Let’s Be Friends



“Fine. I’ll believe you.” … for now.

The innocent alien grinned from ear to ear, overjoyed to know that at least one person will no longer think of him as a madcap human.




“YA! KIM EUNHEE! WAKE UP!” Her mother shouted, adding three strong bangs against the wooden bedroom door.

She groaned – not wanting to get up and spend another nine hours of her teenage life at school.

With one big yawn, Eunhee sat up and rubbed the morning glory off her sleep-heavy eyes.

“Then… you have to grant my wish.”

“Just how did he do that…” She asked herself as she reminisces about what the alien boy did yesterday.

A headache, however, was not what Eunhee wanted to get at the start of her day. Thus, she shook those confusing memories off her mind and continued on with the morning exactly like how she did before their guest arrived.

“Good morning, Eunhee-ya!” Baekhyun greeted her from the living room.

“huh?” She absentmindedly responded – focusing on what else she needed to do before leaving her humble abode. “good morning.”

At the same time, Eunho stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from showering.

“’Eunhee-ya?’” Eunho repeated. “Since when did you two become close?” He added with a chuckle.

“We’re not.” She coldly countered and headed straight to the main door to put on her shoes.

“I’m leaving now!” Eunhee announced and left for school.

Bemused by her atypical attitude, Eunho decided to ask Baekhyun for some answers.

“Baekhyun-ssi.” He called the boy who was lazing around in front of the TV.

“You can talk casually to me, hyung.” The alien told him with glee.

As if he woke up in a different dimension, Eunho shot the younger boy a puzzled look and asked, “Hyung?”

“No no. You are ‘hyung’. You see I am younger than you so– ” Baekhyun started to explain only to be interrupted by his ‘hyung’.

“I get that. But… we’re not close… yet, Baekhyun-ssi…” He awkwardly reacted.

The dismayed alien looked down and frowned at the older boy’s words.

“But..” Eunho started to say after noticing Baekhyun’s guilt-tripping reaction.

An expectant grin surfaced from the alien boy after what Eunho just said.

“You can call me that if you do me a little favour.” He continued to say with a seemingly evil smirk.

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Chapter 46: SO CUUUUUTE!
Chapter 2: Lovely story with an amazing plot.
Keep writing
myungsoodaehyun36 #3
Chapter 46: One of the most unique plot in aff ♥ love it... Baekkie is so cute here..
trollingchenchen #4
Chapter 46: It was a cute but interesting story??? loved it.
BellaWu #5
Chapter 1: Just finished my first chapter. So far so good and cant wait to read the next chapterrrr
Chapter 1: Sweet and beautiful I can totally picture Baekhyun in this, My friend this is the best thing someone have ever done to me :) I feel so honored, I'll treasure these words and keep them close to my ❤️.