Hearts Bruised From Longing

Shadows In His Heart

Hyorin quietly made her way down the dark staircase. The building felt empty, but she could hear some noises being made at the furthest end, along with the low grumble of voices. A small sense of relief spread as she realized escaping would be much easier than she had anticipated. She continued until she reached the bottom of the staircase, cautious to keep the old wood from groaning underneath her feet. Instinctively, she moved away from the noises and towards the other end where she spotted a door. Even if that wasn't the exit, she could find a window to breakthrough

She wasn't surprised and moved swiftly as several things happened at once. First, she found that the cold night air stung her face rather painfully. Secondly, the man waiting for her was the same guy that had tased her and third, this time he had a gun. He lunged at her, the lack of moonlight working in her advantage as she barely dodged it, only to be met with a powerful jab to her abdomen. She felt her breath be beat out of her as he followed up with a powerful kick that knocked her back.

He swore loudly as she picked herself back up quickly and ran to him head on, her eyes fixated on the gun at his side, if anything it should have scared him. He wasn't as inept as the rest of the men she had fought before though because he saw her plan coming and pulled out the gun before she could reach it. His vision was impaired, but he was among the most experienced and so he assumed that his 'warning' shot would be just that. He failed to calculate that even after he had gotten the gun she might still go for it and she did. Hyorin heard the loud explosion of the bullet shooting out and used his hesitation afterwards to knock the gun from his hands and quickly pick it up.

When she went to aim it at him she cried out in surprise from the sudden pain in her shoulder. Her eyes widened as she took one hand off the gun and placed it on her shoulder, now moist with blood.

"Go back inside Taeyang" Ordered a familiar voice from the shadows.

"I didn't mean to—" He began nervously.

"Go" Seung Hyun ordered, an angry edge to his voice this time around.

Hyorin kept her eyes fixated on Taeyang and followed him on his way back into the house, her gun still trained on him up until he disappeared from her view. As soon as he was gone she spun on her heels to be met with the end of Seung Hyun's own gun, cooly aimed at her.

"You're hurt" He stated.

"I thought you left" She responded, unwilling to put the gun down.

"I was about to when I noticed my key was missing. I had someone else take the car in my place. I was hoping I was overreacting... but it looks like I didn't after all" He said calmly, a hint of disappointment adorning his tone.

"...I'm leaving" Hyorin announced to him, her shoulder now burning with pain and the disappointment in his voice not going unnoticed by her.

"Why don't we go get your shoulder treated first, then we can discuss--" Seung Hyun began.

"No, there's no discussion. I'm leaving" She repeated once again.

"Hyorin..." He warned, straightening his gun.

"If you're going to shoot me then do it already. As you can see I don't have time to play games" She snapped.

"You're running away from the truth" He informed her.

"You keep repeating that, whatever the truth may be it will be revealed in its own time. For now, I can't trust you. No matter what you claim... there's someone else who I need to hear an explanation from. Someone I trust more than you" She whispered, feeling an inexplicable sense of guilt at the words she was saying.

"I can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved" Seung Hyun admitted more to himself as he slowly lowered his gun, "Whether it's in a day or a year, eventually you'll see what I've been trying to tell to you and you won't even need the proof sitting in my office to believe me. I'm letting you go Hyorin because you need time and I can't handle a selfish girl" He said coldly.

"Selfish girl?" She questioned.

"You're running away from the truth so that you can keep living in that little fantasy world you've created for yourself and you don't even care about the people who are getting hurt. A world where the man you... trust hasn't been lying to you all this time and that's fine I'll wait and if you need me, I'm sure you'll figure out how to get in touch with me" He said as he turned away from her, trying to ignore every voice screaming at him to force her back. But it was better this way... if she came searching for him.

"Who's getting hurt?" She asked cautiously.

"That's part of the truth, you don't get to just hear the parts you want to hear" He said calmly, not pausing to look back at her because he was disappointed by her. That she wasn't the person that he had imagined and yet, it might have seemed like that to her, but he wasn't giving up on her.

At the very least, he had done what he set out to do. He had let her know he was there for her if she ever wanted it.

"So that's it?" She called behind him. A pesky feeling of shame beginning to spread around her. She knew she was letting him down and she didn't want to, but she clenched her teeth and very slowly moved away from the building.

She heard the door slam as he walked back in the building and hated the feeling that he was giving up on her. Her mind traveled to the photograph he had in his pocket and she frowned. The pain was getting to be too much she told herself and she put the gun in the waistband of her jeans and pulled her coat over it, keeping it from public view. Very carefully she placed pressure on her wound and winced at the sudden stab of pain. She sped up her pace and search for a phone booth or any open convenience store that might let her use the phone, storing away any other thoughts that she had.

Finally, she found one in the furthest corner. She walked determinately towards and got as far as picking the phone off the hook before nerves and worry got hold of her. Her hand trembled as she placed the phone back on the hook. This was her chance really, to run away like she had dreamt about so many times before. It was her chance to leave and start over. What would she really be leaving behind anyways? A friend, she told herself as she thought of Yesung and a.... well she didn't know what he was, but she knew she couldn't just walk away from those two men. No matter how much she really wanted to.

With a new determination she picked the phone back up again and dialed the number Jaejoong had made her memorize in case of emergencies. It rang three times before she heard his clear voice on the other side of the line. She felt her pulse speed up and a sense of warm relief spread through her body as she gripped her shoulder tighter, blood seeping through her fingers.

"Jaejoong, please come get me" She whispered into the phone, exhausted now that her adrenaline was slowly seeping away.

"H-Hyorin? ... Is this really you?" Jaejoong asked cautiously, last night's nightmare still fresh in his mind.

"Yeah it's really me. Just hurry please, I got hurt when I escaped" She explained as she looked around for a street sign and informed Jaejoong of her location.

"I'll be right there. Don't move and Hyorin, I... never mind" he finished quickly as he hung up and headed her way.

Hyorin hung the phone up slowly and breathed in the cold breeze coming her way. She was relieved he was coming... and she also dreaded it. Would the way she looked at him change? Would Seung Hyun's words always ring out in her mind whenever she saw Jaejoong? She suddenly began to doubt her choice... at least, she wanted to doubt it. She felt like it was the smart thing to do but for the life of her she just didn't.

She walked over to the back wall of a building nearby and leaned back on it. Letting out a shaky breath she slid all to the floor, not caring that it was the middle night and feeling safe with the gun in her possession. She heard a car pull up shortly after. She saw his silhouette, outlined by the glaring headlights of the car, approaching her and fought the urge to reach for the gun. She was too on edge.

He came into focus then and she saw his face, a frown sitting plainly for her to see. She expected him to order her to get up, but instead he shocked her by getting down on his knees so that they were on eye level. Without a word he reached over a placed a hand on the side of her face. His eyes studied her pained expression and looked to where she held her shoulder. Very firmly he grasped her wrist and pulled her hand away, very aware of the groan of pain she made. He swore under his breath.

"I'm going to take you back ok? Luckily it's a shoulder wound and I can handle that myself" Jaejoong murmured softly as he reached for her.

Hyorin didn't fight it as he lifted her almost effortlessly into his arms and carried her towards the car. Instead, she held on with the weak strength she had at the moment and breathed in his comforting scent. He placed her gently into the seat of the car and she wavered in and out of consciousness so that when she next opened her eyes she was back in his arms and passing by the familiar hallways that led to Jaejoong's room. He laid her down on the bed and pulled out a red medicine case from underneath his bed. Very carefully he stripped her of her coat and her shirt, more worried about her wound than her bare skin.

"What happened to your face?" Hyorin asked weakly, as she noticed his bruised skin and swollen lip.

"I lost a fight" He lied as he opened the case.

"Don't lie to me, you don't lose fights" She said, wincing from the pain.

"You overestimate my abilities" Jaejoong muttered as he pulled out gauze and the disinfectant.

"Jaejoong... have you ever lied to me?" She asked him, holding back the hoard of questions she wanted to really ask.

"This is going to hurt Hyorin, but don't worry" Jaejoong said, ignoring her question as he placed a firm hand on one side of her shoulder holding her down.

He reached for a small needle in the case and injected her with a shot of pain killers,  knowing that it wouldn't last long because of her speeded up metabolism, but hoping that he could work fast enough. He felt as her muscles relaxed and he took out a pair of large metal tweezers. He glanced at her drooping eyelids quickly before letting out a short breath and quickly wiping away the blood around her shoulder. He took his bedside lamp and aimed it directly at her wound before he stuck the tweezers in, digging for the bullet he knew was still in her shoulder.

Jaejoong felt as Hyorin's muscles suddenly began to tighten and he knew he was running out of time as she groaned in pain. When she let a shocked scream of pain, he knew she had regained her consciousness. He held her down as she faintly struggled, fighting to stay calm.

"I know it hurts Hyorin, but please stay still" He said as  gently as he could.

He could see the effort she put as she gripped the bed sheets tightly and shut her eyes in pain. He finally felt the bullet and pulled it out in one pull. Hyorin screamed as she felt a searing pain burn through her nerves. Jaejoong stayed quiet and he placed the bloody bullet to the side. Grabbing a bottle of disinfectant, he poured it all over the wound. He wiped away the blood and very gently pulled her into a sitting position.

"It hurts..." She whispered as Jaejoong supported her while he padded the wound with gauze and bandaged it up.

"I know, but it'll heal fast and... I promise I won't let you get hurt again" He said softly.

"Just like you didn't let Yu Jin get hurt?" Hyorin asked, the words just slipping out of . She mentally screamed at herself as she felt him completely freeze.

"Seung Hyun really didn't waste any time talking to you did he? What else has he told you?" Jaejoong asked roughly, tightening the bandages and sealing them down.

"What really happened to her?" Hyorin pushed.

"That's none of your business" Jaejoong snapped as he let her go standing up hastily and placing the gun he had found on her far away from her reach.

"All I'm saying is don't make promises you can't keep. Protecting me because it's your job... there's only so far you'd be willing to go for me" Hyorin said.

"It stopped being just a job a long time ago"  Jaejoong snapped, taking out one of his shirt and throwing it roughly at her.

Hyorin gripped the large button up shirt in her hands as she processed what he was telling her. She looked up at him, to find him staring at her expectantly. There were words that she wanted to say, but instead she locked them deep inside her. Because she still didn't know, she still wasn't sure and she wasn't willing to open her heart this easily.

"I'm only here because I was promised vengeance for my mother" Hyorin said as she tore her eyes away from him and pulled the shirt on, "As soon as that's done I'll leave and if I you told me right now that that I would never get my revenge then I'd leave without a second thought"

"Good to know" Jaejoong said flatly as he took one last look at her and walked out.

Hyorin waited until she heard the door slam before she finally looked up. It wasn't because of her mother that she come back she realized shakily and she knew that she wouldn't just be able to leave. Her heart pounded and she closed her eyes wondering how she had managed to end up in this position. Jaejoong was supposed to be cold and evil, he wasn't supposed to care and he wasn't supposed to make her feel this way. She just... she couldn't let him know just how far he had worked himself into her heart. She still wasn't ready to admit to herself.



So... all of the sudden school has kind of gotten more... hmm.. what's the word? Obnoxious (to put it mildly) BUT Big Bang's Blue came out and it was just sooo amazing and I was inspired so I figured it was a good time to write! Omggg that song is sooo freaking amazing it blew my mind! I'm in love! I missed this kind of stuff from them! Ahhhh! But yeah since it's so heart-touching it actually changed the whole course of my fic XDDD See originally at the end of this chp this was the part where Hyorin and Jaejoong get together and whatnot, but... since I wrote that last part listening to Blue her rejection seemed more fitting at the moment... sry Jae I still love you =)

Anyways, thanks for reading/commenting/subscribing! ^^

p.s. chapter title? yeah lyrics from blue XD I'm too obsessed lol

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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my desk....at work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D