Chapter One

Nae Idol

Lee Seung Hee ran out of the school building. “Finally!” she cried.


"Yah, wait up,” cried Choi Ha Na. “I don’t see why you’re so excited anyway…”

Exams are over! I can watch dramas now, and sleep!”


"We still have three weeks of school left before summer vacation, remember?”


Seung Hee waved her off. “Who studies after exams?”


"You better be careful,” Ha Na warned. “We’re seniors now, you have to study and also-“


"Please,” begged Su Ji. “Don’t spoil my good mood.”


"You spoiled mine. And you won’t even come eat dokbokki to celebrate.”


Ha Na always ate dokbokki, spicy rice cakes, to celebrate everything and anything, and even for no reason at all.


"Sorry," said Seung Hee. "Grandfather told me to come straight back home today.”


The two girls began making their way home. They lived in the same neighborhood, so always went to and from school together.


"About your grandfather…” said Ha Na. “How is he?”


Seung Hee smiled slightly. “Stubborn as always, you know him. He still acts as though he’s perfectly fine. I wish he would just take the treatment…”


Even if he did, the cancer was in a stage where it was impossible to save the person. At least the treatment could ease the pain. What was worse, though, was when he acted as though it didn’t hurt. She couldn’t do anything to help him, he wouldn’t even tell her how he was feeling. Ha Na had told her it was his way of protecting her, and it made her guilty. Her grandfather had already done so much for her already...


He had been the only one in her entire family who was willing to take her in after her parents’ divorced. She had been ten and old enough to realize that her parents did not want her in the new lives they were hoping to live, with new spouses, new jobs and even new countries. There was no room for Seung Hee. She still had no idea what would have happened to her if Grandfather hadn’t taken her in.


"Guess what?” said Ha Na, changing the topic to a lighter one. “BTS is releasing their music video tonight instead of tomorrow!”


"So you’ll be up at midnight?”


Of course. I want to get the first view.”


Seung Hee laughed. “That’s impossible!”


Someone has to, so why not me? I bet Rap Monster is going to look great. So will V and Suga and J-Hope.”


As usual,” commented Seung Hee. She was used to Ha Na’s obsession over idols and the way she seemed to inhale everything about so many groups including all the members and their details like family and hobbies. Her favourite member changed every day. Before, she wanted to marry G-Dragon from Big Bang, then Doojoon from BEAST and now Rap Mon. Who would it be tomorrow?


Seung Hee never got as hyped as Ha Na over idols. She went to concerts, heard the music, went to fansigning events and was hysterical only at the moment, the hype died down quickly—except it had been a long time since she had gone to any of those…


"And tomorrow there’s a fansigning event with VIXX,” squealed Ha Na.


"I told you, I will never go to another fansigning event in my life,” said Seung Hee.


"Why?” whined Ha Na. “Why? This won’t be like last time, I promise. The members are really sweet-“


"Keep living in that fantasy, and anyway I don’t really care about idols.”


"Yes you do! You watch their dramas and shows and music videos-“


"I mean their real personalities.”


"You can’t say that all idols have bad personalities just because you met one that does. And Suga isn’t bad, I think he was just tired that day.”


"He’s awfully arrogant, on shows he never opens his mouth unless he has to.”


"He’s shy!”


"Yah! Stop defending that guy!”


"If you talk about Min Yoongi like that in public, you’d get beaten up. You’re lucky he’s not my bias.”


"Your bias changes every day!”


"Just because he’s not my bias doesn’t mean I can’t love him. So watch out.”

They had reached their neighborhood and parted ways to go to their respective homes; Seung Hee bounded through the door and cried, “Grandfather, I’m home!”


Grandfather, a stately man with gray hair and a stern face which he did not live up to, came into view. He was wearing a suit, something Seung Hee had hardly seen before.


"Grandfather, did something happen? You’re dressed so formally…”


"How was your exam?”


"I thought it would be bad since it was English, but I think it went well,” she replied brightly.


Grandfather did not appear to be listening. “Go change now. We’re going somewhere and I want you to wear the dress and shoes I bought you yesterday.”


"Where are we going?”


"Go and change quickly.”


Seung Hee frowned. Grandfather had never avoided her questions before. Was something wrong?


She ran up to her room and took a quick shower before changing into the blue dress and silver flats, almost falling down in her hurry. After inspecting herself in the mirror, she decided that even though she didn’t look pretty she looked clean and rushed back down, apologizing since she had taken a while.


Strangely, Grandfather said nothing about being late and merely told her to get in the car. His face, white and tense, told her not to ask him any questions. Grandfather did not get angry easily, but when he did it was best to take cover somewhere far away.


Grandfather drove the car in silence and when he pulled up to a luxurious hotel in Seoul, Seung Hee could not help asking, “Are we going in there?”


He nodded.


"Wow. Are we meeting someone here?”


He nodded again and, eyes wide, she climbed out.


Seung Hee followed her grandfather through the enormous glass doors into the hotel lobby. The entire place was like a palace and as she had never been in a place like this before she did not know where to look first.


A huge chandelier hung over head, the floors so polished you could eat off them; rich, important-looking people rushing by and attendants with smart, trim uniforms stood ready to assist. Seung Hee was hustled to one of the elevators before she could have a proper look. This was just as polished as the rest of the place, the walls were actually mirrors and when she looked at herself, she saw an overwhelmed girl look back. An attendant guided them through a hallway with doors at either end. A thick red carpet covered the floor; paintings adorned the walls and the ceiling itself had paintings on it.


Seung Hee walked with her face raised to the ceiling, hanging open. How had they managed to paint all those details on the ceiling? Or had they just stuck painting up there or -


Seung Hee was snapped out of her rambling thoughts when Grandfather took her by both shoulders. They had stopped in front of a door, and the attendant had left.


Seung Hee,” he said. “I really… did not want to do this, but I see no other option. You might hate me for this, but one day you will understand.”


"Are you abandoning me or something?” she teased, but he was so serious it gave her a bad feeling. “Tell me, please, what is going on.”


Grandfather opened the door and gestured for her to go in first. A middle-aged couple rose when they came in, and greeted Grandfather warmly; the woman smiling at Seung Hee.


"Your granddaughter, Mr Lee?” she asked.


"Yes, this is Lee Seung Hee.”


"I’m glad to have finally met you, I’ve heard so much about you.”


Seung Hee bowed.


"It’s good to finally meet you in person,” said the man, who, for some reason, looked vaguely familiar.


Seung Hee smiled politely.


The man laughed. “Pardon me for not providing introductions. I am Min Jae Suk, and this is my wife Min Su Bin. Your grandfather and my father were friends.”


"So that’s why you looked a bit familiar,” said Seung Hee, remembering. “There’s a picture of you and your father at home.”


Mr Min laughed again and Grandfather asked, “Where is your son?”


"He’s coming,” said Mrs Min. “Forgive him, please. This is a very busy time for him; his album is going to be released.”


Grandfather snorted. “It’s funny how nowadays people consider all kinds of noises as music. I trust that he is fully aware of this arrangement?”

He has agreed,” said Mrs Min slowly. “But…”


"Is there a problem?”


Mrs Min hesitated so her husband said it for her. “I was very frank with you before about him, and I have no intention to sugar coat anything to do with that boy.”


Seung Hee did not really listen; she was too busy admiring the new paintings on the wall.


He does not know how to take care of people,” Mr Min was saying. “Don’t worry, though, Seung Hee will be well taken care of. My wife and I are there, after all.”


"Just wait till you see him,” Mrs Min said, addressing Seung Hee and making her jump to attention. “You know BTS, right? Are you a fan?”


What the heck was BTS doing in this conversation? Not to be rude, she said, “I like their songs.”


"What about the members?”


"Um, I don’t really know them. I’m sorry.”


"That’s all right.,” said Mrs Min. “Oh, I’m so excited! I’ve been bored to tears in a house with just two men.”


"Excuse me?”


"We’ll go shopping sometime, all right? I have so much to teach you! I’ve always wanted a daughter, you know, and-“


"I’m sorry,” said Seung Hee, confused. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”


Mrs Min looked at Grandfather, confused. “You didn’t tell her?”


"I thought it might be better if she… saw him.” Grandfather glanced at her. “Actually, I just didn't know how to…”


Someone rapped at the door - it was the self-important kind of knocking and Mrs Min said, “That’ll be him, I bet.”


A growing feeling of unease settled in the pit of her stomach yet she was still curious about who was on the other end of the door. It was pushed open, and Seung Hee's stomach dropped when she saw him.


He had blonde hair, styled to fall across his forehead and he wore black jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket open at the front. He carried himself with an air of superiority and elegance, and Seung Hee suddenly felt grubby next to this glamourous being. He removed his sunglasses slowly and deliberately before bowing and greeting Grandfather. She had seen him before, and could not help but think that he was like someone out of another world…


Good evening,” he said, his voice a bit deep and slightly husky. “I’m Min Yoongi.”


No. Impossible.


What was Min Yoongi, BTS's Suga, doing here? Wait – maybe it was not really Suga. It could be a different Min Yoongi – one that was good-looking but not Suga…. Seung Hee mentally kicked herself. Yeah right, how many Min Yoongis were there who looked like Suga?


He straightened, and then she knew for sure that it was Suga, the rapper of Asia’s number one group, BTS. And she knew first hand that he happened to be the biggest jerk she had ever met.


His face was expressionless, she couldn’t even try to guess what was going on in his head. Except for one second, she could have sworn she saw a flash of recognition in his eyes. So he remembered that particular incident too. It made her oddly smug.


Grandfather cleared his throat and she realized that everyone, including Min Yoongi, was staring at her; Mr and Mrs Min with little worried looks and Grandfather with disapproval.


Seung Hee had not greeted him, and he was obviously older than her. Maybe early twenties? She bowed politely and he did not even acknowledge it. The air between them grew frosty, and for some reason his eyes narrowed. With anger? Seung Hee couldn’t tell—she hadn’t done anything to anger him besides greet him a little late. That wasn’t such a big deal, right?


Seung Hee,” said Mrs Min, in a fake cheerful tone. “You recognize him, right? And Yoongi, this is the girl we talked about.”


The Min family had discussed her? That made her even uneasier. Sometimes you have a gut feel, which is dismissed as paranoia or overreaction, but in fact they are so accurate it’s scary. Right now, Seung Hee’s entire gut was screaming at her to run away…


Lee Seung Hee,” said Grandfather. “I want you to hear me out and listen to me carefully.”


Seung Hee looked up into her grandfather’s face. It was serious… he was going to abandon her or something equally bad.


We both know I don’t have a long time to live…”


That’s why you should have gone to the hospital!” she said. He shot her a look and continued, “Mr Min is as dear to me as a son and understands that you need to be looked after.”


Seung Hee glanced around nervously, not sure where this was heading. Min Yoongi was listening, but he was still expressionless..


Grandfather took her hand in his—it was so frail Seung Hee thought it would break—and then said, “This is the only way I’ll be at peace, that I’ll know that you’re in good hands.”


She hated him talking like this. It was as though he were dying or going away.


Min Yoongi was watching her now, carefully. Seung Hee froze as Grandfather placed her hand in one of Min Yoongi’s. It was big and perfectly manicured. No hangnails, the fingernails were all of the same length and his palms were not sweaty; they were the complete opposite of hers. They were also cold and she tried to draw away but Grandfather held her hand too firmly.


Min Yoongi will look after you from now on.”


No way, ridiculous. She wasn’t even related, she didn’t even know him or any of the Mins. When she heard the words Mrs Min uttered excitedly, everything clicked into place.


Don’t worry about a thing, you can get to know each other after the wedding.”


Seung Hee’s throat went dry, surely she misheard this. “W-wedding? Who?”


Grandfather answered this time. “You and Min Yoongi will get married, Seung Hee.”


She blinked. “Marriage?”


This was worse than any of the scenarios she had ever thought of. Surely it was some kind of prank. No, it had to be a prank, there was no other explanation unless… Grandfather really was dying.


I’m only seventeen!” she cried. “I’m still in high school! And plus he’s so old.”


Yoongi frowned slightly at this and Grandfather tried to be patient. “He’s twenty-three.”


"That’s old!”


"Seung Hee, it’s the only way.”


"No it’s not! Grandfather, please, I’ll do anything, just not this.”


Grandfather shot her a look - it told her to hush or else. Blinking back tears, Seung Hee stared down at her shoes.


Mr Min coughed awkwardly. “So that’s settled, then,” he said. “The wedding will be in three weeks.”


Seung Hee completely forgot about keeping quiet; this was too much.


"Three weeks?! My life will be over in three weeks?”


She had overstepped her boundaries and she knew it. Still, she went on. “People always make decisions for me and have never even asked for my opinion once. Grandfather, you... you promised me that you would never make choices for me. You promised!”


Seung Hee burst into tears and ran out. She had no idea where she was going, but she had to get away from those people. How dare Grandfather do this? How dare he break the promise he made? It was exactly what had happened with her parents; they had made all the choices and never asked her opinion even once.


She went to the elevator and was waiting for it to come to the fifth floor when Yoongi suddenly appeared beside her and hissed, “You! Get away; I don’t want people to think that I made you cry.”


Seung Hee was hiccuping but managed to say, “Why should they? We-hic- have nothing to do with each other.”


Yoongi grabbed her wrist just as the elevator doors opened and dragged her through the hallway, ignoring her yells and struggles to make him let go. He took her to a terrace, where he let go and pushed her forward roughly and stood in front of the door, blocking the exit with his body.


You think you’re the victim here?” he demanded, his voice raised. “Do you really think that I want this? To be burdened with a kid like you?”


"I am the victim,” Seung Hee shot back. “My life was fine, and you just ruined it!”


Yoongi looked at her contemptuously. “Do you have any idea who I am? Do you realize how many people would kill to be in your spot right now?”


"Not me!”


"You, listen up. Do not tell anyone about this—I don’t want the public to find out, it’ll affect my image.”


"So you’re hiding it from your agency?”


"They know, the public doesn’t. And it’s going to stay that way. My fans-“


"They would be heartbroken,” she interrupted sarcastically. “How sweet of you to think about them.”


"Fans can be scary—especially if an idol has a girlfriend. Remember that.”


They glared at each other with the same look of hostility.


"Let’s get a divorce,” she said at last.


He smirked. “That’s impossible.”


"No, because when—when he’s gone, there’ll be nothing stopping us from getting one.”


"What about my parents?” he said. “Do you think they’ll leave me alone after that? And anyway, isn’t the entire point of this for when he’s not around?”


"I don’t need taking care of; I’m not a kid.”


"Yeah, right,” he snorted.


"No, I’m not!”


"Only kids argue like this!”


Seung Hee's lower lip trembled. Oh, no. She couldn’t cry again - not in front of that guy.


"Don’t cry,” he ordered. “I can’t stand crying.”


She wiped her eyes hastily with the back of her hand. “I’m not crying.”


"And don’t spoil your clothes.” Yoongi pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and held it out. “Use this.”


"I don’t need it,” said Seung Hee, caught off guard. He carried around a handkerchief? That seemed so weird for some reason.


His face twitched with irritation and he snapped, “Fine! We have to go back now!”




He rolled his eyes. “We have to go back to the people who caused this mess, they’re waiting. And stop looking as though it’s the end of the world.”


With that, he strode off, his hands in his pocket and he did not even look back once to check and see if she was following him.


Seung Hee knew that it was awfully immature but she stuck out her tongue at his retreating figure. That jerk! He was the reason she no longer went to fansigning events, and he was just the same as when she met him six months ago!



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darkangel715 #1
This is really nice. Would love to read about Namjoon and Ha Na as well as Jk too.
Chapter 50: AWWWWW :((((((((((
minyoungunnie #3
Chapter 17: Just a heads up, chapter 17 repeats twice.
Chapter 50: I am crying but the ending make me happy!!
Chapter 1: This story looks interesting!!
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 50: This story is amazing!!!
Chapter 50: This is the best story ive ever read.
Thumbs up author nim.
Chapter 50: Reread and am still amazed by the plot. Thank you for writing this.
Chapter 9: jungkook is my bias but ugh boy back off, let yoongi made up himself to her ㅠㅠ