Jeonghan and Seungcheol planned on moving far away, but due to their future jobs, visiting their college friend was more for weekends rather than seeing each other daily. 

Was it their place to find Wonwoo somebody? Nope. But by now, Wonwoo was used to them involving themselves into his everyday life, so he wasn't as annoyed by them as much as most people would. 

Seungcheol and Jeonghan currently found themselves hiding behind a parked car outside of an ice cream shop, eyeing Wonwoo as he and Mingyu interacted. 

"He bought Wonwoo icecream!!!" Jeonghan said, hitting Seungcheol on the shoulder repeatedly whilst Seugncheol wiped his 'fake' tears away.

"And he's even feeding it to him" Seungcheol said, smiling, knowing that he 100% brought the two together. 

Jeonghan sighed, staring lovingly at his two friends getting along, before deciding that he has had enough of their stalking tendencies. 

"Let's go catch the movie in ten minutes, if I see more of my son and his new boyfriend, I might die." Jeonghan said, standing up after being crouched down behind a car. 

Seugncheol nodded, walking through the backside of the ice cream parlor to get to the movies without running into their friends. 

Even though they weren't completly sure of what was to come between Wonwoo and Mingyus relationship, it still made them happy thinking about it.


sO pls tell me what you think sry this is so gross ew 

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haponponpon #1
Chapter 23: I hope you finish thisssss!! (╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)(╥﹏╥)
Tammy_cvb #2
Chapter 14: Okay! Lmao! I laughed out loud when I saw Shah Rukh Khan! ??? Kal hona ho!? Like, wtf!? My childhood!???
Bubbaboo #3
Chapter 25: /sub mode /
Bubbaboo #4
Chapter 24: an upvote for a support~ Wish you all the best for your new chapters~(´ε` )♡
Chapter 24: Congrats on your new journey!
Research_I_Swear #6
Chapter 23: I'd understand if you do decide to not complete this story. If you don't enjoy writing this story anymore then don't force yourself to do so, you'll be better off writing stuff you like.

Honestly, as much as I do enjoy reading this story, pretty much everything has been resolved tho, so a couple more chapters doesn't really seem verry impactful(?) idk what I'm saying lol
Chapter 23: I'm still enjoying it. But if you aren't feeling it don't force yourself. Maybe put it on hiatus and come back later?
oieaolkin #8
Chapter 23: Aww, I hope you finish this one, even if it ends like two chapters! I really like this story and wanted to read it through to the end!
Chapter 21: The chat tho
Research_I_Swear #10
Chapter 21: Plot twist: Jeonghan's mom is a filthy rich mafia boss and can't come cause she's on the run