Chapter 28: A Change Of Heart

Born Sinner

-Zelo’s POV-

The night seemed to take years to go by, not that I wanted the night to go by fast. Actually what I wanted was the complete opposite.

It’s just that the night seemed to go by forever in that I could not fall asleep. I had much trouble sleeping, it was hard to keep my eyes shut for twos seconds. Every noise that was made quickly snapped my eyes back open in thought of it being time to face the DM. The nervousness or the reality of it all seemed to not have hit me until after that argument between everyone. And what’s worse is that everyone’s trust is gone. Why? Why did it have to happen now? Why at all? What’s going to happen now?




The next day (after I had finally fallen asleep) I was woken up to a slight nudge in my side and being shaken lightly. I reluctantly opened my eyes to be met with Yongguk’s dark brown ones. “It’s time to go.” He spoke gently. I yawned before frowning at him. “Now?” I asked. He nodded standing up.

I sighed before sitting up. I squinted after being greeted by the bright sun that stood high in the sky, shining its own glory. “It’s so bright.” I remarked standing up. “That’s because it’s noon.” Bang answered. “What?” I said surprised, “I assumed that we were leaving early in the morning.”

The elder shrugged. “I guess Jayde isn’t in a rush.” He said. I sighed for a second time. I was worried for Jayde, I had empathy for her. She pretty much let us do whatever, she never controlled us or forced us to do anything. She allowed each and everyone one of us to be leaders, but the only thing she asked for, the only thing she stressed…was to be united and to work as one. And we failed to do that.

I watched s everyone got up and prepared to leave, no one saying a single word. The atmosphere was the same cold, heavy one as last night. “Junhong.” Yongguk said nearly making me jump out of my own skin. His voice was cold and hard. I slowly turned around to face him His eyes had changed, they were a mixture between a deep red and dark brown. “Y-Yes?” I cursed myself for stuttering. “No matter what, I’m going to spend all of my energy protecting you.” He said.

I was unsure of how to respond. I was touched, but something lingered in the back of my mind, that he meant more than what he was saying. “And only you.” He added. I felt my heart drop. “What about everyone else?” I questioned. “I spoke to the others. Jongup will focus on keeping Himchan safe…but Daehyun said that he’ll watch out for Youngjae…and everyone else.” Bang sighed at the last part about Daehyun. “Himchan said he’ll take care of Dae.” Yongguk explained. “The five of us will be safe.”

“What? No Bang…we can’t do that. We’re all supposed to work together as a team.” I said. “We are.” Bang said. “That’s not what I mean. We’re all supposed to have one another’s back. Unity Bang. That’s the plan. We can’t leave the others hanging.” I urged. “That’s not going to happen. Everyone is a suspect now. Do you really think that everyone still trusts one another? No. Everyone is going to watch out for the persons they know the best. Lee is going to watch out for Tae and Min and vice versa and Jasmine for herself and Kris for himself.” Yongguk argued.

“You don’t know that.” I said, even though my voice was filled with doubt. Yongguk didn’t respond and walked over towards Jongup and Himchan. He was right though…but it doesn’t have to be that way, things can change, we can change things. I quickly ran up to him, stopping him. “What about Jae? You can’t just leave him hanging.” I said.

He didn’t respond. “Bang! You can’t do that! How…how can you even think that way?!” I gasped in mere surprise. “He’s…He’s practically your step brother now. You can’t leave him. What about him becoming one of us? What ab-,” “Zelo this is war. This is serious…besides, he can be a traitor…” He said barely above a whisper. I was lost for words. This wasn’t like him.

“H-How…h-how can you say that? How can you let those words move past your lips so easily without hesitation?” I said feeling my heartbeat race. The elder didn’t say anything and began walking away again. “Now I see why Jae doesn’t trust anyone. Because even the best of people can turn on you!” I spat, feeling my anger boil inside me. He still didn’t respond.

“Fine! Do what you want! But don’t involve me in it. Don’t try to protect me, stay away from me during the battle.” I snapped angrily. “Junhong…” Bang said quickly turning around, but I didn’t let him finish and stormed away.

I immediately went straight to Jayde who stood on the side, watching everyone. I was on the verge of crying. I felt so frustrated, and mad, and confused, and worried. “Jayde…” I said sounding whinier than I had expected. “Something is wrong with Bang.” I whimpered.

“It’s alright, he’s still affected by the spell.” She said. “What spell?” I asked completely thrown off.

“Kris and I assumed that there was a mood spell released in the atmosphere yesterday that made everyone who was there angry and irrational. So it’s still affecting Bang. And also his protective vampire instincts are taking over.” Jayde explained. “Oooh~…” I said somewhat understanding. That made me feel a little better…only a little though.

“Are you okay?” I suddenly asked her out of pure concern. She nodded. “Don’t worry about me. After this we’re going to find my sister. That’s only if we don’t win.” She said her arms folding. “But…we will win. Despite what’s happening right now. Don’t lose hope Jayde. We still have this.” I encouraged.

“I’m not losing hope.” She chuckled, ruffling my hair. “I just can’t see the outcome of this battle, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.” She said honestly. “I’m just preparing…” She said. I smiled at her and nodded. Honestly, even though I was worried and completely freaked out about the whole battle, after just speaking to Jayde I feel much better about it. “Everyone ready?” Kris asked stepping up as the leader.

Everyone looked at him, nodding. Kris looked over at Jayde and I and the two of us nodded as well. “Alright…erm…does anyone want to say anything before we head off?” Kris offered.

The only response he received was pure silence, other than the wind that blew gently. It was a dry, rough wind though. Jayde sighed and stepped into the center, joining Kris.

“Despite everything that happened yesterday, I want you all to at least remember what you are fighting for. Don’t be nervous, as long as you remain true to yourself, then you’ll be successful…that’s all I ask at this point and to stick together even after this battle. Don’t lose one another, I don’t want any of you leaving anybody behind.” She stressed.

I observed everyone to see that they were all half listening, they didn’t trust her.

The only people besides me that listened were Tae, Min, Youngjae, Daehyun, and Kris. I felt anger boil inside me, I know everyone is angry and distrusted but they can’t ignore Jayde. They can’t treat her this way. She did nothing wrong, matter of fact she’s the number one person they should trust. Jayde sighed sadly. “Alright…let’s go.” She said leading the way with everyone, who lagged behind, following her.

I walked in the front, alongside Jayde and Kris, they seemed to be the only ones who were being rational. I wanted Youngjae to walk with us, but I knew Daehyun wasn’t going to let him leave his side. It was a silent walk towards our destination except for the very few jokes Kris put out there, trying to lighten the mood, but failed only receiving a few snickers from Min, Tae, and I.

Before we knew it we were standing in front of a large, intimidating, steel wall. I had to look all the way up to even attempt to see the top of the oversized barrier that had spikes penetrating from it into the air. “That was fast.” Kris remarked looking up as well.

I shivered a little, the wind had picked up a little and became chilly. It felt like cold prickles, pinching the pores of my skin. Kris walked up to me. “Hey Zelo…” He said. “Yeah?” I answered. “Ya know…I was just thinking…” He said. I just looked at him, listening. “I remember Jayde had once said to us, when she had finished helping us Shadow Seekers find our way again….that nothing lasts forever. She always stressed that to us.” He said in thought. “Do you believe that?” I asked him curiously. “There are only two exceptions to that rule.” He said.

“And what’s that?” I asked. “Friendship and love.” He said. At that very moment Jayde’s eyes turned green as she traced a large square along the wall, making it turn a lighter shade of grey. “I don’t think she believes that…well only for herself that exception doesn’t apply to her.” He said. At first I didn’t know why he was suddenly mentioning this, but now I saw that he was going somewhere with this.

“What? Why? Did something happen to make her believe that?” I asked curiously. “I don’t know.” he shrugged. “But that’s the thing.” He said. “Let’s go. We’re going in.” Jayde ordered. “What is it?” I questioned curious of where else he was going with this. “No one knows about Jayde’s life…or anything other than that of her nature and power...” He finally said. My eyes widened at the realization of the reality. “…and I don’t think that Jayde knows either.” He said.

Jayde stepped inside the lighter grey wall, vanishing completely behind the steel, like it was nothing. “…or at least…not everything.” Kris said. The others followed behind, doing the same, leaving Kris and I as the last ones.

The thought lingered in the back of my mind as we navigated through the dark tunnel inside the wall. What he said was so true…we know a few things about one another, but nothing about Jayde. My thoughts were quickly interrupted when I accidently bumped into someone. “Oh…sorry.” I quickly apologized.

My eyes slightly widened when I saw that that the person I had bumped into was Bang Yongguk. I lowered my gaze, not wanting to look at him. I carefully made my way to the other side, where Youngjae and Daehyun were. “It’s so dark in here.” I heard Tae whimper, hugging Min’s arm as we slowly made our way through the tunnel. The twins were in front of us, staying very close to each other.

Hmmm…I wonder what they’re thinking. I thought to myself. I mean they haven’t really given much of a reaction. Just then another thought crossed my mind…I can read minds!

Wait! What? No…I can’t do that, that’s not right…that’s wrong. But…I’m not doing it for any wrong reason. Plus it’s for a good reason…I mean I need to practice my powers anyway. 80% convinced, I decided to read their minds.

Now how do I do this? I thought to myself. “You just do it. Just think of who it is and you do it.” Jayde said, answering my question aloud. Everyone seemed confused by the statement, I just simply smiled. “Do what?” Kris asked. “Never mind.” Jayde sighed pretending to sound impatient. So I just tell my brain or powers what to do? Erm…Brain! Read Tae and Min’s mind!

It was awkward thinking this in my mind. I carefully kept my mouth shut to make sure that I didn’t accidentally say anything out loud.

At first nothing happened but seconds later I heard Tae’s voice in my head. ‘Man it’s so dark…I don’t like this and it’s cold…I can’t even see anything. Ow! Oh! My toe!! What did I kick?! It was squishy and hard…awe~, I wish I can see…wait!’ There was a slight pause in his thoughts. I bent over to the side a little to see what he was doing. He slowly opened his eyes and a huge smile appeared on his face. ‘Oh silly me, I had my eyes closed the whole time. Haha. I need to tell Min this.’

“Hey Min…” Tae whispered to his younger twin brother. Oh my gosh! I thought excitedly to myself. It works, it actually works. I chuckled slightly. Tae you’re so funny.

“What’s so funny?” Youngjae whispered to me confused. “Nothing…erm…a funny thought just came to mind.” I whispered back. It was the truth, just without the details. Youngjae slowly nodded, settling for that.

Now time to read Min’s mind. Brain powers do your thing. I thought to myself excitedly. ‘I am so sleepy.’ Min’s voice was now present. ‘But if I yawn a bug will fly in my mouth…ew, that would be gross. But, then again I’ve never tried it before. They may actually be pretty good.’ I couldn’t help but chuckle mentally at his random thought process. ‘I should probably aske Tae what he thinks.’

‘Hey Tae!’ Min called mentally. ‘Yeah?’ Tae responded. ‘Wait what? They can do that?’ I thought to myself surprised at the sudden twist. ‘I guess it’s a twin thing or something.’ I concluded. ‘Would a bug taste good if you ate one?’ Min asked. ‘It depends on what bug it is you’re eating.’ Tae simply responded, sounding professional.

‘What do you mean?’ Min asked curiously. ‘Like, some bugs are good like butterflies and fireflies, but flies and mosquitos are terrible, they taste like bugs.’ Tae explained. ‘Hahaha~.’ I laughed mentally.

‘How do you know all of this?’ Min questioned curiously. ‘Because I’ve eaten bugs before.’ Tae answered casually. ‘What?!’ Min screeched, hurting my brain a little. ‘You didn’t know? My favorite are moths. They’re really ugly, so you don’t feel bad for lessening their population.’ Tae told him.

‘Gross.’ I thought to myself. I continued to laugh mentally. Their conversation is so random, I was really enjoying it very much.

‘Hmmm…I’ll have to try it’ Min thought. ‘Yeah, try the butterflies first, they’re sweet.’ Tae advised. ‘Okay. Are you going to try them too Zelo?’ Min asked.

I froze. ‘Did he just say my name?’ I questioned completely thrown off. ‘Well yeah, your name is Zelo.’ Min stated.

My eyes widened. ‘How can this be?’ I questioned to myself, not really catching onto what was happening. The twins turned around smiling at me mischievously. ‘We know you’re reading our minds.’ Tae finally informed. ‘What? How is that?’ I asked completely confused.

‘You weren’t very quiet when you were reading our minds.’ Min giggled mentally. ‘I don’t understand.’ I sighed as confusion overwhelmed me.

‘Some magical beings can engage in mind reading conversations if they allow one another to do so.’ Jayde’s voice was now present.

‘But how come they were able to hear me?’ I questioned in somewhat of an understanding. ‘You’re not supposed to think when you’re mind reading.’ Jayde answered sounding a bit amused. Tae and Min chuckled out loud. ‘Dang! I’m sorry you guys for reading your minds.’ I apologized feeling guilty.

‘It’s fine.’ Min assured, him and Tae still cracking up out loud, receiving weird glances from the others. ‘Hey guys!’ Kris’s voice was now present. ‘Who invited Kris?!’ I was confused all over again. ‘I did.’ Min answered. ‘Oh.’ I thought, gaining my understanding again.

‘That was an epic fail Zelo.’ Kris cracked up mentally. ‘Wow thanks, it was only my first time.’ I remarked, the other four laughed mentally. ‘That is so funny, it’s hard trying to not laugh out loud.’ Kris was really cracking up hard. ‘Please don’t.’ I thought more to myself.

‘This is fun, we have to do this more often, just the five of us, the others are too sensitive.’ Tae suggested. ‘You’re right…they’re like babies.’ Kris thought. ‘Whiny babies.’ I inputted. The three of them ended up laughing out loud. Jayde just shook her head a smile on her face. ‘You guys are childish.’ She remarked.

‘At least we’re not babies!’ Min cracked, the same three laughing out loud still. I couldn’t help but let out a restrained chuckle. There was a spread of confusion amongst the others who weren’t part of the mental conversation. ‘They’ll never understand, they’re not on our level.’ I joked, receiving a few more laughs.

Suddenly everything went serious when Jayde stopped in her tracks. There was a few seconds of silence as everyone waited for the Sphinx to speak.

I felt my heart beat accelerate a little. Was this it? “Hold your arms out.” Jayde instructed in a whisper as if to be careful if anyone was eavesdropping. We obeyed, holding both our arms out. Within a split second neatly folded clothing appeared in our arms. “Put these on…and hurry.” Jayde simply ordered.

Without a single word we all quickly changed, our backs towards one another. I changed into long black, a black shirt, and a long leather trench coat that suited me nicely. I looked around, once everyone finished changing, to see that each of us had different outfits except for the fact that all of us wore all black clothing and each had a black dust mask.

“Don’t put your dust masks on yet…I’ll let you know when to put them on. But make sure you have your weapons ready, but hidden until it’s time.” Jayde explained, things were now getting serious.

I looked over at Bang just to have my heart nearly jump out of my chest at the sight of him. He had on a black, fitted muscle shirt, with black jeans that fit him way too nicely.

If I wasn’t upset with him I would complement him…maybe. I blushed slight, quickly changing my gaze to the others, causing me to frown.

Everyone looked ready and serious but the feeling of the separation and disunity was strong in the air. “Let’s go.” Jayde said stepping through a wall. The rest of us followed, doing the same.

My eyes widened at the sight of the core of the DM. There were 3 tall towers that stood high in the sky proudly. There were many roads that spiraled around the towers on sturdy stilts. There were other block shaped structures that looked as if they could be small homes or small quarters for the DM. Everything was the color black and had the Dark Magic symbol marked on everything in silver and some in the color white.

We slowly began to walk throughout the city. “We’re in the DM layer now.” Tae whispered behind me. All I could do was nod. Something was strange about the place…it seemed empty. It was quiet, nothing was moving on the roads, no machines could be heard, neither were people heard or seen.

We continued to walk in silence till we reached an edge, a deep cliff that was far above a rapid ocean with sharp metal looking rocks that gleamed proudly in the air in its glory with the waves moving against them at an unremarkably harsh pace. “I would hate to fall in there.” Min murmured fearfully.

“The place is empty. Where is everyone?” Kris finally spoke the question all of us shared. Our eyes automatically shifted over to Jayde, who stared down the cliff at the water. No kind of emotion was on her face, but a spark of disappointment in her eyes. “They know.” She said softly.

No one said a word, letting the newly discovered information soak in. “How? How did they find out?” Youngjae spoke distraught. Jayde shook her head seeming just as shocked. “I don’t know.” She said very quietly.

“Hey, where’s Jasmine?” Jongup spoke up. We all looked around to see that she wasn’t here. “Could she have gotten lost?” I asked feeling worried. “Or maybe she got snatched away.” Min said nervously. “Let’s not think that way.” Kris said.

“It’s about time you guys came.” A feminine voice said from behind. Everyone slowly turned around to see who it was that spoke.

-Kris’s POV-

“You guys are slow. You had me waiting forever.” Aires said. Lee narrowed his eyes at his sibling. “Aires…” he said coldly. “Hi…brother.” She said. The female vampire scanned us and smiled brightly when she saw Bang. “Hello there Bang! I’m so glad to see you again. How are you feeling since our last meeting eh?” She said slyly her lips.

Yongguk’s irises were already red as he allowed a deep growl to emit from within him. “Oooh~, I see you’ve become more attractive. The vampire look really works for you. You’re welcome.” Aires winked. “What?! It was you who turned Bang into a vampire?!” Zelo accused nearly yelling.

Aires frowned. “Yes, who else? Why do you care? He’s not yours.” She said slightly pouting. Zelo looked angry like he was going to jump at her, but I rest a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t let her get to you…she’s doing this on purpose.” I told him. Zelo slowly nodded, his eyes never leaving the vampire.

Tae quickly turned into a full grown werewolf, growling threateningly at her. “Nuh-uh. I wouldn’t do that if I were you Tae, the sun is going to set soon.” Another female voice was present.

Two more people appeared on Aires’s left side…Taecyeon and Minzy. Min hissed at them, baring his vampire fangs his irises red. He stayed close by his twin brother’s side. “This should be fun.” Minzy said.

I raised a confused eyebrow, but before I could say anything an army of creatures stood behind them. “What are you guys too chicken to fight us yourselves?!” Lee growled angrily. “Lee stay calm.” I quickly said. But the vampire brushed me off, walking passed me. “No…they just don’t want to waste their time with you.” An all too familiar voice answered.

Jasmine appeared in the scene, walking up to Aires’s right side. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to…not again at least.” She said. “Jasmine?” Min gasped wide-eyed. “You traitor!” Lee shouted. A smirk came across Aires’s face. “Lee-,” But before I could finish Lee ran straight towards the mage. However, an arrow was shot at him. But Lee caught it with his bare hand and threw it back at the shooter, stabbing the shooter straight through its heart. Lee’s eyes never left Jasmine.

“I will tear you limb from limb.” Lee growled darkly. Jasmine’s eyes turned purple as she was about to cast a spell on him, but Youngjae was a step ahead, reversing the curse before she could finish. Instead, she ended up choking hard, foam coming from . She fell to her knees coughing hard, trying to get the foam out of her sister.

Another goblin came charging towards Youngjae, yelling wildly. But Daehyun swiftly cut its head off before it could even get close to him. And that started the battle as the arm retaliated by charging at us.

There was a swarm of them…more than we’ve faced so far. Maybe three times more than we‘ve actually faced. Lee didn’t seem to notice, he just tore up anyone that came near him…mercilessly. We all pulled out our weapons ready to use them on our first victim.

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Chapter 23: We are one! !
Chapter 22: ; (
Chapter 21: OMG
Chapter 19: Yongguk drinking from Junhong ... it was exciting as hell
Chapter 18: Esa tensión ual entre Himchan y Jongup uwu
Chapter 16: Jayde y Kris se llevaron mi cora. Lo de Himchan y Jongup es una insinuación ual?
Chapter 15: ahora quiero que se hagan novios, si. Jayde y Kris
Chapter 14: wow zelo
Chapter 13: Of the new characters, Lee is my favorite. I would vote for your story if I knew how this platform works