


“He what?!” Eunhee loudly reacted, unintentionally slamming her cup of iced lemon tea down the table.

Taehun took a sip of his coffee before answering her. “He was in a car accident 12 years ago.”

“He survived, obviously. But his mother…”

Eunhee looked at him, wondering why he suddenly stopped.

“Samchun…” She called him. “What happened?”

He took a deep a breath and said, “She didn’t make it.”

“What about his dad?” The girl asked.

“That bastard abandoned him after paying his medical bills for 5 years “and marrying someone new.” Taehun replied with gritted teeth.

“After that… he was neglected by the hospital he was in.” He continued, taking another sip.

Eunhee wanted to know more, to find out every detail, but she was afraid of what she’ll find out next.


“How was he neglected?” Jiyoung asked in her stead, slurping the last drops of her drink, and eager to hear more of Baekhyun’s tragic past.

Taehun fiddled with the rim of his ceramic cup as he answered, “From what I’ve heard, they trapped him in a room with no windows and turned off the lights in the ‘hopes’ that he’d get rid of his ‘powers’. And whenever he tried to escape, they’d lock him in again. For 9 years… they did that to him.”

“Wouldn’t that be considered as torture?!” Jiyoung exclaimed.

He nodded. “That’s why they closed the hospital down.” “All the patients were supposed to be transferred to another facility but…”

“But what?” Eunhee anxiously asked.

“He escaped.” The man finished, taking another sip of his coffee.


A few months ago:

“Where are we going?” He asked someone in front of him.

The short pale skinned woman looked at him with a wide smile. “We’re moving into someplace with much darker rooms.” She laughingly replied.

His eyes widened in shock. Darker?!

There were about 3 buses waiting for them in front of their now abandoned hospital for the mentally ill.

Doctors and guards with unfamiliar faces guided the patients into each of them, making sure that none of them would cause a ruckus during the transfer.

Silently, Baekhyun thought of a plan to escape.

This is my chance. If this fails, I’ll end up living the rest of my life in darkness. He thought to himself.


5 patients in front of him was Byungjae, the big-bodied man who lived next to Baekhyun’s room. Though feared by everyone due to his appearance, he was kind and gentle; especially towards his neighbour.

Only when a trigger word was mentioned, however, will the calm man turn into a hulk.

3 patients behind him was Mijoo, a woman who’d yell profanities and start pulling someone’s hair when she’s touched.

The boy looked around; ensuring that no one was focused on him.

It only took him 3 steps back to start his mission.


“Ya!” The patient behind him yelled as she lost her balance; falling backwards and causing a domino effect.

YA YOU MOTHER ING SON OF A B*TCH PIECE OF SH*T F****!!!!!” Mijoo yelled, accidentally mentioning Byungjae’s trigger word in the process.

The man instantly went wild, punching and kicking anyone who got caught in his vision.

Meanwhile, the foul-mouthed woman had her claws on one of the doctor’s hair. “ !!!” she continued to scream.

SOMEONE GET THIS B*TCH OFF ME!!” Her victim screeched.

Now’s my chance! He thought as he glimpsed at the distracted guards and doctors.

The alien ran as fast as he could towards the forest in front of the hospital without looking back.

HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” One of the guards yelled and started to chase after him.

Baekhyun bit his lip and sprinted before a loud thump made him stop and look.

It was Byungjae. He tackled the guard like a football player and weighed down on him to keep him from moving.

GO!” The brute man yelled as he wrestled the defenceless guard.

Thankful for his savior’s unexpected support, Baekhyun bowed to him before continuing his escape.


He dashed through the forest, not really knowing where he was going.

All he knew was to run straight and he’ll eventually find an exit.

After passing hundreds of trees, Baekhyun finally found a road. And from there, he walked miles until he found the city’s harbour.

Clueless of what he’ll do next, he decided to take a rest at the edge of the cemented dock.


“Couldn’t pay the bills, huh?” A fisherman asked as he organized his net.

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Chapter 46: SO CUUUUUTE!
Chapter 2: Lovely story with an amazing plot.
Keep writing
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 46: One of the most unique plot in aff ♥ love it... Baekkie is so cute here..
trollingchenchen #4
Chapter 46: It was a cute but interesting story??? loved it.
BellaWu #5
Chapter 1: Just finished my first chapter. So far so good and cant wait to read the next chapterrrr
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful I can totally picture Baekhyun in this, My friend this is the best thing someone have ever done to me :) I feel so honored, I'll treasure these words and keep them close to my ❤️.