Gasping for Breath

Shadows In His Heart

burned as she opened her eyes. She glanced at the clock, her body in pain and saw that it was 3:56am. She held her head which pounded in pain as she made her way to her bathroom. She moaned as she switched on the light that burned her eyes. Hyorin the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. She struggled to clear her mind before she realized that this might be a side effect. She leaned against the sink and felt her forehead, burning with a fever. Looking to the side she wondered if she should get Jaejoong, but it was so late. It would probably go away soon she reassured herself.

Her arms trembled and soon her hands began to shake along with it. Hyorin gripped her arms tightly and took a deep breath. It was just the chills, it's not like she was dying. She glanced at the doorway hoping that he would suddenly walk in. She didn't want to go get him, he already thought she was so weak it was embarrassing. If she couldn't put up with a little pain then how would she ever become strong?

She suddenly remembered the first trial she had in this place. She was stripped down to nothing more than a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and taken to this room with all kinds of controls inside of it, a glass panel lined one wall and looked into a bare room with only a metallic chair in the middle. She had only been there 6 months and she had been terrified. It was a while ago, but the memories still came up every once in a while.

"Hello Hyorin, today you're going to have what's known here as a... type of initiation. We train only the best here and you're only here because of your father so it's our job to make you the best" Said the man at the controls, a somewhat excited look on his face that caused her stomach to churn, "For the next 48 hours you're going to be sitting in that room with no light, sound, touch or food"

"W-what about water?" Hyorin asked nervously after a pause of shock.

"Of course you'll have plenty of water, we wouldn't want to torture you this is more about... psychological endurance" He said comfortably as he stood and opened the door for her.

Jaejoong walked in behind her and adjusted the binds on her wrists and ankles as the man went back to his panel. He didn't say a word to her as he fastened it on tight as walked out. Hyorin swallowed the question she had for him, she still hadn't been used to him yet. She gasped in fear as suddenly the lights went out. It was so silent and pitch black that already she found herself panicking.

"She's not ready for this" Jaejoong mentioned as he took a seat besides the man and looked  into the room through the night vision cameras, the glass was one way and wasn't useful in the beginning. Jaejoong had no clue why it was there to begin with.

"That's when it gets really interesting" The man said as he dropped the temperature in the room.

Hours went by and by the 9th hour she was visibly shivering and muttering to herself quietly. Hyorin was freezing and even now she sometimes felt so cold out of nowhere. She gripped the sink tighter as the pain got worse and the memories became more vivid.

Everything was ok. She was still holding everything together even when the temperature changed from freezing cold to burning hot so fast that she felt faint and nauseous. Still, she refused to give up. Then the water came. The temperature dropped once again, the air so dead in that damned box that she was suffocating. It came out of nowhere, gallons and gallons fell from the ceiling. It hurt like small cold icicles stabbed her and she screamed in shock. It seemed like forever until it finally stopped. After that she lost track of time, sometimes she could swear she had been in there for weeks. Everything completely fell apart when she started reliving that night all over again. She screamed loudly, choking as another cold shower came down upon her.

This one came accompanied by hallucinations. It was horrible. She screamed, peeling raw as her dead mother crawled out of the darkness and gripped her ankles painfully blaming her for her death. The hunger made the hallucinations worse as suddenly bright headlight inside the small room, blinding her with pain. They stayed positioned right in front of her face as she struggled against the binds. She wanted to get out. She needed to get out. The lights shut back down and she was left shivering in darkness once again. That's when the nightmares took over again. There were things that she couldn't remember even now, that still make her want to crawl in her covers and cry. Sirens blared loudly around her, soliciting another scream and she felt her ear drums burst from the sudden sound. Had it been years inside that box already?

Jaejoong sat and kept checking his watch. He knew she hadn't been ready for this, he had told them that! He glanced at the man besides him, having fun playing god with her senses and he suppressed the urge to shudder as memories from his own experiences peeked out. No, he had locked them away he told himself as he stood and stepped out. He noticed one thing, she may have been crying and screaming as who knows what haunted her inside that box, but unlike many others she hadn't begged for them to stop.

"It's been 48 hours" Jaejoong said as he walked into the room again, towel in hand.

"Can't we leave her in there until she breaks? That's what we did with you" He said a hint of mockery in his voice.

"I almost died in that god damned box because someone thought that 48 hours wasn't enough. It's over" He snapped as he pushed the door open and walked to her.

Hyorin couldn't remember much of what happened when he walked in. She remembered crying as a large towel was draped over her entire body, including her head and when he lifted her up and took her out of there. She remembered the hot bath and sometimes... if she thought really hard about that time, she could swear she remembered him whispering that she had done well as she clutched onto him crying, but that was probably her own mind because the Jaejoong she knew would have never done something like that and it was better that way.

The memories dissipated as she was back in her bathroom, a bit disoriented. Suddenly a fit of coughs built up in her chest and she placed her hands over . A stab of sharp pain tore through her abdomen as she suddenly bent over and let out a yelp of pain. With a scared gaze she looked at her shaking hands. She was coughing up blood she realized as her head swam and her hands trembled. Another shot of pain sent her down on her knees as another fit of coughs came over her. She collapsed on the ground, the cool linoleum doing nothing against her fever. Blood splattered on the ground as her consciousness left her.



It says something about american game shows that I got my inspiration for the room memory from one of them =_= Kind of sad right? I'm trying to figure out how to introduce TOP other than just plopping him down in the middle of the plot and I finally got an idea so I'll probably update once more tonight! Anyways I'm excited for all the music comebacks lined up for this year!

Thanks for reading!

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So I'm finally done with school and even though it's been like 3 weeks (sry!) I can now update a lot so I'll have a new chapter up in the next couple of days!


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Chapter 36: I just finished reading this story. Totally amazeballs!!! I just couldn't stop. I read while at home, in traffic on my way to work(I know....bad bad bad)...and I just finished this off at my work.

Anyway, this was an awesome read. Cheers!
Chapter 16: Okay. I LOVE this story and your style of writing-it totally you in and won't let go.
cassieforeva #3
Chapter 36: Okay so things are happening but i didn't really catch the "secret"! Could u just go over it again! I love the story but please don't end it soon!! Jaejoong should be happy!! Lol u put a char called changmin :)
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon.. the story is really good!!! Im curious what will happen next if they see each other again..
Ok I would like to start off with that I'm very happy that Jaejoong is living a good life and is happy, but...HOW THE HELL COULD SHE HAVE MARRIED THAT BASTARD!!!!???!!! I mean REALLY?! I thought she loved Jaejoong!!!! What is going on?! I'm soooooooooooooooooo confused!!!!!! And on top of that, SHE HAS A CHILD WITH HIM?! WHAT IN THE ?! Please clear up some things in he next chapter.....I'm confused and upset right now. Update soon please.
Muwha-ha-ha the biatch Chae Rimn died & the evil father also woohoooo~!! But freaking Seunghyun had to ruin everythinf stupid bastard I totally hate him right now, I want Hyorin & Jae togher *le cries* The parting scene was so sad D: But I'm glad that you didn't make that the ending~

OMG noooooooooooooo she's married to seunghyun & has a kid with him?!0___0 DDDDD: I hope the kid is Jae's lol xP Seunghyn is a bad dad & Jae is near so she should divorse the loser & go with Jae =D! *already forgot that Seunghun was the one that saved her from that hell place*
noo!! this cant be the end! i want jaejoong and hyorin to have a happy ending~ they both deserve it and especially after picturing a crying jaejoong~
What the hell!!!! I mean, WHAT THE ??!!! I don't even know how to comment on the ending of this chapter! All I can say is that I absolutely HATE Seung Hyun!!!! And please let them have a happy ending!! PLEASE! They totally deserve it!! Update soon please!
Please a happy ending!!
She better go back for Jaejoong. That's all I'm saying. But amazing chapter!!:D I loved every word of it! Keep it up! And update soon please!:D