Ch 33: New Desire

Catching the Little Fox

Since that day, Soonyoung tried his best to not come across his ex-lover. It wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. For some reason, he would see Wonwoo hanging around near the park at strange times, even during lunch hour when it was not no where near the man’s department. At first he thought it was just a coincidence, and to avoid the possible awkward meeting, he had been going to the studio early in the morning, and back late at night. But again, he would still see Wonwoo coming back from somewhere, and going to his classes around the same time. He didn’t want to think Wonwoo was trying to get his attention, and he was positive the man wasn’t, but it still felt like it. Like the man was taunting him. And so, Soonyoung forced himself to get up even earlier, and got back even later than he did, which was six in the morning, and returning a few minutes after midnight.


Nothing changed anyways. He had been doing it since his first year though he calmed down after he was scolded by a certain younger alpha to take care of his health more. It was just, doing it became tiring when the reason why he did it changed - it used to be because he wanted to practice, now it was because he didn’t want to be at the dorm where he might stumble upon that omega. It became a chore. Every single time he walked out his room and return to that dorm, he would get extra cautious and his heart would feel so heavy it suffocates him. The only place he felt good to return to now felt haunted. On weekends he would find excuses to be outside and again, return late at night. It had got to a point where Seokmin asked him to take it slow because how of how tired and lifeless he looked.


Soonyoung wanted to stop feeling this way, he really do. He too wanted to rest. He was tired. Physically and mentally. Sleeping for only four hours and doing vigorous exercise the next day was damaging him. He knew he needed to relax. He desperately wanted to.


But he couldn’t.


Because Wonwoo was there at the dorm, probably hanging around the vicinity, or the hallway in front of the main entrance. And he hated that man so much just seeing him would spoil his whole day.


He didn’t want to be near his dorm anymore.




‘Dokyeom!’ Seokmin jumped a bit as he felt someone tapping his shoulder. Turning his head, he was greeted with Mingyu who, from the look of it, just got back from his class. ‘What were you thinking?’ The other alpha turned towards his line of sight, ‘Dude, are you stalking that omega?? She’s mated! What the fu-?’


‘Yah!’ He slapped the man’s shoulder, hissing at him. What bull? Him? Attracted to a mated omega? ‘You’re crazy!’


‘What? I’m not the one staring at the lady…’ Again, he showed his teeth to the larger male who only laughed and apologized playfully at his action. Sighing, Seokmin turned around and looked at his watch, deciding it was time to return to his room. He heard a loud grumble and glanced at his friend who was holding his stomach, not even hiding his hunger. And right at that moment, his own tummy replied with a long, squeaky growl.




‘Shut up.’


‘Looks like we need to eat.’ Mingyu suggested as he pulled Seokmin by the neck towards their cafeteria.



‘Are you seriously into that lady?’ Seokmin slapped Mingyu’s hand as pieces of bread flew out from his mouth as he talked. The man mouthed a sorry but ended of choking and had to cough out the remaining food while Seokmin shoved him his water, laughing at the careless antic. Though his friend looks cool and composed most of the time, he was actually a klutz. Thankfully, since he makes those mistakes often, he also knew how to take care of the mess he made, which was why Seokmin didn’t mind hanging out with him despite this personality.


‘Are you stupid? I already have someone.’


‘Why were you staring then? Regrets?’


He sighed. He didn’t know whether he should tell Mingyu about the dilemma he was having since orientation night. Since Soonyoung suggested bonding, although the omega only did so out of a whim. It didn’t mean much that night, he didn’t expect it to affect him at all but it did.


After that night, he started to wonder if he could spend a lifetime with Soonyoung and after a lot of thinking, he decided he would be happy with the omega. And that brought up a new longing, the desire to claim him and made him his forever.


And to think that he missed his chance when he had it… he couldn’t forgive himself for being so stupid.


He never paid attention to mates all this time. He never cared about them before that realization. But since that day, somehow mated couples always caught his eyes and he couldn’t help but see how carefree they were, and envy them that they got that promise of forever from their significant other. It was weird because there were not many mates, especially in the medical department yet he always managed to find one, taunting him. As if the universe was shoving it into his face.


‘Why don’t you guys just bond? I thought your boyfriend wanted it?’ As expected, Mingyu showed no interest in the subject. Seokmin smiled, appreciating the effort to not ignore him despite that fact. He knew nothing good would come with this conversation, but he still felt the need to talk to someone about it.


He didn’t know how to ask. He missed his chance when he rejected Soonyoung’s attack that night, despite having a valid reason for it. And now, he was having seoncd thoughts but he had no idea how to bring it up again.




Soonyoung turned the pages over, scrolling through to search for the keyword that might finally pique his interest. He had been reading the novel for the last hour and though the summary was interesting, Soonyoung was never a reader. A few chapters and his eyes felt heavy. But he was already one fourth through, he wanted to know what happened.


Lately, he found reading at the library to be the best solution to his problem. He knew Wonwoo would never be here since he wouldn’t want to be in the presence of other omegas.


Because, just like him, they hated him too.


Other than that, he was also here because he could relax as it was actually not uncommon for people to fall asleep here. The comfort of his bed would turn any nap into sleep so this was good. Just the right mixture of discomfort and silence to allow him to nap between classes without oversleeping.


The first time he came here, which was the two weeks ago, he found out that there was actually a lounge where students can talk and have group studies on the first floor, which meant he too could do whatever he wanted without having to be cautious of making any sounds. The best thing? There were soft couches where he can sleep, and it was at a small corner so not many people use it. He slept there once last week and for the first time in almost a month, his body felt relaxed enough he was able to stand the day’s heinous practice session without any frustrating feeling. Which was why he was here today. To nap.


‘Aish.’ Soonyoung clicked his tongue as he read the last chapter. The main character died.


Closing the book, he pushed it aside and laid his head on the table, getting ready to sleep. He would rather daydream about the ending than read the whole book. Looking at his watch, taking note that his next class starts in half an hour, Soonyoung closed his eyes.


‘You talked to him? Yaah…’ Soonyoung frowned in his attempted slumber as the two omegas behind him continued gossiping. It always annoyed him, gossiping. Because he used to be the main subject of one. And so he never liked those who found pleasure in spreading bad rumours about another. That being said, he couldn’t stop the two either, because this was not the quiet zone. The rule here is simple, as long as they don’t bother others and talk extra loudly, they can say whatever they wanted. And if he didn’t like them gossiping, he would have to be the one to move, like he did every time the students gossip. Which was everyday. Heck, some of it were really bad that if he knew who they were talking about, he would want to avoid the person too. Thank god Soonyoung was not the social type to know everyone so no, the gossips did not bother him and his relationship with others at all.


‘Eww no. He sat next to me.’ The other omega sounded annoyed, ‘It was awkward. I moved seat as soon as possible.’


Soonyoung rolled his eyes, breathing out loudly in hope that the two would notice him and speak softer. They did, but he could still hear them whispering, every single word. He couldn’t help but think that maybe, they wanted everyone to hear them but didn’t want to make it obvious.


‘Are you sure he’s the one? He’s not an omega though…’


‘Suppressant.’ Soonyoung heard a gasp and sighed inwardly, contemplating whether he should just go. He could just hang around the classroom or around the building. Before he could make up his mind, the two became silent, which he assumed they were whispering some secret. With hope that they will continue to talk in that manner, Soonyoung again, tried to focus on sleeping but before long, they increased their voices again.


‘... sure. He’s the tall white guy right? With deep voice.’




‘Yah, don’t go near him. They’ll think you’re being good to him and isolate you…’


Soonyoung felt sick to his gut. He didn’t like what he was hearing at all. It seemed, someone was being ostracized by not only a group of people, but his whole batch, assuming the two omegas behind him only knew the person based on what others told them. And though he didn’t know that person, he felt sorry for him. It was only the first month of the new semester and things were already this bad. He didn’t feel like sleeping anymore. It was triggering something inside him, something he already buried deep in his mind. Right now he just wanted to leave and pretend he didn’t hear anything. Hoping he could forget what he just heard.




‘Yeah! That’s him! Don’t g-…’


Soonyoung eyes widened at the mention of the name. His heart started to beat violently he stood up abruptly. It shocked the two, who stopped their chatter but before they could continue, Soonyoung clicked his tongue, glaring at the two behind him sharply. He made sure they knew he was mad before walking out the door, complaining about minding their own business loudly enough the two, and other students could hear.


It wasn’t like him to act like this, like a thug. Ever since he entered the university, he made sure he was likeable enough people wouldn’t find any reason to hate him. Because he never wanted to feel how he felt back at home again.


Back at home, he was the guy everyone should avoid.


Back at home, he was the guy everyone warned their friends and family not to go near.


Though this time, he was the outsider, he didn’t feel any better. To know that someone else, someone he knew, was treated like that didn’t make him feel better at all. No matter how much he hated Wonwoo.


He wanted to feel happy about it but he couldn’t. Because he knew exactly how being shunned felt like. He knew exactly how lonely, how scared, and hopeless Wonwoo must be feeling right now.


But even then, Soonyoung didn’t want to do anything about it. Because he still felt like the man deserved what he was getting. Beside, if he could survive almost a decade of it and ended up fine, there was no reason why Wonwoo couldn’t.




Seokmin stared at the two bickering figure and turned his attention back to the file, wanting to pretend he didn’t notice. The friendly match with engineering department was next week but their main players were still too busy arguing to practice. Seokmin closed his eyes and pulled in his lips, breathing out slowly as his patience was tested. He was hoping that the other members would stop the fight but they just laughed, as expected. ‘Damnit.’ He hissed to himself before getting up.


‘Aigoo this two having another lover’s quarrel?’ He pulled Mingyu and their new omega recruit, Seungkwan in a headlock, forcing a laugh as the two pushed him away. As much as he wanted to let it be, it was his responsibility to ensure their only omega member get accepted since he was the captain but his noble friend was too proud to have an omega playing in the same team as him. Which was why for the past few weeks, they had been arguing for the littlest stuff. Seungkwan’s sassy attitude didn’t help ease the tension either, he was too feisty for his own good. Thank god he was a great shooter, better than their other members or Seokmin would have put him on the bench for their first match, feeding Mingyu’s ego which he didn’t want to do.


…which was probably the reason why Mingyu was acting this way - Seokmin changed his position with Seungkwan. But it wasn’t because Seokmin was favoring the omega, it was because his childhood friend was not a good team player while the omega was excellent at it.


A few minutes of being the middle man, Seokmin again had to pull the two so he could talk to them privately. This was really tiring. He didn’t sign up to by a consultant when he accepted the captain position. It was just his luck the two decided to play basketball this year in the same team.


Pulling out his phone, Seokmin looked at his call history and touched Soonyoung’s name but quickly canceled the call. He then opened up the message icon and started to type, walking to his dorm quickly, wishing he wouldn’t stumble upon any acquaintance.


U’re busy?


He laid on the bed after a brief shower, looking at the clock. An hour already passed but there was still no reply. Flipping over, he tried to remember the omega’s schedule for today, wondering if he had practice or anything which tire him, and he remembered, the man’s unhealthy habit lately. Frowning, he sighed again. Soonyoung promised not to overexert himself too much and up until a few days earlier, he kept his promise. Guess he was back at it again.


Seokmin turned to his back again and stared at the ceiling. It was only the beginning of their third year and already both of them were too busy with their own classes. And it was stressing them both out. Their dates turned from being fun to having calm talks. Because the days were already too tiring and they both just wanted to relax, but still wanted to be in each other’s presence. Not to mention, with his new found desire to bond, he wanted to see Soonyoung more and more everyday, knowing fully well it was impossible. This situation was killing him.


The screen suddenly turned black and the ringtone could be heard as Soonyoung’s name appeared. It took the alpha a few second to realize that the man was calling him, because it was rare. ‘Uri Hosh!’


‘Dokyeom-ah, can we meet?’


Seokmin grinned happily at that request.




It had been a while since he was at this facility. Again, waiting for the elevator, he let the couple in front of him go first, already used to the hidden rule. Clicking the upward button, he took a quick sniff of the McDonalds he bought before getting off and searched for the room.


‘Hi!’ Seokmin greeted the omega who smiled at him. He had to confirm again that this was not his heat, and it wasn’t. Which was why he felt weird coming here. Was Soonyoung hinting that he wanted to have outside his heat? Because that would be a very bold move since normally, people would meet somewhere before deciding to do so instead of just inviting the other to meet at a hotel. Or this place.


Soonyoung put the burgers on the small table but instead of the chair, he sat down on the carpet, laying his back against the bed. He signaled the alpha to do the same and when Seokmin did, the former laid his head on his shoulder, munching on the fries. He might not have much experience, but Seokmin was sure this was not an invitation to sleep together. ‘You okay?’


‘You?’ Seokmin smiled. Obviously both of them weren’t. They were mentally tired. ‘You first.’ Seokmin replied.


‘Long story. You first.’


‘Tom and Jerry again.’ Soonyoung faced him, finally starting with his Quarter Pounder and rolled his eyes in annoyance. Poking that fat cheek, Seokmin laughed at the reaction and rested his head on the bed, letting his hands fall on his sides. ‘Should I just quit being captain?’


‘It’s only been a month.’ Soonyoung commented, ‘And that Mingyu is really annoying. You should put him on the bench.’


‘Should I? He’ll kill me though…’ he pouted at the omega and Soonyoung patted his head, comforting him using the ‘hyung’ card. Which annoyed him because he wanted to be the hyung. Since he was the alpha. And because Soonyoung looks like a cute child. He knew the omega would understand his problem since the man had been the leader of his team for a year now, and he was still the leader this year. If anyone should know his problem, it would be this omega dancer.


Soonyoung suddenly came close to his ear, and Seokmin could feel his hot breath blowing. And unconsciously, he gulped. The omega then whispered, ‘We’ll kill him first.’


‘Yaah!’ Seokmin pushed the face away and blushed as the smaller male laughed at his reaction. ‘Should I call Black Mamba?’


‘What are you talking about?’


‘Kill Bill.’ He could only shake his head at the silliness of the omega, lightening the mood with his bad movie reference. Bad, because obviously Seokmin wouldn’t know any of the action movie he was talking about. Laying back against the bed, he stared at the male beside him who was making some weird move, imitating what he could only assume as Black Mamba.


‘Are you okay?’


‘I need to calm down.’


‘Yeah you do.’ He chuckled, referring to the energetic movement Soonyoung had been making since a few minutes ago, just like a child playing with his imaginary friend. Doing the same thing, no, exaggerating what Soonyoung just did, they played with each other for a while as they ate the remaining food.


While the younger got up to clean the table, Soonyoung washed his hand and flopped on the sofa near the window. Joining him after cleaning his own, Seokmin was caught off-guard when the former turned to his side and nuzzled close, hugging him. ‘Dokyeom…’




‘Today, at the library I-,’ He readjusted his head, just to feel the hard shoulder on his cheek, showing how uncomfortable he was feeling at the moment, ‘I overheard someone talking about a guy being ignored by his classmates. Everyone was avoiding him.’


He felt the chin hitting his forehead so he knew the man was paying attention to him. But, refusing to look at the man, he continued, ‘They were spreading rumours about him.’


‘School kids?’


Soonyoung laughed through his nose. ‘On campus. First years.’


‘Heol. First years? You’d think they are mature enough to know better.’


‘It’s not maturity. They lack intelligence, just like those ahjummas.’ He hid his face between the crook of Seokmin’s neck, not wanting to show his face. He could feel his face getting hotter at the reminder of his past. ‘I’m okay.’


He felt a hug enveloping him and laughed at his situation. He was almost in tears because of what people were doing to another. He wasn’t even in the picture yet it affected him. ‘It’s stupid. I know. I couldn’t stand listening so I ran away.’


Seokmin didn’t say anything. He couldn’t say anything. He didn’t know what to say. His rightous self wanted to ask if the omega stood up for the boy being bullied because he should, but he knew no one would actually do that in real life. Because, it wouldn’t change anything. Scolding a few kids wouldn’t stop a whole class from ignoring a person. Heck, sometimes it would make it worse. In that situation, he didn’t know what he would do either. But to hear that Soonyoung ran, knowing that he was reminded of himself, hurt him. He wished he was there with his omega but he knew his presence wouldn’t change anything either. In the end, even with all those thoughts, he was at loss for words.


‘Sorry. I just needed to vent.’


‘Well, you have me now. You’re not alone.’ Seokmin pulled Soonyoung closer, touching their cheeks together while caressing his hair. The bleached hair felt rough on his hand but it didn’t matter. His omega needed him right now and he was glad the man called. Because he knew Soonyoung was starting to depend on him.


‘I know.’ Soonyoung kissed the alpha’s neck as he took a sniff of that calming scent. He rested his chin on the broad shoulder for a while, until he was satisfied, and waited a few more because he likes being embraced. Not to mention, Seokmin’s muscle was now bigger than before, and harder, and his hug felt very safe he wanted to stay like this for a long while.


Seokmin stared at the white neck, practically being offered to him right now. He didn’t know if this was a sign, or a coincidence. If he let go of another chance, he was afraid that Soonyoung might give up on him but if this wasn’t suppose to mean anything, and the omega just wanted a innocent cuddle session, him asking to bond would ruin the mood and Soonyoung might think he was a desperate alpha who only thinks about mating. This was stressful. Soonyoung relaxed in his arms, unmoving was not helping the situation at all.


Looking up to distract himself, Seokmin breathed out slowly.


Damn the omega smell so good.


. Seokmin gulped as he felt his lower half hardened. He tried to shift their position a bit, hoping the older male wouldn’t notice. His face fell as he heard a chuckle. ‘Wanna do it?’


He reflexively knocked Soonyoung’s head out of embarrassment. ‘Don’t you ever read novels or watch movies? People don’t ask that question!’


‘You’re the one who wanted to clean you stuff out of me so I won’t get pregnant! Who’s not being romantic now?’


‘Yah! That was-’ God, he said that. He said that AND tried to clean Soonyoung’s bottom the first time they slept together. AND he asked Soonyoung to marry him. MARRY him. Not bond, freaking marry. What the hell was he thinking? No wonder the omega tried to avoid him! Owh god, he was so, so stupid back then.


He felt a soft peck on his cheek, turning his head towards the omega, blushing at the flushed face. It was an innocent kiss, but Soonyoung never initiated it. Wait, they never kiss like that. It was always on the lips. Simpering to himself, he intensified his pheromones. Soonyoung loves it when he does this, and it was evident that the omega was enjoying it as he pushed Seokmin to lay on the couch. Positioning himself above the alpha, Soonyoung practically koala hugged him, finally able to relax after a month of emotional torture.




‘Dokyeom-ah! Wow…’ Seungcheol stared at the medic student in front of him, surprised that the younger alpha was here, in front of his room. Although they were close, Seokmin was not really the people he hang out with enough to expect a visit from. Looking back towards his room, he showed the man inside. ‘What’s up?’


Seokmin gave the older an awkward smile. He knew it was shocking for him to be here, especially a few days before their match but he was at the end of his wit. He couldn’t really focus anymore and kept thinking about claiming his fox, he knew he had to ask, or talk to someone about it. The only alpha he knew with a mate was Seungcheol, who bonded with his lover during their second year of college after a year together so he had to ask. Knowing fully well how weird it would be.


Not knowing how to start, he tried to have some small talk, commenting on the picture of the couple on the bedside and at the desk. He wanted to know how they decided to mate, how Seungcheol pop the question, how they bonded. Everything. He knew the timing of the question was important, he saw a lot of dramas of proposals gone wrong and god, he wished that wouldn’t happen to him. Soonyoung already gave him the green light, he just needed to know when to proceed with it.


‘Coups-hyung, you and Jeonghan-hyung… how did you guys bonded?’ Seungcheol almost choked on thin air listening to the sudden question. That was a very private question he would never have expected to come from this junior of his. ‘How did you ask? Did you prepare anything?’


‘Prepa…? Owh.’ Seungcheol inhaled through his teeth, trying to think about a way to dilute the answer to that question. He knew what kind of answer Seokmin was expecting but he couldn’t give him what he wanted. Because mating a messy process. There was no way to romanticize biting someone’s neck until they bleed and feel the electric passing through as they exchange their essence. Unlike a marriage proposal, it was almost impossible for them to have a fancy dinner at a restaurant, ask to be bonded, and bite their lover in public. And it would be awkward to do it in fancy clothing either, because of the blood, which was why normal alphas and omegas do it during , since they were already ‘dirty’ - which was what he and Jeonghan did.


‘How did… you guys do it? Like, when did you two decide it was time?’ The silence made Seokmin repeat his question, thinking that his initial on wasn’t clear. And again, the older forced a smile.


The timing for them was, easy, to put it simply. Jeonghan had a serious breakdown that night, and Seungcheol had to choose whether to leave him or claim him. He chose the latter. His mate’s mental condition was what drove their decision to mate so early in their relationship, and since Jeonghan was technically an ‘orphan’, and he already met Seungcheol’s family a few times, it was easy for them to proceed. Everything was already set for them.


Maybe, he should tell the younger alpha to take it step by step? From what he told about his relationship with his boyfriend, Seungcheol could assume that they haven’t meet each other’s family just yet. In other words, they would be jumping the gun if they did mate.


Yes, that was the best advice he could think of right now. Because unlike marriage that people can hide from their families by not wearing the rings, bonding imprint their scents on their mates. There was no way to hide it so it should be done right, in order. ‘Have you met his parents yet?’


‘Parents..?’ Seokmin gulped at the mention of that before realizing that, there was nothing to worry about. Because there were not exactly any parents to worry about, considering the fact that one was in an asylum while another was estranged.


‘He’s an orphan…?’


‘Not really…’ Now that he mentioned it, Soonyoung has his grandparents. And his grandfather seemed extra protective. So he did have someone to worry about.


‘Owh. Then I think you might want to ask the grandpa first.’ Owh god, why was his heart palpitating so violently right now? Just thinking about the man and his clippers and slappy hands made him sweat.


Seeing the younger’s uncomfortable reaction made Seungcheol feel really bad about suggesting it. But they would have to do it sooner or later, might as well do it sooner. ‘...or maybe introduce him to your parents first?’


‘My parents?’ Seokmin slumped back against the backrest, holding his head. His parents aren’t scary so he knew Soonyoung would be happy with it but, his mother was weird. He could tolerate her but he fear that her lacking sense of personal space would made his omega uncomfortable, especially considering the fact that Soonyoung cherish his privacy.


This would be a disaster.


To be continued…



Hi guys!!! I’m backk!!!!!

I know I said I’ll be back the end of September but I’ve been busy, and I still had remaining attachment to ‘Claimed’ so it took a while to find my muse back! Surprisingly, Youtube had been recommending DK’s fancam for some reason and damn, that boy is hot. And Hoshi’s body is hot too! I mean, looking at the face, you wouldn’t expect that kind of body like… *drools*


Haha! I guess even Youtube wanted me to continue this fic so I did XD


Anyways, DK wants to bond!! Muahahaa! I have nothing more to say!


To all those who patiently waited for the update and still continue reading the fic, thank you! I love you guys so much!!


As always, don’t forget to leave your comment on this chapter so I’ll know your love!!

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I'm sure most of you would've love the fic to end on their little trip but I personally love my characters to have a deeper connection with each other so that's what I'm aiming for! :D
If you still enjoy the fic, please let me know! Thank you for reading!!


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Chapter 42: I only had four hours of sleep for 3 consecutive nights because of your fic and its totally worth it!!!!!!!! Now, i'm dying to read Claimed again, and i'm lowkey hoping for JeongCheol's story.
loner_baboon #2
Chapter 42: Chapter 41: You, my friend, are the reason for my unhealthy obsession with omegaverse! I am really glad you wrote the SeokSoon couple's story since I was curious about their relationship while reading Claimed. And as expected of you, this fic definitely deserves a thumbs up. So I am gonna go ahead and shamelessly (albeit desperately) request you to please write about JeongCheol's side of the story as well. I have so many questions about their past, especially Jeonghan's, and it's killing me *sighs*
Apologies for my selfishness; you must be trying to catch a break. But please, if you can and if you want to, consider my request (read begging)...Please >_<
You are awesome, always will be. Your work just keeps me wanting for more ♡
Chapter 42: Ahhhh! It's finally done! I'm crying!
Congratulations, I know you worked really hard since Claimed, I'm so proud of you!
You did really well!

I'm so happy that everyone's happy! I've been really attached to both Seokmin's and Soonyoung's characters since Claimed and I'm so SO soooooo happy that they both got their own happy endings here!

I know I've said this before [but I'mma say it again 'cause I love you!], but I really love your writing style and how you made this a/b/o fic feel more natural. Like, there's still the a/b/o elements but the arguments and lovey-dovey moments between SeokSoon was so natural, like I could imagine meeting this kind of couple in real life.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful ride! I can't wait to read more from you in the future! Keep it up, Author-nim!
seijurawr #4
Chapter 42: Been following this series from the first few chapters if I'm not mistaken and I'm here commenting in the last chapter's section! Congrats, you did it! You finally completed the long journey of this story along with SeokSoon > <
Also thank you for always working hard on providing us good stories. I'm happy seeing the ending even tho I expected "something more" between Seok and Soon in this chapter but that's fine if there is none!! As long as my babies are happy like this then everything's settled down T___T

Once again thank you! Hope to see you in the other journey of SeokSoon again hehehe ❤️
Chapter 40: I'm crying!
I'm really crying!
Seokmin and Soonyoung are too precious for this world! I really love how real this relationship feels, it's not all like fairy tales where we see the sweet and romantic scenes...we get to see the internal struggles and the conflicts their relationship faces. I love it. I really really love it.

Keep up the good work, Author-nim! ♡
Chapter 39: Ah! My heart is breaking for my son!
Don't worry, Seokmin! Everything will be fine! Keep fighting! Eomma loves you!!!
Chapter 38: WAIT, WHAT?!?!!?

Heheheh, we still love you though! Will be waiting for the next updates! Thank you so much!
Chapter 37: It's weird reading these chapters from Soonyoung's perspective.
Like, the feels are definitely different while I was reading it in Wonwoo's perspective.
Chapter 36: Ah, I wish I could solve my problems just like that.
'Ya know, just open up my SVT Photobooks and, TA-DAAAAH! Solutions magically appear!

Chapter 36: Ahhhh! I missed three updates!!!
But I'm back now! Ghawd I missed SoonSeok! My saving grace!