Ch 11: Omega House

Catching the Little Fox


The clock read 2:43 a.m. and Seokmin decided to get out of bed. He put on a pair of pants and a shirt, and made his way out of the room. He still needed to take care of the mess they made last night and throw away all the unfinished food to avoid attracting wild animals. It might help him get his mind off what just happened.


He messed up. He took advantage of the drunk Soonyoung and slept with him.


Seokmin returned to the room and stared at the sleeping Soonyoung. He looked to beautiful, so peaceful, so innocent. Unlike the lustful and passionate man that was and screaming his name a few hours ago. He was probably tired after Seokmin had his way with him, insisting for another round, a few more, even when it was clear the other was already drained. 


He stared at the those puffy eyes. Those chubby cheeks and sharp jaws. The few baby hairs on that neck. He would never have the chance to touch them again after tonight. 


Kissing Soonyoung’s shoulder lightly, he took his position on the bed and pulled the other closer to him. Soonyoung was a bit hot but he did drink a lot. It didn’t matter, he enjoyed the latter’s body heat against his.


He placed his nose on the head, sniffing the hair lightly. He smelled really nice. Seokmin always like the omega’s scent.


He closed his eyes. He needed sleep for tomorrow’s trip back. It would be a silent ride home so he wouldn’t want to fall asleep while driving.




Soonyoung woke up to the smell of food. Fried eggs and... Something like fried rice would not be too wrong of a guess. Stretching his hands and yawning while moving around on the bed, he noticed the sliding door which should not have been there. This was not his room. This was… .


This was Seokmin’s. They had a fight last night. What was he doing here… No.


He sat up suddenly at the thought of what might have happened. Then he felt it, the pain on his lower back. And something wet between his legs. This couldn’t have happened.


They shouldn’t have slept together. Again.


It was acceptable the first time they did but now…

He has a lover...


He… he cheated on him.


He messed up again. He really messed up. Things were not supposed to be this way. He remembered running from Seokmin last night so nothing should have happened. Yet he was here. On the bed . With unknown fluid between his legs.


What should he do? This was in the middle of nowhere. Like it or not, he would have to face Seokmin today, in a few minutes before they need to check out of the house, and take a long ride home, just the two of them, in the car.


He messed up. Why did they do it? Why did he had with the alpha? He was supposed to reject the man, not have with him! Not… not cheat on his boyfriend.


He felt his body getting hotter. He felt really wet there. He needed a shower to clean every thing from last night. 


Wait a second. This was… he wasn’t… he was lubricating. He was…


In heat.


No. This wasn’t a good time! He was supposed to be in heat next week! Not now! How was he supposed to get through his heat on the road? With another person with him? Another alpha? He never had his heat in the presence of somebody else. He always get through his heat alone, in his room, with his toys.


He didn’t bring any. 


And he didn’t bring any suppressant with him either.


What should he do? This was all to sudden, he wasn’t prepared! He should tell Seokmin to leave him here but how will he get home then? How would he pay for the house?


Soonyoung felt hot tear flowing down his cheeks. He was really in trouble now. He couldn’t think straight and there was only another two hours before their check-out time.



Seokmin cleaned all the utensils he used and brought everything else to the car. All he needed to do now was wake Soonyoung up, eat breakfast, pack up all his stuff and Soonyoung his. Then they go home, leaving everything behind.


He heard a message came in and looked at his phone. It was Bam Bam.


So… How did u like my present? ;D - DabDab


Present? What was he talking about?


What? U didn’t get down and dirty with mr fox? - DabDab


I guess u can throw it away then. The boot of ur car. - DabDab


Wait, don’t throw it. Give em back to me. – DabDab


What the hell was he talking abou-


Owh. Wow. Hell no. How the hell did that get there? There was a box of condoms just sitting there in the boot of his car, all comfortable with ribbons and feathers stuck on it. He didn’t notice that yesterday, or the day before. 


… did Soonyoung notice it?? Not that it mattered now…


Sighing, he covered the damn ‘present’ with all the other stuff and locked his car. He needed to wake Soonyoung or they won’t make it before 12.


Seokmin stood outside his bedroom door. He should act normal. They should pretend last night never happened. Although he refused to forget about it, he figured it would be best if both of them ignored the accident and get through today like usual. Like ‘friends’.


Forcing a smile, Seokmin pushed the door open. ‘I made breakfast! Let’s eat!!’


Soonyoung was already up but he just sat there, leaning against the headboard with his head between his knees. He was crying. Of course he would. What happened last night was a terrible mistake for Soonyoung. More so because he had someone.


Seokmin didn’t know what to do. It was partially his fault too because he was the sober one last night. Although Soonyoung was the one who seduced him. No, attacked him to be exact. But he should have more self-control so it was partially his fault. ‘Soonyoung-ah… we-’


‘I’m sorry….’


‘Sorry? No, Soonyo-’


‘I rejected you yet I…. I’m so sorry.’ Soonyoung didn’t know what to do. He was confused. What he knew was that he could only depend on Seokmin to send him home. And he couldn’t do that if they were still fighting. He felt so weak right now, there was nothing he could do. He felt so exposed, so vulnerable…


‘I’m sorry too… I shouldn’t have-’ Seokmin noticed the change in the room. Soonyoung’s scent was starting to fill the room again and he was just sitting there, hiding his face. He was not inviting nor seducing him yet his pheromones…’Y-you…. are you… in heat?’


He noticed the small nod and stood up from the bed. This was really bad. He didn’t expect this at all. He thought last night was goodbye . Something that usually happens in movies when two people break up or decide to go their separate ways. He thought it was because Soonyoung was drunk, because he did drink a lot of beer and soju last night. 


He did not expect it to happen because he was in heat.


And he came inside last night too… a few times. 


Seokmin gulped and felt himself starting to sweat. Omegas in heat, the time when they are most fertile. He never seen any omega in heat before. Because he never had any lover before. And he usually spend time at his grandparents whenever his mom was in hers. No wonder he couldn’t contain himself last night. 


No, maybe that was only because he wanted Soonyoung that bad.


Okay, relax Dokyeom. Remember all the stuff you learn in school. 


Omegas + heat = fertile = = babies.


NO! That was not it! What about self control? 


Nothing. Damn. He should have spend more time on the subject. What should he do now?


‘C-can you send me to the uhh… nearest omega house?’ Soonyoung finally managed to ask after a long silence. The sound of footsteps was really worrying him so he looked up, only to find Seokmin pacing back and forth, with a serious thinking face. 


‘Omega house. Yes. Sure. Okay. I’ll send you there.’ Seokmin nodded aggressively and got out the room. What the hell is an omega house? He opened the door again, ‘You should take a shower and pack up your stuff.’


And he should Google this omega house thing. 


He took a seat at the dining table and started to search for this house. What it’s for, why Soonyoung wanted to go there, where it is…. He heard the bedroom door opening and footsteps heading towards the bathroom. He paid no attention and continued looking at the websites.


Apparently it was like a safe house for omegas. Those who was abused, who suddenly presented and had no idea what to do… and for those who suddenly got their heat and was far from home or a safe place to get through it. That was Soonyoung.


There was one nearby. It was only half an hour away. They might be able to make it before Soonyoung go through another wave.




Seokmin closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He really shouldn’t do this. 
But he wanted to.


Soonyoung wouldn’t know. He had no way to search for it. Not with his flip phone anyway.
He would be a despicable man. Another alpha who takes advantage of a vulnerable omega. But he didn’t care. This was not just any random omega. This was Kwon Soonyoung, his fox. The only omega he ever wanted. The only omega for him.

He heard the bathroom door opened and braced himself. Soonyoung got out with his shirt on, and a towel wrapped around his lower half. His hair was wet, fresh from the shower and he looked too tempting. There was no way he would leave Soonyoung here, alone. No way.


‘I’ll pack my stuff quickly. Thank you!’


‘Uhh, Soonyoung-ah. There’s no omega house here.’ He looked at the omega and noticed the change in his eyes. They were moving left and right, out of focus while the frown got deeper. 


‘No… A-are you sure?’


‘There’s one in the city… do you wanna go there? Can you make it?’ 


Soonyoung nodded and he saw the tears threatening to fall. The man was trying to hard not to cry. Why was he looking so frail? He looked as if he needed protection and Seokmin wanted to give that. Here, in this house. Just the two of them.


‘It’s two hours away…’ You should give up, he wanted to continue. And maybe Soonyoung was considering to do so. Because he leaned against the wall and had his hands on his face, desperately wiping of his tears.


‘C-can you give me a few minutes? I need to take, take care of-‘ before he could finish his sentence, Soonyoung started to cry. He couldn’t do it. He can try to hold it back for a few more minutes but two hours was too long. Which meant he needed to take care of his needs right now, and hope that the next wave will come a few hours later. But it was too embarrassing to do it now. Not with Seokmin around. Not with him knowing that Soonyoung was ing in the bathroom or the bedroom. He wouldn’t be able to focus and face the alpha when he finished.


‘I need to do something first…’ he should pack his stuff. He should take care of his heat just before they start their journey back, so he can last longer. 


‘You don’t look good Soonyoung.’ Seokmin was disappointed when the other still insisted on going. To be honest, he had no idea what he would do if the omega decided not to go but he knew that he wanted them to stay here. He knew he was pushing it, pushing Soonyoung into a dilemma but he could not help it. If that meant he get to spend a few more days with Soonyoung, nothing else matters.


‘I need to pack.’


‘You should sit down…’


‘No. It’s not that. I can’t.’ Soonyoung couldn’t think straight. Two hours. Two hours. How would he survive two hours?


‘You want to stay here for a while? You really don’t lo-‘




‘I’ll take care of you. Two hours is a long trip…’


‘No that’s not it. That’s wrong… I can’t-‘


‘I can take care of you. I will take care of you.’


‘Seokmin please stop… please…’ Soonyoung felt the other moving closer to him and backed away. He already made a mistake of sleeping with him last night. He should not make the same mistake again. Think about his lover. Think about that deep voice. ‘You don’t understand. I can’t do it with you.’


‘Why not?’


‘Because I have a boyfriend!!’


‘You’re not dating.’


‘It’s the same thing!!!’ Seokmin cursed himself. He already went this far. He shouldn’t back off right now.


‘It doesn’t have to mean anything… I’m only doing it because you need help.’


‘I can’t do that to you. Can you just… leave me here? I’ll pay for the house… just leave without me…’


‘I can’t do that…’ Seokmin was really desperate. Soonyoung’s pheromones had started to affect him again and he really wanted to do it. But the other was now sober and unlike last night, he could think clearly. And that meant he was feeling guilty because of his lover. What should he say so that the omega will allow him to help him?


‘It’s okay Soonyoung. This doesn’t have to mean anything. All omegas do this.’ Most. Not all. But from what he observed, Soonyoung was clueless when it comes to other’s ual life.


‘All of them?’


‘Yeah. You should ask someone if they let other people help them during heat. It’s normal. It’s not wrong.’


‘I have-‘


‘Even so. All omegas do it. Did you bring your… uhm toys?’ That’s it. He should talk as if he knew these things. He didn’t, all he just said was what he heard from Bam Bam. And he was pretty sure his friend was wrong because Soonyoung was not like that. 


At least right now, he was not like that.


But he hoped to change that. He was being sly and was putting lies into the vulnerable omega’s mind but only for a week. 


He thought he could only have a night but it was as if god was on his side and decided to give him more. And Seokmin was not stupid enough to let that chance go.


He saw Soonyoung shaking his head and got closer to the man. Soonyoung was not trying to run away, he might be convinced. ‘I’ll ask the owner to extend our stay. I’ll take care of you. You’re going to be okay…’


‘I’m sorry…’


‘Don’t be…’ 


Because he was the one who should.


To be continued

Wow. Everyone messed up bad. 
Owh and heat + alcohol is a no-no for Soonyoung xD

I know I said [M] chapter but I figured writing about Soonyoung’s ‘first’ time would be better so I skipped the drunk smex! Well not his first time but his first conscious one. 
Anyways, let me know your thoughts on this chapter and catch you later!!!


@sseundalkhom yeah he did!! And once isn’t enough *erted grin*

@Lojozi Yeah it was kinda sad for Seokmin to be done like that!!! But yes you’re right! He was in heat and he got drunk so it was kinda like the orientation night all over again XD As always, thank you for your love!!! <3

@depressedkpopfangirl aww you username :( I hope you’re excited for the next *winks*

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I'm sure most of you would've love the fic to end on their little trip but I personally love my characters to have a deeper connection with each other so that's what I'm aiming for! :D
If you still enjoy the fic, please let me know! Thank you for reading!!


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Chapter 42: I only had four hours of sleep for 3 consecutive nights because of your fic and its totally worth it!!!!!!!! Now, i'm dying to read Claimed again, and i'm lowkey hoping for JeongCheol's story.
loner_baboon #2
Chapter 42: Chapter 41: You, my friend, are the reason for my unhealthy obsession with omegaverse! I am really glad you wrote the SeokSoon couple's story since I was curious about their relationship while reading Claimed. And as expected of you, this fic definitely deserves a thumbs up. So I am gonna go ahead and shamelessly (albeit desperately) request you to please write about JeongCheol's side of the story as well. I have so many questions about their past, especially Jeonghan's, and it's killing me *sighs*
Apologies for my selfishness; you must be trying to catch a break. But please, if you can and if you want to, consider my request (read begging)...Please >_<
You are awesome, always will be. Your work just keeps me wanting for more ♡
Chapter 42: Ahhhh! It's finally done! I'm crying!
Congratulations, I know you worked really hard since Claimed, I'm so proud of you!
You did really well!

I'm so happy that everyone's happy! I've been really attached to both Seokmin's and Soonyoung's characters since Claimed and I'm so SO soooooo happy that they both got their own happy endings here!

I know I've said this before [but I'mma say it again 'cause I love you!], but I really love your writing style and how you made this a/b/o fic feel more natural. Like, there's still the a/b/o elements but the arguments and lovey-dovey moments between SeokSoon was so natural, like I could imagine meeting this kind of couple in real life.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful ride! I can't wait to read more from you in the future! Keep it up, Author-nim!
seijurawr #4
Chapter 42: Been following this series from the first few chapters if I'm not mistaken and I'm here commenting in the last chapter's section! Congrats, you did it! You finally completed the long journey of this story along with SeokSoon > <
Also thank you for always working hard on providing us good stories. I'm happy seeing the ending even tho I expected "something more" between Seok and Soon in this chapter but that's fine if there is none!! As long as my babies are happy like this then everything's settled down T___T

Once again thank you! Hope to see you in the other journey of SeokSoon again hehehe ❤️
Chapter 40: I'm crying!
I'm really crying!
Seokmin and Soonyoung are too precious for this world! I really love how real this relationship feels, it's not all like fairy tales where we see the sweet and romantic scenes...we get to see the internal struggles and the conflicts their relationship faces. I love it. I really really love it.

Keep up the good work, Author-nim! ♡
Chapter 39: Ah! My heart is breaking for my son!
Don't worry, Seokmin! Everything will be fine! Keep fighting! Eomma loves you!!!
Chapter 38: WAIT, WHAT?!?!!?

Heheheh, we still love you though! Will be waiting for the next updates! Thank you so much!
Chapter 37: It's weird reading these chapters from Soonyoung's perspective.
Like, the feels are definitely different while I was reading it in Wonwoo's perspective.
Chapter 36: Ah, I wish I could solve my problems just like that.
'Ya know, just open up my SVT Photobooks and, TA-DAAAAH! Solutions magically appear!

Chapter 36: Ahhhh! I missed three updates!!!
But I'm back now! Ghawd I missed SoonSeok! My saving grace!