The Seed of Doubt

Shadows In His Heart

Hyorin felt the bed shift behind her and her eyes opened slightly. She froze as she  felt a pair of warm hands brush past her wrists. She stayed in place, pretending to be asleep as she felt someone shift behind her and heard the distinct click of her handcuffs being opened. It was a relief as she felt the handcuffs being pulled away gently. Slowly, the person grabbed one of her sore wrists and placed her arm in a more comfortable position. Hyorin couldn't help herself as she let out a groan of pain from her sore shoulder muscles and the person froze with her arm in his hand.

"What are you doing?" She asked quietly as she looked up at Seung Hyun.

"I- Uh, I realized I had never removed the handcuffs so you'd probably be uncomfortable" He explained awkwardly as he let go of her hand and sat back on the bed.

"You do realize how creepy that was right?" Hyorin asked as she too sat up and rotated her shoulders around hoping to ease the pain.

"I didn't think you'd wake up, sorry" He said as he closed his eyes and visibly shook himself.

"Are you... alright?" Hyorin asked as she looked him over. His whole demeanor was completely different from what it had been hours ago. He looked drained.

"I'm fine" He whispered, "I brought you some food, I'm going to stay while you eat" He continued as he shrugged off his coat and laid back on the bed without another word.

"How do you know I won't kill you while you sleep?" Hyorin asked him as she moved away from the bed and looked at the food the delicious aroma almost like a spell that drew her to it. It looked too delicious for her to even entertain the thought that it might be drugged.

"I doubt the girl who was chased all the way home by a small white dog would kill a man in his sleep. Maybe if I was awake... anyways I brought you your favorite fast food, enjoy" Seung Hyun said, the slightest smile adorning his face as he threw an arm over his eyes and went quiet.

Hyorin approached the food slowly. She remembered that day, it was her stupid neighbor's little white dog. It wasn't her fault she was just heading home when that stupid rabid dog decided that it just needed to sink it's big sharp pointy teeth into her leg. He couldn't have heard about it, so then he really was keeping surveillance on her like he said. She looked at the food before her. It was all perfect, right down the right kind of soda.

But so what if he knew her favorite types of food or some memory of hers? It didn't mean anything. They could have had she and her mother under surveillance. Her mother had been working on a not so legal experiment and so the fact that the NIS might have gotten wind of it is not all that strange. And yet... if he was telling the truth about this she couldn't help but wonder what else could he be telling the truth about.

The growl of her stomach snapped her out of her thoughts and with a slight frown on her face she dragged the chair over to the small table and bit into her food. It was delicious and she ate faster, thankful that it was still warm. Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted the business card he had pulled out before. She placed a finger on it and slid it closer and read it as she ate. When she finished drinking every last bit of her drink, it had been a years since she had had something actually unhealthy, she turned around in her chair and gazed at Seung Hyun.

He hadn't moved an inch since he laid down and she watched him for a moment before she stood and walked over to him.

"I'm done" She said, "I'm done" She repeated a bit louder when he didn't move.

He must be a really deep sleeper Hyorin told herself as she studied him for a few moments longer. Slowly, she leaned in and waved her hand in front of his face. There wasn't a single twitch in his body or face to make her think he was anything, but asleep. Letting out a small sigh her eyes wandered around the room and landed on the coat he had shed only moments beforehand. It laid over the edge of the bed, completely unprotected. She snuck a glance at the locked door behind her and at the coat.

Nervously, she waited a few moments longer to make sure he really was asleep, knowing that every moment she wasted was precious. Making up her mind she slowly moved to the coat. She slowed her breathing, scared that it would suddenly wake him up. She crouched down and her hand slid along the smooth material and into the right side pocket. She dug around slowly and feeling no trace of keys she quickly pulled her hand out. Keeping her eyes on him she softly flipped the coat over and stuck her hand in the left side pocket.

This time her fingers made contact with the cool metal and ridges she knew to be keys. Holding her breath she gripped them tightly and slowly pulled them out. A smile broke out on her face as she opened her palm and looked at the set of keys sparkling in her hands. She looked over at him again and went over to the table that now held nothing but scraps of the food he had brought to her. Her eyes landed on his contact card once again and this time she picked it up and slipped it in her back pocket. He didn't seem like a bad guy she allowed herself to admit as she walked over the door.

On her third try, she finally found the right key and she felt a cool breeze blow in from the empty hallway once she pulled the door open. She stared at the empty space in front of her and felt a part of her mock her for being a coward. She knew what she was running away from and it wasn't the NIS or Seung Hyun, it was that damn proof he claimed to have. Her grip tightened on the door knob and she just couldn't seem to take one more step out. To admit that Seung Hyun was telling the truth was to admit that Jaejoong was a liar and that scared her even more.

Hyorin closed her eyes tightly as she took a step back and shut the door in front of her. Almost as if she was on autopilot, letting some part of her subconscious take a hold of her actions, she watched as she herself pushed away her chance at escape. She tried to rationalize it but she didn't even know where to began. Conflict waged war inside her. She should run, screamed a voice that sounded suspiciously like Jaejoong, yet another voice told her to stay. It told her to at least make sure that the man that had remembered her favorite fast food and didn't seem all that bad wasn't a complete liar. From the corner of her eyes she noticed Seung Hyun shift in the bed and she walked over and slipped the set of keys back in the coat pocket, only then noticing the small folded paper that had slipped out of the coat pocket.

She bent down and opened it curiously, her heart stopping when she saw what it was. It was an old photograph, with a crease running down the middle that showed how often the photograph had been taken out and put away. That wasn't what brought the sudden onslaught of tears to Hyorin's eyes though. She recognized the photograph, it came from her house she was sure of it, and she also knew it was the only copy out there. For the first time in who knows how long she finally saw a photograph of her mother again. Tears slowly rolled down when she realized that the image in her mind had been horrendously blurry compared to the vivid photograph of Hyorin and her mother.

"Why didn't you run?" Seung Hyun asked quietly, his eyes still closed.

At her lack of answer he opened his eyes suddenly, never really being asleep and looked at her. His throat tightened when he saw her standing there looking so lost and so sad, holding a photograph he knew well. Worried for her he sat up and went to her side placing a tentative arm around her and holding her carefully. She didn't sob, instead she quietly stood in his protective hold, tears still falling, gripping that photograph ever so tightly.

"I want... to keep this. Please" She added silently.

"It was yours to begin with I don't see why not. Besides, now that you're here I don't need it anymore" He murmured, the vibrations from his deep voice trembling into her chest.

Slowly, he pulled away, sensing her sudden discomfort. She glanced at the photograph again and took a deep breath. She wiped what remained of the tears on her face and looked at Seung Hyun.

"I was going to run away" Hyorin said suddenly, "I just ran out of time" She lied.

"No, you weren't. I wasn't sleeping" He said, giving her a long look.

"You don't know what I would have done" Hyorin muttered, looking away in embarrassment.

"I know you Hyorin,  I probably know more about you than anyone out there. You wouldn't have left" He explained.

"If you know me so well then let me go" Hyorin said slipping the photograph behind his card in her pocket.

"Why do you want to go back so bad? Even when I give you all these plausible reasons you still want to run back... why?" He asked her seriously, digging for an answer that he wasn't quite sure she had realized yet.

"This was the last time I hesitate to leave, that was my mistake. I keep making a lot lately I know, but still since you've been...nice to me I'm letting you know" She informed him, her thoughts settling on a decision.

He gave her another long look as he suddenly reached for his coat. He felt around for his keys, a smile spread on his face when he realized that they were in the wrong pocket but in his coat none the less.

"Right... It's been twelve hours, I'm going to go get you that proof I promised, by this time anyone searching for you should have moved on to other places" He said, noticing how she stiffened at his words, "and then you can come with me"

"Or you could just let me go" Hyorin muttered as she played with the zipper on her coat.

"Making sure you know the truth and that you don't never forgive that man for lying to you like that, that is the least I could do now" Seung Hyun stated simply as he turned away from her and headed to the door.

"There is no truth I should know about! I'm not being lied to! He said.... he said that when I was ready he would take me to get vengeance on the people that killed my mother!" She yelled, frustrated, confused and scared.

"And you trust that bastard so faithfully?! That man you refer to with so much trust in your voice... he's evil Hyorin. That man doesn't have a soul or feelings, and he's playing you like an idiot. He's a disgusting piece of--" Seung Hyun spoke, the hatred he felt dripping from his tongue with every word he spoke.

"Why do you hate Jaejoong so much?" Hyorin asked suddenly, the hate in Seung Hyung's voice sending shivers down her spine.

"You think you know him so well don't you? Have you ever heard of Park Yu Jin? Did he ever bother to ever tell you anything about her? She thought she knew him too. She thought he loved her, but as soon as she realized what actually went on in that damn company she contacted me for help" Seung Hyun said to her, tactfully keeping out the whole story about Yu Jin out.

"That's his private business" She said, wishing he would just stop, she didn't want to hear this.

"She wanted nothing more than to just have a normal life, she even thought that Jaejoong was going to be leaving with her, but he was playing her just like he's playing you and now? She's nothing! Just like you'll be if you go back!" He said forcefully.

"What happened to her?" Hyorin asked quietly.

"He killed her" He answered, knowing that it wasn't the whole story, but if it could make Hyorin see the truth...

"There must be something else, he wouldn't just kill her for nothing" Hyorin whispered, trying to make sense of what she was hearing.

"I saw him. I had a life set up for her. She wanted to be free, she didn't want to kill any longer. And yet that bastard blamed me for her death. If he could do something like that to the woman that he supposedly loved, what makes you think he wouldn't lie to you and kill your mother?" He asked snidely.

Hyorin didn't answer because in all honesty, he was right. She had no real reason to believe that Jaejoong would never lie to her.

"That's not even the whole story before he finished her off—-" Seung Hyung continued.

"Stop. Please stop" She said firmly, the new information swimming around in her head.

".... Things in that place are never as they seem. You probably don't know all the people that die there every day. Don't try anything while I'm gone. I've given clear instructions for no one to open these doors no matter if it sounds like you're dying in here so don't try anything. They're not even going to come near your room. I'll be back in around two hours, we can talk more then" He said as he pulled the door open and shut it behind him loudly.

Hyorin went completely still and she closed her eyes and focused. She heard the click of the door automatically closing behind him and she strained as she heard him walk away. Shortly after she heard the sound of an engine coming to life and it pulling away. Her head hurt a bit afterwards and she waited five extra minutes to make sure he was really gone before she headed to the door.

He didn't have any proof she told herself and she fished in her pocket and took out the single key she had taken from the key chain in his coat. But still, she didn't want to be here when he got back. There was a feeling is anxiety at the thought of what he might come back with. She didn't want to see whatever he had because if it was true... that meant everything she had ever believed in was a lie. The image of Jaejoong kissing her flashed past quickly and Seung Hyung's word of the Yu Jin woman followed soon after. She needed answers she told herself, but she didn't want them from Seung Hyun. She was either staying in danger or running back to it. When it came down to it, it all came down to who she felt like she could trust with her life.

She pushed the key into the keyhole, unlocked the door, and pulled it open quietly. Silently, she stepped out into the dark hallway and hoped no one would hear her.


Jaejoong sat in his car, the cold failing to affect him in any way. His mind was heavy with other thoughts and the ringing of his cell phone wasn't helping. He had ignored the first two times knowing it was probably someone to check in on him, but on the third time he had finally had enough.

"What?! What do you want? I haven't found her yet alright?!" He yelled into the phone angrily.

"....Jaejoong, it's me"  Said a soft female voice on the side of the line.

"H-Hyorin? Are you alright? Where are you?!" He asked frantically as he sat up and started his car.

"Why did you lie to me?" She asked sadly, "Doesn't the guilt of knowing you treated me like an idiot bother you while you sit happily in your car? Do you even have the right to look for me?"

"... Hyorin whatever he's told you it's a lie!" He pleaded as he looked up, noticing a woman off into the distance, hidden by the shadows at a pay phone a few blocks away.

"It's not a lie I hate you!" She screamed over and over again.

"No, wait, it wasn't my fault, I didn't know I would actually care about you later, I didn't know and later I wanted to say something, but how could I?!" He screamed, trying to get her to just stop and listen to him, his throat tightening with the hate he could hear in her voice.

He heard a tap on his window and looked to the side and screamed. There was Yu Jin, blood running down her face from the bullet hole in her forehead. Her eyes were just dark voids that haunted him everywhere.

"Seung Hyun will kill you. I never want to see you again and he's going to make sure I never have to. I love him" She said coldly.

Jaejoong sat up suddenly. Surprised to find himself in his bed and in his room. He placed a hand on his throat, the feelings from that nightmare still very alive in his body. Throwing back the covers he noticed he had only slept for two hours. He grabbed a coat and headed back into his car. He needed to be out there looking her he told himself, not allowing himself to stop and analyze his dream and what it might have meant to him.



Happy late valentine's day to those that celebrate it! To those that dont.... well you guys still get an extra update this week so really it all works out ^-^ I wasn't planning on updating until later this week, but today I barely had any homework and so I decided to write up another chapter! I'm still planning on doing my usual weekly update, but I'm pushing it until around Sunday so this was just an extra holiday chapter =D


Thanks for reading/subscribing/commenting! =)

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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D