♥ ChanSoo pt.1

Exo Family Stories


kpopnstuff, here's your ChanSoo. I hope you like it. I know it's not so fluffy, sorry.





"Good job, Dr. Park!"

Chanyeol gifted the surgical assistant a thankful smile, nodding his head at him as he peeled of his scrub, tossing it into the bin. He just had saved yet another life, removing the glass splinters from the patient's abdomen and his inner organs  in a five hours surgery.

The man, a young guy not older than 20 had fallen into a bottle. The bottles broken neck drilled through his stomach, harming his liver. Chanyeol had to remove countless of tiny pieces of glass and halfway through the surgery he thought he'd never be able to get out of the operating room ever again, but he did it. After five hours all glass was gone, the ripped open part of the liver was sealed and the patient was alive.

"I'm going to take a break," he informed his staff while washing his hands. "Call me, if you need me."

"Okay, Dr. Park."

After leaving the room, Chanyeol made his way to his office. If there was one good thing about being the head of the surgical department then it for sure was his office. Though it wasn't that big, it offered enough space for a couch. And hell, Chanyeol loved this couch; especially after exhausting, complicated surgeries.

Softly sighing he reached for the doorknob, twisting it to open the door. As he stepped inside a familiar scent greeted him. He loved this scent. Looking over to the couch, he found the owner of this pleasant scent curled up on it, peacefully sleeping.

Smiling, Chanyeol sat down on the couch, reaching out to run his fingers through the soft, black locks of his husband. The smaller stirred at the touch, blinking an eye open. "Oh, I didn't mean to wake you," Yeol apologized.

"It's okay," Kyungsoo's voice was raspy as he spoke, lips curled into a soft smile. "How was the surgery?"

"It was okay," Chanyeol answered. "We could remove all glass and the patient is stable."

"That's good to hear," Soo said, rolling onto his back. "Any more lives you have to safe?"

"For now, no."

"Good. Then come here and cuddle with me. I missed you."

Chanyeol smiled as he laid down the couch next to Kyungsoo. He wrapped an arm around the smaller, pulling him close. "I missed you, too," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to Kyungsoo's plump lips.

"When is your next day off?"

"I have the weekend off," Chanyeol said, sighing at the thought of having a whole weekend to himself, away from the hospital. As much as he loved his job, sometimes it was just too much.

"I hope don't have any plans and stay at home with me or else I see myself forced to tie you to the bed."

Chanyeol let out a chuckle. "Well, this is actually sounds quite nice."

Kyungsoo didn't respond to the comment, only snuggled closer. "I mean it," he then said, nuzzling his face into the crook of the taller's neck. "It's been ages since we spent time together."

"I know," Yeol sighed. "I'm sorry."

Being a doctor married to another doctor was definitely not easy. Working overtime was as normal as breathing and having proper breaks were as rare as finding unicorns and matching schedules didn't even exist. It almost daily happened that one of them ended their shift while the other just started. Sometimes it happened that Kyungsoo and Chanyeol didn't see each other vor days. Colleagues often joked, saying that they not seeing each other would be the secret of a perfect marriage. But let's be honest, because of their work, Chanyeol's and Kyungsoo's marriage was far from being perfect.

"How are you?"

"Can't complain," Kyungsoo answered the question. "I'm tired and feel a little queasy but I guess that's due to the lack of sleep."

"When's your shift over?"

The smaller let out a long, deep sigh. "In three hours if no emergency happens."

"Mine is over in four."

"Over or really over?"

"Really over."

Kyungsoo let out a hum. "I'll wait here for you, then."

"You don't have to."

"Oh yes, I do. If I don't wait I have to sleep alone again. I know you. Someone's just asking you the way to the toilet and five seconds later you're in the OP, cutting open someone's torso."

Chanyeol couldn't say much to it, Kyungsoo was right. "Okay," he then said. "Then let's grab some unhealthy food on our way home and spend the rest of the day on the couch, watching old movies."

"Yes," Soo said. "That sounds nice."

Moving his face closer to Kyungsoo, Chanyeol pressed a gentle kiss onto the smaller's forehead, enjoying the silence. The moment didn't last long. Just as Kyungsoo lifted his chin to meet his lips, someone knocked on the door.

"Dr. Park?"

"What is it?" Both, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol said at the same time.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Prak," a female voice said from outside the door. "But Mr. Kim's blood pressure is constantly falling and it sounds as if he would have water in his lungs."

Chanyeol let out a sigh. "That's mine," he said and sat up.

Kyungsoo also got up, smothering his crumbled white coat with his hands. He grabbed Chanyeol by the arm before the man could turn towards the door. "Four hours," he said, tip-toeing to give his husband a kiss. "No second longer."

"I promise," Yeol said, leaning in for another short kiss.

Chanyeol didn't expected to see Kyungsoo before his was over but only two hours after their short break in his office a nurse called him, telling him that Kyungsoo would've collapsed. Rushing to the ward, the smaller was working as an internist, Chanyeol was greeted by the nurse who had called him right the second he had set a foot into the internal medicine ward. "What happened?"

"I don't know," the woman said. "Dr. Park was drawing blood from a patient when he suddenly had to throw up. He was in the restroom for quite a while and when he came out he lost consciousness."

Nodding his head, Chanyeol followed the nurse to the room Kyungsoo was in. Kyungsoo looked at him as he entered the small treatment room. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, they told me that you've collapsed," Chanyeol said. He grabbed a blood pressure monitor and a stethoscope and sat down on the small stool that stood in front of the treatment table. "Take off your coat."

"Chanyeol, I'm fine."

"Nobody who's fine just throws up and collapses after it," Chanyeol said, frowning slightly. "And now take off your coat."

Only reluctantly Kyungsoo took off his medical smock and let Chanyeol check on his blood pressure. "I'm really fine," he uttered. "I'm just tired and couldn't eat, that's all."

Chanyeol ignored the comment and focused on what he was doing. Kyungsoo's blood pressure was way too low and definitely not matching with his high pulse. "We'll go home," Yeol said, putting away the medical instruments. "Wait here, I'll get your stuff."

"What?" Kyungsoo gasped. "No. I can't go home, not now."

"Oh yes, you can," Chanyeol almost growled at his husband. "And you will."

"Chanyeol that's ridiculous. Only because I've thrown up means I can leave right now. I have work to do."

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Chanyeol sighed. "Kyungsoo, you've thrown up while drawing blood from a patient. A doctor who throws up while drawing blood seems not really reliable."

"God, it happened one time."

"So, and you know that it won't happen again?"

"N-no but I'll just eat something an-" "Kyungsoo, leave it," Yeol cut in. "You're just as much a doctor as I am and you know that a circulatory collapse is a clear warning from the body."

This time Kyungsoo kept quiet. He knew Chanyeol was right. If your body was telling you to stop, then you shouldn't ignore it. Plus, as a doctor Kyungsoo was not allowed to make any mistakes. Not, when it came to the well-being of patients.

"I'll go and get your stuff."

"I can do it myself. Let me at least change before we go."

The drive home was dominated by silence. Chanyeol stared straight ahead on the street while Kyungsoo had his head leaned against the window and his eyes closed. They didn't stop to get some food and also didn't end up watching movies as Chanyeol had suggested. After they had arrived at home, Kyungsoo straight went to the bathroom and then to bed.

Chanyeol sighed as he heard the bedroom door closing. He leaned back against the couch and rubbed his face with both hands. This was definitely not how he had imagined the evening to start. The young doctor ended up ordering some Chinese take out to still his hunger and decided to grant himself a bottle of beer to celebrate his very first work free weekend in five months.

Halfway through his food and the baseball game that was running in the TV, the door to the bedroom opened. Chanyeol turned his head to see Kyungsoo coming towards him. Wordlessly, the smaller sat down next to him, snuggling close.

"I'm sorry, too," Yeol said, mouth full of rice. Kyungsoo wasn't good at apologizing, not good at using words to express that he was sorry. Rather than saying that he was sorry, the young man showed it with subtle touches. And Kyungsoo leaning against him like this meant the younger was sorry wanted to apologize. "Do you want some?"

Kyungsoo took the food container and the fork his husband offered him and began to eat. "This is awful," he stated after the first bite.

"It was the first delivery menu I could find."

"Well," Soo said, taking another bite. "Better than nothing."

Neither of them spoke of the incident in the hospital and the couple spent the rest f the evening, closely snuggled together on the couch, watching the baseball game. Only when Kyungsoo suddenly pushed himself off his husband and hurried to the bathroom, Chanyeol knew it was better to pick the topic up again.

"Soo?" He knocked on the door, waiting for Kyungsoo to give him a signal to come in. "Baby, can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure." Kyungsoo sat on the floor, with his back leaning against the bathtub. Sweat had formed on his forehead, wetting his hairline. "Maybe I should've eaten a soup of something."

Sinking down, Chanyeol sat down next to the smaller. "I know you don't want to hear it but we should check up on this."

"I've told you before, I'm just tired."

"I don't believe you," Chanyeol said. "In the afternoon you said you feel queasy. Then you had to throw up and you even fainted. That has nothing to do with lack of sleep."

"Yeol, I have no fever and no other pain. My body is simply outworn and tried, that's all."

"Okay, I'll leave it but you have to promise me something. If you have to throw up again, feel queasy or even dizzy out of nowhere, please go and get yourself checked, okay?"

Nodding his head, Kyungsoo gifted his husband a soft smile. "Okay."

They went to bed after brushing their teeth, enjoying each other's company and body heat. Kyungsoo couldn't remember when he last had such a good and deep sleep. He felt well rested in the morning but the uncomfortable feeling from the day before was still there.

The whole weekend Kyungsoo thought about what it could be, what the cause of this feeling would be but he couldn't find out. He had to throw up a couple of times on Saturday and Sunday and it wasn't easy to hide it from Chanyeol but somehow he managed. But now where it was Monday and a new week of work started, Kyungsoo knew he had to do something against this unknown thing that bugged him and made him throw up all the time.

"Uhm, I'm sorry Dr. Park, is everything alright?"

"Uh, what?" Blinking his eyes, Kyungsoo looked up from the butterfly needle in his hand. "Sorry, what did you say?"

The elderly woman tilted her head a little. "I asked if you're alright."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," he said. "I was just in thoughts. I'm sorry."

He reached for the bottle of the medical disinfectant and sprayed it onto his patient's arm, right there where he wanted to take some blood. As the needle broke the through the skin and the first drop of blood flowed through the transparent tube, Kyungsoo's breath hitched. He could feel his stomach turning and looked up from his patient's arm, trying to focus on something else. "Does it hurt?" He asked to distract himself from the fact that his breakfast was about to creep up his throat.

"No, everything is fine," the woman said, smiling.

Kyungsoo returned the smile, inwardly whining because he had to look back down. He took a breath, holding it as he removed the needle. With slightly shaking hands, he put the cannula away and reached for the band-aid he had prepared. "Alright, we're done," he said and rose up from his chair. "Nurse Hareum will take you to the waiting room. We'll call you once the blood is tested."

He tried to give the lady a smile as he backwards stumbled out of the room, spinning around to run off to find the next toilet. With a hand slapped over his mouth, the young doctor pushed open the door to the toilet stall and sunk to his knees.

Once his stomach seemed to be fully empty and he could stand up to rinse his mouth and wash his face, Kyungsoo knew it was time to inform Chanyeol. He took a deep breath before he knocked onto his husband's office door, waiting for an answer. "Hey," he said as he entered the room.

"Baby," Yeol smiled. "Do you have a break? Do we want to go and grab some lunch together?"

"I need you to run a blood test for me," Soo said, without answering the questions.

At the smaller's serious expression, Chanyeol's smile faded away. "What?"

"I..I had to promise to you to get a check-up if I'd have to throw up or if I'd feel queasy again and hell, I felt queasy the whole damn weekend. I didn't even know what I was vomiting," Kyungsoo's voice was thick, almost as if he was about to cry. "It happened again. I saw blood and had to throw up."

"I'm glad you finally decided to come to me."

"Yeah, I-wait, what?"

"Do you really think I didn't notice when you sneaked away to the bathroom?" Chanyeol chuckled, getting up from his chair. "I knew but I didn't want to push you. I know you hate it."

A sigh escaped Kyungsoo and he let himself fall into Chanyeol's arms. "Thank you," he mumbled into the man's clothed chest.

"It's okay," Yeol said, lovingly Kyungsoo over the head. "Now, let's find out what's wrong with you."

Never before in his 27 years of living Kyungsoo had underwent a blood test. He never understood why people were so impatient when it came to getting the results but now he knew it. With the ticking clock in the background, the internist impatiently ran up and down in front of the couch in Chanyeol office, waiting for the other to finally come with the results of his test.

"So, what is it?" He asked when Chanyeol finally entered the office, closing the door behind him. "Scabies? Black plaque? What's the name of the thing that bugs me?"

"Well," Yeol cleared his throat. "It doesn't have a name yet but in general we call it a baby."

"Ha, this i-what?" Kyungsoo gasped, staring at his husband. When Chanyeol gave him a nod, he took a step forwards and snatched the papers with the results away from Yeol. "This can't be," he mumbled while reading the paper.

"The result is clear. You're pregnant."

"No," Soo said again. "The last time we had was-" he gazed over to the couch, clearly remembering the quickie he and Chanyeol had in their lunch break, weeks ago. "Oh god."

"Shall we take a look at it?" Chanyeol asked, nodding his head towards the Sonograph, that stood in the corner of the room.

Kyungsoo took his time to answer but eventually nodded. Slowly he walked over and laid down the treatment table. He shuddered when Chanyeol pushed up his shirt, exposing his still flat belly. The gel Chanyeol had poured onto the scanhead was cold and flinched a little as it came in contact with his warm skin.

As frozen Kyungsoo stared at the monitor, gasping as a small white spot appeared on the screen. The shape of the head and it's tiny limbs were already clear to see.

"So, the last time we had was 10+ weeks ago," Chanyeol stated as he moved the head over Kyungsoo's belly. "That's kinda sad, we should change that."

Kyungsoo had to laugh at the comment and turned his head to look at his husband. Chanyeol was looking at the screen, moving his fingers over the touchpad to measure the size of the fetus. "We've never talked about it. In almost ten years of relationship we've never talked about babies."

Chanyeol let out a hum. "I guess we were just caught up in our studies and jobs."

"What do you think about it?"

"Well, I hope it's a boy because right now I can't think of a good girl's name."

"Be serious."

"I am serious," Yeol said, giving a nod. "But, beside that," he paused and turned to look at Kyungsoo. "I like the thought of having a little bundle of joy running around our apartment," he said, while wiping Kyungsoo's belly clean.

The smile Chanyeol gave him made Kyungsoo's smile, too. "I'd like to have a girl."

Chuckling, Chanyeol leaned forwards over the younger's belly. "I don't care if you're a boy or a girl. All I want you to be is healthy," he said and plant a kiss right under Kyungsoo's navel.

"Don't worry," Soo said and brought a hand into Chanyeol's hair, rolling a strand through his fingers. "I'll take care of it."

Smiling, Chanyeol moved up to give his husband a kiss. "Yeah, and I'll make sure you're going to take care of yourself."

"What does that mean? I always take care of myself."

Clicking his tongue, Chanyeol rolled his eyes at the smaller. "Let me say it differently. I'll make sure that you'll get proper sleep and enough rest. Oh, and scratch overtime and night shift from your schedule."

"You're exaggerating."

"I'm not," Yeol said, leaning in for another kiss. "I'm just a father-to-be who's going to take care of his husband and baby."

Kyungsoo just sighed and smiled into the kiss. If Chanyeol was going to spoil him, then he'd be last person to say something against it. They shared a few loving, innocent kisses until Chanyeol ran his tongue along Kyungsoo's bottom lip, asking for entrance.

"Really," Soo laughed. "Right here and now."

"Yes, please," Yeol hummed and climbed onto the treatment table, hovring the smaller. "It's been 10 weeks, that's crazy."

"Yeah, compared to the time we were students," Kyungsoo joked, snickering.

"Maybe we can go back to this time," Chanyeol grinned, attacking his husbands neck. "This was a great time."

Kyungsoo wasn't able to hold back a moan when Chanyeol started to grind against him, brushing their crotches together. His back arched off the table into the man's touches.

A pleasant sigh slipped past Chanyeol's lips as Kyungsoo started to tug at his hair, fingers scratching over his scalp. "Yeol," the smaller groaned, turning his head away to break their kiss. "Stop."

"What?" Chanyeol asked, visibly confused. "Why?"

"I think I have throw up."






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thank you for the story!
Missa007 #2
Chapter 9: Chansoo baby!!
Chapter 45: Awww the ending’s so sweet :3
Chapter 24: that was so sweet, the ending especially :3
Chapter 23: awww this is so cute, i love domestic kaibaek :333
whattalife #6
Chapter 10: I would have love their son's name is Sehun 😍
Chapter 48: i am looking forward to reading more stories from you:)
Chapter 49: I undrstand