
Shadows In His Heart

Hyorin opened her eyes. She stared at the boring white ceiling above her as she hesitantly reached up and felt her sore throat. She opened to speak and found that even just thinking about talking made burn. Her abdomen ached and she looked down and slowly lifted her shirt. Her hand fluttered above the scar where someone had...  cut into her? What exactly had happened to her? She closed her eyes and remembered waking up randomly in the night and going to her blood. She shuddered as she remembered that blood she had coughed up. Right, she had a reaction to that serum.

At least she was alive. She wondered what had happened to the serum. Was it still in her body or did her body reject it? Instinctively, she closed her eyes when she heard someone approach her door. Slowing her breathing so it looked like she was still sleeping, she heard the door push open and footsteps approach her. She heard the scraping as a chair was pulled up next to her and the person took a seat. There was a shuffling of papers and she felt something being placed on her lap.

After a couple of minutes curiosity forced her eyes open. Jaejoong sat beside her. His head was bent down and his brows were furrowed as he looked down as the papers in front of him. He jotted down notes at the margins of these papers and a thin stack of folders was what rested on her lap. She stared at him for a while, he must have been the one to find her when he came in to check on her. She casually glanced down at the papers on her bed. They were profiles of different men, locations, descriptions, and even a map spread out with certain locations circled out.

There was a profile that peeked out from the stack. The man in the photograph looked straight ahead with a blank, yet dangerous look on his face. Hyorin's breath stilled, there was something about him that seemed sort of familiar. Maybe it was his eyes she realized as she tried to place just where she had seen him before. His name was Choi Seung Hyun and she tried to commit that name to memory. She was sure that at some point she would remember where she had seen him before.

Suddenly Jaejoong looked up and Hyorin shut her eyes. She felt him tense as he gathered up his papers quickly. Did he see her?

"Are you hungry?" He asked her as she opened her eyes.

"Not really" She answered.

"Ok well, get more rest. That serum, it caused a reaction" He said as he held the papers in his hand.

"Dizziness?" She asked quietly a small smile playing on her lips.

"Yeah, now get some rest so we can test out how good it worked" He said quickly as he turned before she could see the small twitch of a smile on his lips.

Hyorin tried to rest, but found that she hated just laying in bed. She got up and with a groan of discomfort got dressed. She tied her hair back and slowly made her way over to Yesung's office. He should still be there working.

"Are you busy?" She asked as she pushed the door open and poked her head in.

"Hyorin, what are you doing out of bed?! I heard you got really sick" He said, immediately standing up and helping her to a chair.

"Right... I got sick. Were you worried?" She asked him, wishing that she could tell him everything. Wishing that at least with one person she could freely talk about how scared she was sometimes and how she kind of wanted to run away at times.

"Of course I was worried. It was lonely, not seeing you for an entire two weeks" Yesung said softly as he placed a warm hand on her head affectionately.

She looked up at him and smiled, grateful for his friendship. She let him get back to work as she just sat and watched him work, making small talk every once in a while. Hyorin honestly didn't know what she's do if she hadn't met Yesung. He had run into her as she tried to run away in the beginning. He stared at her wide-eyed as she was dragged away. He found her the next time, eating all alone and sat by her, striking up a conversation. Since then she had begun to look forward to when she would see him next and a friendship had developed fast.

It was hard to admit, but she was so lonely that she clung almost pathetically to the care that Yesung showed her. The only other human contact she usually had consisted of Jaejoong and the occasional people that worked here, but that just made her feel more alone. He was like a small fire place that she would return to almost every day to warm up.

"Are you bored?" He asked her when he saw her curled up on the small sofa like seat on the side.

"No it's ok go back to work, I don't want to get you in trouble" Hyorin said as she straightened out in her seat.

"I got you something" He said as he stood and reached inside one of his desk drawers, "I figured since there's not much for you to do, I got you a drama to watch. I don't know if you'll like it..."

"Ah... thanks. I haven't seen one of these since... well, a really long time ago. I barely remember them" She said with a smile as she took the DVD case and held it in her hands.

"... Are you ok? You seem kind of weird" He said worriedly.

"Oh, I do?" She asked, wanting to tell him how she almost died, "Haha I'm fine"

Yesung watched her for a few moments longer before he went to take a seat next to her. He was curious at first, to meet the kind of girl that would be that man's daughter. She was much different than he imagined. He thought she would be cold and ruthless like her father, but instead she was the opposite. He surprised himself when a genuine friendship came up between the two. Even now, he could see that there were things she wanted to say. He didn't want to force her to say anything so all he could offer was a shoulder to lean on as he wrapped an arm around her and held her gently.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be ok. You're strong" He whispered as he her hair gently.

Hyorin stayed still. How long had it been since someone hugged her? The last time was the day before her mother died, over a year ago. She missed this she realized as she relaxed in his hug, a sudden wave of emotions washing over her. Tears formed before she could even stop them and she worked hard to make sure they didn't spill over. Since her mother died, this was the first time someone had comforted her.

He held her tighter as he allowed her to cry, her tears speaking words she couldn't seem to say aloud. There were times, when he saw her space out randomly. When he would get her attention she would be weird and he wanted to ask, but he felt that she should tell him first. Of course, he had tried to find out on his own beforehand, but it was strange, her file was sealed tighter and when he asked around he found out that only three people had access to it. He figured the first was her father, then Jaejoong, but who was the third?

"Speak of the devil..." Yesung muttered as his door swung open and Jaejoong stepped through.

"Get up, you have to rest" Jaejoong snapped as he watched Yesung pull away.

"I'm fine... Can't I just stay?" She asked as she quickly wiped the tears off her face, ashamed that he had walked in at such a moment. Jaejoong had a knack for catching her at her weakest moments.

"That's not up to you. Hurry up" He insisted, a hint of a threat in his voice.

Yesung frowned slightly as she nodded, stood up and went to Jaejoong's side. He hated the way she would go when he called. It was almost as if she belonged to that man and the thought sickened him. Why would a man pair up his own daughter with someone like Jaejoong to begin with?

"I'll see you later" Hyorin said to Yesung, turning and walking out behind him.

"What were you doing with him?" Jaejoong asked coldly.

"He's my friend, I always go see him" She answered.

"Why didn't you stay in your room?" He asked, trying to keep his voice even.

"I got bored" She answered simply.

"Bored? I told you to stay in your room" He said as they continued to walk towards her room.

"I didn't realize that was an order" She said allowing the frustration she felt to peek through.

Jaejoong shot her a warning look.

"That crying fit you had, it's pathetic don't do that again" He stated as the neared her room.

"Pathetic? Are you going to try to control how I feel now too? My crying wasn't bothering you, I didn't even want you to come find me" Hyorin said, a headache cutting her fuse much shorter than usual.

"Don't you know?" He asked as he shoved her back into her room, "Everything you do, is my job and I don't mess up jobs so if that means controlling even when you breathe then I'll do it" He finished his voice rising slightly at the end.

He gritted his teeth as he fished for his key and locked her door from the outside. Was her special talent annoying him?! He was always so good at keeping controlled, but she always seemed to know just how to piss him off. Didn't she know how pathetic it was to find her crying into some man's arms?

"You locked me in?!" She yelled as she jiggled the doorknob, "Are you kidding me? Jaejoong! This is stupid I didn't do anything wrong!" She screamed as she slammed her fist into the door angrily. Screw him.

Why was he punishing her? Jaejoong thought about that for a moment arriving at the conclusion that she should have watched her tone. Damn it. He was being stupid just because she was annoying. With a sigh he pulled his keys back out and pushed her door open.

"Watch what you say and do next time" He said to her as he left.

Hyorin stared in shock even after Jaejoong had left. Cautiously she went to her door. Was he playing a trick on her? Then she realized this was Jaejoong, there was no way this was some sort of prank. Hesitantly she reached for the door and pulled it open. It was actually open. She cocked her head to the side in confusion, this was the first time that he had ever taken back a punishment. Even before when she screamed and banged on the door for hours he never took it back. With caution she closed the door once again and plopped down her bed, forgetting the healing injury.

"Ow..." She whispered to herself as she her back and stared at the ceiling. This place really knew how to the life out of someone she thought as she held up the DVD case and smiled. At least she had something to keep her entertained.



Double update day! ^-^ I'm taking advantage of my quickly running out time before I have to get back to school =_= I'm excited because the next chapter is sort of the story changer? Well not the story changer but more of like the turning point and then all these things are going to happen wheee I'm too excited for this XD

Thanks for reading! =D

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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D